.- !:V .:,'0! 'A ' fa Jtlfehed Every Thursday In Russia there about eighty- public holidays in a year. t:rCsE!i:s!cSirioii At 'great) as! has been the oourge of inlantilw paralysis iroophout the country for the 28t three months, particularly j New York City, there has been ,ai epidemic of measels almost hree times as grrat in the num ar of cases and not far behind 3 mortality and serious after-el-rets. There were daring t h e ionth ofMay, June and July, 3.710 cases of nieasela in New Jfork City," while there were 3, 302"6bseH of infantile paralysis. f Ti B. Crum says of the seri sheati of measels: "It ranks ;tb small pox, in communicabil ft with ecarlet fever in morsal tjjiaDd has serious complica .iona and aftereffects. Its cause like the cause of infantile paraly U, If not yet known. Other diseases outranking in ntil paralysis in the number l eases in New York City during ''fie past three months were tu aitulocis and dyptheria. A ainst 3,502 cases of infantile pa ralysis there were 4,840 cases of tuberculosis and 4,291 cases of 'iptherta. There were, also, 3, 301 cases of whooping cough ar d 1,591 cases oj scarlet fever. Infantile paralysis is a spectac ular disease. , A death from this cause is given publicity while no account is nsually taken of a ieatb from measels. This is due partly to the suddenness and novelty of the disase and partly t the elements of real tragedy I As a cure for concha Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey combines these remedies in just the right pro portion to do the most good for summer coughs and colda. A trial will prove the value of this splendid cough medicine. Dr. Dell'8 l'ine-Tar-IIouey noothes the irritation, stops your cough, kills 1 be cold terms and does you a world of good. A 25c. bot tle will more than couvince you-1 It will stop your cough. At drug-ttists. To prevent a shadi flapping when a window is opened an in ventor has combined a holding clip and a vacuum cup. Holland is annually increasing its products of potato flour. . For Summer Troubles. FTav fever afflicts thousands and ant limn Huft'f rers endure tor ture. Foley's Honey and Tar gives relief. It allays inflamma tiOD, clears air passages, cases rapping cougu, coombs ana loals. TniH wnoiesorae iamny remedy contains no opiate a non e asiH a louir iiiue.- iur sale by M. B. Blackburn. connected wi th it, while on the other hand we have measels with na nlnrnva ami ttitalr wa tnr.n, nit ' 1 . , m sooui n wnen as a matter oi ,'act, we know almost as much about infantile paralysis as we While the best slill of the coun try is worlingupon the problems Of the cause and cure of infantile paralysis, the other figures quo ted are a reminder of the fact that there are other disease problems yet to be solved. The State Board of Health. ; Tot Many Clothes. ' A prudish person who wanted to provoke the "Cruelty Society to suppress tn'e nude babies on tBEast Side of New York has ten rebuked by Dr. Josaphine Baker, director 6f the New York Bu rcaii of Hygiene. The special ist .cotninunds the nioth'ors who Are : lettinc; their .babies untlei five run about in u state of na rtaie and iunoceuue, liko tlie clior nbrt in the paintings of the naisaanne Madonnas, aud frank ly sayn 1.1 uit if moiv mother: .would do Mio wuw there would ,be a gn,at lowering of llio sum- ISner death rate arnnrMj infants. While, of course, those who are over five and not. in a state of jrace can hardly expect the isame consideration that the liy Sjfienists recommend for the little tots, it is still true that all of us jdo wear.too many clothes in the hot weather. We threaten every hot spell that is the male popu lation does to apply a radical reform in attire; but then con vention steps in and the tyrani- jcal philosophy of clothes sees us fall too heavily clothed to be in W hen their motors fail expert aviators, by gliding, can advance about four miles in a descent of a mile. The value of our bananna im portations range around $14, 000,000. The Best Laxatiye. To keep the bowels regular the best laxative is outdooi exercise. Drink a full class of water half an hour before breakfast and tat an abundance of fruit and vege tables, also establish a regular habit and be sure that jour bow els move once each day. W ben a medicine is needed use Chamber lain's Tablets. They are pleas ant to take and mild and gentle iu effect. Obtainable everywhere. Gave the Baby Rest. Children just cannot keep cov ered at night and that is one way they take colk. l'C ley s lion ey ana tar is a rename iomnv cougu medicine mat contains no opiates or harmless ingredients. Mrs. William Leonard, rotts ville. Pa , writes: My baby had a very bud couah. First dose erave'her relief. For Bale by M B Blackburn. . The yellow poplar, or tulip, is the largest broad-leaf tree in A merica. Cure for Cholera Morbus. "When our little boy, now sev cn years old, was a baby he was cured of rholern morbus by loam Iterlain'n Colic. Cholera and Di- arrhoe Remedy," writes Mrs. Sid nev Simmons, 1 air Haven, IN. I. "Since then, other members o my family have used this valua ble medicine for colic and bowe troubles with pood tatitfoction and 1 gladly endorse it as a rem edv of exceptional merit. UD' tamable everywhere. Sale of Property For Town Taxes. By virtue ot the power ot sale vested m me as town tax coiiec tor for the town of Blowing Hock N. C. I will, on Monday, hept, 4, 1910, expose to sale at the court house door in Jsooue at la 1 the following real estate on which the taxes tor the year 1 !.! "i, renin inn unpaid, to wit: Ken Atkinson one lot f3.fi 15. 15. l'.lnukv.ekW one lot 3.fi0 VV. L Hat right one lot l.fiO J.r.LVmltremu'lot 1.M J. F. Cox oho lot 5.27 .1. A. Ellington one lot LOG 0. 1 Lut z one lot ' 1.10 W. .1. 1'almer oiie lot 3.90 Scott H. l'erkv one lot 3.10 M. U. 1'inkney one lot 4.70 .1. F. Green, one lot 2.75 N. II. Martin, one lot 1.30 MnttieGwvn, one lot 1.00 J. S. Worth one lot 1.50 A. 11. Washburn ojie lot 12.59 W. 1. Wilson one lot 1.04 Annie Sidenburir 3.70 Seamen one lot 1.50 J. W. I10LLIF1ELD, Tax Collector. our right minds when we are ex- I9riencing the climate of Calcut !ta and the torture of the damn- SU Who is the clothes doctor who will work out for all those over five the proper clothes for sum mertime? And yet he has never reached the manufacturers' ear. Philadelphia Ledger. DR. W. H. WAKEFIELD COMING Dr. W. II. Wakefield of Char- cotte will be at Blowing Rock Ho- pel on Wednesday, Sept Gth, and Tkt Blackburn's Hotel in Boone bra Thursday Sept 7, nd at banners Elk, Saturday Sept. 9, jo treat diseases of eye, ear, nose -,nd throat .Owing to storm lamage the doctor will charge 9 fee for testing eyes for glasses .'the glasses are ordered from August 22 The opening date of the four teenth year of the Appalachian Training School. Alkhargesare very reasonable. Address Secretary cf the Faculty Boone, N. C. SEED WHEAT. I sowed 9 bushels of marvelous wheat and made 240. Stacked before the rainy season, perfectly dry, recleaned and graded price $1.75 ner bu. Write me a week before you need it, you ralghtca and it be gone. HILLERY E. MADRON. Trade, Tenn. 1 Says They Are WobderlmV Hot weather is doubly danger ous when digestion is bad. Con stipation, eick headache, bilious ness, or other conditions caused by clogged bowels yield quickly to Foley Cathartic Tablets. Mr. Elizabeth Hiauson. tso. JNorwaiK Conn., writer. "I can honestly eav t.hpv are woudertui. ror sale by M B Blackburn. Your Bowels Should Move Once a Day. A free easy movement of the bowels every day is a sienal ol food health. Dr. King's New Life Pills will give you a gentle laxa tiye effect without griping and iree your system ot blood poi sons, purify your blood, over come constipation and have ao excellent tonic effect on the en tire system. Makes you feel like living. Only 25c. at druggists. After three years of work a government committee has rec ommended a uniform system of weights and measures for all In dia. His Backache Gone. Just bow dangerous a back ache, sore muscles, aching joints or rheumatic Dams may be sometimes realized only when life insurance is refused on ac count of kidney troubles. Jo seph G. Wolf, of Green Bay, Wis, writes: "Foley kidney Pills re lieved me of a severe backache that had bothered me for pever al month." Take Foley Kidney Pills for weak lame back and weary sleepless nights. For sale by M B Blackburn. Club women in various parts of Kansas has adopted courses of study in public health problems. Just the Thing for Diarehoea. "About two years ego I had a severe attack of diarrhoea which asted over a wee, writes W 0 Jones, Budford, N. D. "1 became so weak that 1 could not stand upright. A druirgist recommend ed Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. The first dose relieved me and within two davB I wa as well as ever." Ma ny druggists recommend this remedy because they know that it is reliable. Obtainable every where. Gold Is mined at a depth of more than 5,000 feet in South Africa, and it is believed that the shafts can be sunk 3,000 feet more. The Yale School of Medicine has opened its doors to women students. The Indpendent Order of Good Templars originated in New'York in 1851. It is believed to be no rare oc currence for a condor to soar to a height of four miles. HOWS THIS. We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward lof any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by ttall Catarrh Medicine. Hall's Catarrh Medicine has been taken by catarrh sufferers or the past 35 years, and has become known as the most relia ble remedy for Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Medicine acts through the Blood on the Mucous surfaces expelling the poison from the blood and neanng tne diseased portions. After you have taken Hall h Catarrh Medicine forashorttime you will see agreat improvement in your general health. Start taking Hall's Catarrh Medicine at once and get rid of catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, 0. Sold by all Druggist?, 75c. NIGHTS OF UNREST. No sleep, No peace, bo rest with i Lams or Achlns Back. Weary the lot of many a kid- ney sunerer. rain and distress from morn to night Uet up with a lame back, Twinges of backache bother you all day, mm acning Dreaics your rest at nicilit, Lnnary disorders add to your misery. It you have kidney trouble Reach the cause the kidnevs. Doan's Kidney Tills are for the kidneys only Have made an enviable repu tation in this locality. Mrs. hlmina Halm, 528 Chest nut Ave., Hickory, N. C, says: "My back pained me so severely that l could hardly stoop over and it was hardlormetostraieh ten u) again. 1 was kept awake at night and mornings was tired. I tried Doan's Kidney Pills and they removed the trouble and reduced the swelling in my feet." Price 50c a t all dealers. Don 't simply asu for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the snrnetbat Mrs Hahn had. Foster Milburn Co. Props. Buffalo N. Y WW FOLEY KIDNEY-PIUS Ml BACKACHl KI0NIYS AND SLAB Oil Get Rid of Tan, Sunburn and Freckles by using HAGAN'S Magnolia Balm. Acts indlantly. Stops the burnine. Clean your complexion of Tan and Blemishes. You cannot know how good it is until you try it Thous ands of women say it is beat of all beautiners and heals Sunburn quickest Don't be without it day longer. Get a bottle now. At your Drucsist or by .mail diredt 75 cents for either color. White. Pink, Rose-Red. SAMPLE FREE. LYON MFG. CO40S.StL St. BnoUra. NX NOTICE. North Carolina Watauga county in the Superior Court fall term, 181U. H. M. BuniKaroer vb K. E. Earp. The defendant above named will take notice that a summons iu the above entitled action was Issued against raid defendant on the 14th day or July 1916, by W. D. Fiirthlnd, clerk of the superior court of Watauga county, flortn uiroiiuaior me suuioi ft.uu which amount the plaintiff had to nav off bv reason of his having en domed note for defendant to one L. Have, which sutumuns Is return able to the fall term of the superior court of Watautra county 101C. The defendant will also take notice that a warrant of attachment was issued by said clerk of the court on the 14Mi day of July 1010 against the property of said delendant, which warrant is returnable at the time and plane na tued for the return of the summons, when and where the defendaut Is re quired to appear and answer or de murto the complaint or the relief demauded will be granted. Tills 17th day ot July 1916, W. D. Farthing, C. S. C. ri Children Cry for Flotchcr'o A ' The Kind You nave Always Bought, and which has been In use for over 30 years, has borne the slgnatnre ot i and lias been made under his per sonal supervision since Its Infancy. A li . a. a . . . it. j All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good " are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health ot Infants and Children Experience against Experiment What is CASTORIA Castorla Is a harmless substitute for Castor 00, Pare gorlc, Drops and Soothing Syrnps. It Is pleasant. ' It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotio substance. Its age Is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. For more than thirty yean it has been In constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles - and Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's Panocea-The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS fBears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought THI OINTAU. COMPANY, NIW YORK OITV. Virginia & Carolina Railway Schedule No. 56 Effective May 12, 1915 NOTICE. The large tract of land owned by W. WbltlDg In this county containing something like 4,300 acres is being subdivided into small tracts Is now FOB 8ALF- This great body of land embraces some of the finest lands in the coun ty. It Is Mr. Whiting's object is to sell these lands to those who desire to make their homes upon it. It is an opportunity for the poor roan or man of moderate means to secure anome. This land will be sold for a reasona ble cash payment In hand, one, two and three year's time gireu on the re mainder. I hope that the oitizens of Watau ga, with whom we aie going to stsy aud do busines, will bay this land The price Is reasonable. A map show Ing the exact location of eaoh tract made by a competent engineer will be furnished each purchaser. Thl laud lies between Blowing Rock and Grandfather Mountain and between Shulls Wills and Yonabloeseo turn pike road and will be from one half mile to three mile from the LInville River railway now being bnlit to Shulls Mills, Korth Carolina.' , Come and see this land and buy you home. If you have a home, come land bay a home for your children. It Will only be a rery short time before this land will double the price now asked for it. Call on or address, f. . J. M. LACY, SOUTHBOUND NORTHBOUND 8TATION3 Daily Ex. Daily E. Sunday Eastern Standard Time. Sunday Flrst-Class First-Class A. M. j i P. M.' 7 20 Lv. . AIUXGDON Ar. 6 15 7 2J " WATAUOA " - 5 00 7 45 " BARRON " 4 46 8 12 " DAMASCUS "1 4 20 1 it ". TAYLOR'S VALLEY "I 4 02 8 t Ar. CREEK JUNCTION Dv. I 48 a. m. j : i I p. b 9 27 Lv. CREEK JUNCTION Ar. 8 1 42 " GREEN COVE " J 01 10 27 " TUCKERDALE " 2 18 11 08 ( " WEST JEFFERSON " 1 40 11 89 J " BOWIE " 1 10 12 05 Ar. ELK LAND Lv. 12 40 No. 5 No. 8 KONNAROCK BRANCH No. 4 No. 8 P. M. IA. M.I j IP.M.IA. M. 8 17 8 86 Lv. CREEK JUNCTION Ar. I 8 47 9 28 8 82 10 I Ar. KONNAROCK Lv. 8 83 9 11 OOQOQOOOQOOOGCOOCGQOQOCCOO O O O O O O O o o o o o Saved GirFs life "I want to tell you what wonderful benefit I have re ceived from the use of Thedford's Black-Draught," writes MrvSylvania Woods, of Clifton Mills, Ky. "It certainly has no equal for la grippe, bad colds, liver and stomach troubles. I firmly believe Black-Draught saved my little girl's life. When she had the measles, they went In on her, but one good dose of Thedford's Black-Draught made them break out, and she has had no more trouble. I shall never be without t-vn THEDFORD'S SLACK- o o o o o o o o o o o O o o o o o o o o in my home." For constipation, indigestion, headache, dizzi- o i . f.!tt- j t - ii .1 it ness, maiana, uiuis aiiu tcver, uniuuaiicas, anu an siiiindr q aliments, Thedford's Black-Draught has proved itself a safe, q reliable, gentle and valuable remedy. Q If you suffer from any of these complaints, try Black- O Draught It is a medicine of known merit Seventy-five O years of splendid success proves its value. Good for E! vouns and old. For sale everwhere. Price 25 cents. oooooocoooooooooooooocoobo mTC AND eJEWELRY dune at this shop under a positive guarantee & al material used is guaranteed to be genuine. Ectimatos furnished on all mail order. 8nti faotlon guaranteed u cvry respect ou all railroad watches. Office nearthe Watauga Co. Bank. , J.W.BUYAX n ato Jeweler and Watchmaker BOO JJ B.N. O. Don't Invite Serious Sickness DR. R. D, JENNINGS RESIDENT DENTIST v Banners Elk, N. C. I At Boone on first Monday of everv month for 4 or 5 davs Gen. Supt. Boone Fork Ltjmber Co., and every court wtek. Office at Bhnlis Wilis, . c. v . the Blackburn Hotel. "A atltch In time eaves nine," li an old ona trite laylnf, but tt Is never thelesa true. Common colds and a constipated condition are the founda tion ot much eerloui lllnese and dread disease that could be avoided if prompt attention were riven to the first ao-called .light ailment. Every family can provide prompt treatment for these first attaeka of 111 health and every family should be prepared for an emergency by havinr on hand that standard old family cough syrup. Foley's Honey and Tei Compound, for the relief of coughs, croup, whooping cough. Irritated and Inflamed throat, tight and sore chest, grippe and bronchial coughs. Koley Cathartlo Tablets are Just the thing for constipation and sluggish bowel movement a wholesome laxa tive and cleansing cathartlo. Ther do not gripe or cause nausea or In convenience and are particularly wi. come to stout people. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA 4 '"'ft- !. e A WffOSi ' '.: filS