2$ Ottauga democrat JR. C. Rivers, Proprietor. .Toumiur, Sept. 14, 1910. i . GOOD BflADS. 3 . bioce the people have seen the TOod roads in Avery county, j Oino of the Rood citizens of Wa- auga have requested me to give vj ny views as to the problem Jhat ?- i now confronting your county, i This problew can be solved by iny one of the following meth- ids, viz: ) ' 1. If the county will levy a tax c &f $20,000 a year for two years, 3 making a total of $40,000, di vide this sum into two equal parts and apply one half to the Eastern section and one half to the western end, and begin the 'work at Boone, then follow this jwithalevy of. $10,000 a year, on might demonstrate he ad antages in having good roads ndbe able to accomplish the urpose before the road law ; would be repealed then you would pay no interest. i 2. If the county would levy a tax of $10,000 a year and sup plement this by a bond issue of l-from $60,000 to $100,000, then hou would be certain of a few jgood roads before this act would 1be repealed, and by that time the matter of road buildiug would be settled, and if the county would jiot take up the question of good iiue county wouig aajust n soiar i. . ii . . ... . as their localities is concerned. Jl. fir t.lm pnntifvpnnl1 linmin Jjbond issue of $100,000, like Av- I ferv. and with iudicious mannire- t Jinonr. vou can build frnm mtv. -f 1 1 jto seventy-nve nines oi well gra- Ided roads, but the county will be required to pay interest annually 5for a great number of years on Ithe road bonds, and finally have ( Jto pay the principal;, but at the wsame time you will have the ad vantage of having the use of Taood roads immediately after they are completed. Watauga County will never phave good roads until you resort Jto heavy tax levies or a bond is- sue; if you have a heavy tax levy the amount collected will make such little 'showing that the snecial act creatine it. will !likely be repeulwl before you make roads far enough to dem onstrate the advantages to be lobtained, but if you have the bond issue you will get a good road system in yunr county, aiu y the time tho roads an) com pleted a great majority will be P'CJnjiled. nnd tin. matter will be settled.' yours truly, ' I D. Lowk. Programme far County Farmers'! Union. The next Countv Uuion will be 1 1 hold with Beaver Dam Local. No. 1885, on Saturday, Sept. 23, at 10, a. ra. . 1. Prayer bv the Countv Chan- filin. E. J. Norris. 2. Address of Welcome by W, S. Farthinir. 8. What is the Farmer' Union - ev doing for the members and the people? J. J. T, Reese. 4. Dinner at 12, M. 5. Reassembled at 1, p. m. Should we encourage the use of any cows except, the Short Horn or high grado oi cuttle in the production of cheese? Henry Farthing. 6. Soil Improvements and Ro tation of Crops. T. 1'. Adams and A. L. W ilson. 7. Is not co-operation the life and strength ofevery enterprise H. H. Green. 8. Speaking at 4, p. m. by the president. M. H. Rorris. Subject to be of bis own choice. Every body invited at this hour. After being delayed by the great floods, we hope there will be a full representation from the locals aRmr the county, that we may assemble withcheerf ul hearts and forget our troubles. ; J. J. T.Reese. .: J. B. Isaacs, t1- Newton Howell, Com. Mr. Eugene Transou, who is the Democratic candidate for the State Senate in this district, is a farmer and cattle dealer. He works on the farm early and late and is full of energy: Transou was reared in Ashe but moved to Alleghany county about twenty years ago where he has been iden tified closely with the business. and moral uplift of the people ever since being a strong church worker. The District will make no mistake by sending to the Senate a successful business man like Transou. Under the auspices of the State Department of Agriculture, an Institute will be held at Valle Crucis today and one at Boone on Saturday, Sept. 1G. At the same time and places, Women's Institutes will be conducted by Mrs. G. M. Garren, of Texas, to which all the farmers' wives and daughters are invited. Discus sions of live farm topics by fine speakers will intersperse the ex ercises. Take a day on ana at tend at one or the other of the appointments. E vidently it would be time well spent. One of the last acts of Con gress, wnicu aujourneu on last Friday, was to repeal the law requiriring that documentary stamps bo affixed to all notes bonds, deeds, mortgages, etc, and, accordingly, all Collectors of Internal Revenue throughout Uncle Sam's domain, were notill ed to send in their stamps to the Department at ashington. Well, the fact that Main went Republican at the State election on Monday, is no evidence that the Republicans will early the State in November. The Demo crats lost the Governor, one Sen atorand one Congressman, by minorities ranging from 7,000 to 11,000. Superior court Proceedings. The following State cases were disposed ol in the Superior court last week: State ys. Joliu Wilson, affray; nol pros with leave. Frank l'orter, carrying con cealed weapons, nol prost with leave. A. B. Bnircl and Martha Isaacs, affray, nl pros with leave. ' Wash Hodges, retailing, gui ty. judgment suspended on pay nvnt of cost. Alien .Mmton, incest, nol pros with leave. Two cases. II. II. Clements, injury to prop erly. Nol pros with leave. ,). P. Pre nell, assault, nol pro with leave. Dock 1 lodges, assault, nol pros. Connell Waters, affray, guilty, fined $10.00 and cost. Connell Waters, carrying con cealed weapons, guilty, judgment suspended on pnyraent of cost. John Hodges, Joe Hodges and Bob Honeycutt. Jury gave ver dict of not guilty as to Joe Hod ges in tho affray, but guilty as to John Hodges and Heneycutt, the lat ter fined $3 and cost, the former being taxed with his part of the cost. N. G. Wheeler, corruption in office, nol pros. Dock Hodges, pleads guilty of simple assault. Judgment sus li ihle l with payment of cost. Kdd Lw tiiul rhorloltu liee, as sault willi ilrmiiy weapons, guil ty, sentenced to three months facli in county jail, with leave to hire out for costs by Hoard of county commisioners. Will Wheeler, retailing guilty, fined $2" and costs. State vs. Arthur Oliver, man- slaughter, gui'tv, sentenced 1o one year on the Gaston couuty rouds. State vs. Joo Ward, fornica tion and adultery, guilty, fined $50.00 and cost. , Arthur Dishman. false pre tense, not guilty. .. v . uiiildren Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR! A ACia Sttitlosi-Drm-cirL Immediately after the comple tion of the cases which stood for. trial on the State docket, the civ- cases were taken up on Thurs day afternoon, the one of the Grandin Lumber Co. vs. William riplett, being; first to be plac ed on trial. The taking of evi dence was immediately begun. and closed at noon Tuesday, and as this little article is put in type, the case is being argued by the lawyers. A big legal battle it is, you may know, when such great lights in the profession as ex-Lieut. Governor W. C. New- and, ex-Judge Councill. Capt. Edmund Jones, Moses N. Har- shaw, E. S. Coffey, and Frank AiLinney are, and have been, clashing swords for days over the intricacies of the case. The property involved is something ike u0 acres of land lying in Elk township, the same having been sold to Messrs. Hutton & Bur- bonny, of Hickory, and from which some 230,000 feet of mar ketable lumber was taken. The Grandin people, as we under stand it, claim both land and timber and the suit was brought for the recovery of the land and pay for the timber. The Presi dent of the company, Mr. W. H. Grandin, of Tidiout, Penn, with probably a score of witnesses, has been at the Critcher hotel since court began, he paying all their bills and their per iiera at night, if they desired it, and his praises are certdinly on their lips. And, well it may be, as this is a step far aside from the usu alcu8tom in this part of the country. Sands Sittings. Mr. Kohn, of Columbia, S. C, has been spending his vacation in this community, Messrs. J. B. Lathan and Bry an Nesbit, of Union county, spent the week-end with Finley Hodg es. Mr. and Mrs. James Hodges, of Shuns Mills, were visitor at the home of Mrs. Hodges' pa rents Mr, and Mrs. H. C. flodg es, the latter part of last week. Mr. Claude Clawson. who has been away for the past year, re turned home Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Marshal Tugman visited her sister, Mrs. Martha Hodges, on Sunday. We are glad to say that one of our oldest citizens, Mr. John Ing ram, who is now 93years of age, is able to visit his friends again Our highly esteemed friend, Mr. Lindsay Cook, left last Sun day for Mill Creek, Ashe county, where ho opened school Monday We are wishing him a pleasant and most successful school year. Our little village is on a boom Widening streets, building side walks and improving generally. Arrived at th home of Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Cook last week, a baby girl. Beaver Dan Doings. The weather is so dry that the farmers are getting behind with their plowing. The new school house at For est is now furnished with new patent desks. Mrs. Nora Eggers is teaching a fine school there, Everybody is well pleased with her. Mr. Millard Hagaman is right sick at this writing. Mr. J. J. T Reese is also right feeble, but we hope for their speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hagaman visited at the home of Mr. Amos Adams, of Cove Creek last Sun day. Mrs. David Horton and Mrs Enoch Swift, of Cove Creek, came over last Sunday and organized a Womens' Missionary Society at Forest Grove, there being 20 members of both young and old who joined the society. Mrs. El lis Moody was elected president, Mrs. H. E. Hagaman Treasurer and Mrs. Raleigh Johnson Secre tary. The next meeting will be held on Saturday before the sec ond Sundayj and more are ex pec ted to join,. . . Ttev. J. F. Eller was elected at the last meeting as pastor of Forest Grove Grove church for the next year. CUFclksScved From Suffering lira. Marjr A. IXan. Taunton, Mass In her 87Ui year, toys: "1 thought I was heyonc1. the reach cf medicine, but Polo? i:idno Pi.3 hr.va trove a most beneficial in toy case." Mr. gam A. Hoover, ITIh Point. N. C, v.T.tss: ':.. kidney trouble was worso p.t r.!?M tr.d I l-id to get up Iron flvo to ceven tlmeu. Now I do rot liave to s't v.p at n;sht. and con eider myself In a truly normal con ditlun, which I tittvlbuto to Foloy Kid- elso"1'111"' tS 1 LlV tali0a BOthln Mrs. U. A. T.r.ants, Tlr.blnnon, Masi says: o-jfuicd from Kidney ail ments fjr two years. I commenced taking l'olcy KiJiicy rilla ten months ago, and thougli I am CI yearn of ace. I feci like 0. 10-yoar-old Elri." Foley Kidney Pills are tonic, strengthening and up-building;, and restore normal action to the kidneys and to a dluordored and painful blad der. They act quickly and contain no daniieroua or harmful Urues. NOTICE OF SALE. By virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain mortgage deed executed by J. U. Hodges and wife, Julia Hodges, on the 8th day of Jan., 1915, to J. F. Brown, all the parties being of the county oi Watauga, IN. v., said mortgage to secure the pay ment oi the sum oi $533.ou, which said mortgage is duly re corded in the office of the Kegis ter of deeds of Watauga county, in ueed book is,- page 148, to which record i reference ie herby made for n full and complete and more perfect discnption of said ands. JNow, therefore, by virtue of said power of sale, 1, the un dersigned mortgagee, will on the 9th day of Oct., 1916, at 12, M;, at the court house door in the town of Boone, proceed to sell at public auction tor cash in hand the following described tract of and lving ann being fn the coun ty of Watauga and State of N. C. and described as follows: Begin ning on a dead chestnut, thence S. 43 poles to a sugar tree, then vv. 108 poles to a chestnut, then about 50 poles to a large wa ter oak, then E. 20 poles to a small sugar tree and walnut, now down, then N. 20polestoamoun A- ' Tl- l- It i tain . jmrcu, men a wesc course with t. A. Lmney's line to beech and sugar tree at a big spring, then hi. with J. It. Keece and G. A. Tate s line to a beech near W. T. Profflt's corner, then with W. 1. Frofflt's line to the beginning, containing 152 acres more or less. This Sept. 4, 1916. J. F. BROWN, Mortagee. LOSING MONEY. The man who carries currency around in his pocket to pay bills with is apt to lose it. Better pay by check, it wil make you economical and meth odical. Bank of Blowing Rock has a place for your account in its books, and a check book is ready for you. Do It Now. DRIVING OUT CATARRH If people knew how the pretence of catarrh 1( constant menace, they would have none of It It Infeate lome part of the delicately adjusted body and makes It useless, thus throwing on the other organs more than .their share of work. It affords a carefully prepared seed bed for the germs of colds, grip, tuberculosis nnd pneumonia. It so disarranges Nature's delicate plans as to make possible asthma, hay fever and other respiratory dis orders. It spreads until It becomes systemic, thus Involving many or gans and debilitating the entire system with serious results. Catarrh is easily neglected, and It rarely gets well of Itself, It needs proper medicinal correction. For almost half a century many thousands have found help In Pe ru n a, a valuable tonio with special efficacy In catarrhal conditions. The aim Is to clean out Waste mat ter, to dispel the catarrhal Inflam mation, and tone Up the whole sys tem. Its users willingly testify that It has done all this and even more for catarrhal sufferers. What It has done Is the best proof of what It wiU do. You may rely on In tablet form it Is pleasant to sstlla Tablets a r th Ideal laxative and liver tonic. They have no unpleas t mm a sit effei is. and do i kn" is. form a hi ,V JkT it, lOo. a -iV TkePsraaa ant effects hsb- not Zee, C a -.imLiica. - F. i IICHAMS, it Automobile Passenger Service Any time after May 1st, our passenger cars will meet pass engers at Elk Park, N. C, or any other points on the East . Tennessee and Western North Carolina Railroad for trans portation to any points in Avery or Watauga Counties. DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE. Telegraph: Elk Park, N. C. Telephone: Banneri Elk, N, We especially solicit the commercial traveler's business. New Cars Good Drivers Reasonable Ratei Automobile Repairing We will maintain a public garage at llariners Elk, N. C, espec ially equipped for repairingall makes of cars rebuil-f ding, repainting and general overhauling. A full line of parts for Ford Cars will be kept in stock at all times and a special mechanic for this particular car will be ready to serve you both day and night. State Regulated Gasoline Station will be maintained. Polorine Oil, trans mission oils and greases kept in stock. The famous Dia mond Tires will be in stock for you at all times. BANNER & RICHARDS :: :: Banners Elk, N. C Ford Cars, Reo Car s, Hudson Cars. The Ford is especially recommended to the people of Watauga County. There is no oth er machine that will give you as much in the mountains per dollar invested, A Complete Line of Automobile Supplies. I solicit your business on any of the above lines. Please see Mr. John W. Hodges at once and place your order for a Ford Car with him. RUFUS L. GWYN, LENOIR, NORTH CAROLINA. L. D. LOWE, President. L. U. FARTHING, Cashier. The Valle X We solicit the accounts'of all "persons" in this new Bank, and we will do our best to accommodate the people and render the greatest service consistant with sound banking. N. L. MAST, Pres. G, P. HAGAMAN, Cash. The Bank "That Appreciates and Protects its Customs Capital, Surplus, Profits and Stockholders, Liability :: :-: :: $50,000.01 It has been the policy of this bank to rend.?r the greatest service possible to the citizens of Watauga countv. We annrwiftt thm confidence the people have shown ueipea u mj acuievG m uuuumsi 'ip a strong Banking institution. With our improved equipment we are better tban ever prepard to serve tuem. The Watauga County Bank . BOONE, NORTH CAROLINA. , COMING TO TODD? If so, don't stop until you reach our store, where you will find a well selected stock of General Merchandise, especially such lines as Dry Goods. Notions, Clothing, Etc. Which we are selling at rock-bottom prices. We are on the market for TAN BARK, PULP WOOD, LUMBER, Etc. We pay cash for Chickens, Eggs, Butter and country produce. Be sure and give us a call when here before making your purchases, and get our prices. KIcCUIRE BROS. & COMPANY TODD. NORTH CA ROLIN A Get Your Supplies From Elkland Supply Co. TODD, N. C. GRAIN FLOUR PROVISIONS AND PRODUCE Fertilizers, Etc. THE TRADE OP ATAUGA PEOPLE INVITED New Building near Todd Mercantile Co., Todd. N. C , . Effective May 12, 1915 ' H. B. FERRY, Vice-President. W. C.COPFET, Vice PratT J. T. MILLER, lss' t Cash. in us, ami the success thev hava