ttftt Watauga Bemotrat. Town and County; Cooler weather. -STRAYED: One year-old past, bay horse colt. Finder wil please notify me at Boone and be re warded. H. J. Hardin. Rev. W. C. Jones, of Greens boro, after a two-week's visit to friends in Boone, left on his re turn Saturday. D. Patterson Hodges of Pop lar Grove, ,has purchased the Rev. John Carlton property in East Boone. Dr. J. M. Hodges and Mr. J. A. Titman, both of Cranberry, were in this section Tuesday look ing after some mineral property. We are, sorry indeed to learn that Prof. Olin G. Winebarger, of Meat Camp, who is teaching school near Todd, was forced to suspend school this week on ac count of illness. Miss Carrie Coffey, daughter of Attorney and Mrs. E. ,S. Cof fey, is with relatives in Morgan- ton for a few day's visit before going on to the State Normal at Greei sboro, where she will en ter for the school year. Mrs. J. G. Pulliam and dau ghter, Miss Mary Leslie, of Lom- poc, California, who have teen with relatives in this section for a few weeks, left Tuesday morn, ing for Lenoir, where thqy will ie main a week or more. y Mr. Elijah Holler, of Vilas. hi. s purchased Mr. N. N. Colvard's farm on Laurel Fork, and in turn Mr. Colvard bought the farm of Mr. Geo. F. Blair, situa ted one and a half miles west of the village. The Registration Book for Boone township, has been lost, and as a result, all voters who registered in 1914 will be bound to re-register if they wish to vote in the November election. See official notice in this paper. Rev. J. is. Atkins asks us to v announce that h'e will conduct "services in St. Luke's Episcopal church on Friday night, Sept. 15 at 7:30 o'clock, and on Sunday morning, Sept. 17, at 0 and 11 a. m. Everybody invited to be present at these services. Prof. I. G. Greer, of Boone and W. E. Shipley, of Valle Cru cis. are in Washington, D. C. looking after the interests of Wa tauga in the apportionment o: the National Good roads funi lor Aorth Carolina wnich is now under consideration in that city, l lie first passenger train on the v-C. Railway to arrive at Elkland sinee the heavy freshet in July, pulled into that station Monday afternoon, which will a pain greatly facilitate our mails and other business. See the Cos revised schedule on the 4th page of this issue. Col. John P. Arthur, who bus spent the summer at Chattanoo ga, Tenn., has again taken up his abo de in Boone, to the de light of all, both old and young, His kindness to children is one o! his fine points, and a bevy of lit- tie (Misses is, fairly jubilant ver his arrival. Mr. John F. Hardin, has just completed the plumbing and in stalling of water works in his attractive home just east of the village. The water is pumpei for quite a distance, but has such a splendid fall and travels with such rapidity that it reach es the home nice and cool and with ample force to make its way into every room in the building. This is certainly a valuable as set to the splendid property. -Mr. W. 0. Lay. of Holden. West Va., with his wife and dau ghter, ia at the home of his fath er, Mr. John Lay, at Bamboo, where he will grand a tew nwh recuperating af ter.two yearssolid ork. We hope the outing will be both pleasant and beneficial to him and his little family. -Capt. E. F. Lovill, who has been in Boone during court, is very much elated over bis gold mining prospects in Georgia. He says it has passed the experi mental stage, and now, with up- to-date machinery, and a g o o d orce of hands, they are getting satisfactory results. Mrs. W. R. Lovill, who haa been taking treatment at t h e Lincoln Memorial Hospital at vnoxvile, Tenn., for a number of weeks, retnrned to her home in Boone last Sunday being very much improved in health, and ler ultimate perfect recovery is now confidently hoped for. Mr. Shelton Penn, of Boone, is off to Arden, N. C, where he has taken a position for the en suing year in the Episcopal school at that place. Mr. Penn an energetic, well educated young teacher, and that institu tion is fortunate in procuring his services as a member of the acuity. The Annual Meeting of the Woraens' Missionary Society, which met with the Baptist church at Cove Creek on Thurs day of last week, was well atten ded, and a most enjoyable ses sion is reported by the large del egation of Boone ladies who were in attendance. Grinding Days at Chetcla Mill Beginning October 1st, until further notice, we will grind any grain offered, ub. .on !: Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, from 8:30, a. ra., to 4:30, p, ro. ChetoiaMill. Pl.-.ttMnn- VnnV X P If, Tuiaini School Ittss. Mr. Hartley Ilunt, was at the School on Saturday to SCO his daughter, Miss Satie. f rofessor and Mrs. Greer went to Morganton on Saturday to visit Mrs. Greer's people. "Work has been begun on the dam which will make a lake for the young ladies. It is to be just below IiOvill Home. Considerable work is now being done by 4he boys on the lawn tennis court, basket ball ground, and croquet ground for the young ladies, and also a Basket Ball ground lor the young men. Work will begin soon on a base ball diamond for the young men. We were very glad indeed to see Capt. Lovill at the School some days ago. We regret that his work takes him away from us, he is always so deeply inter ested in everything pertaining to the school. Mr. J. F. Amos gives us this. Mr. William Carrender showed me two two-year old flillies that weighed 1,300 and 1,400 pounds respectively. He told me he had a sheep that paid him $58.00 in our years and ho has the sheep yet, and that he made in one year on two acres of land $219.- 00 worth of produce, corn, rou ghness, apples, etc." Mr. William Hodges, of Elk Towhship, a Confederate veter an, now 81 years old. and a witness in court here, walked rom his home, a distance of 11 miles on Monday, arriving here before court was called at 9 o' clock. He said he was somewhat tired when he got here, but his quick, elastic step did not indi cate it. Sheriff Moody and one of his deputies, Mr. Allen Miller, cap tured another illicit distillery on Saturday night, this one coming out of the Sampson section. It is a crude affair, but was answer ing the purpose, just the same, This one, if we mistake not, makes 14 distilleries Sheriff Moo dy has captured during his term of office. A record any man might well be proud of. Robert Pulliam, who gradu ated at the A. T. S. in the class of 1914, and left immediately for California, in quest of employ ment, for awhile, until he could accumulate enough cash to com plete his education, arrived at the home of his uncle, Mr. L. N Perkins, last Saturday, and left for the University of North Car olina, where he expects to take a full four year's course. Robert says they have fine schools in California, but our Univenty is decidedly his choice. Farm For Sale. I have for sale a farm of about 350 acres of land, over 100 acres cleared, balance in timber. Land has lime quarry on it and land has been limed, situated in a good community, one-half mile rom Neva Rail Road station, Post office, School house and Church, has three dwelling hous es, two barns, two orchards and well situated for a stock farm. ermd of sale are right. This is the best land bargain in Johnson County. If interested let me hear rom you at once. Adam W. Snyder. Mountain City, Tenn. NOTICE. To all voters in Boone Town ship who registered in 1914. It will be necessary for all who reg istered in 1914 to reregister as the register book for 1914 can' he found. This Sept. 8, 1914. J. M. MORETZ. Chm. County Board of Elections, NOTICE. Donnelly Hagaman has been appointed Register for the Gen. eral Election in Beaver Dam Township in place of John Sher- rill resigned. J. M. MORETZ. Chm. County Board of Election. RENOIR, Rev. M. A. Adams is conduct- ingaseries of meetings at Willow Dale Church this week. ex- When You Have A Cold. Give it attention, avoid posure, be regular and caretul oi your diet, also commence taking Dr. King's New Discovery. It contains Pine-Tar, Antiseptic Oils and Balsams. Is sliuhtly lax ative. Dr. Kinc's New Discovery eases your cough, soothes your throat and bronchial tubes, checks your cold tarts to clear your head. In a . rt time you know your cold ohn better. It's the standard fa 'a cough rem edy in ure over mWv years. Get a bottle at one forfrp it in the hose as a cold p. Kmce. Sold at your druggigt.insura Groceries and dry Goods. For Sale. In the town of Boone a num ber of nice huilding lots, suita ble for up to date residences. Right in the shadow of the , Ap palachian Training School. First class public school aided by lo cal tax. Will soil on time or ex change for good young team, (mules preferred), yoke of cattle, cows, calves, mule colts, or oth er good stock, at the right price. If interested, come and seethe lots and let mo know your wants. Respectfully, A. D. BLAIR Boone, N. C, Aug. 22. ADR.' ALFRED W. DUU W EYE SPECIALIST TO SEE BETTER SFF mil A , 17 Year's Experience The Best Equipment Obtainable (Glasses 1'itted Exclusively MARTIN BLOCK, - LENOIR, N. C. l U TOU got It from 1)1 I. A. Il l All KIKtlt. WATC H I'APKR Foil HATKS, Laborers Wanted! AT SHULLS MILLS, N. C. Two Hundred men Wanted at Once to work for the Boone Fork Lumber Company. Good wages paid to good men. The work to be done is in the woods, cutting timber, skidding logs, moving bark, working on the grade, etc., etc. Apply to the office of this company at Shulls Mills, North Carolina. Saving time is just as important as saving mon ey when buying the necessaries of life. And by making as many of your purchases as possible in one place you can accomplish both results, provi ded you buy here. Our grocery department is complete in every re spect and our goods are always fresh, clean and wholesome our prices so low you could not af ford to trade elsewhere. In the line of dry goods we can supply your want just as readily and just as satisfactorily as you could wish. Our stock contains all the variety found in many stores selling dry goods only. J- & WINKLE K We Can Supply all Your Wants. Whatever you may need for your personal wear, for. your family or for your home, we can fill your require ments satisfactorily to you. I can please you as to qual ity, variety of selection, and -most important of all price. There is no need of your going to half a dozen differ ent kinds of stores to make your purchases. My stocks are complete in every department and you can find right here just as wide a range to choose from as you could anywhere else. I keep posted on all new products and all the latest styles-I try to give you all the advantages of the city buyers. BUY AT HOME. My buying experience protects you against poor merchandise-! select the market's best. A. W. WASEY, Superintendent. SEPTEMBER, 5, 1910. STUDY THE NEW Overland Automobiles It B, BLAJCKB URN, BOONE, - N. C. WHEAT $1.45 A BUSHEL- BUY A Completely Equipped, Electric Lights, Elec tric Starter, Pretty Appearance, Roomy, Substantial, Powerful. PRICES: Two Passenger, Model 75, Two Passenger, Model 83 Five Passenger, Model 75, Five Passenger, Model 83, F. O. B. TOLEDO, OHIO. Come look them over, or write Gwyn & Nelson, Agents, ; - - . - NORTH CAROLINA, $595.00 675.00 $615.00 695.00 SUPERIOR GRAIN DRILL and prepare for your next crop. SUPERIOR Drills fill the granaries of the world. They are found everywhere because they can be used everywhere. There is no seed ing condition that cannot be successfully met with a SU PERIOR. It will pay you to choose this drill because its effective and economical sowing will bring greater profits in increased crops. Remember, we always carry in stock all kinds of sea sonable Hardware, and we can supply your wants from a paper of pins to a Gasoline Engine. Always call on us when in need of anything in our line. Big stock of paints Oils, Varnishes, tc, always on hand. Get The Best. BERNHARDT -SEAGLE CO WHOLESALE AND RETAIL HARDWARE AND FURNITURE LENOIR, - - - - . . . .. - isukTU CAROLINA. 1 . ff 8 H D o o?i o U g 1 1 t 'PR i t h ix k, it "M.-.v