Ml Oatauga Democrat .Wished Every Thursday lurch. -.': Obttaary. Da Friday, Sopt. 1, aiter seven ars more than the allotted Tee score and ten, there passed i rebt Aunt Lottie Danner, at jr home on Laurel Fork. For a at and a half she had been ill, id in pain which grew worse as ixb wow on; but bearing it with 'rtitude. She endured until at Se end unconsciousness inerci Xlj relieved her suffering. The ite of her birth was March 27, 339. She was formerly, a mem br of the Brushy Fork Baptist )urch, but in later yeara had leferred to the Shulls Mills Her long life of service ad benefit to others in her cu xcity as a general nurse endear 1 her to many, whose gratitude be earned by her cheerfulness ad patience in that difficult fork. There was never a case of icknesa around for which her pip, always given wherever pos. ible, was not in demand. Her iample lives in the hearts of nr sorrowing children, and " :ores of grand-children and reat grand-children. She lived the fourth generation. At lie time of the Civil Warherhua- n1 tiiH nhutra1 fVta null nf An. .WJV JMrV UlVJ K I IV VlHl t v- 7, and she was left alone thru lote troublesome times to care r "and protect her little cbil iron, of whom there were then iree. Her bravery and devotion , this emergency is but an e;k Imple of tho lifelong care and de ration she bestowed upon them TIL ''Her children rise up and iUherblessd."' Friexd. A potato-club boy of Utah is reported to nave raised 720 bush els of potatoes on a single acre of raw land and sold them at ?1. a bushel. Another boy of the same club raised GOO bushels of toma toes on an acre, whilo another club member raised 35 bushels of shelled coi n per acre. Ac Accommodating Preactier. Speaking of folks bein late hrttinc to church, Mr. I. E. Bui- lird says he rtwiembers iiearins preacher tak a second text :d pn-acli a w?cond sermon jnsi cause one man ami wo m an eic lae. Juct uh the .si-rviw was ver and the congregation came at of the school house, where pie services was held, a man am! is wife drove up to. the place ol lorship. The preacher went to hem and told them bow sorry o wan they were late and told luem if the congregation was rilling to go baek in the house nd listen he would take anoth- r text and preach another ser- aon. The congregation agreed o do that and the preacher took nother text and preached the Second tiiue.Lumbeiton Hob- sonian. - Forethought. Feopl are learning that a lit tle forethought olten naves them bur expense. Here is an in stance: E W Archer, Caldwell, O., writes: "1 do not believe that our family nan been without Cham berlain s Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy since we commenc ed beeping; house years ago. When we co on an extended viB- it we take it with u?." Obtaina ble everywhere. As a cure for coughs Dr. Bell's Fine-Tar-Honey combines these remedies in ju9t the right pro portion to do the most good for summer coughs and colds. A trial will prove the value of this splendid cough medicine. Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Houey soothes the irritation, stops your cough, kills the cold genus and does you a world of good. A 25c. bot tle will more than convince you It will stop your cough. At druggists. Don't try to convince your neighbor unless you are willing to be convincedyourself, The party, remarks an ex change, that has made prosperi ty during a war, the like of which the world never saw before, can maintain that prosperity when peace finally comes. The Best Laxative. To keep the bowels regular the best laxative is outdoor exercise. Drink a full glass of water half an hour before breakfast and tat an abundance of fruit and vege tables, also establish a regular habit and be sure tbatyour bow els move once each day. W ben a medicine is needed use Chamber lain's Tablets. They are pleas ant to take and mild and gentle in effect. Obtainable everywhere. if You Want Quick Relief. Men and women who feel their health failing because of weak, overworked kidneys will be plea sed to know that Foley Fills are prompt in action and give quick, results In the relief ol rbeu mtttiHrn, sore muscles, ncning joints, backache, pains in side, and sleep 'disturbing bladder troubles, r or Hale by M IJ Black burn. The toughest American wood, according to the United States forest se'rvic tests, is that of the His Backache Gone. or rheumatic pains may be is Nometimes realized only when life insurance is refused on ac count of kidney troubles. Jo, e;h 0. Wolf, of Green Hay, Wis-wiiti'?-: "Foley kidney Fills re lieved me of a severe backache tmttliiKi iMutiered me lor cever- dl mouths." Take Foley Kidney Pills for weak lame back weary ulcep.ess nirut.s. For sale by M P ISIarkUiru. Italian pete too low in fuel vul no to be used in heating is being utilized in the manufacture of nitrogen fertilizers. Michigan stands first among he states for the production ol alt, ranks second for iron and jhird for copper. A waterfall in Norway will be larnessed and made to provide 25,000 horsepower for smelting ind refinining zinc ore. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children In I len Vnr Ova's J A Va I Always besrs Sgnatursof For Summer Troubles. Hay fever afflicts thousands and ttstlnna sufferers endure tor ture. Foley's Honey und Tar tfives relief. It allays iutiamma tiou, clears air passages, cases rtiHping cough, soothes und heals. Thiri wholesome family remedy contains no opiate a bottle lasts a lone time, ior salo Ly M. 15. Blackburn. What its inventor says is an uuoi'enKubio telephone receiver has a steel skeleton within its liard rubber body."" Liver Troble. "Iam bothered with liver trou ble about twicf a year." writes Joe Dimjmnn, Webster City, lo a a. "1 have pains in my side and pack and au nwlul soreness in I aiy stomach. 1 heard of Cham- Derlam s liittletsnnd tried them. By the tfun I had used half a bott'e of them 1 was feeling fine uid had no signs ot pain Ob cainablo everywhere. A recently patented sanitary Wing brush has a sponge in itead of bristles and the handle made to contain eoap. There are about 10,000 elec- trie trucks and wagons in service in the Tinted States, operating 124 lines of trade. OUFoOa Saved From Suffering r Mr. Mary A. Bran, Tatirton, Mass., la kir kith yer, vau: "1 thcueht I rs beyond U roach tf mctllclno, uut RUr Kidney Pills havo proven most Mflolal in my mao." 'IMb, Bam A. Uoovr, Meh Point, It C. writes: "Mr kidney trouble was trurn at night and I had to get up I from Or to neven times. Hon I do ' jxit bars to get tip at night, and con--4er myself In a truly normal con. cution. which I attrlbuu to Foley Kid of JPUXt, as I bar taken, nothing K Bridges, Robinson, Mass Hjrt: 1 suffered from kidney all eata for two yeara t eommenoed Wclns; Foley Kidney Pills ten months rvB, aad thonh I am II years of age, llealiik a 11-year-old girL" Foley Kidney Fills are tonte. ftreagthenlng and up-bnildinff, and rtra Bormal action to the kidneys 4 III disordered and painful biad V They act quickly and ooajain. Says They Are Wohderful. Hot weather is doubly danger ous when digestion is bad. Con stipation, Kick headache, bilious Hess, or other conditions cmised 'y elogg' d bowels yield quickly o l oley t ntimrtic i unlets. .Mrs i-)rabefh Wnnsoo. So. . NorwnU "t!ii., vriN'M "I ran honest .;iv t !-.,- v mi' w.'iiderlnl." For , Ic ' v M B Hla.-klmrn. With but little deviation from t he popular American game, base ball isphyedin Russia but there it is known as lutka. Japan is rapidy increasing the production of Zinc mines and the development of the zinc refining industry. Just the Thing for Diarehoea. "About two years ago I had a severe attack of diarrhoea which astud over a wee," writes W C Jones, Budford, N. D. "1 became so weak that 1 could not stand upright. A druggist recommend ed Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. The first dose relieved me and within two days I wa as well as ever." Ma ny druggists recommend this remedy because they know that it is reliable. Obtainable every where. NIGHTS OF UNREST. No sleep, No peace, no rest with a Lame or AcblngBack. Weary the lot of many a kid ney sufferer. i'amand distress from morn to night. Get up with a lame back, Twinges of backache bother you all day, mm acning DreaKS yourresiai night, Urinary disorders add to your misery. If you have kidney trouble Reach the cause the kidneys Doan's Kidney Pills are for the kidneys only- Have made an enviable repu tation in this locality. Mrs. iiilmina llaun, 52s Chest nut Ave., Hickory, N. C, says: "My back pained me so severely that I could hardly stoop over and it was hard for me to straigh ten up again. 1 was kept awake at night and mornings was tired. 1 tried Doan s Kidney Fills and they removed the trouble and reduced the swelling in my feet." Price 50c at all dealers. Don ' simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mrs Hahn had. Foster- Milburn Co. Props. Buffalo N. Y. Dod't laugh at a friend's mis take; it is torture to a sensitive soul. Help him to avoid making it again. Ex Your Bowels Should Move Once a Day. A free easy movement of 'he bowels every day is a signal ol good health. Dr. King's New Life Pills will give you a gentle laxa tive effect without griping and iree your system of blood poi sons, punly your blood, oyer pome constipation and have an excellent tonic effect on the en tire system. Makes you feel like Hying. Only 25c. at druggists. If we learn from our mistakes, even they will prove stepping stones to something better. HOWS THIS. We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Medicine. Hall's Catarrh Medicine has been taken by catarrh sufferers for the past 35 years, and has become known as the most relia ble remedy for Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Medicine acts through the Blood on the Mucous surfaces expelling the poison from the blood ana Dealing the diseased portions. After you have taken Hall's Catarrh Medicine for a short time you will see a great improvement in your general neaitn. start taking Hall s Catarrh Medicine at once and get rid ot catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. mrcH and ,eJEWELRY done at this shop . under a positive guarantee & al material used is guaranteed to be genuine. Estimates lurnisned on all mall orders. Satis faction guaranteed in every respect on all railroad watches. Office near tbe Watauga Co. Bank. Je'W.'BBYAN" uate Jeweler and Watchmaker BOOJiE.N. O. SEED WHEAT. I sowed 9 bushels of marvelous wheat and made 24G. Stacked before the rainy season, perfectly dry, recleaned and graded price $1.75 per bu. Write me a week before you need it, you mightcnll and it be gone. HILLERY E. MADRON. Trade, Tenn. NOTICE. North Carolina Watauga county in the Superior Court fall term, 1810. H. M. fiumgarner vb E. E. Earp. Tbe defendant above named will take notice that a summons iu tbe above eutitled action was Issued against said defendant on the 14th day of July 1916, by W. D. Farthing, clerk of the superior court of Watauga county, North Ciroliuafor the suiuot $244.60 which amount the plaintiff had to pay off by reason of his having en dorsed note for defendant to one L. A. Hayes, which summuns is return able tn the fall term of the superior court of Watauga county 1916. The defendant will also take notice that a warrant of attachment was issued bv said clerk of the court on the 14th day of July 1916 against the property of said defendant, which warrant is returnable at the time and place na uvea for tne return ot the summons, when and where the defendant is re quired to appear aud answer or de murto the complaint or the relief demanded will be granted. This 17th day of July 1916, W. D. Farthing, C. S. C. unildren Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Get Rid of Tan, Sunburn and Freckles by using HAGAN'S Magnolia Balm. Acts in&antly. Stops the burning. Clears your complexion of Tan and Blemishes. You cannot know how cood it is until you try it. Thous ands of women say it is best of all beautifiers and heals Sunburn 3uickest Don't be without it a ay longer. Get a bottle now. At your Druggist or by mail direO. 75 cents for either color, White. Pink, Rose-Red. SAMPLE FREE. LYON MFG. CO.. 40 So. 5U. St., Brooklyn. N.Y. Children Cry for Fletcher's The Kind You Have Always Konght, and which has been In use for over 30 years, lias borne the signature of - and has been made under his per- sonal siiprrvlHion since its Infancy. Y CUcAtZZ, Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " JitHt-as-good " are but Experiments that trifle with mid endanger the health ot Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil. Pare gorlc, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other N-rcotio substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishncss. Tor more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation. ' Flatulency. "Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and Diarrhoea. It regulates tho Stomach and Bowels assimilates the Fowl, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS fBears the Signature of In Use For Oyer 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought TM CCNTAUR COMPANY. Nrw VOP1K CITV. Virginia & Carolina Railway Schedule No. 57 In Effect 12:01, a. m. Thursday August 10, 1916. NOTICE. The large tract of land owned by W. WhitlDff in this county containing something like 4,200 acres is being subdivided into small tracts Is now FOR S L F This great bodv of land embraces some of the finest lands in the couu ty. It is Mr. Whit lug's object Is to sell these glands to those who desire to make their homes upon it. It is an opportnnity for the poor man or man of moderate means to secure a home. This laud will be sold for a reasona ble cash payment In hand. one. two and three year's time given on there aialnder. I hope Hint the citizeus of Watau ga, with whom we ate going to etay aud do busineB, will buy this land The price is reasonable. A map show ing the exact location of each tract made by a competent engineer will be furnished each purchaser. This laud lies between Blowing Rook and Grandfather Mountain and between Shu lis Wills aud Yonahlossee turn pike read and will be from one half mile to three miles from the Linville River railway now being bnilt to Shulls Mills, North Carolina. Come aud see this land aud buy you a home. If you have a home, come and buy a home for yonr children, It will only be a very short time before this land will double the price now asked for it. Call on or address, J. M. LACY, Gen. Supt. Boone Fork Lumber Co . Shulls Mills, N. C. Southbound. v Northbound p.iTy Ek. Sunday EaS.'.mLd P"1? Ex- 2nd CImbh. lst Claws Timo. ltClass 2nd Claag No. 15 No. 13 No. 1 No. 2 No. 14 No. IS A. M. A. M. P. M. P. M. 6 30 7 20 Lv. AbliiK.lon Ar. 5 15 2 30 Yard " 6 45 7 32 " Vatnima 5 00 1 45 7 05 7 45 " Uarnm 4 45 1 20 .... .... " Cedarville " .... .... " Drowning I'nrd " " Valla Mill " 00 8 15 " Damnscus " 4 15 12 25 8 15 8 25 ' Laurcldaln " 4 00 12 05 10 00 8 50 ' Taylor's Valley " 3 36 11 25 10 30 J5 Ar. Creek Junction Lv. 3 11 10 60 10 35 10 01 Lv. Crook Jnnrtion Ar. 2 30 I 10 35 " Callahan Crossing Lv 11 05 10 1 " (ireon Cp " 2 1.1 . 10 16 11 50 10 31 " White Top Gap " 2 00 9 35 12 30 10 57 " Xolla 1 33 9 05 1 17 11 13 " Tuckeidale ' 1 17 8 30 1 30 11 21 " Lansing " 1 10 8 10 1 45 11 28 " Berlin " 1 03 7 65 2 10 11 36 " WarrensvlllQ " 12 65 7 40 2 40 " Smethport " .... 7 11 3 00 12 05 12 30 7 00 P. M. P. M. Ar. West Jefferson Lv. P. M. A. M. 1 45 1 Lv. West JcnYrson Ar. 8 00 " Hamilton, N. C. " .... 2 20 " Donation " 8 25 2 40 " Howie " ' 8 00 3 05 " PJverslde " 7 30 00 Ar. Elklund, N. C. Lv. 7 00 P- M. A. M. Dsily. Ex. Sunday. 2d Classl 1st ClasH No. 17 No. 5 No. 3 1 A. , M. 10 40 ii'oo A. M. P. M. 2 31 A. M. 9 16 2 49 I 9 35 P. M. A. M. KONNAROCK BRONCH Lv Ar. Creek Junction (irassy Ridgo " Ar. Konnaroek Lv. 1st Class 2d Clas No. 4 No.6 No. 18 A. M. IP. M. A. M. 10 00 j 3 10 11 60 9 40 2 51 A. M. IP. M.l 11 30 A. M. g Saved Girl's Life g "I want to tell you what wonderful benefit I have re ceived from the use of Thcdford's Black-Draught," writes Mrs. Sylvanla Woods, of Clifton Mills, Ky. "It certainly has no equal for la grippe, bad colds, liver and stomach troubles. I firmly believe Black-Draught saved my little girl's life. When she had the measles, they went in on her, but one good dose of Thedford's Black-Draught made them break out, and she has had no more trouble. I shall never be without o o o o o o 0 o o - a mm m a a jtm. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o in my home." For constipation, indigestion, headache, dizzi ness, malaria, chills and fever, biliousness, and all similar ailments, Thedford's Black-Draught has proved itself a safe, reliable, gentle and valuable remedy. If you suffer from any of these complaints, try Black Draught It is a medicine of known merit Seventy-five years of splendid success proves its value. Good for young and old. For sale everywhere. Price 25 cents. U-03J o o o o o o o o o o OOOOOOOOGOMGSS&epQOQOOOQOO DR. R. D, JENNINGS RESIDENT, DENTIST Banners Elk, N. C. "At Boone on first Monday of every month for 4 or 5 days and every court wek. Office at the Blackburn Hotel. FOLEY CMHAKLTC TABLETS 1 tjStoad5wNt-lmAav-IkwjWctfulj' 1 Gave the Baby Rest. Childrr-njii" cannot keep cov. pteil at niirht and that is one way they tnke colk. Foley s Hon py 'nnd tttr is a reliable family conli medicine that contains no oniatea or harmless invredint8. Mrs. William Leonard, Pott-, ville, r , writes: "My baby hnd a very IihiI cough. First dose sravw lier relief. For sal by M B Blackburn.

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