Katanga democrat Town and County. Quite considerable frost yes terday morning. Some much-needed work is being done on our streets just now. Mr. W. T. Blair is spending a Tew days with his daughter, Mrs. Will McGuire, at Brookside. Mr. Lijvvw, of Ashe county, ,-ii"iit S.uulay at the home of bis dnujiiitur, Mrs. Dr. Salmons in '"im -Mr Stauliury is in Greens boro (Jus week attendinga meet ing of the Educational Board of tin two cmifurenctof the M. E. Church South. Three of my town lots just sold a number of beautiful ones yet to select from. Don't forget that Boone is the coming town. See ad elswhere. A. D. Blair. Mr. Don Long, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. It. Long, of Lock hart, Florida, is visiting at the home of his uncle, Mr, G. A. Ilod ges, near the village. ' Mrs. David R. Shearer, ac companied by Mrs. M. P. Critcher and children left Sunday for But ler, Tenn., where they will visit Mrs. Shearer's parents, for a few days. -Mr. T. B. Moore, of the Wa tauga Printing Company, has moved his outfit to his home at the Blair Hotel. Office in last room on first floor going east. Call on him for neat job work. A statement at this office is always at least honored on Us rec ipt, if not accompanied by the amount demanded. This is only common courtesy, that's all. Rev. M. L. Carpenter pastor of this charge, left Monday mor ning for Statesville, where he went to attend the Lutheran Conference, which convenes in that town today. We are asked ' to announce that there will be a box supper at Buckwheat school house on the evening of Oct. 6th. There will also be given a well-prepared play by the children of the school. Proceeds to be used for school purposes. Mrs. Wilfong, ot Newnon, .mother of our former county-, man, Mr. W. V. Willfong, now of Hendersouville, returned to her home last week after a rath er ex temWl visit to friends in the Vilas section. The Appalachian Training School is anxious to know the number and location of all the (i. i i -liiiift looms in Watauga i'i'tu mid it will be greatly ap H' .juled it' anyone who owns or kimwH of one will notify I. G. Ureer, at Boone, at an early date. Mm. Nellie Price, of Raleigh, who is Domestic Science Inspec tor for the State, sent out by the Board of Internal Improve ments, spent several days last week in town, looking over that department of the Appalachian Training School. The anniversary of the Liter ary Societies of the Appalachian Training School will be held in the auditorium of the school on next Monday evening at 7:30. The program promises to be an interesting one and the public generally is invited to attend, The train' on the railroad leading to Shull's Mills crossed the county line on Monday of last week, and for the first time ever the scream of the railroad locomotive was heard in Watau ga, from her own trackage. The construction work is being vig ously pressed, and the "iron horse" in expected to reach Fos coe within the next few days. Then on down to Shulls Mills in the very near future, when the ' Otnvany will begin at once the ins". Ming of its massive machine- ' ry for the manufacture into lum ber of its fine timber holdings on i'oone Fork. The first session of the Sun day School Normal Institute will be held in Boone on Thursday evening, Sept. 21, at 7:30 o'clock. There will then be services Fri day and Saturday following, to meet at 9:30, a. m., and 3:30, and 7:30, p. m. All invited. I Don't forget the Masonic pic nic to be held in Boone on Sat urday of next week, It is also very important to bring a well filled hamper to help out with the "spread." The program is not yet out, but you are assured of a pleasant day if you attend. Hats off to the good county of Wilkes! $250,000 for road buil ding has been voted by those public-spirited people, despite the fact that only sixty days ago the county was airnost ruined by high water. When, oh, when, will Watauga bestir herself along this important line? As a result of the ten day's meeting conducted at Willow- dale, 10 were received into that church by baptism yesterday, a number of them being heads of families. Rev. Mr. Adams, who held the revival, says in some re spects, it was the most wonder ful meeting he has ever been in. -Dr. R. II. Hardin, of Pine' ville, came up last Thursday. and remained until Monday lea ving in the morning for Shulls Mills, where he went on duty as physician for the Whiting Lum ber Company, a position well worth while. Mrs. Hardin and their little son, will arrive in the near future, and they will locate there. Glad to have the talented y onng physician among us again. Mrs. Alice M. Councill, of Hickory, who is known and lov ed by all of the older set in Wa tauga, is spending a while at the home of her nephew, Mr. .las. D. Councill. Last Thursday slip, in company with her son, Judge Council!, and daughter, Mrs. Em ma Taylor, and her son, David, and grand-s o n s, Dr. W. C. Boyden, of China Grove, and Mr Donald Boyden, who is in the automobile business at Knox ville, Tenn., met at the old home in Booneondspenttheday there, having the yards cleaned, the furniture in the building re-ar ranged, etc. The day was a hap. py one for them, and it was in deed a pleasure to our people to see so many members of the splen did family in our midst at the same time. Mrs. Roby Greene, of Seattle, Wash., after spending a few days ttilh her father-in-law, Mr. Rich ard Greene, left yesterday uior. ning for her far' western home. She spent some time on her way here among the haunts of her childhood home in Tenn., and and will be there a few days on her return. She is a supporter of President Wilson, and says she must get through her visits en route in time to reach her desr tination by Nov. G, that she may cast her vote for him. She is an interesting talker along political lines, and predicts a sweeping victory for AVilson in November. She leaves delighted with Watau ga and her people, and they in turn were delighted to have her with them for even so short a ti me. Good Prospects for National Aid to Wa tauga Roads. Prof. I. G. Greer, of Boone, and Mr. W. E. Shipley, of Valle Cru ris, Watauga's delegation to Washington, D. C, in the inter est of good roads, returned Sat urday. While in the CapitalJCity they appeared before the Secreta ry of Agriculture, the Forest Re serve Board and the Office of Public Roads. They net with en couragement in all these depart ments. The United States Gov ernment is ready to help us when we are ready to help our selves. If we will get busy, we can get our part of the national appropriation for roads. In ad dition the government will fur nish engineers, free of charge, to survey tin roads and estimate the cost of construction, and to superintend the building of ro ads Toothful Criminal Escapes iron Boom Jail On Thursday morning last it was discovered that the post of fice and comissary at Sh nil's Mills had been entered and some cash, belonging to the office, and many articles of merchandise ta ken. Entrance to the building was made by removing a pane of glass from a window, and in do ing so, the one on mischief bent, broke the blade of his knife with which he was removing the put ty, and the piece of a blade was was found on the ground near by. Suspicion pointed to a lad of 17 summers, Bently by name, hailing from Lenoir, aud he was arrested, having on his person broken bladed knife, the piece picked up fitting it to an exact nicity. The boy made a clear con fession of the crime and returned practically all of the cash and other things he had extracted from the store and office. He was given a formal trial and on bis own submission, was pen fenced to, and placed in jail Thurs day evening. Sheriff Moody left for Raleigh Friday morning, and Mrs. Moody listened to the ap peals of the pitiful looking boy and he was given the freedon of the corrido r. There was noth ing then between him and the out side world but a strong brick wall, which had held many pris oners under different preceding sheriffs. But this boy, being an adebt at making holes in buil dings, got busy, and ere long had an opening sufflcietly large to ad mit bis diminutive body to pass through, and off he went to part a unknown to people hereabout, leaving nothing behind but his coat to remind one that he was ever behind those horrid walU. Laborers AT SHULLS Two Hundred men Wanted at Once to work for the Boone Fork Lumber Company. Good wages paid to good men. The work to be done is in the woods, cutting timber, skidding logs, moving bark, working on the grade, etc., etei Apply to the office of this company at Shulls Mills, North Carolina. A.. W. WASEY, SEPTEMBER, 5, 191G. STUDY THE NEW Overland Automobiles Completely Equipped, Electric Lights, Elec tric Starter, Pretty Appearance, Roomy, Substantial, Powerful. PRICES: Two Passenger, Model 75, $595.00 Two Passenger, Model 83 675.00 Five Passenger, Model 75, $615.00 Five Passenger, Model 83, 695.00 F. O. B. TOLEDO, OHIO. Come look them over, or write Gwyn & Nelson, Agents, LENOIR, - - - Farm For Sale. I have for sale a farm of about 350 acres of land, over 100 acres cleared, balance in timber. Land has lime quarry on it and land has been limed, situated in a good community, one-half mile from Neva Rail Road station, Post office, School house and Church, has three dwelling hous es, two barns, two orchacds and well situated for a stock farm. Terms of Bale are right. This is the best land bargain in Johnson County. If interested let me hear from you at once. Adam W. Snyder. Mountain City, Tenn. For Sale. In the town of Boone a num ber of nice building lots, suita bln for up to date residences. Right in the shadow of the Ap palachian Training School. First class public school aided by lo cal tax. Will sell on time or ex change for good young team, (mules preferred), yoke of cattle, cows, calves, mule colts, or oth er good stock, at the right price. If interested, come and seethe lots and let me know your wants. Respectfully, A. D. BLAIR. Boone, N. C, Aug. 22. DR.' ALFRED W. DUU V RYE SPECIALIST TO SEE BETTER SEE DUU 17 Ye' Experience The best Equipment Obtainable, 'Glasses ritted Exclusively MARTIN BLOCK, LENOIR, N. C. ir you lot it rrom im la. in am iukiil WATCH PAl'KK FOR DATI'.K, Wanted! MILLS, N. C. Superintendent. - NORTH CAROLINA. Groceries and dry Goods. Saving time is just as important as saving mon ey when buying the necessaries of life. And by making as many of your purchases as possible in one place you can accomplish both results, provi ded you buy here. Our grocery department is complete in every re spect and our goods are always fresh, clean and wholesome our prices so low you could not af ford to trade elsewhere. In the line of dry gqpds we can supply your want just as readily and just as satisfactorily as you could wish. Our stock contains all the variety found in many stores selling dry goods only. J-&WINKLEE We Can Supply all Your Wants. Whatever you may need your family or for your home, we can fill your require- i. A i J .1 J T i . mems sasiaccomy to you. i can please you as to qual ity, variety of selection, and most important of all- price. There is no need of your ent kinds of stores to make are complete in every department and you can find right here just as wide a range to choose from as you could anywhere else. I keep posted on all new products and all the latest ityles-I try to give you all the advantages of the city buyers. BUY AT My buying experience protects you against poor merchan dise-! select the M, B, BLACKBUO, BOONE, - N. C. WHEAT $1.45 A BUSHEL- buy A SUPERIOR GRAIN DRILL and prepare for your next the granaries of the world. They are found everywhere because they can be used everywhere. There is no seed ing condition that cannot be PERIOR. It will pay you ffective and economical sowing will bring greater profits in increased crops. Remember, we always sonable Hardware, and we paper of pins to a Gasoline Engine. Always call on us when in need of anything in our line. Big stock of paints Oils, Varnishes, etc., always on hand. Get The BERNHARDT -SEAGLE CO WHOLESALE AND RETAIL HARDWARE AND FURNITURE LENOIR, - - - - .. . - - NORTH CAROLINA, for your personal wear, for going to half a dozen differ your purchases. My stocks HOME. market's best crop. SUPERIOR Drills fill successfully met with a SU to choose this drill because its carry in stock all kinds of sea can supply your wants from a Best. - nmrnirrm. y