Qe Oftt&ugft aBemotrat Towrrjid County. 1 "Give thanks unto the Lord for be ie Rood." flice line of rugs'atCritcher & Hendrix's. Prices from 75 cents to $5.00. ; Mr. John Lewis has taken a position as clerk in the store of Mr. M. B. Blackburn. Thanksgiving Day, and how many of us are truly thankful for the many blessing with which we are surrounded? Mrs. Rivers has returned from the Charlotte Sanatorium with her afflicted eye right much improved. Born to Dr. and Mrs. E. G Salmons, a boy; to Mr. and Mrs. A. L Cook, a girl, and to Mr. and Mrs. Cloyd Trivett, a boy. Friend Joe Mast dropped in to this shop Tuesday and order ed The Democrat sent to Miss oh. well, Joe is contemplating a trip north a little later on. . Miss Laura Brannock, after a visit of three weeks to relatives in Hickory, returned to her home in Boone Sunday and reports a most enjoyable stay in that splen did little city. I will, after the present ad vertised round, charge cost on all unpaid taxes for the year 1915, and all privilege taxes must be paid by Jan. 1. It seems that I have shown every indulgence possible, and now I must collect. Give .this notice due attention and save yourelves cost and me the unpleasant duty of levying on your property. W. P. Moody, Sheriff. Bev. Joe M. Green, of Boone, who was admitted into Confer ence at the session last week, has been sent to Clear Creek circuit, and will leave for his work Fri day. The best wishes of all go with Joe to his work. Mr. J. J. Rowe, of Banner Elk, is here winding up the odds and ends of a big bunch of nur sery stock delivered last week. He told The Democrat that his son, the Rev. J. W.Rowe, a Pres byterian minister, who has been in charge of work at Sutton , W . Va., has been called to the pas sorate of the First Presbyterian Church at St. Charles, Mo. Attorneys Frank A. Linney and W. R. Lovill attended the preliminary hearing of Roby Wills at Mountain City, Tenn., on last Monday, charged with the murder of James Church in that town during Fair week. The evidence was taken before a jus tice of the peace and the defend ant was bound to court under a bond of $10,000. Mr. Joseph Johnson, of A mantba, who has been a patient in the Western Hospital at Mor ganton for several years, died in that institution on last Friday, and his remains were brought home for burial, interment being made near the old home on Mon day, the Rev. M. A. Adams con ducting the funeral in the pres ence of a large concourse of rela tives and friends. Mr. Johnson has always been a respected citi zen, and bis mental derangement was a source of much sorrow to his loved ones and friends. He is survived by a wife and several grown Children. SALESMAN WANTED. To sell lubricatinz oils, creases. flneciAlties and Daint. Part or whnln Hmfi. Commission basis uu til established. Permanent posi tion and wide flield when quann ed if desired. Man with rig pre ferred. RIVERSIDE REFINING COMPAKY. Cleveland, Ohio. t EGGS WANTED: One hundred crates of eggs wanted each week I will Dav vou HIGHEST mar ketDriceand I will mail check immediatelv on receipt of ship meat. J. W. WILEY, Box 542, Greensboro, N. C, Mr. Lute Miller, of the Blue Ridge section, passed through the village yesterday on his re turn from Cove Creek with a load of corn for which he paid $1.25 per bushel, and with a team and driver two days to get it home, certainly makes that grain come high, However, Lute had enough cash left to leave a couple of dol lars with the Democrat on sub scription. A Mr. Williams, Pharmacist, of Peternburg, Va., was in town Tuesday, looking for a location for an up-to date drug store. He was much pleased with the vil lage, examined all available buil dings, and thought he would be here ready to open up by Jan. 1. A good drug establishment is one of the crying needs of Wa tauga, and this gentleman, if he comes, will meet with a hearty welcome from all our people. Dr. Robert K. Bingham, af ter mature consideration, decid ed to change locations, and has left his pretty home in East Boone, and moved to Blowing Rock. The Dr., it seemed, was enjoying a good practice here, but we hope that his change will give him a better and more lucrative practice. Sorry to see the popular physician, his splen did wife and bright children leave our town. Prof. Wiley G. HartzOg and and his two efficient assistants, Miss Turney B. Warden and Miss Annie Sherwood, the trio composing the teaching force of the Boone public school, are off this week attending the Teach ers' Assembly in Raleigh, and as a result, there has been no school since Monday. Surely if there are any teachers in Watauga who deserve an outing, these are a mong the number and we feel sure that the patrous of the school are glad they got it. The people here are delight ed to know that the Western North Carolina Conference has returned the Rev. D. P. Waters to this work for another year. He has served this charge for the past three years, and we do hope that this one, may be the best for him and the charge, and that the people will decide from the beginning to pay bis salary and pay it promptly each month, as the preacher has to have a living at the beginning of the Conference year as well as at the close. Yes, we are all glad that Brother Waters has been returned. Stony Fork News. Mr. Andrew Wellborn is erect ing a nice little dwelling, and will soon be ready to move into it. MisskLoretta Cook is visiting friends and relatives at Todd. Mr. and Mrs. Connie Green, of Hopkins, hare 'moved again to this plaee. Glad to see them back. Mrs. C. C. Miller, who has been very feeble for the past few weeks is somewhat improved. "Aunt Camilla" is eigty-one years of age and the mother of seven teen children. Ail who visit her are highly entertained, as she talks (mose interestingly. Her husband was a soldier in the Civil war. The publie school here is pro gressing nicely. We do not know yet how long it will contiuue The committee and teacher, Miss Clemmie Cook, have been talking of stopping the school for the last month and put the money on a new school building or re pair the old one. The school has been going on for the past four months. The people of Mount View church had a wonderful revival recently, during whish many souls were led to Christ We are glad to know that the new church is improving and bunding up so rapidly. unildren dry FOR FLETCHER S I CASTOR! Mrs. Fletcher left Tuesdav afternoon to visit her husband. J. C. Fletcher, who is richt sick r D his hotel in Lenoir. Col. John P. Arthur, who re turned from Va, some two weeks ago a right sick man, improved nicely for a while, but is again very unwell. He is coq fined Ito his room at the Blair Hotel, and his improyement is very slow. Took the Hurt out of Her Back. Mrs. Anna Bvrd. Tuscumbia. Ala., writes: "1 was down with my back so I could not stand up more than half the time. Foley Kidney Pills took all the hurt our. nneumatic Damn, swollpn anklen. hRckunhpa. stiff ininfa and sleep disturbing bladder ail ments iudicate disordered kid ueys and bladder trouble. Sold everywhere. FOR SALE IFour Poland Chi na boar pigs for breedine purpo ses I also have two good milk cows to let out for their feed du ring December, January and Feb ruary. W.L. WINKLER. (North Side Fahm.) A Card of Thinks. We wish to thank the good people for their kindness during the illness, death and burial of our mother, Mrs. Rachel Hartley. May Uod s richest blessings resi upon such noble people. Estes Hartley and Wife. BREAD & CAKES by Parcel Post Send us your order for your Thanksgiving Cakes. CHOCOLATE, COCONUT, FRUIT OR PLAIN. We are prepared for this work and save you trouble and expeuse. We Guarantee Our Cakes. Give us a standing order for bread each week. Brannon's Bakery, The 100 per cent Sunshine Bakery W. C. Brannon, Prop. LENOIR, NORTH CAROLINA. NOTICE. I will be at the following places the purpose of taking in taxes. Boone, Monday, Cove Creek, Sherwood's Store, Tuesday, worm t one, rnoraas store, before noon, Wednesday, afternoon at Miller's store Meat Camp, Union store, Thursday, Bald Mountain, Todd, Friday. Stony Fork, Moretz's" store, Saturday Blue Ridge, voting place, Tuesday, Blowing Rock, Wednesday Watauga, Collins Store, Friday, Watauga, Shulls Mills, Saturday. Shawneehaw, Ward's store, Tuesday, Laurel ureeK, jonn wards store, Wednesday, Beaver Dam, Haeaman's store, Friday, Let everybody come out and pay their taxes on the day men tioned, and save costs, as I will not make any further notice as to the taxes for 1915. After these dates I will be coinuellad to form collection of the 1915 taxes. I manner in which many of the citizens have been paying their taxes. Nov. 14 1917. BUGGIES, STJERIES, AND WAGONS, I now have for sale at my place at Vilas, N. C. a sup ply of standard makes of Buggies, Surries and wagons I am offering for sale for cash, or will exchange for good stock, and always have enough cash to pay difference when difference is due. The J. I. NISSEN WAGON is known for its superior qualities by all our people. None better. Don't order your vehicles, but buy from me. I will save you some good money, Yours for trade, JOB W. BLAIR N. L. MAST, Prei. O, P. HAGAMAN, Caah. The Bank -That Appreciates and Protects its Custome Capital. Sirplns, Profits and Stockholders, Liability :: ' ::: ' V. $50,000.00 It has been the policy o! this back to render the greatest servic poeaible to the citizens of Watauga county. We appreciate the confidence the people have shown iD ue, and the Buccens tliev have ueipea us w acmeve in ouuaing up a strong DanEiojj institution. With our improved equipment we are better than everprepard to serve tbem. The Watauga County Bank BOONE, NORTH CAROLINA. - Is there some ono you could show a little kindness to this glad Thanksgiving time? Surely there is some ono. Think! Charles Walker, who brutally murdered his sweet heart, Miss Florence Sutphln, in Caldwell county on Oct. 5, was tried in Lenoir last week; found guilty of murder in the first degree, and was sentencnd to the electric chair, the death penalty to be paid on J an. 12. Rev. D. H. Coraann, for many years a member of the Western North Carolina Conference, and a well-known field Evangelist, has severed his connection not only with the Conference, but with the Methodist Episcopal Church South, and cast bis lot with the Presbyterian church. Do You Have Sour Stomach? If you are troubled with sour stomach you shouid eat slowly and masticate vour food thor oughly, then take one of Cham berlain's Tablets immediately af ter supper. Obtainable every where. C ASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bean the Signature of at the times indicated below for Nov. 20th, 1910. 21st 22nd '22nd 23rd, " 24th, 25th 27th 2Mth 29th 1st, 2nd 5th, ' " Gth, Dec. 7th, greatly appreciate the prompt W. P Moody, Sheriff W. C.COFPET, Vice Pres. J.T.MILLER, A88't Caah. Groceries and dry Goods. Saving time is just as important as saving mon ey when buying the necessaries of life. And by making as many of your purchases as possible in one place you can accomplish both results, provi ded you buy here. Our grocery department is complete in every 're spect and our goods are always fresh, clean and wholesome our prices so low you could not af ford to trade elsewhere. In the line of dry goods we can supply your want just as readily and just as satisfactorily as you could wish. Our stock contains all the variety found in many stores selling dry goods only. J. & WINKLEE We Can Supply all Your Wants. Whatever you may need your.family or for your home, ments satisfactorily to you. I can please you as to qual ity, variety of selection, and-most important of all-price. There is no need of your ent kinds of stores to make your purchases. My stocks are complete in every department and you can find right here just as wide a range to choose from as you could anywhere else. I keep posted on all new styles I try to give you all buyers. BUY AT My buying experience protects you against poor merchan dise--! select the M, B, BLACKBURN, BOONE, - N. C. WHERE YOU WIN. When you buy hardware grity of the dealer to sell you good. That is where you win when you come to us. We do not handle any of the "cheap" stuff that is made to sell at a big profit. When we sell it to you it is guaranteed to be exactly as we represent it, and you are protected, whether your purchase be five cents or a hundred dollars. Attention, Please! This is the season of the year when you will need cer tain articles listed below. We have them in stock, prices are down, they are the best and you win by buying them. Stoves, Heaters, Ranges, Plows of all Kinds and many other things you will need in Hardware. The prices are the lowest possible. Get The Best. BERNHARDT -SEAGLE CO WHOLESALE AND RETAIL HARDWARE AND FURNITURE LENOIR, - - - - - - rsORTH CAROLINA for vour Dersonal wear, for we can fill your require going to half a dozen differ products and all the latest the advantages of the city HOME. market s best. you depend upon the inte an article that will make