, Wst Oatauga Btmetrat y h , . - h R. C. River 8, Proprietor Thursday, Dec. G, 191G. Watauga's New Road Law Now la Effect. Watauga's new road law which was ratified by the people of the county at the late eletion, became " effective on last Monday, when all power that pertained to the laying out, construction or .up keep of the public roads within our borders, passed from tho board of County Commissioners, and was vested in a Good Uoads Commission composed of Messrs. W, W. Striugfellow, C. D. Tay lor and Roy M. Brown. This Com mission was named in the origi nal bill, and naturally the hon ors belonged to them, but in the absence of Mr. Striugfellow, the remaining two were a bit reluc tant about assuming the burden and no informed the Chairman of the Board, and they were very promptly notified that unless they assumed their responsibili ty at once the Board would pro ceed to appoint auothei Commis sion in their stead. And it is use hs to say that they acquiesced right quickly. The gentlemen are 1 of the verybest the county can ; afford, for each and every one of them are good roads men to the core, and there is no danger of any graft in their administra tion. The Commission will be in session at tho court house on the first Monday in each month, at which times all matters pertain ing to the public roads must be brought before the body in the same way aud manner that it has .heretofore come before the Board of County Commissioners. They will also receive and dis burse all road finances, and it is at tbeirdiscretion how and where it is expended. The tax of 20 cts. on the $ 100 valuation will create an annual road fund of approxi niately $8,000, aud, when prop' erly expended, will, after so long a time, make decided improve ments on our public highways, but, it seems to us, a rather slow process, when our very urgent road needs are considered, The m u c h congested condition tf our limited space of late has for- . bidden the publication of the va luminous act, but we hope, inthe very near future, to give our rea ders at least a lucid synopsis of the wordy document, prepared by a member of the Good Hoads Commission. ; Possibly the largest cro wd t hat ever assembled in Fo3tie to ut tend a justice's court, was here on Monday as witnesses and spectators in the case of the State against Mrs. John Hender son, her brother, Fred Andrews, and mother, 51 re. Robt. Andrews, who are charged with being uc cessory to, or guilty of the kill ing of John Henderson, who died from the result of knife wounds in his throat, last September. As our readers remember nn inqest wnheld, and it was generaly believed that it was a clear ense of suicide. But a little later on, suspicions of foul play became prevalent, and Mis. Henderson . and Fred Andrews were arrested but were soon released, for lack of evidence. But, a strong chain of circumstantial evidence began to develop, and on Wednsday of last week warrants were issued, not only for the wife of deceased and her brother, but also their Mother, Mrs. llobt Andrews. The three were brought to Boone jail for safe keeping un til their preliminary trial, which was set for last Monday, but was postponed until today, Thursday, owing to the absence of some important witnesses. The State is represented by At torneys F. A. Linuey, E. S. Cof fry andT. E. Bingham, while r Attorneys W. R. Lovill, John E. Brown, and W. C. Newland, of Lenoir, will appear for the de - fen so. It. is going to be a hotly . contested trial, and what the outcome will be it would be hard to predict BLOWING ROCK BREEZES Brother Adams preached a very interesting sermon in t h e Baptist church on Thursday eve ning. A collection was taken af ter the sermon, amounting to sixteen dollars and ten cents ($10.10) for the Thomasvile Or phanage. Rev. George Hodges, assisted by Edmond Robbins, has been conducting a series of meetings at Boone's Fork church, result ing in the conversion of five or six. The meeting closod last Fri day. Among the converts was tho Hon. Blaino Coffey, our next representative in the General As sembly. Rev. Mr. Hodges preached at Skyland last Friday night. He tolls us that he contemplates mo ving to the village in the near future. Mr. I. O. Rich, of our town, who has been on the sick list for the fiast week, is convalescing, we are ghwl to note. ' Dr. R. K. Bingham, who has been living iu Boone for some lime, has moved to Blowing Rock. We are glad to welcome him to our little villace. The Dr. was out at Sunday school and preaching. He says he has been brought up in the Sunday School. Tho wise man Solomon says, "Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it." Rev. George Hodges preached dt Skyland, Sunday night, and Rev. Edward Robbins preached in the village. Success to The Democrat. . W. M. F. Another Wataugan Loses Out on Electioi Bet Sometime just preceding the election, "Big Ed" Miller, was so certain of Judge Hughes election to thf Presidency, that he waged one of his Watauga farms, val ued at about twentV-five bun- dred dollars, against three city lots, in Johnsou City, Tenn., with a "wise" traveling salesman who makes his monthly rouuds in Watauga. Last week the afore- said salesman came over to make settlement. Mr. Millerihavinirbeen iu poor health for some time, pos sibly worked somewhat upon the sympathy of the winner, and a compromise was effected, Miller paying $2u() cash and "Prince." his trusty saddle horse, and, we suppose, was glad to cot off at that price. Ed has always been a very smooth business man when it came to buying land, aud we are indeed surprised that he was caught iu this trap, especially so when tie had beeu told time and again that Wilson was going to sweep the country, almost ex pressing the same belief himself. For comfort, Mr. Miller, you are respectfully referred to Tom Watson, Esq., of Virgil, who also had too much confidence in the election of tho Judge and was the loser of fifty "bucks " aud his hat "Misery lovescompany." Farmer's Union Moating. The next County meeting of the Farmer's Uuion, will be held with Mabel Local, 'Dec. 23rd, 1910 to open at 10 a. m. 1st. Song, and prayer by the county chaplain. E. J. Norris. 2nd. Address of Welcome by J. L. tombs. 3rd. Marketing the products produced ou the farm, by H. H. Greene. 4th. One hour for dinner. 5th. What has tho Farmers E& C Union of A. done for the people, by M. H. Norris. 0th. flow to enlist and protect the Farmers, by J. J. T. Keese, and all who will have something to tell us will be expected to speak. Dear Brethren, as the year is drawing to a close, we hope to have this meeting largely atten ded, from all the Locals of the county. Let s try to do more the coming year than we ever have Fraternally, J. R. Isaacs, John E. Combs. 8. M. Gbeen, Com. Villi Cruis News. There will be a Christmas sale at the Valle Crucis Mission School on Friday, Dec. the 8th. , Supper will be served from from six to. . t ... ,. ,i . x . i I, p.m. Public cordially invited, ITnrlaf tlio Duonlnoa T XXTA I mens' Club of this place, an oys - tor siinner wa h1rl n.t th nnhlin ter supper was held at the public school house on Saturday night last. A large crowd was present, the amount taken in reaching tmrty uoiiars, which goes lor charitable purposes, principally orphanages. . Mrs. Charles D. Taylor, who has been in the Charlotte Sana Tfirinm fnp tho nuof flwo ti-ooba I rpt..rn,i w. ., Knr ndstun somewhat imoroved" i VVtt Ul WUU1UUU I Th frirla of t hia nlnno nlin am students at Boone spent the i'.u, ..uv u.v hudents at Boon nnt, t, h week-end at home, a number of their girl friends accompanying them, also a number of their gen tleraan friends came over. Their visit was much enjoyed by our people, and we hope they will come again. A Garage, modern and up-to- date in every detail, has been be- guu here, and will be completed this winter and ready for work when tho automobile season o- pens in the spring. Mr. W. II. Wagner, who is Hen ry Fords representative here, has sold a number of cars to our people. Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Mast, their son, C. L. Mast and wife, and Re mus Bland, went to Gastonia last week to attend the Confer ence of the Methodist church. Rev. Guy Hamilon, who has served the churches of this cir cuit for the past few months, was returned to this work at thecon ference, to the delight of not on ly his church members, but every one who knows him was truly pleased to have him come back. Took the Hurt out of Her Back. Mrs. Anna Byrd, Tuscumbia. Alu , writes: "I was down with my back so I could not stand up Kidney Pills took nil the hrfrtfvlve Us Your Patronage, out." Rheumatic pain, swollen L , nuKiei. uucKBcnes, sun joints, and sleep disturbing bladder ail. meats indicate disordered kid ne.vs and bladder trouble. Sold everywhere. NOTICE OP AEMINI8TRATI0N. North Carolina, Watauga County. Having qualified aa aduiliiUtrator of theeHtate of Alfred Moretz, deceased, all neroui hnvlnir nlaima acnlnaf aM estate are not Iff ed to prevent them to ueu 10 ine uuaersignea on or before the 20th day of Nov., 1917, or this no tice will be plead In bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to raid estate will please noine forward at once and make settlement. Ihls 18th day of Nov., IBItt, V, L. MORETZ, Administrator. BANK STATEMENT. Following is a report of the con dition of the bank of Blowing Rock at Blowing Rock in the state of North Carolina, at the close of busi. ness Nov. 16, 1916; HEBOUKCES: Loans and discounts $57,504.30 Overdrafts unsecured 238.21 IfatiKing house nod lot 3,750.00 ruiniuueandhxttires 1,29300 AH other rial estate owned 190.34 Demand Loans, . 100.00 Due flom national banki 001.21 Due from b'ks and b'krs 14. 167.08 Gold coin 1,665.00 onver coin, including all mi. nor coin currency, and ( national bank notes 3,406,20 Total I82.1a0.34 LIABILITIES Capital stock f 16,000.00 surplus t una 900 00 Undivided profits, less cun en t expenses and taxes paid 681.58 Bills puvahle fi.000 on Deposits subject to check 20 ?6r88 Time Cert, of Deposit 27,889 78 L ashier c ks outstanding. 1.9S5.1 Certified Cheeks 100.00 Total 82,120.34 State of North Carolina, Watauga county, as; I, G. M. Sudderth, Cashier of the above named bank. do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge end belief G. M. St'DDERTH, Cashier. Correct Attest: W. 0. Lentz, . A. Lentz, J. D. Brown Directors Subscribed and sworn to before me this 27th day of Nov. 1916. J. H. Gbeen, J. P. Good btock For Sale. I a m offering for sale 8 head of hone stock three work animals, two two-year-old fillies, two year ling colts and one colt four mos. 2!! JL ne' rea ouorwioi n uuruiim cows o years old, thai will weigh from 1,000 tifc 1 1 00 nrvinla nno flna vddp. S heifer that weighs 700 lbs. au ooa etocl ierms t0 BU,t pQrcha(jeP- For further particu- jars write to or caU on . W. L. BRYAN. Boone, N. C Dec. 0 Special Notice. I am authorized by the Board of County Commissioner to take all outstanding county claims on taxe8 untl1 jQa 1 1917, A1' who I llol,u a,,c tjcou Fre Vi a t'.-i ilAitvia O tSk tmiitA1 I sent them before that time, as I t i CHlDnuij lH(KB Bny claims issuea i Lr - ,i in Lftpr thnt rlat All nririWo tnv es must be paid by Jan. 1, as I i,ave to settle for the 1916 taxes by that time Wp u j cl ,ff . r . juooay, snenn. , I EXECUTOR'S NOTICE, Th underslirnfld tmvlnirniiRlifld u administrator of the estate of Jodn Henderson, deo'd., all persons having claims against said estate are notified to present them to the undersigned on or before the 18th day of Novem ber, 1017, or this notiee will be plead In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please dome forward and make settlement. This Nov. 18, 1910. W. L. HOLSHOUSER, Adui'r, FORDRUGS -OR Anything Pharmaceutical 'Phdne or write BALLErS CASH PHARMACY, LENOIR, N. C. "The etore with a pedigree and a reputation." Equipped with the most com plete line and greatest va riety of drug merchan dise to be found be tween Charlotte and Asheville. Quality Printing Is a necessary adjunct to any business, and that is the kind always turned out by the : : WATAUGA PRINTING COMPANY BOONE, n. o. For Sale. In the town of Boone a num ber of nice building lots, suita- bl for up to date residences. Right in the shadow of the Ap palachian Training School. First class public school aided by lo cal tax. Will sell on time or ex- change for good grist mill, ei iner weaaowe, Williams, or Sprout & Waldroun, in Kood con dition or for good young live stock at the best possible price If interested, come and seethe lots and let ine know youi wants. Respectfully, A. D. BLAIR. Boone, N. C, Aug. 22. Many a woman hesitates be tween saving money and invest ing it in jewelry. Let the Bank of Blowing Rock help you to th jewel you crave by piling up the interest on every saved dollar. Here's the only way to earn "found money." Start saving today. t-' At The Book Store. v V ; MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS. I.et us have yours. You may never see the out-of-town man again. We are here to bear your burdens. STATIONERY ALL STYLES. We give a better quality and more material for the same money, because ours was bought before the great rise in paper. This ap plies to all kinds of box paper and tablets. The school children understand. FOUNTAIN PENS. For absolute satisfaction get a Waterman; and, if necessary, keep on exchanging it until you find the one that you can love like a sweetheart. But we have cheap peus, too, that are good. SHEET MUSIC. We give 4 twenty -five cent pieces for 25c. Our excuse We have al lowed too much to accumulate. BIBLES AND We have now in stock almost every size of book and stvle of bind. mg. ome uiu prices, dui our proncs less. 1 C .11 !. 1 HISTORY, BIOGRAPHY, TRAVEL nr u j , we have several sets and single and taste, and at very moderate FICTION There are thousands of the late kn..nfin .iii ..i.i.: ti wax w i'U iuubi) nigmy recommeuuea. ne nave tne largest gtock we have ever before carried of the very best of Popular Price Pint inn Kfn a nnnv CHILDREN'S' BOOKS. A large stock of the most charming, from 10c. to $1.75. FLASHLIGHTS We carry the BEACON 'nuf said. SCHOOLS AND OFFICES. PICTURE lt is our delitrht. and we hnvn nlpntv nf nn.tn.dafa mofn4al Mr. N. H. McRary to do the work. BYNUM B.'BANNER F. M KICKMDS, II. Automobile Passenger Service Any time after May 1st, our passenger cars will meet pass engers at Elk Tark, N. C, or any other points on the East Tennesw e and Western North Carolina Railroad for trans portation to any points in Avery or Watauga Counties. DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE. Telegraph: Elk Park, N. C. telephone: Banners Elk, N. O We especially solicit the commercial traveler's business. New Cars Good Drivers Reasonable Ratea Automobile Repairing We will maintain a public garage at Banners Elk, N. C, espec ially equipped for repairingall makes of cars rebnil ding, repainting and general overhauling. A full line of parts for Ford Cars will be kept in stock at all times and a special mechanic for this particular car will be ready to serve you both day and night. State Eegulated Gasoline Station will be maintained. Polorine Oil, trans mission oils and greases kept in stock. The famous Dia mond Tires will be in stock for you at all times. BANNER & RICHARDS :: :: Banners Elk, N. C. L, D. LOWE, President. L. U. FARTHING, Cashier. The Valle We solicit the accounts of all persons in this new Bank, and we will do our best to accommodate the people and render the greafcwt servica coaiistant with sound banking. INow at To Our Friends We wish to announce that we can and will save you money on anything in the produce line you have to sell. Dnn'f. fail frt rail nn nu r nwtana tn iwiam kf 1 i or selling. We keep flour, grain, feed stuff, salt and to bacco constantly on hand at attractive prices, so when you come to Riverside don't faif to call and see us. We appreciate your trade and will do our best to please you. Our motto: "satisfied customers." If we please you tell others, if we don't please you tell us. J. S. BROWN AND CO. Get Your From Elkland Supply Co. TODD.N.C. GRAIN FLOUR PROVISIONS AND PRODUCE Fertilizers, Etc. 1HE 1EADE OF ATAUGA PEOPLE INVITED New Building near Todd Mercantile Co., Todd. N C Effective May 12, 1915 TESTAMENTS. V , t v .... ..... copies that are pleasing to the eye prices no special bargain. copyrights we can carry only a- r Pi 1 n, , .r . ' FRAMING. Lenoir ( ( k Cc n 1 1 y. H. B. PERRY, Vloe-Presldent Crucis Bank. Kiverside. and Customers: Supplies