3ataugs Democrat Town and County. 40nly a little more than two weeks until Christmas. W. L Bryan, esn.. is offerinc some fine stock for sale in this issue. The old reliable Blum's Al manacs are now on sale at J. S. Winkler's. Mr. L. L. Critcher has re painted his pretty home in East Boone. Mr. George Gragg, of Route 1, began work on anew residence in East Boone on last Monday. Rev. Joe Green left Tuesday afternoon for his field of labor in Madison county. Get your Christmas bread and cakes from Brannon. See new ad this week. , ..,., . . .. -The weather continues fine, which means a great saving to the' people in the way of feed stuffs. Clyde Phillips has opened a pressing club in the office of Jew eler Bryan, and solicits your pat ronage. Mr. Frank Norris and family are'now occupying the pretty home recently vacated by Dr. R. K.. Bingham. Mr. Hort. B. Greene, a form er student of the A. T. S3., left last 3aturday for Georgia, where he will enter a school of telegra pby. Congress assembled on Mon day and President's message was delivered on Tuesday. The ines sage in condensed form will ap pear in these columns next week Rev. Mr. Adams, who attend ed tbe Baptist State Convention at Elizabeth City this week is ex pected home in time for his Sun day appointment in Boone. Mrs. T. B. Moore, who had been in Blowing Rock visiting Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Suddertb for some days;' returned home Sat urday. "' '' JUS Mr. Clyde Reese and sister, Miss Lillie, of Reese, came over last k Monday, the young lady remaining for a short visit to her many friends and school mates, alftrt whom are delighted to see her again. A letter from Mrs. J. C. Flet cher to her daughter, Miss Lois, bears the intellgence that Atty. J. C Fletcher, whose illness we mentioned last week, has devel oped pneumonia, but seems to be getting on fairly well. Mr. Jesse F. Robbins, who, not being sufficiently recovered from a recentfallta resume work at the carpenter trade, has ta v ken a position temporarily, in the Cottrell store, where be will remain through the holidays, at least -y It any man is silly enough to think that our little county loca ted away up here in the hills, is in a straightened financial condi tion, let him examine the reports of our three banks in this issue and see how much cash they have to their credits Work is progressing nicely on the large gymnasium build ing near Newland Hall. It stands on the very brink ot an artificial lake, and when completed it bids fair, with its rubtic surroundings, tn ha thfl hfiftutv soot of the en tiro school property. . . We are glad"to know that Dr, G..,WSmitb, of Hopkins, who ' i J f 4.1 1 1. recently returnea irum uwuuuub Hopkins Hospital at Baltimore, where he took treatment for an obstinate case of rheumatism, is imnrovinir riirht alone, and his friends are now hopeful of his ul timate recovery. , . anil Mrh flavplnnrt Mnr- etz,of Grassy Creek, this coun ty, left Monday morning for Lin 9 CU1U ClUUlfJ j WUCiw tucj n in muno kA!n fnftiM hamA mm MnretSMfl j a daughter ot.Rev; M.L. .Carpen " ter, and be is much cast down o ver the departure of the last of his family from the county; vJ Col. Arthur, whose illness we nave previously mentioned is still a very sick man, and at this writing, Wednsday evening, he is very low, and there are fears that he will not survive many hours. Mr. Arthur has many, yes, very many friends in Watauga, who will hear of his critical condition with deep sorrow. Later: Mr. Arthur died at 2:50 after our forms were closed. Joseph Hartley, who has been confined to his home for the past seven weeks, nursing a bad ly afflicted leg isstill in doors and as he makes bis living by days work, tbe loss of time, aside from the suffering, is quite a hardship on him. However, the members of tbe Baptist church and other friends, are supplying the most ujgent needs of the family. Mr. Thos. Green, of Stony Ford, was one among a large number of business callers at our office on Monday, and were glad to see him looking in the best of health, after a long course of treatment for a very stubborn disase, in Johns Hopkins Hospi tal during the summer. When ta ken there, his condition was con sidered almost hopeless. Prof. W. L. W inkier was in to see us Monday. He tells us that he and his wife will leave for lor ida between now and Christmas, and intend to spends some time there for the benefit of his health which is anything but robust just now. We trust the stay in the Land of Flowers will be both profitable and pleasant for the good people. A Mr. Jordan, of Raleigh, N. C, representing the State and National Beef Breeder's Associa tion, has been in Watauga look ing after an organization here, and we are told that he met with considerable encouragement. He will return early in the year. In the mean time, our Mr. W. E. Shipley will look after getting up the membership until his return. Mr. N. L. Mast and daugh ter, Miss Maude, were in the vil lage Tuesday and were much ap preciated callers at this office. Mr. Mast was solicited for a load of corn, and he replied that he aid not have one gram to sell; that he had 11 bead of horses and 60 cattle that he must feed through the winter, and was buy ing but little ot the precious ce-rial. There wasno preaching ser. Vices at either of the churches in Boone on last Sunday, due to the fact that Rev. D. P. Waters, who was assigned here tor an other year, has not yet returned, and last Sunday was his first ap pointment for the Conference vear. Something unusual lor a Sunday to pass in Boone with out a good sermon .in one or the other of our churches. W. F. Sherwood, one of the most pleasant fellows to be found, was in to see us Tuesday. We were glad to hear him say that his son Jim. who has been in tbe West for several months, has re turned and is again wielding the yard stick in the store. Wiley says business has never been bet ter with him, but he just liasn t got any corn to sell, and there is no use of talking to him about that. Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Hatton and two sons, of Park City, Mon tana, are in for the winter and will spend the time visiting rela tives and friends in their home countv until early eprlnjr, when tbey contemplate returning. Mr, and Mrs. Hatton were in to7 bal ance accounts with The Demo crat, and we were indeed glad to learo that thev had succeded well and enjoyed good health du ring their stay of five years in the west. The teachers who attended the Teachers' Assembly at Ral eigh last week, have returned, and Prof. Hartzog tells us that the Watauga contingent spent Saturday night at the University, and were fortunate enoueh to be present at tbe celebration giv en in honor of the "Hill's" sig nal victory over the Universi ty of Virginia in a foot ball game at Richmond, Va., on Thursday of last week, it being their first victory in the past eleven years. be event, says the Professor. was celebrated in style by the mversity, in fact, he said it was the nicest function he had ever attended. Monday and Tuesday were certainly moving days for the Board of County Coramisloners, Aside from the routine business on Monday, the bonds of the newly elected officers were all to pans upon, while the time on uesday was largely consumed n settling with the Sheriff, can celing claims, etc. Do You Have Sour Stomach? If you are troubled with sour stomach you sbouid eat slowly and maRticate your food thor oughly, then take one of CbHin- beriain s l ablets immediately af ter supper. Obtainable every where. BREAD & CAKES by Parcel Post Send us your order for your Christmas Cakes. We are prepared for this work and save you trouble and expense. Give us your Christmas orders for the highest qualities obtainable in CANDIES, FRUITS & NUTS. Give us a standing order for bread each week. Brannon's Bakery, The 100 per cent Sunshine Bakery W. C. Brannon, Prop. LENOIR, NORTH CAROLINA. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30Yttrs tb SlgnMui of WE HAVE WATAUGA COUN ty open for first-class dealer to handle Reo Cars and Trucks. Write or phone Forman-IIoward Motor Co., Charlotte, N. C, Dis- tributors. EGGS WANTED: One hundred crates of eggs wanted each week. I will pay you HIGHEST mar ket price and I will mail check immediately on receipt of ship ment. J. W. WILEY, Box 542, Greensboro, N. C. Nisscn Wagons Fcr Sale. The Nissen Wagons are kept on hand and sold by T. L. Mast &Bro., at Vilas. Prices and terms reasonable. Don't fail to call on them if in need of a wagon. FOR SALE: Four Poland Chi, na boar pigs for breeding purpo ses. I also have two good milk cows to let out for their feed du ring December, January and Feb-ruary.-W. L. WINKLER. (North Side Farm) John E. Brown Lawyer. N.c. BOONE, . . Prompt attention given to all matters of a legal nature. Col lections a specialty. Office with Lovill & Lovill, WINTER NECESSITIES. As the rigors of winter creep on I am continually ad ding to my stock of seasonable goods and insist that you look over my line and get prices before buying, if yon tirv in need of anything for the storms ahead. Heavy shoes and underwear for men, ladies and children, and every thing you need to keep you warm. A splendid line of dry goods, notions, hats, gents' furnishings, etc, always on hand. You can get what you ' want at my store and at prices as reasonable as they can be sold. Groceries of all kinds, heavy and fancy on hand. The very highest prices paid for Eggs, Butter, Grain Etc., If you are not one of my regular customers, join the army of satisfied customers at once. J. S- WINKLEE We Can Supply all Your Wants. NOTICE Nov. I will be at tbe following places at the times indicated below for tbe purpose of taking in taxes. 1 Boone, Monday. ' Cove Creek, Sherwood's Store, Tuesday, nortn t one, inomas store, before noon, Wednesday, afternoon at Miller s store Meat Camp, Union store, Thursday, Bald Mountain. Todd. Fridav. Stony Fork, Moretz's store, Saturday Elk, Cox's store, Monday, uiue iiiage, voting place, Tuesday, Blowing Rock, Wednesday v ataugat towns store, Friday, Watauga, Shulls Mills. Saturday. Shawneehaw, Ward's store, Tuesday, Laurel Ureek, John wards Btore, Wednesday, Dec, 20tb, 1916. 21st 22nd 22nd " 23rd, 24th, " 25th 27th " 28th " 29th " 1st, " 2nd 5th, " Gth, 7th, the day men- Beaver Dam, Hagaman's store, Friday, Let everybody come out and pay their taxes on uonea, ana save coses, as l win not make any further notice as to the taxes for 1915. After these dates I will be compelled to force collection of the 1915 taxes. I erreatlv aDureciate the nmmnt ... . . . . i . - i r - manner in wnicn many of the citizens have been paying their taxes, NOV. 141U17. W. P Moody, Sheriff BUGGIES, STORIES, AND WAGOHS, I now have for sale at my place at Vilas, N. C. a sup ply of standard makes of Buggies, Surries and wagons I am offering for sale forcash, or will exchange for good stock, and always have enough cash to pay difference when difference is due. The J. I. NISSEN WAGON is known for its superior qualities by all our people. None better. Don't order your vehicles, but buy from me. I will save you some good money, Yours for trade, JOB W. BLAIR Whatever you may need for your personal wear, for your family or for your home, we can fill your require ments satisf actorily to you. I can please you as to qual ity, variety of selection, and-most important of all-price. There is no need of your going to half a dozen differ ent kinds of stores to make your purchases. My stocks are complete in every department and you can find right here just as wide a range to choose from as you could anywnere else. I keep posted on all new products and all thi latest tyles-I try to give you all the advantages of the citv buyers. BUY AT HOME. My buying experience protects you against poor merchan dise-! select the market s best. It B, BLACKBUHK, BOONE, - N. C. H. L. MAST, Pros. Q, P. HAGAMAN, Caah. W. C.C0PFEI, VlcoPrw J. T. MILLER, AM'tCuh. The Bank - That Appreciates and Protects its Custome Capital, Snrplis, Prtfits asl Stockholdirs, LiabHit :: :::: $50,000.00 f i 1 t a 1 it a i f . in nas oeen me poncy oi wis oatiK to render tbe greatest service possible to the citizens of Watauca county. We appreciate tbe connaence ine people nave shown in us, and the success they have helped us to achieve in building up a strong banking institution. With our improved equipment we are better tbau ever prepard to serve them. The Watauga County Bank j BOOSE, NORTH CAROLINA. WHERE YOU WIN. When you buy hardware you depend upon the inte grity of the dealer to sell you an article that will make good. That is where you win when you come to us. We do not handle any of the "cheap" stuff that is made to sell at a big profit. When we sell it to you it is guaranteed to be exactly as we represent it, and you are protected, whether your purchase be five cents or a hundred dollars. Attention, Please! This is the season of the year when you will need cer tain articles listed below. We have them in stock, prices are down, they are the best and you win by buying them. Stoves, Heaters, Ranges, Plows of all Kinds and many other things you will need in Hardware. The prices are the lowest possible. Get The Best BERNHARDT -83AGLE CO WHOLESALE AND RETAIL HARDWARE AMD FURNITURE j LENOIR, - - J - - : .-