VOL XXVIII BOONE WATAUGA COUNTY, THURSDAY DECEMBER ,141916. NO. 14. :'Cl -1 r ",i .''V- : ' ,'-'1 W. 31 3 ? fl COUNTY EXHIBIT, 1916. (Continued from last week.) April 3, 1916. Solomon orogan road juror 1 00 L l cragg gran, juor T LCOok .. 1 ' j a Hagaman ' ' OEagan ' FJTrivett ' ' 5 80 5 00 5 GO 540 610 . a l Bajrd state vs Harve shook 170,'jc Frown state vs Mattie - johnsoa 1 40, waiter Lusk state vs Mattie Johnson 1 60 s caudell state vs Mat Johnson 3 70, l p Townsend, state vs Mat Johnson 2 60, w c Baird state vsMatjohn son 4 40, B s Dobbin state vs Mat joTTdboq 3 00, carl Byers state vs. Mat Johnson 3 70, j h Harrell state vs Mat Johnson 1 60, ora ' ham oillam state vs Mat johoson 4 30, o b Bentley, state vs Mat Johnson 3 70, c Byers state vs Mat Johnson 365, b 8 Isaacs state vs c Ayers et al 1 70, Noah san dew state vs c Ayers. et al 1 70, j w Hodges state vs c Ayers et al 1 70, n a presnell state vs j c south 1 85, j g Norris state vs ho by Brown I 35, ira Brow state vs Roby Brown 1 35, w c stone state john Bentley 1 40, r h vandyke 8tatevjs John Bentley 1 30, win. jiodges jr Htate vs John oreen 1 70, wm Hodges, jr state vs jno oreen 1 70, Ed Hod3es state vs LinneyMaltbaetal 1 20, Elbert vannoy state ys l Maltba et al 1 25, R l Haynes etat vs. l Malt ba et al 1 30, Thos Moody state vs l Maltba et al 1 30, jas Mayes state vs l Maltba et al 1 40, steve Brown state vsl Meltba et al 1 50, J M presnall state vs n a presnell et al .25. May 1, 1916. w D Farthing half fees 23 00, b j Hodges furniture for coffin 5 00, if m Thomas state'Jvs RLwall 5 40. j b Earp court bouse jani tor 2 00, Hodges and McNeill bias ting material 16 40, w p Farth ing cnm. stcs postago, half fees 7 85. Edwards 4 Broughton pa per for county 2 06. Johnson j Hayes half fees wpMopdy ' ' 5 00 8 30 x a Lowrance V 1-0 Dwwooton ' 4 .50 R f Billings ' 4 1 35 hb vates ' ' 2 80 will smith 44 1 55 Bsswift 4 4 .90 b t Greene 4 .60 Noah winebarger 4 4 .45 jHVoncanon 4 4 .15 Dillard Mays 4 4 .30 jn Blair 4 4 105 w p Moody keeping jail etc for April 52 75, J w Jones services as county physician 21 50, Thomas Miller county aid for May 5 00, J v Bobbins road surveyo 3 00, jh Mast road juror 1 50, e h perry road juror 1 50, j h Brown keep ing county home 26 25, w p. moo dy amount paid for vital statis tics 35 75. June 5. 1916. . m b Blackburn agent for c Bent ly 6 00, g L8torieflgenttoi Bmitb codk 6 00. l m Hodces acent fori Triplett 6 00, z B Brown agt for M walker 6 00, l m Hodges aeent for o Yarber 6 00, w lhoIs houser agent for Maud Hodges 9 00, M B Blackburn agent for A Bentley 7 50, a Harmon agent for F Hirmon 6 00, H o Maxwell agt for s h Black 15 00, J t Hampton , agent for N canter 6 00, j Mitch ell agent for l Mitchell 6 00, jh M ist agent for n & e wileon 3 00 A Watson agent for l d watson 6 00, J 8 Flannery ocent for Nan cy Bentley 9 00, p c Youne agent f r Elva church 4 50, m b Black barn agent for e Horton 21 00, j watson agt for c sanders 4 50, W m coffey agent for u s coffey 6 00. Noah Mitchell acent forwil v - - ehull 12.00, rT Miller agent for M Trivett 7 507ir. H b perry a- cent for Nan canter 3 00, c d Tav lor agent for j w Townjnci 9 00, Mattie Johnson 'agent for John Harrell 6 00,, ,t a cox agent for wait Bobbins 3 00, Riley Hodges agents for Jas. Andrew and jas areer 27 00, Robt sluder agt. for Bill Thomas's child 3 00, jo wood mg agent for cinda Campbell 6 00, jerre watson agent for john Greer 3 00, j p Thomas agent for Henry ward 5 50, w w collins agent or Eannie coffey 6 00, m l Mc Neill agent for Floyd McNeill 4 50, Loyd Hodges agent for sallie jus- tis 4 50, j r Baldwin agent for ElIBaldwin 3 00, t a cox agent or Avery watson 1 50, Levi Nor man a pauper 6 00, Addie fox a pauper 6 00, Kate Yarber, a pau per 6 00, David Hodges a pauper 9 00, Amos ward a pauper 9 00, nard uix a pauper 3 00, j h Brown eeping county home 12 00, J H Brown keeping county home 14 -25, jh nrowu bringing vary Hart ley from Lenoir 8 00, a j shull registrar of election in Blue Ridge township 12 00, h c nodges, reg istrar of election in Meat camp township 2 06, L e Beach regis trar of election in Meat camp township no. "2, 10 44, j M May udge.of election 2 00, a j itagan udge if election 2 00, j s Tat urn registering voters in Bald Moun tain township 14 72, John Earp court house janitor 2 00, w n Rogers register ot eleetion in Elk township 11 23, j M south regis ter of election in North Fork town ship 12 00, H h Green road work 3d 00, h h oreen Appr on plat shoals bridge 120 00, r l Henson j udge of eletion in cove creek town ship 2 00, scott swift register of election 18 29, g w caudell regis ter of election 16 16, John slier rill register of election in Beaver nam township 15 71, r l Trip lett judge of election 2 00, L Mi chael judge of election 2 00, w d earthing recording poll taxes etc 14 50, jno. w Hodges, neifiber of the county board of elections 8 00, w r Gragg clerking to Bd. co corns etc. 57 71, w P Moody conveying b smith to hospital, 16 65, w p Moody keeping jail, etc. for May 101 66, neid porter road damage for fence 75 00, July 3, 1916. j h Flannery agentfor n Bently 3 00, j h Brown keeping county home 31 50, sohn Earp court house janitor 2 00, j a penley judge of election 2 00, d wood ring burial of m wood ring 20 00, n Elrod listing taxes in Blow ing nock 14 00. (Continued on 2nd page.) November Weather. Earl v cld snaps, storms nnd sleet, snow and slush cause colds and coughs. Foley 'h Honey and Tar actH inckty.cutHthepblegm opens Hir pawnees, allays Irrita tion, healn iiitiimmation and e naleH the sufferer to breathe ea sily and naturally so tbat sleep is not disturbed by cough. Sold everywhere. PROFIT BY THIS. Oob'b Vists Anther Day. When you are worried by back ache. By lameness and urinary disor ders Don't experiment with an un tried medicine. Do as thousands of people are doing, TJxe Doan's Kidney Pills. Read this Lenoir resident's ex parience: ' Mrs. J. P. Bradshaw, Prospect Heights, Lenoir, N. C, says: have used Doan's Kidney Pills and have found them to be a fine medicine for backache and kid ney trouble. At the time my back bothered me. one box of Doan's Kidney Pills was all I needed to remove the soreness and pain I know that they are a fine kid ney medicine." Price 50c. at all dealers' Don't 'simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills, th same that Mrs. Bradshaw bad. Foster Millburn Co. Props., Bnffalo, N. Y. Who Dttcbed tbi Htighis Machine? Who ran the Hughes machine into the ditch? The Progressives blame the Old Guard chauffeur, and the Old Guard driver puts it up partly to the Progressive small boys who scattered bioken glass on the road, and partly to L. 1 - !-,.-J interfering with the chauffeur, Who is responsible for the fa mous California hand shake that did not come on? Who is guilty of the Golden Special, the Roose velt war speeches, the loss of O- liio when Wisconsin and Indiana were saved: onouid tne soup kitchens have been opened upear- ier in the campaign, or should they have remained closed? On both sides it is taken for granted that the Republicans had the election won, and that had man agement threw it away, In nei ther camp is there any seeming inclination to admit that per haps there was something more undamental involved than an unskillful chauffeur or a nervous passenger, or a bad boy in t h e middle of the road. When Repub- icans speak of States that were ost while others were saved, they might ponder the fact that Wil son gained more heavily in ''sav ed" Massachusetts than in "lost" Kansas; more in Michigan than in Washington; more in Aiaine than in New Mexico. Instead of asking themselves how they man aged to lose Kansas, Washing ton and New Mexico tbey might be asking how they succeeded in saving Massachusetts, Michigan und Maine. So far the evidence is that the Repulican machine was not ditched at all, but that 'ran out of gas. New Yoik Evening Post. Now Lookout. When a cold hangs on as olteu happpens, or when yon have hardly gotten ovor one cold be fore you contract another, look out for you are liable to contract another, look out for you are li- aba to contract Borne very seri ous disease. This succession of cold6 weakens the system and lowers the vitality so that you aie much more liable to contract chronic catarrh, pneumonia or consumption. Cure your cold wnile vou can. Chamberlain s Cough Remedy has a great repu tation, it is relied npon by thou sands of people and never disap points tbem. Try it. It only costs a quarter. Obtainable every where. Smoking, says a physician, ru ins the lining of the throat. It is a matter of record also tbat it has an injurious effect upon the delicate tissues of tne purse. Charlotte News. f THE FIRST STEP Usually the first indication of t lowering of health is found in the bowels and liver. Something goes wrong we eat too much, or work too hard and the bowel action weakens or the liver is sluggish. That heavy feeling on arising in the morning, dryness of the throat, with bad taste, a slight headache, dull eyes all show that food has fermented in the intes tines, and that the body is man ufacturing poisons instead of good blood. Clear it all out Give the stomach and bowels a fresh start Encourage the liver to go to work. Manalin does all of this, without griping or weakening. It's the ideal laxative and liver tonic, because it follows Nature's plan, without discomfort, inflam mation or forming a habit. Con stipation may be overcome with its use. Liquid or tablet form. T h Tab let taete Ilk candy. Children Ilk V'lili i. f tbem, and (fc tbey are k aafe. f 10 and. U A cent. FOLEY KIDNEY FILLS k (cct ant ct ." iis X :i r win i, A Former Cltizst Visiting la Watauga and - Caldwell. Mr. Amos Uenly, who.thirtren years ago left the Globe section of Caldwell County, and. with his family, turned his face tu the setting of the sun, is in for a vis it to his aged mothc and other relatives in Watauga county. He was in to see us on Tuesday and from his conversation we glean ed that he and his family of six sturdy boys have been succeeding handsomely in the State of Wash ington. They own a good farm, all pull together, and this year from 1,000 acres harvested 28, 000 bushels of wheat, and aside from that had a considerable a creage in wheat that was cut for feeding purposes. To prove that Mr. Henley is now on "Easy Street," he has turned the farm over to the boys, bought prop erty in the town of Hay, and, with his wife, has now settled down to enjoy tho fruits of his labors. HOWS THIS. We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Medicine. Hall's Catarrh Medicine has been taken by catarrh sufferers for the past 35 years, and has become known as the most relia ble remedy for Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Medicine acts through the Blood on the Mucous surfaces expelling the poison from the blood and neaung me uiseasea portions. After vou have taken Hall s Catarrh Medicine forashorttime you will see a great improvement in your general health. Start taking Hall s Ontarrh Medicine at once and get rid of catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, 0. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. It is authoritatively stated that $25 shoes are almost a certainty by next spring. But that will be a favorable time to hark back to the old style of going barefoot ed, and we shouldn't worry. . Rheumatism Follows Exposure. In the rain all day is generally bllowed by painful twinges of neuralgia oribeuinutisni. Sloans Liniment will give pou quick re lief and preyent the twinges Irom becoming torture. Itquik- y penetrates without riiomng and sooth" the sore and actimjr oints. For sore, stiff, exhausted muscles that throb nnd ache from overwor, Sloan's Liniment, affords quick relief. Bruises and praiD8 and other minor injuries to children are quicklv Hoothed by Sloan's Liniment. Get a bot tle roday at your druggists, uoe. NOTICE. North Carolina, Watauga Cr. I, W. R. Gragg, Register Deeds of Watauga county, and Clerk to the Board of County Com in is- sioneis, uo certuy mat uio ioi- lowing contains a true account of the number of days attended and the number i f miles trav eled by each member of the Board of County Commissioneis from Dec. 1, 1915, to Nov. 80, 191C, both dates inclusive, viz: L. A. Green atended 19 days at 3 per day, $ 57.00. L. A. Green traveled 144 miles at 5c. prr mile f 20. Total for Green ?G4.20. J. L. Glenn served 19 daps at f 3 per day 57.00. J. L. Glenn traveled 288 miles at 5c. pr mile $14.40. rotal for Glean $71.40. L 8. Bollinger served 19 davs at 3 ner day. $57.00. L. S. Bollinirer traveled 260 miles at 5c per mile $13.00, Total for Bollinger $70.00. Given under my hand thisloth Nov., 1915. W. R. GRAGG, Reg. of Deeds. Mrs. A. W. DuliTakini Optical Conrsi In Philadelphia. A card from Mrs. A. W. Dulo, of Lenoir, ordering The Demo crat to her address, says she is in Philadelphia for some weeks, taking a course in optics in the Pennsylvania State College, and attending lectures in the Eye De partment of the Medico-Chiurgi-cal Hospital, which is one of the best hospitals in Philadelphia. Changing Seasons Brings Colds. ' Stuffed up head," clogged up nose, sore throat are sure signs of cold, and Dr, King'B New Dis covery is sure reliei. A doso of this combination of antiseptic balsams soothes the irritated membrane, clears the head, loos ens the phlegm, you breath easi er and realizo your cold is broken vp. Treat a cold persistently; half way measures leaves n lin tiering cough. Take Dr. Kinge New Discovery until your cold is gone. For 47 years the favorite semedy for young and old. At your druggist, 50c. The ice man is probably envi ously watching the high prices that the coal man is receiving at the present time. And next sum mer the price of ice will probabiy go up, too due to the fact that it is taking more water to float the increasing, navies of the increasing navies of the word. Washington News. Buby Had Whooping Cough. Mrs. Sam C. Small, Clayton, N M. writes. '"My graudson had whooping cough when he was 3 months old. We used Foley's Honey anil Tar and 1 believe it saved his life. He is now bigand lat." Foley s Honey aud Tar is a tine thing to have in the bouse for whooping cough, croup, cold c&uiibs. Sold everywhere. The thirfg that keeps the pessa mist growling is that now and then he happens to be right. A Clogged System MustBeClear d. You will And Dr. King's New Life Pills a gentle, jet effective laxative for removing impurities trora the system. Accumulated waHte DOisous the blood; aizzi nenn. biliousness and pimply, muddy complexion are the dis tressing effects. A dose ot Dr. King's New Life Pills to night will assure vou a free, full bowel movement in the morvlng. At your Druggist, 25c. No matter how lofty the goal , man may be seeing, a little kindness to others won't hurt his chances of attaining it, Strong drink will screw up a man's courage, but some times it screws it too tight. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. The undersigned bavins qualified hb Kjecuthor of the entate ot'Jamep I). Tttairue. Dee d , all Dersont havinir claims Htaiust said eotute are notified tu preKPUt tn em to in in on or oeiore t!m l.Hli day of Nov., 1017, or this no tine will he ulead In bnrof their reco ery. All piTHOiinowlnif imid estate will pleat make immediate rettlenieut. Thw Nov. 18, 1UI0. S. L. B0LII30ER, Exetutor Ruobbg Eases Pain Rubbing series the liniment tingling through tl.e flesh and quickly Aopa pain. Demand a liniment that you can rub with. Tho bc2t rubluis liniment is Good for the A llmtnh of Hones, Mules, Cattle, Etc Good for yottt own Aches, Pains, Rhcurcia&ra, Sprains, Cuts, Burns, Etc 25c 50c tl At U Dealers. LINIMENT PROFESSIONAL,; E. Glenn Salmons, Resident Dentist. , BOONE, N. C. Offlce;atCritcher Hotel. OFFICE HOURS: ' "i 9:00 to. 13 a. m; 1:00 to 4:00 p.'mT" Dr. G. M. Peavler, Treats Diseases of the Eye, Ear Nose and Throat BRISTOL. TENN., 115 '14 ly, E. S. COFFEY. -AliOllNEfAlLAW,- Li JONE, N. C -rrompt attention given to all matters of a legral nature. : Abstracting titles and jouection ot claims a special ty. . l-l-'ll. Dr. Nat. T.Dulaney . - SPECIALIST - (Tl, KAR; H08B, THROAT ABO OBIS KTKS KXAMINBD FOrt OLA88KB FOURTH STREET Eristol, Tenn.-Va. 1 EHTf.xjtfD JONES LAWYER -LENOItt. N. 0,- W ill Practice Regularly in thef'Oiirtsot ftatfuga, 6.1 Mi L D-LOWC T. A. LOW, Ptneals, K. C Bonner Elk, N. C. LOWE & LOVE ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. Practice in the courts of Averr and surrounding counties. Care- tui attention given to an matters of a legal nature. , 7-6-12. F. A. LINNEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW,- " BOONE, N. C. Will practice in the courts of the 13th Judicial District in all matters of a civil nature. 8-11-1011. VETERINARY SURGERY.' When in need of veUr erimry surgery call on or write to G, H. Hayes : Veterinary Svrgeon, Vu ; las, N. C. 6-15-16, ' S. P, Lovlll. W. K I ovtl Lovill & Lovill ;i -Attorneys At Law -BOONE, N. G Snecial attention civen it all business entrusted tc1 their care. .. , T. E. Bingham, Lawyer BOON NE, -f- " N.C ' Prompt m I tentinn-given u 10- nll matters of a legal natur, Collection a specialty. ; Ollice with Solicitor F, A. Lie, ney 0 ,ly. Id. DR. R, D. JEISS RESIDENT) ENTIST Basnehs;Elk.N. C. j cT- 1 1. Ilnnnn nn first Mor dr of every month for 4 or 5 ft . in i and every court weK. umc the Blackburn Hotel. ; :.