i v. i 'i Mi VOL XXVIII. BOONE WATAUGA COUNTY, THURSDAY FEBRUARY 22, 1917. NO. 22. VP" Carranza Tries His Hand at an Identic. The de facto government of Mexico was fashioned very large ly by the hand of Uncle Sam. As our own creature, we are more or less proud of it. We gave Broth er 'Carranza a standing and a definite place in the family of Na tions, As soon as this was done the Mexican government, from its point of vantage among the Nations of the earth, proceeded to deliver to the United States a good curtain lecture on the sub ject of peace, with reference to our duty to mankind and the principles of humanity. Moreo ver, the de facto government put its lecture in the form of an 'iden tic note. How like a serpent's tooth in , the sting ofan ungrateful and in considerate and ungrateful and disrespectful child. The Mexican move has occasion lrus occasion ed some annoyance, too, if not embarrassment. Entente diplo mats in Washington entertain the suspicion, that the Mexican enterprise may have been inspir ed by the pernicious German in terests, a suspicion that is large ly shared, we are told, by official Washington. But, this has nothing in par ticular to do with the fact that His Whiskers said some very good and sensible things. The head of our neighbor, the Repub lic which we Jiave accorded full recognition, has a remedy for the world's woes. No doubt he is im pressed with the idea that a Cli r in tian civilization is behaving infi nitely worse than his unlettered and semi-savage Indians, a view point not all difficult to compre hend. He proposes a league of Neutrals, allied for the purpose of upholding, in every way pos sible, some code of international law, and the withholding of mu nitions and war supplies from all the fighting nations that are guilty of breaches of the' law. This, by the way, is no new idea at all. Millions of people all over the world have thought of it. i As a matter of facty most of the neu trals have proceeded upon some such idea as this from the 'begin ning of the war, and, instead of seeking to turn this great afflic tion of mankind to financial ac count, they have declined to en gage in the shell traffic. Mont of the nentral nations could act ea sily upon the t'aranza suggestion sinoft for them it would mmnlv mean the development of a poli cy loug pursued by them. Now that tde Mexican govern ment, as we have hitherto re marked, has a fixed place in the family, Carranza will have to. be answered. Secretary Lansing, it is believed, w ill write the answer, which will be to the general effect that it would ibe unneutral for the United States to withhold war supplies from the belliger ents. If this course is adopted the ' State Department will probably lay itself open to aupther deli cate, diplomatic call-down from our child. If the Mexican govern ment has found it possible to ( keep its archives in tact, if it has found it possible tokeep any rec ords, it will find atjlong its pa pers a State Department commu nication upon the subject of em bargoes on munitions, and how Nations at times feel obliged to withhold war supplies from bel ligerents. It was clearly stated in that note to Mexico that an embargo on arms was in harmo ny "with the best practices of , neutrality." , Our sovereign, if disobedient child, 1 might find' it possible td annov us some more, if becom ing habituated to note writing, it should address to the several neutral nations another identic "Cuts Out" Playing Golf on Sunday. "A bill to prohibit the playing ot golf on Sunday in the counties of Caldwell, Watauga and Avery was before a legislative corarai tee last week and was reported un favorably, Senator Gough of Ro beson being the only member of the committee who voted for it, There are golf links at Blowing Rock and Linville. Rev. Edgar Tufts, who is in charge of the Presbyterian school at Banner Elk, and who serves a number of churches in that section, thinks that Sunday playing is demoral izingthat it keeps boy s who are employed as caddies away from Sunday School and has a bad ef fect generally. Mr. Tufts was supported in his position by NOmeoftho summer visitors to Blowing Rock who are interested in his church work und by citi zens, including ladies and girls. Senator Nelson of Caldwell, who introduced the bill; Mr. Carson, a summer visitor to Blowing Rock; Representative Coffey of Watauga and Senator Braswell of Avery championed the meas ure. These two latter said they were for it because they thought their peo pie wauted it, and all spoke highly of the great work done, by Mr. Tufts in that sec tion. Senators Turner of Iredell and Linn of Rowan spoke against the bill. Neither play golf or other games on Sunday, but ar gudd that it was unfair to pass such a bill for ono section; that if passed at all it should be state wide, applying to all games. Sen ator Turner particularly empha sized the difficulty of regulating by law matters pertaining to Sabbath observance that are matters of conscience. Some peo ple object to automobile riding on Sunday, some to one thing and some to another, and it is impossible to regulate all these things by law. When such things become a disturbance or a nuis ance in a community there is a remedy under existing law. Mr. C. V. llenkel of Statesville, who appeared in behalf of himself and others interested in development at Blowing Rock, and whose company had established the golf links there, said that if the measure was made statewide he would favor it, but he objected to having it appear that hispe j pie at Blowing Rock and others in that section were sinners above all other sinners because a few of them played golf on Sunday. Mr. Hen kel doesn't play on Sun day at Blowing Rock because the sentiment generally was against it; that no caddy boys were em ployed in Sunday playing and that the few who played were not an annoyance to the neigh bors. Landmark. How To Check That Cold. When it is pamrui to breathe and fever sends chills up and down your back, yuu are in fora cold. A timely dose of Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Houey will stop the Mneezes and uniflies. The pine bal sam loosens the phlegm and clears the bronchial tubes, the honey soothes und relieves the sore throat. The antiseptic qual ities kill the uerui and the con gested condition is relieved. Croup, whooping cough and chronic bronchial affections quick ly relieved. At all druggists. 25c. Sometimes it looks as if a man tie of charity was cut on the short skirt pattern. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A note, including therein the Lans ing letter on the subject of neu trality and embargoes on war supplies. Greensboro News. Opening of the Farm Loan Banks. Charlotte Observer, A notable event this spring will be t he opening of the doors of the twelve Farm Loan Banks estab- lisbedbythe Government. The books have been kept open, the required thirty days for public subscription to capital stock, and the Government itself will subscribe whatever amount may be lacking. Shortly after the banks have begun operations, the mortgage bonds which the act contemplates issuing will be placed on the market. The Washington correspondent of The New York Journal of Com merce says it lias been prophesied that these farm loan bonds will be ready to market probably as early as March. "Inasmuch, " says the correspondent, "as the administrators of the law look upon these bond issues as afford ing good investments for the public, it is expected that they will bo studied very carefully in the bond market. As a matter of fact, it is hoped and anticipa ted that the farm loan bonds will betaken up largely by insurance companies and other similar fi nancial agencies which have am ple funds at their command to make such investments, although it is maintained that the bonds will afford an acceptable oppor tunity to individual investors." The farm loan bonds will sell at four per cent interest. The Farm Loan Board says the bonds will be issued in series of not less than f 00,000 each and probably not more than $250,000 each, as and when authorized and approved by the Federal Farm Loan Board after such investigation and ap praisement as it shall deem wise. They will be tho obligations of the issuing bank. Under this ar rangement it is entirely possible to try out the marks cautiously and to sell the bonds at the best time and under the best condi tions. An important feature is that they will be exempt, both as to principal and income, from Federal, State, municipal and local taxation. They will be is sued in denominations of $25, 5(1, $100 and $1,000. They V ill be in coupon form and may be exchanged into registered. It has been declared that they will be issued for a term of probably thirty years, redeemable after five years. The interest will be payable semi-annually. The 12 Federal land banks w ill be joint ly liable for interest payments up on the bonds issued by any one of their number, and for such portion of the principal as shall not bo paid after the assets of the issuing bunk have been liquida ted and distributed. The corres pondent quoted again points out that each mortgage is to be guaranteed by a "Farm Loan ssociation," of which the bor- rower is to be a member and a stockholder. On this stock will be a double liability. Each as sociation will bo required to pur chase stpck in the farm laud bank to the amouut of five per ceut of the loans to its members, and this stock is to be held by the bank as security on the association's guaranties. Each of the twelve land banks will start business with assets of $750,000, derived from the sale of its capital stock. This stock will increase with each loan made, to the amount of five per cent of such loan, until it rea ches $1,500,000, after which the repayment of the $750,000 ori ginally subscribed will begin, much repayment being concluded when the aggregate capital rea ches $3,000,000. i The investing public is repres ented as being disappointed that these'-rarm loan credits are to be started at a time when interna tional affairs are at such a pre carious stage. He Was His Own Grandfather. It was in tho far and wooly West that n wild-eyed, dissshev eled man applied for admission as an incurable -patient at the door of a lunatic asylum. The head physician cast h)s eyes up on him and marked him as his own. "But tell me how it happened," said the mild aud affable doctor, gazing down benignly upon the applicant. "I'll tell you how it is, doctor," said he, looking suspiciously ar ound the room as if in search of eavesdroppers. "1 was a re spectable, sober, religious man once; but site now what a wreck 1 have become. I met a young wid ow with a grown-up step daugh ter, and married the widow. Then my father met our step daughter and married her. That made my wife the mother-in-Iuw ot her father-in-law and made my ! step-daughter my mother, and my father became my step son. See? The patient gazed at the doc tor, who was looking at the coil ing as if absorbed in some calcu lation about a horsefly up there. The wild-eyed man went on: "Then my stop-mother, t li e step-daughter of my wife, had a son. That boy was of course my brother, because he was my fa ther's son; but he was also the son of my wine's step-daughter find therefore my grand won. That made mo grandfather to my step-brother. Thou mv wife had a hum. "My mother-in-law, tho stop sister of my son, also his grand mother, because he is the step son's child. My father is the brq-ther-in-law of my child because his step-sister is the wife. So l am tho nephew of my own son who is the grand-child of my st ep mother! "Now, just listen to this, which nobody but I has ever been able to cipher out. I am my mother's brother-in-law, my wife is her own child's aunt, my son is my father's nephew, and 1 am my own grandfather and I can't stand it. "1 have struggled against Run til my brain has given away, and if 1 cannot get relief here 1 will drown myself before 1 become my own grand child and have to be gin life all over again." The doctor sat mute aud mo tionless, and when the shades of evening closed around them the attendant found two patients in stead of one. Sloan's Liniment for Stiff Joints. Rheumatic pains and aches get into the joints and muscles, ma king every movement torture. Relieve your suffering with Sloan Liniment; it quickly penetrates without rubbing, and soothes and warms your sore muscles. The congested blood is stimula ted to action; a single applica tion will drive out the pain. Sloan's Liniment is clean, con. venient and quickly effective, it does not stain the skin or clog the pores. Get a bottle today at your druggist, 25c. Sympathy is the safeguard of the human soul against selfish ue88 Carlyle. ,. Soon Over His Cold Everyonp'speaks well of Cham berlain's, Cough Remedy uftflr having used it. Mrs. George Lew is, Pittsfleld, N. Y., has this to say regarding if: "Last winter my little boy. flveyears old, was sick with cold for two or three weeks. 1 doctored him aud used various cough medicine but noth ing did him much good until 1 began using tbaiaberlain s linni edy. He then improved rapidly and in a lew days was over bis cold." FOLEY KIDINOEYWS fQR BACKACHE. KICM41Y9 ANO.BWUMB, . Bismarck's Last Cigar. With all his brusqueness, aud even at times brutality, Bis- marck had much of the "live and let live" philosophy, and it hu manized him so that men loved him and willingly followed after him. The story of the last cigar at Koeniggratz illustrates what has been said. "Tho value of a good cigar," Bismarck said, as he proceeded to light an excellent Havana, "is best understood when it is the last you poesess and there is no chance of of getting another. At Koeniggratz I had only one ci gar left in ray pocket, which I carefully guarded during the whole of the battle, as a miser does his treasure. 1 did not feel justified in using it. I painted in glowing colors in my mind the happy hour when I should enjoy it after the. victory. But 1 mis calculated my chances. And what was the cause ol my mis calculations? A poor. dragoon. He lay helpless with both arms crushed, asking for something to refresh him. 1 felt in my pocket aud found only gold, aud that would bo of no use to hun. But stay, I still had my treasured ci gar! 1 lighted this for him and placed it between his teeth. You should have seen that poor fel low's grateful smile! I never en joyed a cigar so much as that one which 1 did not smoke." Frederick Marvin, in ' Fireside Papers. The Maneater. .lames Jim pson has a savage pup, and when it sees a stranger, it seems to wish to chew him up, aud put his life in danger. With smiling eyes James Jiiupson sees whene'er abroad he sallies, the people shinning up the trees, or sprint ing down the alleys. Some morning James will call his dog, and call and whistle vainly; it will be deader than a log, and out of business plainly. Some angry victim of its jaws will feed it deadly bitters, and w hoop a round with glee because he slew that worst of critters. It's strange how many take delight in causing grief to others, who seem to work, in foolish spite a guinst all men aud brothers. It's strange because the mau of sense must know that course is dotty; it stirs up hatred most intense, and causes language naughty. And why should any fellow wish to go forth seeking t rouble? We have enough unasked odsflsh! Why try to make it double? We have to treat our neighbors well, not on their corns bo treading, or this old world in which we dwell will furnish rocky sledding. Walt Mason in News aud Ob server. Overcome Chronic Consignation Don't continue to create a bad habit of strong purgatives. They relieve, and that is all. And they call for increased dosage. A sensi ble treatment will arouse the liver and give tone and strength to the bowels. It is offered in Many vears have shown thn une fiiiit'sS of this remedy. It's the Meal laxative, gentle, effective and KtrenKtliunJiiK. Now It may be ulitnltit'U In tablet form, for con venience In taking. ilutmlln will not form a habit of I'HlluirtlrB. UbrJ na directed, the Butfrur may reasonably ex pect not only immediate relief. uiit tns re-rormatfn of proper habits, In the natural way. Liquid if you desire it, f 1 and 35c. Tablets, 25c and 10c Carry a box with you. Conatlni'llon i lamely a matter nf habit. You van over come It with Matia lln'i help. The Peraaa Compaay, Cohimbua, . phlo GntitX$&tivt PROFESSIONAL. E. Glenn Salmons, Kcsidcnt Dentist. BOONE, N.C. Offlcet Critcher Hotel. OFFICE HOURS: 0:00 tT12 a. w; 1:00 to 4:00 p. in, Dr. G. M. Peavler, Treats Diseases of the Eye, Ear Nose and Throat BRISTOL. TENN., 1 15 '14 ly, E. S. COFFEIf. -ATiOIMEiAlLAW,- DOONE,N.C. I'woipt attention given to ill matters of a legal nature. Abstracting titles and collection ot claims a special ll-'ll. Dr. Nat. T. Dulaney SPECIALIST IB, BAR; NOSB, THROAT AND CHB8T XT KB KXAMINKD FOR GLASSES FOURTH STREET J Bristol, Tenn.-Va. EH7UJND J ONES LAWYER LENOIR, N. C,- . Will Practice Regularly in' the Courts of Watauga, 6-1 'u L. ! 1.0 WK lliiunur Klk, N. C. T. A- LOVK, Flueola, N. C. LOWE & LOVE ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. , Practice iu the courts of Avery and Hiirrouwliiig counties. Care ful attentiou given to all matters of a legal nature. 7-G-12. F. A.LINNEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, DOONE, N. C. Will practice in the courts of Watauga and adjoining coun- ' ties. ' VETERINARY SURGERY. Wicn in need of vet erinary surgery call on or write to G. H. Hayes Veterinary 'Svrgcon Vi las, N. C. 6-15-16. E. F. Lovill. W. R. Lovll Lovill & Lovill Attorneys At Law -BOONE, N. C Special attention given to all business entrusted to their careM , .. ,. .. T. E. Bingham, Lawyer BOONE, - . N.C "Promptattention eiven to nil matters of a legal nature CollectioDH a specialty. Office with Solicitor F. A. Lio uey , 9, ly. pdj - i DR. R. D. JENNINGS RESIDENT DENTIST Banners Elk, N. C. At Boone on first Monday 7 ' ' $( of Hvprv rrinnth flip J. ni K J... V.?1-'V if ' and every court week. Office tit ' v " the Blackburn Hotel. '! . ; t mi :V' -: ...'.-( v,v ','1. f,ne