ISfytinXatmw Democrat l-f R. C. Rivers, Proprietor. ' Thursday, Makcu 1.1917. - PH J B..I-..J fl .1- ui. j. m vvu m hi nosDicis iui ltiuurd. A delegation of citizens from Watauga had u conference with Mr. George Johusoti, President j . vi wv ngiiiiii-iumiiiiu uunwuy I '.1 m . . , IU ... 1,.,-, Thursday eveniuc re ativo to the extension of his roud from Elk- land to noono. They came back uuus.ieu tu at, ii 10 roan wouiu no built if thin Company can be sat ioiiqu tiiuu iictitu numi luiiii jreigui 10 jusuiy liscoiiHirucuon. Mr. Johnson usks for no bonds, l A. A 1 . . i and says they urn willing and mi "; dyto build the cxti-nnion when the Company is convinced that Watauga lias Hiillicicnt tonagi to justify tint expenditure! of tin large amount of money ncci'ssii ry for its completion. At a meet iug of the citizens at the court house Monday night anuinbcrul' committees were appointed to get up the statistics showing the available resources of t he conn ty, which will lie submitted to Mr. Johnson at an early date While every citizen knows, or pugbt to know, that wo have the required freight, yet it is up to the neonlo to tret the fact s in con crete form so as to bo able to k i o convince this company that it is will pay them to extend their thoir road. One essential wouh be building good roads to get our freight to the road w h e n built. It seems that we have a most excellent chance to get this iuttu ui u very eariy oate, ami we expect the matter to be settled in a very short time. The Body of Jobo Henderson Exhumed. On last Saturday, in obedience ta a summons recently served up on him, Dr. Me. I). Little had tin gruesome remains of John Hen derson disinterred and, in the presence; of fifty or more specta tors gave the putrid body a very thorough examination, his find ings to bo used as evidence in the case of Slate against Mrs, Alice Henderson, widow of de ceased, nnd her brother, Fred Andrews, who are held to court charged with either being guilty of, or accessory to thekilliu of Henderson last October. Ah our. readers remember I lender son died of; knife wounds in his throat, and it was supposed Una lie had committed suicide, but it was thought by some that the defendants were guilty, and were arrested,; t ried and released for want of evidence. Later evidence developed; they wore re-arrested, and eullicient evidence developed to bind them to court, hence thin examination. The lr. says the body was in a high state of pu trifaction, but lie was able to make theexamination very thor ough, and that he was unable to to detect miy bruises about the head or other parts of the body, and if he made any discovery indicative of hnil play, he did not express it. However, his find ings will all bo given in his ex pert testimony at court. M iss Elea nor Clark d ied at Old Fort on the 24th, and her re mains were brought to Lenoir for burial last Monday. Miss Clark was a dn lighter of Mr. V. 1). Clarke, of Statesville, but for merly of Blowing Bock; and will also be remembered by Boone . people uj the trained nurse who attended the late Sheriff Bagan. Sho was injured in nu automo bile uccideiil last fall near Ashe'. t ville, since which she has not done regular uursiug, bu t she had recently volunteered her services to the Red Cross in case war was declared, and would have gone whenever needed. Mr. Clark's Wa tauga friends will sympathize with him in this great sorrow. Children Cry. i, FOR FLETCHER'S -CASXaRIA SLlodi Items. There has been and is yet much suffering from grip, colds herea bout, among the sufferers the following: Mr. .1. W. Thomas i and wife, Abner L. Dotson and family, Mrs. David Warren, and others. Messrs John and Andy Hicks have moved to Shulls Mills where they have secured positions with the Whiting Lumber Company, this company doing ranch to de velop Watauga's resources and bring this rich county to the no- tice of the outside world, the first time this has been done by a rail road corporation "since o 1 d Gtandfather was born!" Miss Alberta Thomas is study ing nursing m Washington City, her sister Miss Wilma spending the winter with the family of Judge Battle of Bocky Mount, and Miss Myrtle Thonin.3 is astu dent In the "Eye" School at Val leCrueis, Miss Horner, Principal.' Miss Sarah Dyer is at school at Mountain City while spending the winter with lier parents, Mr. and Airs. John W. Dyer, John Dyer the inventor of the famous barrel manipulator which has al ready received favorable mention by manufacturers of barrels and users thereof. Rev. and Mrs. F. V. Tomkins and baby have been visiting his parents in the City of Brotherly Love, Mrs. Tomkins renewing her art studies meanwhile, being an artist of rare attainments nl ready. Brother Tomkins has done a fine work. Mr. Drury Dyer, father of Ci cero Dyer of Valle Cruris is now ill at his sou's home. The Rev. Brother Hamilton of the Methodist Church on thiH cir cuit has been doing a fine work among us and wo pray special blessing from above on the con secrated man of God. The Revs. George Trivett and Henry Glenn are also to bo com mentieu lor meir zeal ana ear nestnes in furthering the Mas ter's cause in their respective communities. As spring approaches our far mers our tanners are preparing for the coining "contest with na ture" in which the farmer hopes to bo victor. An agricultural paper fwr perusal during the win ter is a good form of prepared ness. Subscribe now. George Thomas ami wife have been spending the winter with his parents hut will soon move U . i n it. t uie anon piace owned uy ins father, J. VV. Thomas. Mrs, Tuoinus is the daughter or Mr Abner Cook of Watauga Falls. Mrs. C. C. Miller At Rest. On last Saturday, February 24, our dear mother and grand mother, Mrs. Camilla Miller pass ed away at the age of 82 years. While we regret the loss of our dear, precious friend, we rejoice that her soul is sweetly resting in the arms of Jesus. She had suffered very greatly of late, and tated a nnniber of times that he was going home to her lov ing Savior, and her prayers were many lor poor lost sinners. Just efo-iu she died she clasped her hands and praised God and shou led for joy. She told one of her sons that she wanted to walk on God's foot stool once more and praise God But she was too weak, just like many, many ol us will be it the Lord permits us to live long en ough. "Grandma" called two of her grand-sons to the bed just n few hours before she died, and told them to repent of their sins and turn away from sat an. 'Boys be a light in the world. You've served the devil long enough. Oh, that every sinner could see the danger before them before God calls them away. There is so much i icnsure in true reliirion. Mrs. fli liter was the mother of seventeen children, ten of whom survive, six sons and fourdaugh- j. oi... i i-. . . i i ieis. emu huh nveu u goou, ciins tian life ever since she gave her young heart to Christ. Let us all strive to meet our dear, de censed. A Sad Daughter and Granddaughter. . letter From Mr. W.W. Striegfellow. Editok Democrat: I enclose you wholesale price list of coun try produce which 1 have cut from a Birmingham, Alabama, paper which is a fair sample of prices now prevailing in must cit - ies of the South. 1 think, there fore, you cannot too much im press upon the people of our coun ty the importance of planting large crops of potatoes and on ions, both of w hich, with proper attention, will give better re sults in Watauga county than any place in the Soulh I know of. You will notice on the price list that potatoes are bringing $3,00 per bushel and 'onions $10,00 per hundred pounds. There is, however, a big risk in raising potatoes unless they are sprayed to prevent blight, and it is no use to spray them af ter the blight appears. They should be sprayed at least three times, beginning when about six inches high. This is not ex pensive and will return a hundred fold fn results achieved. Now I no not expect, of course, that prices .quoted above will be prevailing when crops are gath ered, but I do believe that wo will receive at least double what we have ever received before the Eu ropean demand will keep prices of these two vegetables high. This .coming year is going to be the .formers' year for great re sults for his labors, if properly us. ed. They should start the year with the determination that not a single day should be lost from their fiield when ground is in con dition to note, but don't make the mistake of working it wet, 1 would certainly like to fee every man in the county this year with a bank account and I don't be lieve in my life time he will have such another chance. Very truly, W. W. STRING FELLOW. Birmingham, Ala., Eeb. 20. Training School Items. Professors Brown and Greer went with the railroad delega tion to Abingdon last week, re turning on Friday afternoon. Here's hoping that much good may result from the trip. Rex Cox, a formerstudeut, was here t he first of the week., to see his sister, lie is just homo on a visit, lie has been in Colorado for some two years, and reports that he is getting on well. This is good news to his friends. The water system at the school has been materially improved by running phes from springs on Mr. B. J. Count-ill's land on the side of Howard's Hnob. We were surprised to see the work done in such a short time, but when we learned that .it was under the di rection of Mr. Couucill we knew the secret. lhe boys gymnasium will, with a sullicient supply of mate- rial, be completed in a reaeoua' bly short time. While not a cost ly building, it will be a neat, well- built one: Mr. R. L. Bingham is doing the work with his accus tomed faithfulness and dispatch Spring is near. Iiet all help to make the catnpuB the most beau tiful pluce to be found in this sec tion. We will lend a hand. Innetivity Causes Constipatiou Lack ol exercise m the winter is a fn queiit cause of constipa tion. Y u til luayy, dull Hnd isUess, your omplexion 1.4 sal dw and pimply, and energy at low ebb. Clean up this condition Jitonce with l)rs King's New Life Pills, a miid laxative that re- lieves the congested intestines wit hout griping. A dose before retiring will assure you a full nnd easy movement in the tuornmc -Tjc, at yourDruggisr. Quality Printing Is a necessary adjunct to any business, and that' is the kind always turned out by the : : WATAUGA PRINTING COMPANY V BOONE, N. O. I Another Suggestion for County Home. Well, welll Am I to be the one to oppose Brown, Hartzog and Shipley in their talk about the. I place (or home as it shouid bo called, if there was one)? No, I do 'not, nor wfll 1 oppose anything they have said as their urguments are too true. I have been there and have seen for myself. A little girl asked me to let her go with me over thero to see what kind of a place it was, as she had heard so mud i about it. So I want her to go and see, and then when a new one is built lot her and see again. If the taxpayers of our county would go to Wilkesboro and see the home that the people of that county have for their unfortu nate poor, they would come back with the determination to build a good, nice, comfortable home for our unfortunate poor. They cannot help their condi tion, and the thing to do is to sell the farm and home, if home it could be called) and select a nice place near some good road or nearer town, and build a nice up-to-date, commodious home that every citizen would bo as proud of as the people of Wilk county are of theirs, foryou hear more oi mac nome tuun any home in Wilkes county, and it would be so here if we had such a home. C. J. COTTKELL Boone, N. C , Feb, 20. Eighty-Seven Years Old. ' H. H. Adams, Springfield, Mo, writes: '! hud a severe attack o kidney trouble. I am getting old H7 years. I tried different treat meuts, but none did me so much good as lolev kidm-v Pills I' oley Kidney Pills build up weak ened kidneys, help rid the blood of acids and relieve bladder trou bles. Sold evey where. NOTICE. North Carolinu, Watauira Countv In the Sutwrior Court, H B Maghee Trustee and AduiiniHtrutor for the r.state of Jolm A Mat'liee. vb W W liindinan, Margaret Hinriinan W 8 wimiiiK, Hnone Fork Lumber Co. auu Heetili Mountain Lumber Co. Tlie (U)f(MnlantH above named -will take Hntice that an action entiled an above has been commenced In t h superior vjouri or me said county 01 VViuhul'h, that the pupruope of Vaii action itt to have defendant anil oth ers declared truHtees for plaintiff and others in certain real estate situate in tlie county of Watauga, known as the Himlman lauds. And said defend ants will further, take notice that they are required to appear at the next term 01 tne superior Court of the said county of WatauKa to be held to held in 1 he court house in the town of hoone, N. C, 011 the thin luoimay iu marcn, 1:11 1, una answer or demur to tlie complaint in said action, ortlie plaintiff will npp!y to ine court mr tne reiier demanded iu tills complaint. This the Stu dav of January, 11)17, W, D. FARTHING, C. S. C. NOTICE. North Carolina Watauga county in the hupenor court. A. N Church vs. M. .1. Church. the defendant above named will take notice that nn action entit led as above has been commenced in the Siitieriorconrt of Watauga county for the purpose of dissol ying the bonds of matrimony ex. istiug Detween plaintiff and de fendant; and the said defendant will further take notice that she is required to appear at the term of the Superior court of said co. to be held on the third Alondny alter the first Monday in March, J'Jl i at the court house m said natnuga county, N.C nnd an swer or demur to the comnlaint of the plaintiff in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This January t, 1VH. W. D. Fahtihxg, C. S. C. Beautiful Town Property tor Sale. Owing to a contemplated change m my location, i have decided to sell myeight-room buncralowand lot, containing three fourths of nn acre. I ho house is bunt of the best lumber procurable, is neat ly painted, and is "close in" to the framing School. A bargain for the quick buyer. W. 0. HARTZOG. Boone, N. C. WOOL WANTED! Send sam- plea and prices to CAROLINA COTTON MILLS, Maiden, N. C. FOLEY RIDNEYPILLS TOR BACKACHE KIDNEYS AND QlAOOEft John E. Brown Lawyer, boone, . . . N.C. 4- Prompt attention given to all matters of a legal nature. Col lections a specialty. OHice with Lovill & Lovill. FARM FOR SALE. SIXTY ACKES of wellim proved hind, within two miles of Mountain City, Tenn. Produces large crops; has good water; some timber: tine orchard; near church, store and fine communi ty, near a proposed pike. Buildings all nearly new; good residence, barn, and all needful outbuildings. For a quick sale will take $r,000 for it and give immediate possession if sold at once. Land all around it sells at f 1 00.00 per acre. See John Adams Mountain City, Tenn. Linville River Railway Company TIME TABLE NO, 78 In Effect 0:40 a. in. Monday Dee. 18th, 191G. Central standard time EASTWARD STATIONS No. 2 No. 4 P. M. 12.50 1.15 1,25 1.45 2.00 2.40 3.10 3.35 4.15 4.30 P. M. P. M. 5.30 5.45 5.55 G.05 615 0.30 Lve. Cranberry Arr. Minneapolis Jet. Vale Newland . Montezuma Tineola Linville The Gap Foscoe Arr. Shulls Mills Lve. P. M. No. 1 and 4 are daily pasHenjter trains. Noh 3 and 2 are mixed train, aud run daily except Sunday. Went bound trains have rij-ht of track Cranberry. Newland, Monte.uma and Pineola are ticket offices. Al others are Flag Stations at present. N. L. MAST, Pres. G, P. HAGAMAN, Cash. The -That Appreciates and Capital, Surplus, Profits and Stockholders. to serve them. " ' . .: cuiiucr. hp coundence tneiMonlp hn LFisnciuif L'.i i.iih nr.izi.rihi i-ti u ntnn.. ... 11 . a .i,,.,,, U ,,, UCIj CI IJf UlO Hill VP belM 11, to achieve in building up a strong bankinff h 11 11 our improved enuinnianr r u..o The Watauga County Bank BOONE, NOHTII CAROLINA. L, D. LOWE. President. .. . rwini, Vioe-Preildent. L. U. FARTHING, Cashier. The Valle We o icttheoccountspfalllpersonslinthisnew Bank and we wdl do our bent to accommodate the people and render the Kraatert service couUtant with sound banking STOP! LOOK! LISTEN! I am now at Riverside bu vintr merchant and farmer will do well Helling. I keep in touch with the enabling me to pay you the top market prices for ail you have to wU at all timet Anyone can get my prices for the askin. Corres. pondence solicited. 1 am iu the market for r1. t,H. f ., age, roots, herbs and country produce. & m - o-.a- My motto: 1-neuds and customers. Chelola Mill. On account of thesmallamount of grain left in the county wewill after February 17 grind only once a week, on Saturdays. CHETOLA MILL. Blowing ltock, N. C. FOR SALE. One nice town lot in East Boono, nearly level, good loca tion, good spring aud barn. A bargain. See II. M. Lewis, Boone N. C Painful Coughs Relieved. Dr. King's New Discoyery is a southing, healing remedy for coughs an 1 colds that has stood the test of nearly fifty years. For that cough that strains the throat and saps the vitality try Dr. King's New Discovery. The Nootbing pine balsams and mild laxative ingredients soon drive the cold from the system. Have a bottle on hand for winter colds, croup, grippe and bronchial af fections. At your druggists 50c. WESTWARD No.l No. 3 A.M. 7.45 7.30 7.17 7.10 7.00 6.45 A. M. 10.50 10.30 10.15 10.05 9.50 9.30 9.00 8.40 8.00 7:45 A.M. A.M. GEO. W. HARDIN, Supt.. W. C. COFFEY, VicePrw. J. T. MILLER. AsH'tPftah Bank Protects itsCustoma Liability :: :.: y S50 000 00 appreciate the 8 they have instir.ntirvn uc"" luan everprepard tr t, ... and shinning ni,, to get my prices before buying or best markets at ll M Respectfully, N. a PARSONS