ten (Sfc B&atauga democrat Town and County. Mr. J. JJ. Norton, of Elkin, is in Watauga for a few days. Corn, chop, cotton seed meal and seed oats on band at Black burn's. Attorney E. S. Coffey return ed yesterday from a busiuess trip to Morganton. -You can still find a nice and good assortment of shoes in stock at Blackburn's. Mr. Geo. P. Hagaman, Cash 1 ierbf the Watauga County Bank, is attending court at Leuuir this week. . -Mr. I. 8. Watson, of Stony Fork, was in lown a short while yesterday, on his way home from a visit to his eons at Hack ett. Blackburn has an extra as sortment of stylish clothing on band that he is selling below the market prices. So don't delay in buying. Dr. Salmons has broken earth preparatory to erectiDg a mod ern residence on a pretty site near the store of Mr. J. S. Wink ler and almost facing the Metho dist parsonage. Attoeney John E. Brown, Secretary to Congressman R. L Doughton, is expected homo im mediately after the adjournment of Congress. This for the benefit of his clients. Mrs. B. J. Council!, who at tended theCoffey-Finley nuptials at North Wilkesboro yesterday, will visit her son Tracy, a stu dent at the University, before she .returns. Mrs. John E. Brown and children took rooms temporari ly Monday in the home of Mr. Frank Lovill, Jr., but, will move to their recently purchased prop erty as soon as it is vacateb by Mr. Clay Trivett, which will be within the next few days. If there is any church in the county that would like to have the Watauga County Sunday Sunday School Convention which will will be in session on the 27th, 28, aud 20th of April, 15)17, please notify W. 11. (Irugg, Boone N. C. Five members were recived into the Baptist church in Boone by baptism on Monday evening last, these being the first to re ceive the rite in the baptistry ol the new church; this, by the way, being-the only baptistry in the county. Mr. Weyiuan Johnson, sou of 'Mr. and Mrs. Ivimber Jonson, of Rutherwood, lelt last Monday forGreeve, Mont., going with his brother, Charles Johnson, who hap been visiting his parents for a few weeks, he having made his home in Montana for the past two years. Mr. M. A. Teague has sold his neat little farm near town to Mr. J. Pat. Hodges, of Boone, and has bought the "Franky Cook place," on the turnpike 8 miles beyond Blowing Rock, in Caldwell county, wfltere he will move next week . The Democrat hopes that the change will mean much, financially, for the aged citizen. . A young man, George Mc Glamery by name, was found dead on Fork Ridge, this coun ty, on Friday of last week, and, from appearances, life bad been extinct for several days. As the Coroner was not in the State no inquest was held, but the pre' vailing opinion is that whiskey and exposure was the cause of his death, as near the body was a botte of the death-dealing flu id. We are told that McGlamery was a fugitive from justice and was wanted in both Watauga and Johnson county, Tenn. WANTED TO BUY: A good strong horse, suitable for farm work. T. B. Moore, Baone, N.C. A Shulls Mills correspondent writes that Mr. Hill Simmerly, one of the E. T. & W. N. C. rail road boys, has been seriously ill at Shulls Mills Hotel, but adds that he is now on the high road to recovery. Miss Daisy Byrd, of The Lincoln Memorial Hospital at Knoxville, Tenn., was his nurse. , A citizen of the county, dri ving a heavy yoke of cattle to a wagon, was in town Monday, and while the oxen were resting in mud say some eight inches ideep.theteumster was aproached by a public-spirited citizen on the subject of bonds for good roads m tho county, and to find out where he stood was indeed an ea sy matter. "I want," said he, the' county to vote bonds for the constrncion of public roads after we have railroad facilities here, but until that time 1 am against bonds." He clucked to his trusty team, the wagon started thru the mud which was of uncertain depth, and, to ull apearances, was oblivious to the fearful con dition of the road over which, or through which, he was traveling. This is one way of looking at it. Are Your Sewers Clogged? The bowels are the sewerage system ot the burly, toucan well imagine the result when they are tstoppped up as is the case iu con stipation. As a purgative you will find Chamberlain's Tablets excellent. They are mild and gen tie in their action. They also iin prove the dige6ttiou. BLOWING ROCK BREEZES The meeting at the Methodist church is still in progress and the iuterest is growing, largecon gregations attending each ser vice. Rev. Edgar Tufts, of Buuuer Elk, preached a very interesting sermon Sunday night. Brother Waters has been prea ching some plain and practical sermons, l-.very one who has heard him is pleased with his Her mons. The meeting may contin ue several days yet. We hope much good niayjbe accomplished. Mr. and Mrs. Grover Walters were made happpy a few days ngo over the arrival of a fine ba by girl at their home. The stork also visited the home Mr. und Mrs. Dowell Tester aud left a ba by girl. There is also a new arri val of another girl ut the home1 of Mr. and Mrs. John C. Greeen. The people of our village are car rying out the injunction, "Be fruitful, multiply Und replenish the earth." Mr. W. L. ('lisp has been suf fering from neuralgia and an at tack of gripe. He is much impro ved and is now uble to be at hit post of duty. Mr. Mrslial Pendley is again able to be about town. He has been confined to his room since Dee. 2'. nursing a fractured leg. Mr. Amos Henley is visiting at Globe. He is going back to Wash ington in a few days, and several of our people are talking of go ing with him. Hon. E. S. Coffey, and G. P. Hagaman Cashier of the Watau ga County Bank, spent Sunday night at the Rock on their way to Lenoir. W. M F. Mrs. L. M. Thomas, 729 Tenth Ave., Hickory, N.C, says: "Some time ugo I was down with back ache, brought on by kidney trou ble. The pain bothered me par ticularly in the morning. After I got up and around for awhilr the trouble wore off, but appear ed again the next morning. " My ankles also became swolen. 1 heard Doan's Kidney Pills high ly spoken of and I got some. They gave me relief from the first and two boxes removed the trouble." WANTED: 25 cords of 10 inch wood put up. Will pay $1.00 per cord. T. B. Moore, Boone, N. C. WANTED. A few girls for our sewing rooms, to make overalls. Good pay for good workers. Write Southern Manufacturing Compa ny, Chester, S. C, Mr. J. B. Moore's Accident It is learned from the Watau ga Democrat that "Mr. T. li. Moore is suffering from a right badly sprained ankle, tho result of falling from a ladder while do ing some repair work on his barn" Mr. Moore's Statesvillo friends will bo sorry that misfortune has come to him. But what's Tom doing with a barn, anyhow, in this day of automobiles? Must be a typographical error and Tom was at work on Jus garage. Nevertheless Mr. Moore will npt let this one little accident discourage him in being handy man around the premises, as that is part of the duties . of the married man. Landmark. Different Kinds 01 Coughs. Colds lead to different kinds of cnughs "drycotigb," '"w inter cough", la grippe cough, bron chial cough, astbmetic cough, and racking, painful cough to raise choking phlegm. Enos Hal- bert, Paoli, lud., writes. "1 con tinually coughed, could hardlv sleep. Foley's Honey and Tur re- lied me, curing my cough entire A Card of Thanks. We wish to express our heart felt thanks to our friends aud neighbors for the kindness and sympathy shown us during the long illness, death and burial of our dear old mother. May the blessings of God be theirs. U. B. & Mus. Miu.ku. Stony Fork, N. C. Signs 01 Good Health. Bright eyes, clear skins, alert brains and energetic movements are siuns of good health. You don't have them when digestion is impaired and firmenting, de caying food clogs the intestines. Foley Cathartic Tablets set you right. Act without pain, griping or nausea. Too-stout persons welcome the light feeling the y brlug. Sold everywhere. Notice! You will find good hay, corn, bran, cotton seed meal, oats etc. tor sale at l . w. v inkier s ien- dence, Shulls Mills, N. C. Winkler Bros. Feed Co. For Sale. l.'H) acres land, .'I miles Shulls Mills R. R. Station. (JO acres cleared. Remainder well timber ed. 400 best variety, bearing fruit trees in good condition. Other splendid improvements. For price und terms sue .1. H. WINKLER. Blowing Rock, N. C. Make Ycur Kiddies Lauga Cl.i.jren smite lun ll.ey tuko Foley's Honey and T&r 1st, It hi:.teH !ood. 2nd, It mukes tlicm feel good. It will turn a feverish, frcttyl, cough ing child into a happily uniting our.' Because It puts a healing, toothing coating on a feverish, inflamed, tickling throat, j It helps inuiAcs and stuff;-, wheezy breathing. It stops couj'tia quickly, and it wards off croup. It contains no opiates, does not up-, let a delicate stomach, and the lust drt, in the bottlo is just as good as the lust, fry it. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature of Get Your L1 PA r From Elkland Supply Co. TODD, N. C. GRAIN FLOUR 'PROVISIONS AND PRODUCE Fertilizers, Etc. THE TRADE OF WATAUGA PEOPLE INVITED New Building near Todd Mercantile Co., . Todd, N. C. msm Many a woman hesitutes be tween saving money and invest ing it in jewelry. U't the Bank of lilowiug Rock help you to tli jewel you crave by piling uythe interest on every saved dollar. Here's the only way to earn "found money." Start saying today. FOR DRUGS OK Anything Pharmaceutical 'Phono or write BALLEFS CASH PHARMACY, LENOIR, N.C. "The etore with a pedigree and a reputation." Equipped with the most com plete line and greatest va riety of drug merchan dise to be found be tween Charlotte and Asheville. Give Us Your Patronage. Notice of Sale. North parol inn, Wntsuitfii county, ii tilt miperior court before tlm t'li'rk. K J Norrin luliutiiixtrutor of John F. Mitchell (Ici-t'iiHed N Ann Mil chell, widow of John F, Mitchell. A fitly Mitchell, Joxepti Mitchell. Frank Mitchell, Kirt Mitchell, Car. nil Mitchell, I'.it M.it;hll, l.in.ln (ii iiueH unci the licirH of Het Mitch ell (uhiiich unknown) heirs ut law ol John F. Mitchell, I'nder anil by virtue of an order ol the superior court of Watauga comi ty iuiuIo in a Kpt cial proceed iiiL' in the Hboveentitled ection, the tinilcl Hiwrnvil comniiHMioner will on the fill: dav of March till 7. the mime belnt' the lirKt Monday in cniil month, at IV o clock at t lie court lionw door in Hoone, Watauga county, North Cnr olina oiler for Kale to the highest bid tier upon the following teruin: 1 third cah iloivn, J in hix iiiomUik anil the remaining out) third on VI months time the deferred piiymelitH to bo Ke en red by uote with approved nectirity raid notes to bear intercut from date of Hule until paid three xevcral tract or parcelH of Imid lying and being In Cove Creek towiiHhip, Watauga conn ty. North Curoliuti aud described at follow: Firnt Tract. Adjoining the lande of 8 J Price, ti 11 lliirtii and ot her beginning at a taki in the public road, Therren Inaacn corner and S J Price's corner; thence 8 " K 12 po to a fluke' tlience an eunt. course. l'JJ pole to a Ktake then N i W 12J txile to a vtake at the public road i:i Titer reti Isaac line; then a went coimc with the road and said Junius line l'J'J poles to beginning and containing 1 acre more or lexx, t he deed to hi id he ing recorded in book 18 page 4."D on (let 4, MO. Second Tract. Adjoining thelaod of Lark 1'eiiuell, K A Niuitli and ot li t r", beginning on a stake in the road, mountain road, and running an east course With the public road 'A" pedes to white oak II A Smith corner, then a north course li poles to a mahogany 8 .1 Price corner, then same course with Price line 51) poles to stake in Prices line, then W with the extreme heighth of a ridge 25 poles to a stake then a straight course 47 poles to the beginning containing H acres more or less the deed being recorded in hook 18 page 40H on Oct. :J, 1UKI, Third Tract. Adjoining the land ol K F Bingham (J li llarstin ami oth ers, beginning on a wahoo and nm ning N 4 K HH poles to a stake in t lie public, road Bingham ami Price cor uer, then K with road !)H poles to a stake John Mitchell corner then N 47 poles with Mitchell line to a stake ' on top of a ridge, then W poles to ! beginning aud containing Hj acres I more or less, the deed to same being ' recorded in liook lttif xlcwU page 457 on (let 3, 11)10. The several tracts I will be sold separately or together or I both as may appear best to baid com i uiissioner, and deed executed to pur chaser upon full compliance with the terms ot said sain. This Feb. 1, 11)17. E. J. NOUKliv, Com. Supplies New Year's As New Years Resolutions are now in order, allow me to suggest one that may save you a good many hard earn ed dollars during the year 1017. Resolve that you will buy the most goods for the least money, and that you will examine my stock and prices be fore buying at all. I am well prepared to take care of your wants and will take pleasure in doing it. My stock will be fuller this year than ever before, and I am prepar ed to sell at as close a margin as any one. Thanking you for your past patronage, and hoping to merit a continua- tion of the same by selling you good goods at right prices I T?m, Yours for 1917, J. S-WINKLEE A Good Beginning followed up by close applications of business methods will usually make a good ending. I have decided to follow these principles for the coming year and in so doing will give his customers the benefit of his exper iences and prices on his stock of goods, most of which was bought before the great advance in prices. , Notions of various kinds at bargain prices. The la test shapes and styles. Hardware of all kinds at the lowest prices. A nice line of groceries always in stock at the best prices. My Line of Shoes is the best. Shoes are indispensable and my line should not be o verlooked. In fact you can find anything necessary for everyday consumption. I thank you for past pa tronage and hope to merit your future business. M, B. BLACKBUE1T, BOONE, - N.C. $4$ ROOFING j m -vaa f ' v u 7 15 y roofing - -!S set 15 when Certain-teed Qulitr Roofing It means the best protection for your buildings. You can test ronfinff until the cows come home by every known meant twirt It, pull it, tear it, bite it and when you get through you'll know juitai much about liow long it will wear as when you started. Even a roofing expert can't tell by any test how long roofing will lasO The ouly true test is on the roof. When a manufacturer has the faith in his product to stand behind it with a 15-year guarantee, backed by the responsibility his three big roofing mills there's the kind of dependable product we are looking for to sell to our customers When in need of Building Materials. Lumber of alt kinds, Stock Mouldings, Mill work, etc, remember that we handle tjiulity good and, our prices at. right. ,y Get The Best. BERNHARDT -S EAGLE CO WHOLESALE AND RETAIL HARDWARE AND FURNITURE LENOIR, - iNORTH CAROLINA, Resolutions. Why should you take lest than years service when you buy when you know you can years guaranteed service you buy Durability Guarant6