ifltf 5:1 HOW OUR FIGHTING SHIPS ACTUALLY STAND TODAY. Th following table shows the United 8tates warship completed and which are ready for ervlce or will be with a tow UujV overlutullug: In cominlsilun. lloserve Com. Out of Com. Total. BattleBhlps. first linn UattleshlDs. second line J i Z lArmored eruteeni J , i g Tint rlass cruirers 11 1 60 rorpdo boat destroyers sa iBubinarlnes " " . ' Th snner-drcadnnuirhts New Mexico, Mississippi and idano, eacn or ww ions. I are now about r?"r cent completed. Work I mi teen sUrted on the super-dread-l3wh ST Tennessee 'and Cornfa. both of S.MU fony. .,.. Th. first line battleships lnrluile Ihcie HUper-dreudnaiiKh's: Pennsylvania, Arizona, ATlMZM li !?. Oklahoma, Texas and Wyoming -K. Of the twenty-three second line batileshlps In (uU or reserve commission all could quickly be made reauy itr acuv m Recently invented stuffed ani mals for children have skins that may be removed and washed. WORK THAT TELLS. HIGHEST NAVAL OFFICER Extensive deposits of lignite have been, discovered in Sicily and mining of fuel of fine quality has been begun. REAR ADMIRAL W. S. BENSON. Chief of naval operations and rank Ing officer of the United States navy since the death of Admiral Dewey. HOWS THIS. VV offur One Hundred Dollars Itmvard for anv case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's rn.tn.rrh Mtnlicinc. Hall's Catarrh Medicine lias been taken by catarrh Batterers for the past years, and has become known as tue mosi nuia ble remedy for Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Medicine acts tlirougli the Blood on the Mucous surfaces exjx.'lliiig the poison from the blood and tieainiir me uiwuw.-u nortions. Aftur von have taken Hall's Catarrh Medicine for a short time you wHl see a great improvement in your general health. Start takinir Hairs Catarrh Medicine at once and cet rid of catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. Ciiknky & Co., Toledo, 0 Sold by all Druggists, 75c. In 1910 23,500,000 persons attended the schools of the Uni ted States. The Kind Boone Readers Appreciate. To thoroughly know the vir tues of a inpdicine ycu must in vestigate its work. Dean's Kid- V.... t . t . . i ney fills stand mis test, ana plenty of proof exists here in this locality, ruopie who resuiieu years ago to relief from back ache, kidney and urinary disor- it i 1.....J.; ders, now give counrmeu uibiiuiu ny declare the result lasted- Can any I'oono sufferer longer doubt the evidence? W. M. Childers, farmer, Lenoir, X. C. says: "I had kidney trou ble tdr over four years and my back was in such bad shajw at times I had to quit work. I tried everything 1 heard of, but got no better until i used uoan ividiiey 1'ills They fixed me up in good shape." (Statement given Feb. 11,11)11.) CONVINVINII 1'ROOK. Decembers, HH4, Mr. Child ers said: "1 have had no kidney trouble for some time and I am convinced that Doau's Kidney Pills cured me. They are a line kidney medicine." Price r0c, at all dealers. Don't simply fisk for a kidney remedy get Doans Kidney Pills the same that Mr. Childers hail. Foster-Milburn Co., Props., Buf falo, X. V. SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES. , i By virtue of the power vested ill me by law; I will offer for sale to the highest bidder atthecotrt house door in Boone, Watauga county, X. C, on the 5th day of March. 191 , the following lands for delinquent taxes for the years 1015 and 1 5)1(5. The cost of levy and advertising to be added fn ach case: Stomach Troubles. If you haye trouble with your stomach you should try Cham berlain h Tablets. So runny have betu restored to health by the use of these tablets nnd t ti e i r cost is ho little. 25 cents, that it is worth while to give them a trial. A DR. ALFRED W. DULI r EYE SPECIALIST TO SEE BETTER SEE DULI. 17 Year's Experience The Beat Equipment Obtainable f.ltiucoc Kittprl KYCIiictvelV MARTIN BLOCK, LENOIR, N. C, , If yon ((it It rrom DI'I.A. It's All Klgnu ' WVIVII CAI'KU FOR UATK3, 4 Soon Over II is Cold Everyoup speaku well of Cham Iwrlain's Cough Uemedy hfter hsving used it. Mrs. George Lew. is, 1 ittsneld, N. 1., has tnis to Buy regarding it: "Last winter my lit lie boy. Hve years old, was 80othing, healing remedy f o r Bin wini com ur twti ui turt-t-1 couslia aud colds ttmt nas stoon weeks. 1 doitored hun and usd tPt of nearlv liftv vears. For Various cough ni'idicme but notli-fcliat tiiatj mraiiis the ing did him much good until 1 tnroat and sans th vitality try began using Chamberlain s Kpri- n- Kiun's Xew Discovery. The edy. He then improved rapidly Loothius: Diue balsams and mild i ... Painful Coughs Relieved Dr. KiDg's New Discovery is a Land Entry, No. 2538. State of North Carolina, Watauga Watauga County. Ulllce of hutry Taker of said county, Wees Ward locates and enters llfty a' ere of laud on t he Waters of the East prong of Laurel Creek, iu Slmwnee liaw township, rseginuini; on k. u (Jhuruh s west chestuut. corner, run niiig west with W D rarthiug's line to tne creek, thence wltli the creek to Tow Ward's heirs line aud with said line to K U Church's line, t hen with her line various courses to the hegiuning. Entered Jan. Ill, 11)17- H. J. HARDIN, Entry Taker, und in a tew days was over Lis h cold For restaurant use. cups and saucers that can be stacked for safe carrying have been designed, axative ingredients soon drive the cold from the system. Have a bottln on hand for winter colds, crouo.irrioDe and bronchial af fections. At your druggists 50c. Worth Attention ot Women. when you feel too tired to work, wake up weary, have back ache or pains in sider, when you suffer rheumatic twinges you mav be sure the kldnevs are disorder ed. Fay Shellhtirg, All Mo. writes "1 hud kidney trouble 2 years Nothing did me any good until 1 not Foley Kidney Pills. Two 50c. buttles cured me." Sold every. where. An acre of good fishing ground will produce more food in a week than an acre of land in a year. , Sloan's Liniment for Stiff Joints Kheuinatic pains aud achesget into the aunts aud muscles, run kinir every movement torture Relieve your suffering withSlomi Linimnutjit quickly penetrates without rubliiiur. and soothes and warms vour sore muscles. The congested blood is stiinuhi ted to action; a siugle applica lion will drive out the pain Sloan's Liniment is clean, con Never dust electric frlobes when unlighted. The slatic electricity 'JV breaks the filaments. does not stuiu the skin or clog the pores. (Jet a bottle today at your diuggist, 2oc, Notice ot Administration. lltil'E lillXiE TOWNSHIP. c c. nradshaw, 00 acre, 1015 and 1910. , . $8.1 j. n. ii ill , 22 acres, 11)15 and l'.Hti, AS) ), T. iiamby, (50 acres 11)15 und 19 Hi. 1.4 8 (i. w. hong's heirs, 218 acres, 1915 and 11)1(5, 27.25 wash l'itts. (j;i acres 1915 and 1910, 1 (55 j. v story (50 acres, 1915, 1.13 LM'lil'X CltKK TOWNSHIP. Mack rook, 30 acres, 1915 and 1910, 8.90 ilannery Mining co min eral right, 1915 and 191(5, 18 17 Mrs. itirdie (ireen, 4(5 acres, i'.) i o and r. to, K n iiarman 87 acres 19.15 and 1910, 10.18 Mrs. Kllcn iiarman 20 acres. l;)i. and 11)10 . ,i io liarmon, 10 acres 1915 and 1910, 5.81 w i liarmon 27 acres. 1915 and 191(5. , 0 23 Mrs. c n Harmon 48 acres 1915 and 1910, 10 87 Mrs. Nancy nick 00 acres 1915. 2 51 Louisa i-evpnthron 1)0 acres 1915 and 191(5, (5.08 Mrs. i,ydeM(Miuirel7acres 191 5 and 1910 , .87 A l.ink preMiell 90 acres 1915 and 191(5, 0.87 m n piesnell 21 V acres 1915 and 19K5, 7.U o .1 presnell. 30 acres, 1915 and 1916, 5.82 j m Kominger, 38 acres, 1915 and 1910, 8.3: o n nowe, 02 acres, 1915 and 1910, 9.84 The unde.tiigucd, having duly mini illt'd as administrators of the estate ot li K Miller, deceased, all persons Iiav iug claims against said estate are here bv notilied to exhibit thuui before the undersigned administrators on or before the ilrd day of Jan. r.HS, or this uotlctt will be pleaded lu bar ot their recovery. All J'ersons indebted to said estate will please come for ward and make immediate settle uient. Thit ilrd day, of Jan. 1U17. W.W. MILLKR, .1. J. MlLLtiit, Administrators of the estate of E. B. Miller deceased. VATCfi AND .CJEWELRY REPAIRING- mm This And Five Ceuls. Don't Minx This, ('ut out this slip, en- close five cents to Foley & Co., Chicago, III., writing your name und address clearly. You will re ceive in return a trial packnire containing roley's Honey and Tar compound for coughs, coldt- 1 Il l ! t t t ami croup; roipy .Kidney ruis aud Foley Cathartic Tablets. Sold everywhere. Iron ore is found in nearly ev ery Chinese province. THE FIRST STEP Usually the first indication of a lowering of health is found in the bowels and liver. Something goes wrong we cat too much, or work too hard and the bowel action weakens or the liver is sluggish. That heavy feeling on arising in the morning, dryness of the throat, with bad taste, a slight headache, dull eyes all show that food has fermented in the intes tines, and that the body is man ufacturing poisons instead of good blood. Clear it all out. Give the Ftomacli and bowels a fresh start. Encourage the liver to go to work. Manalin docs all of this, without griping or weakening. It's the ideal laxative and liver tonic, because it follows Nature's plan, without discomfort, inflam mation or forming a habit. Con stipation may be ovcrcomo with its use. T.lqulil or tablet fcirm. The Tub lets taste 1 1 k o candy. Children like them, and they are Burn. 10 and 26 cents. Th Patau Co ColbM, O. What To Do For Hud Colds. If you want a couch medicine that trives a quick nnd sure ac tion in healing colds, coughs and croup, get Foley's Honey ond Tar. It healn iullamed membrHUs in throat, chest or bionchiul tubi-s; breaks up tight cough", loosens phlegm, makes breath ing eusier, Ktops the tirkeliug in throat. Contains opiate. Sold everywhere. Brazil has the largest known deposit of 70 per cent iron ore, practically free from phosphorus in the world. How To Check That Cold. When it is painiui to breathe and fever sends chills up and dowu your buck, you are in fora cold. A timely dose of Dr. Hell's Pine-Tar-Money will stop the sneezes and snitllt3. The pine bal sam loosens the phlegm and clears the bronchial tubis, the honey soothes nnd relicvis the sore throat. The autiseptiequal ities kill tlm term and the con gested condition is relieved. Croup, whooping cough and fh ionic brouchinl affections quick ly relieved. At ull druggists. 25c. Armenia has a copper mine that has b en operated without interruption since the prehistoric times. done at this shop under a positive guarantee Si a material used iH guaranteed to be genuine. Estimate furnished on all mail orders. Satis faction guaranteed iu every reNpect ou all railroad watches. UUice near tb Watauga Co. Bank. J. W. BRYAN Graduate Jeweler and Watchmaker BUOSE.N. O. Notice Of Administration. The undersigned, haviug beau ap pointed and duly tiualilicdas Admin 1 Orator of the estate of Jerre Day, deceased, all persons having claims against said estate are hereby not ill' o l to exhibit the same before me ou or before the 1st day of Jan., 11118, or i hi notice will he pleaded iu bar of their recovery, Ailptisons indebted to said estate will please make imme d ate settlement. This 1st day of Jau. 1U17 M, W. DAY, Administrator. I,,ri!l'.l. CltKKK TOWNSHIP. Mrs. k v south, 02 acre3 1915 and 191(5, 8.51 M rs. k c stnnbury, 10 acres 1915 and 1910, ,i k stine, 35 acres, 1915 and 1910, navid Trivett, (5 acres 1915 and 191(5, A A Tester, 22 acres, 1915 and 1910, K m WArd, ,ir., 44 acre', 1915 aud 1910, a p ward, 02 acres, 1915 and 1910, j A ward. 1(55 acres, 1915 and 1910, ii woodring. 8 acres, 1915 and 1910, v m woodring 10 acres 1915 and 191(5, v v woodring 13 acres 1915 and 1910, i p Mathus (col.) 1 acre 1915 and 1910. 2. il WATAl'GA TOWNSHIP. ion Oliver Lumber co., 18(5 acrerf, 1915 and '10, 15.49. This Jan. 29, 1917. W. P. MOODY, Sheriff, 1.93 8.(51 8.42 0.52 9.37 12.50 04.37 90 0. -'...v.TZraa Rubtffig fam Pain Rubbing ccr.cis the liniment tingling throjh the flesh and quickly tnps pain. Demand a liniment that you r an rub with. The best rubbing liniment is Ui f? Coodjo Horses, f. Qoo'd ; ' : Pains, ) v Cut ; 25c. 50c. $1 SSSBSS3LL mm n ' ''-'.4 t'.s Ai!mcnls of Jc:, Cattle, Etc '.."'iro:i Aches, i l i'u.m, Sprains, i.'lT:iS, Etc. t all Dealers. ' NOTICK. North Caiolinu, Wutaugn Coun ty, In the Superior court, J. 15. Councill, Trustee, vs. T. 15. (iraggand V. H. IMuckburn. Bv virtue of an execution direct ed to the uudersigued from the Superior Court of atauga conn ty in the above entitled action, I will on the first Monday in March 1917, the same beingthe5tliday of said month, at 12 o'clock, M., at the court house door of said county, sell to the highest bidder tor carsh, to satisfy said execu tion, all the right, title and in terest which the said T. It. Oragg defendant, has in the following described real estate, the same being the excess over and above his homestead exemption, to wit : Adjoining the lands of S. J. Bishop,' T. It. Grngg, W. S. Nor- t is and others. IWinning on a poplar at the forks of a branch, and runs a north-east course down and with the brunch 54 poles to a lynn, S. J; Bishop's corner; thence a north-west cours with Bishop's line 41 poles to a stake near the top of the ridge; thence d. 72 W. with the top of the ridge 57 poles to a stake; thenw S. 20 E. 38 poles to the beginning and containing fifteen acres more or less. This Feb. 1, 1917. W. 1 MOODY, Sheriff. FOLEY KIDNEY-PILLS FOR BACKACHE MOtUYS AM0 SLADDtK ....i...m ... . .. Net Contents 15Tluid Drachnj CASfORUI n r.iilliil.-ft PE UliNT. AViiiMile Pri?Darntionfbrs similalimiUicFood by Rotila- tiinjlhcSlomachsamm' ThPhvPromoiitniDWcsliofl Cheerfulness and RcsttotaiK neither Opium, Mwphinc inor Mineral. Not Nahcotic Jhtmphn M h am Sird , fhrilnl .injur &trjirril for k Unit ri.lKemcdyfcr ConslipaUon and Diarrhoea. nnd fcvensn - LOSSOFHEfP NEW -YO"V For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature of fit (LMVf vJr For Over Thirty Years Exact Copy of Wrapjier. THE CCNTMM OOMPDNT. NEW TORH OITT WHIM I, . L 1 1 hi Virginia & Carolina Railway Schedule No. 57 In Effect 12:01, a, in. Thursday August 10, 11)10. Si'UthlxHiml. Daily Ex. Sunday 2nd Class i"l7t" T'Tiis No. 1.1 NVJ1 A. M. C 'M fi 4'i 7 1)5 !i Hi) ! 15 HI I'D 10 30 10 ;irr 11 115 II Ml v: :io 1 17 1 :io 1 15 2 10 'J, III :i oo P. M. Nik I A. M." 7 32 7 45 K 15 s i;r. S 50 a 15 1001 STATU INS KasliM- Mdluhud Tiirn;. Northbound Daily Ex. Sunday IsK.'l.issI 2nd Class No. 2 No. 14 I No. 16 in Hi 10 M 10 57 11 13 It 21 II 2S ii 3 12 05 M. 1 45 220 2 40 3 05 4 on V. M. Daily. Ex. Sunday. I Uv. Alilni;diin Ai. I" Yard i" AValaiiKa " I la i n in " ("iMlarvillci " Drowning Kurd " Vails VIII " lanias4'iiH " I" Lauri'lilalo " I" Tal.u's Valley " Ar. Cri i U J uni t ion I.v. l.v. Cii rk Junction Ar. I ". Callaliau (.'iiiskIiii; Lv. I" (Jiicii Covu " " AVIiito 'I'op (Jap " Nclla Tllckcrdalu " " Lansing " I : i I i ii " AVan-rnsvillo " " Snu.lliiioit " Ar. AVcst .1 1 f c rso n 1a-. I.v. Vcsl J. nVrson Ai" " Hamilton. N. C " " Donation " " Howie 11 " Uivrrsidc " Ar. Klklan.l, N. O. Lv: 2dnass!ll ('lass "No. 17 No." 5 No. 3J A. M. I'. 10 4o 2 a 11 00 24 A. M. 1'. M. M. A. M. KONNAROCK BRONCH I.v. r. ('reck Junction . Grassy Rlde Konnarock Ar. Lv. r. m. 5 15 500 4 45 4 15 4 00 3 36 3 11 . AI. 30 45 SO 12 25 12 05 11 25 10 60 30 2 13 2 00 1 33 1 17 1 10 1 03 12 55 12 30 T. M. 10 35 10 16 9 35 ! 05 8 30 8 10 7 55 7 40 7 11 7 00 A. M. 1st Class 2d C'lass No, 4 No. fi No. 18 A. M. I. M. A. M. 10 00 3 10 11 50 ' 9 40 '2' PI ! ii' 30 A M. II'. M l A. M. ETWEES EEEBEEOT You Need a Tonic There arc limes in every woman's life when she needs a tonic lo help her over the hard places. When that time comes lo you, you know what tonic to take Cardui,' the woman's tonic. Cardui is com posed of purely vegetable ingredients, which act gently, yet surely, oh the weakened womanly organs, and helps build them back to strength and health. It has benefited thousands and thousands of weak, ailing women In its past half century of wonderful success, and it will do the same for you. You can't make a mistake in taking The Woman's Tonic Miss Amelia Wilson, R. F. D. No. 4, Alma, Ark., says: "1 think Cardui is the greatest medicine on earth, for women. Before I began to take Cardui, 1 was so weak and nervous, and had such awful dizzy spells and a poor appetite. Now I feel as well and as strong as I ever did, and can eat most anything." Begin taking Cardui today. Sold by all dealers. ' L3 (XI Has Helped Thousands. EEIlEEEffl 9 00 8 '25 8 00 7 30 7 00 A. M.