Oftt3atanga Ztetrat R. C. Rivers, Proprietor. Thursday, April 19, 1917. Since the statement was sent 'out by the Good Roads Commis sion last week, there has been quite a change in favor of the bonds. We heard two prominent citizens and big tax-payers, who had been strongly anti in their views, discussing the statement, and they both expressed them selves as being now strongly in favor of the bond issue, their change being attributable to the information they received from the clear-cut statement of the Commission published las week both in these columns and in the form oi ''dodgers" which were scattered broadcast throughout the county. U covers practically the whole ground, and we hope that it will be thoroughly stud ied by every voter in the county, and when this is done it will be no trouble to carry the bonds on ia: j mL!..i. iLi.i. B1WUUU Utty. 1U1UK U1UU, VU1UK. litter Froa Attorney L. 0. Liwi. Editor Democrat: lhave just read the statement made by the board of of roadcommissoners of Watauga county, and will say that the gentlemen are right when they express their purpose to expend the amount of the bond issue in the various town ships in proportion to the am ount of tax levy that each bears bears to the whole, and in such manner that each township may be connected . with the general road system of the county. Two hundred thousand dollars cannot be expended in other manner that will be as beneficial to the country at large as that of constructing good highways. While at court 1 heard a num her say that now ia not the prop' er time to issue bonds for build' ing roads, but wait until the re suit of the war is determined and everything is settled. It should be born in mind that if this large sum of money is to be expended in Watauga within the next two years, a considerable portiou of it will be left in the county; and if the laborers of the county should be employed in the con struction of the roads, perhaps more thau ope half of it will be paid to citizens of the county; so such au excuse as this must fail. How much money is being war- ted m Watauga county each year by working on the roads of bad grade and trying to keep them in passable coudition? I Cinnot give you the amount in dollars and cents, but it is noth ing short ot the truth to say that 'the labor lost, the money wasted and the loss sustained by having steep grades and mud to haul over will more than pay the in terest on tie $200,000 bond is sue three tinies'each year, saying tinthinff nf iho nlnaaiira art A nn venienceof traveling over good roads. I heard an Avery county citi " zen state publicly on the first Monday of court in Boone that we have notagood road in Avery county. 1 will give you one in stance and let your readers say whether or not this is a good rood. The distance from Banner Elk to Linville by way of New ' land ia fnnraan tnilaa anil K!o road passes through the gap be tween Bald Mountain and Blood Camp Mountain, at an altitude of approximately 4,500 feet, and the round trip, a distance of 28 miles, can easily be made with a Ford car in less than ninety min utes; and this road has been good both summer and winter, ever since it has been made, with the exception of two places com posed of a stiff red clay and these can be made firm by an expendi totf fyf 200.00, and I will say that seven iniles of this line did not cost very , much more than 1 1,000 a mile. " L. D. LOWE. Banner Elk, N. C, April 16. ' In. L W. FartklBf. Rev. L. Whitfield Farthing was born April 18, 1838: fie died late in the evening of Feb. 11, 1917. Be was near seventy-nine years old. Brother Farthing was a son of Rev. R. P. Farthing and grand son of William W. Farthing, who was sent out by the State Board about ninety years ago from Wake county into 'the western part of Ashe county, now at Wa tauga county, Brother Whitfield profesned religion in early life and I think was baptized by his un cle, J. A. Farthing, into the mem bership of Bethel church. Brother Farthing entered the ministry about twenty-five years ago. He was a very faithful, de voted brother, ever doing what he could for Christ's Kingdom. Brother Farthing had been a leader in Antioch Church for ma ny years, making a great sacri fice for the church. lie had been in bad health for some years and believed his time on earth was coming to a close. The last school I ever attend ed, Brother Farthing was the teacher; that was in i860. In departing from church and friends he left a record of peace and good will towards all men. If I must die, let me die In peace with all mankind. And change these fleeting joyi For pleasures moat ret) ued. As Paul said, "lain now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand." So his life closed on Sunday evening as the sun was going down. He leaves a wife and children and friends to mourn their loss. J. L. Younce, in Biblical Recorder. Traiefsg Sckcat Itms. Miss M-attie Wollard of Beau fort, has sent Prof. D. D. Dough- j erty a small "long leaf" pine, a pitcher plant, a holly, and col I lards. These will look peculiar growing in the mountaius. We thank her for her though tfulness. Rev. D. P. Waters is delivering a series of short talks at Chapel service this week. Rev. JA. A Adams has been invited to do the same during next week. These will be helpful to the stud ents. Miss Bridge attended the meet ing of the Domestic Science at Greensboro during the latter part of last week. Flower and vegetable garden ing seems to be the order of the day about the sehool. ; The music students of the Ap palachian Training School gave their Spring Piano Recital on Monday evening the 16th. The programme consisted of about a dozen well selected numbers which revealed the training and the skill of the students. The large audience was well pleased and all. spoke in high terms of the students, as well as their teach er, Miss Stanbury. A FEW HOPES. Editor Democrat: Will you give a former Watauga boy space for a line or two, so that he may s ty that he earnestly hopes that the proposed bond issue for good roads in his native county will pasBbyagood, wholesome ma' majority? For that is my earnest hope. Not that I doubt that the peo ple will do what they are asked to do, nor that I think it is nec essary for me to elaborate on the reasons why it ought to be done 1 hope that the bonds will carry, and simply wish to say so. And I wish them to carry because the old county is still dear, and be cause I want her to have the b;st, And by a bond issue seems to be the ouly practical way to gt good roads. And once they are built, Wa tauga will take the place that has long been hers; but from which she has been kept bark. There is a better day before her. Just one thing will then remain to do, which the people can do for themselves, so far as roads are concerned, and that is to keep in repair the roads thatwill have been constructed. Yes, 1 hope the bonds will car ry, and I hope that the old coun ty will take long steps forward along many lines. And I hope that some tune it will be possi ble for me and the rest of t h e boys who are away from the old home to go back by rail. And I hope that time is not as far in the future as it sometimes seems. With good wishes to you and all your readers, particularly those who live in Watauga, lam Yours sincerely, W. A. Stanbuby, Wilson, N. C, April 14. Not Bothered Any More. So-called rheumatic pains, grip xcnes, lame nacK, sore sure mus- clecles or stiff joints are the re suit or overworked weak or dis- ordered kidneys. E L Turner, Homer, K.v., writes: "Since ta- foley kidney Pills I have not foeeo lathered any inoie. 'Strengthen wek kidneys aud help rid the blood of acids and poisons. Sold everywhere. The war appropriation bill for the enormous amount of sev en billion dollars passed Con gress without a dissenting vote. To err is human, but the re sults may be inhuman. Bad Colds From Sudden Change. Spring brings all kinds of Wea ther and with it comes colds and the revival of winter coughs and hoarsenens. Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar Honey will head off a new cold or stop the old one, the soothing oaifauiH relieve toe sore tbroat and heal the iiritated tissues, Get a not tie to-day aud start treHtmentat once. At your drug KiHt zm. formula on bottle. John E. Brown Lawyer, boone, ... n.c. Prompt attention given to all matters of a legal nature. Col lections a specialty. Office with Lovill & Lovill, Li Entry Ni. 2539. State of North Carolina, Watauga county, office of entry taker for said connty. David Gwyn and A. W. Ray locate and enter zuu acres oi laud ou Beech Mountain on the waters of the Beech Creek iu Laurel Creek Township, be ginning ou the Whitfield Farthing comer nod a stake and a sugar tree, tbeuce ruuuiug various courses so as to include all meant land on the bead waters of Beech crefk and raid township, bntered April 10, 1917. H.J. HARDIN, E. T. Many a woman hesitates be tween saving money and invest ing it in jewelry. Let the Bank of Blowing Rock help you to th jewel you crave by piling up the interest on every saved dollar. Here's the only way to earn "found money." Start saving today. Rubbing Eases Pain Rubbing sends the liniment tingling through the flesh and quickly slops pain. Demands liniment that you can rub with. The best rubbing liniment is MUSTANG LIHEHEHT Good for the Ailments of Horses, Mules, Cattle, Etc Qocd fir your own Aches, Pains, IV. a .imatbci. Sprains, Cuts, Burnt, Etc 25c 50c $1 At !? Dealers. 2C Sudden changes ot tempera.1 ture and underwear brine Spring, wiuo nuu etiuiitsu up ueau, dose of Dr. King's New Discove ry is sure relief, this happy com. bi nation of antiseptic balsams clears the head, sooths the irri tated membranes and what might have been a lingering cold is broken-up. Don't stop treat ment when relief is first felt as a half cured cold is dangerous. Take Dr. King's New Discovery till your cold is gone. At all druggists. KODAK FILMS developed free Printed for 3, 4 and 5 ceutseach. 25 years' experience. Dunwick Photo Studio, Lenoir, North Carolina. Shoes at the Present Wholesale Prices. Quality Printing Is a necessary adjunct to any business, and that is the kind always turned out by the : : WATAUGA PRINTING COMPANY BOONE, N. O. FOR DRUGS -OB- Any thing Pharmaceutical j 'Phone or write BALLOTS CASH PHARMACY, LENOIR, N. C. "The store with a pedigree and a reputation." Equipped with the most com plete line and greatest va riety of drug merchan dise to be found be tween Charlotte and Asheville. Give Us Your Patronage. Roots and Barks Wanted Burdock root, dry split. Yel low Dock Root; Dandelion Root, Bright Sassafras bark root, etc., Write for our complete price list, aud line up with a good firm. S. B. PEN1CK & CO., Inc. Asheville, N. C. 4t Spring Colds Are the Worst They lead to catarrh and pneumonia. They weaken the entire system and leave it un able to resist the sudden changes. They Interfere with your digestion and lessen your act ivity Neglected they soon become that dread disease known as sys temic catarrh. Don't neglect them. It's costly as well as dangerous. PERUNA Will Safeguard You Have a box of Pcruna Tab lets with you for the sudden cold or exposure. Tone your sys tem up with a regular course of the liquid Peruna, fortify it against colds, get your digestion up to nor mal, take care of yourself, and avoid danger. If you are suffering now be gin the treatment at once. Give Nature the help she needs to throw oft the catarrhal inflammation, and again become well Peruna has been helping people for 44 years. Thousands of homes rely on it for coughs, cold and indi gestion. It's a good tonic for the weak, as well. Tka Parana Company, OUa . R . fewu. j- WAR always makes mules high. Now h the time to raise them. The Jack with ihe reputation is the jack to breed tr 1 Vi.ro hnuolit fha Vl.l. I-., I, j - " r ' ...w wibii ..nun, null am standing him t my barn this yea mares (14 foal will be held responsible 1 i vvnuvui JOHN H. CLAKSON. Sands, N, C, I can sell you shoes at last years prices. Having pla ced my order for Spring Shoes and slippers last fall. So I can save you from 50c to $1.00 per pair on shoes, - 1 Also Have Dress Goods, Notions, Clothing Etc.? that I can sell you cheaper than I can buy the same goods back owing to the big advance in prices of goods. Come and see me and save money by so doiug. Good stock al ways on hand. Yours to Saye You Money, . C. M. Critcher, R. F. D. Boone, N. C. Linville River Railway Company TIME TABLE NO, 2 In Effect 6:00 a. m. Monday March 12, 1917. Central standard time EASTWARD No. 2 No. 4 P. H. P. M. 1.00 530 1.25 5.45 1,35 5.55 1.55 6.05 2.10 6.15 2.35 6.30 3.00 3 30 3.40 4.00 4.20 4.30 P.M. P.M. STATIONS Lve. Crauberry' Arr. Minneapolis Jet. Vale Newland Montezuma Pineola Linville The Gap Newmans Townsend Foscoe Arr. Shulls Mills Lve. WESTWAfttf No.l A.M. 7.55 7.40 7.30 7.22 7.15 7.00 A. M. No. 3 A. M. 7.15 7.00 645 6.40 6.25 6.10 6:00 A.M. Nos. 1 and 4 are daily passenger trains. Nos. 8 and 2 are mixed trains nnd ran dally except Sunday. West bound trains have right of track. Cranberry. Newland, Montezuma Pineola Shulls Mills are ticket offices GEO. W. HARDIN, Supt. N. L. MAST, Pres. 0, P. HAGAMAN, Cash. W. O. OOFPBI, VieaPra. J. T. MILLER, Ass'tCash, The Bank 'That Appreciates and Protects its Customs Capital, Sarplis, Profits lid Stockholders, Liability :: :: (51,111.11 It baB been the policy of this bank to render the greatest servic possible to the citizens ol Watauga county. We appreciate the confidence the people have shown in us, and the success thev have helped us to achieve in building up a strong banking institution. W ith our improved equipment we are better than ever prepard to serve them. v v The Watauga County Bank BOONE, NORTH. CAROLINA. L. D. LOWE, President. H. B. PERRY, Vics-Prsiden L. U. FARTHING, Cashier. The Valle We so, cit the accounts ofairpersonsm this new Bank, and we wdl do our best to accommodate the people and render the greatest service consistant with sound banking WAR, WAR! and high prices is the talk of the town. But send your produce to on other I! ? Th W6ek With yonr produce' and on other days. Mail me a card today for prices I Dav cash on receipt of eooda. fv u.Z v lce8, 1 pay caBh on " viu, uuueoly . Respectfully, W. C. PARSONS Get Your Supplies " om aiKiand Supply Co. TODD. IV. C GRAIN FLOUR PROVISIONS AND PRODUCE 17 . ! r eruuzenL Kto. ww THE TRADE OF WATattp.a mn nnnfflnn New Buildmg near Todd Mercantile Co., Todd, N. C.

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