Gfr Oatauga Bemotrat Town and County. Mr. and Mrs. James Hodges, of.Rutherwood, are visitors at the horde of ex-Sheriff John W. Hod ges in Boone. Mesdaraes John W. Hodges and M. B. Blackburn are off for a week's visit to relatives in Eliz abethton, Tenn. Just as we are ready to go to press we learn that Mrs. Martha Shearer is right sick, but trust it is nothing serions. Lawyer Frank Linney is do ing the farming stunt on some of his mountain holdings this week. Mrs. Dr. Little left Monday for Asheyille, where she will re main a few weeks as a guest of her .daughter, Mrs. Oscar Har ,din. Mr. Shelton Penn, who has been in New York City for some time representing the Reynolds Tobacco Company, is at his home in Boone for a few days. Dr. 0. L. Moore, of Leuoir, will be in Blowing Rock on the 3rd, 4th and 5th of May pre Ashe, Watauga and Caldwell will vote on a bond issue of $200,- 000 each, for road purposes on the same day, Tuesday, May 8. It goes almost without saying that the bonds will carry in each of the counties, but let the little county of Watauga roll up the Diggesc majority of any one of the trio. -Mr. John Hagaman, of Pat terson, passed through town Tuesday eu route to Johson county, Tenn., to visit his moth er who is considered seriously ill. The car in which Mr. Hagaman was riding, bore a United States flag, the first we have seen since the war cloud settled over our country. -Mr. B. T. Branock, of Catawba county, was a week-end visitor to bis mother, at the old home in Boone. He had considerable business to transact while here, and never left for home until Sunday morning. He seems well pleased with his new - location, and says his family is contented and happy. Mrs. Edna Hodges, with her daughter, Louise, spent Tuesday night in the village, Mrs. Hodg es having closed a very success- ful term of school inCabarras pared to do all kinds of dentaDcounty last week. To prove how work, Mrs. Farthing, widow of the late Rev. L. VV. Farthing, of Wa tauga Falle, is spending a few days with her son, Mr. W. D. Farthing, in East Boone. Mr. Russell G. Hodges, of Sands, passed through town Monday on his way home from Sherrill's Ford, N. C, where he has been teaching since last fall. Miss Lay Mast, daughter of Mr. Wiley Mast, of Vilas, has been with her sister, Mrs. W. H. Brown, near the village, for a short .visit. -Miss Ruth Combs, after spen ding a few days ut the home of heraunt, Mrs. W. P. Moody, in Boone, returned to her home on Cove Creek yesterday. Miss Sallie Ray who, for the past five months, has been teach ing at Leaksville, K F. D., re turned to her home at Horton last week. Misses Eddie Kerley and Dare Phillips, two seniors in the Ai t Class at Davenpopt College returned io school Monday, after a short visit to their native coun popular she was with her pa trons, the coramitteeemen have engaged her services for another term, which will open at some date in November. Mrs. C. J. Cottrell, of Boone, attended the fuueral of Miss Johnson, daughter of Mrs. Nan oh n son of Sherwood, last Thu rs- ay. The young lady had been in ailing health for many months, and her death had been expected or some time. The Democrat ex tends sympathy to the fond mo ther and other members of the sorrow ing family. Mr. L. L. Bingbam, after anab sence of several months, teaching at Purlear, in Wilkes county, is at home again. Hewasaccorupa nied by a Mr. McNeill, who told The Democrat that crop pros pects were good in that county; the apple trees in full bloom and unhurt by the freeze, but,Nhe add ed, the peaches have nearly all been killed -Mr. W.L. Trivett hands The Democrat the following: "Rev. R i. Isabell. Evangelist of the iedmont Advent Christian Con 'erence of N: C will preach in the court house in Boone on next ty of Watauga. -Mr. Wade Wagner, of Valle Crucis, has been in town this week, and while hereplaced three Ford Cars, Sheriff Moody, Dr, Jones and Mr. C. M. Critcher being the purchasers. We are asked to say that there will be given at Ruther- wood school house on next Sat urday night a public debate on the query, Resolved. That Con gress was justifiable in declaring war. Everybody invited. Mr. Jpnatban Miller, a vet eranof the Civil War, now over ninety iyears of age, says he is not going to France to fight tne Germans, but added, "If they come over to fight us, I make no promises as to what 1 will do. Hurah for Uncle Jonatnan: Some days .since Mr. Sam AtiRtin exhibited at this office the freakishest young chicken freak we have ever seen. The little bird, dead of course, had fonr well developed feet and legs and as many wings, but only one head. The body was in the main double. -So far as we have learned but one from Watauga has vol unteered as a soldier, and lis ten; he was a negro boy barely old enough to pass, Richard Shearer by name. He enlisted at Johson City last week and was sent on to Georgia, where he will join his command. BLOWING ROCK BREEZES Rev. D. P. Waters filled his reg ular appointment Sunday night. he people were glad to bear him again. The quarterly Conference will be held at Blowing Rock, be ginning on Saturday before the second Sunday in May. Our postmaster, Mr. T. U. Cof- ;ey, happened to a right serious accident on last Saturday. He !ehoffa wagon and broke his collar bone. Some dogs frighten- d the horses, causing them to run. There are too many worth- ess dogs in town and country. t would be better to raise more sheep and fewer dogs. Some dogs few days ago attacked Mr. Edgar Young's sheep, killing one. Mrs. Herman Deal, of East ruitland, Wilkes county, is vis- iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Pendley. at the Watauira nn. The people are busy planting potatoes and getting ready to plant corn. There will be more corn planted in this section than has ever been planted anyone. year. Messrs. Marshal Pendley, Na than Ward and Eugene Hols houser left for Washington at our o clock Monday morning. We wish for them a safe and hap py journey. W. M. F. KODAK FILMS DEVELOPED -'REE! Prints 3, 4, 5 and 6 cents each. Films of all sizes for sale Gkeexe's Kodak Studio, Boone N. C. One regrets speech, much of- tener than science. Tuesday night and will continue the services at night only unti Sunday, when he will preach at 11, a. m., aud at night, lie will use a prophetic chart some du ring these services nhowing our approximate whereabouts upon the great sea of time and our transcendent proximity to the end of this age and the return o! otir Lord. These services will be ery interesting and everybody is invited to attend." We are indeed pained to hear of a most serious accident which befell our former townsman, Mr, Joe H. Cook, at the Whiting Plant at Shulls Mills Tuesday afternoon. We have no particu lars bow the accident occurred further than that he was terribly mangled by the machinery, and that there was but little f any lint ps of his recovery. He was rushed tD a hospital at Johnson City, Tenn., on a special train where everything possible will be done for him. We still have a hope that his condition is. not so serious as it was first supposed and that the good citizen may yet be spared to hie family and county. NOTICE:! have sold my jack to Mr. John H. Clawson of Meat I'amn who will stand him this year, He has an ad in another! CQlumnr-H. Neal BJair. THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH IN WATAUGA C SERVICES AS follows: Foscoe: Every Sunday 11 a. m Sunday School 10 a. in. Blowing Rock: 2nd Sunday 30 d. m. Sunday School 3 p. m Boone: Third Sunday 7:30 pm Todd: Tuesday alter 3rd Sun dav 10 a. m. Shulls Mills: 4th Sunday 3 p.m Snndftv Anrii 22. preaching at ! Shulls MUls school house a p. m J. N, ATKINS. MORTGAGE SALE. By virtue of provision of a cer talu mortgage deed executed byAr Ihur Keller and wife, Bina Keller, to D H Shore to secure the payment of a certain note due v n snore lor pur chase money on said lands, the note secured by said mortgage deed having matured and delault having been made in the payment thereof, aaid notes together with mortgage deed having been transferred to the uuder signed, 1 will on Saturday, May 19, 1917. between the hours of 13, M..and 2, p. m., at the court house door iu Boone, H.u., oner ror sale to tne highest bidder for cash the following described real estate to wit: Two cer tain traotsor parcels of land in Blow ing Rock township, Watauga count y, adjoining the lands oi P M tyiukler, L (XWinkler and others aud bound ed as follows: first tract. Beginning on a spruce pine, W W Eldridge corner, near a spring and runs S. 30 K., 87 poles to a laurel bush iu 1 O Winkler's line; thence iN 25 E 62 poles to a spruce pine; thence wextwardly 25 polas to a rock; thence 13 pole to the beginning, containing S acres more or leas, Second tract. Beglnn'ng on a spruce pine and runs S 400 E 81 poles to a ihestnut tree; thence W 53 poles to a stake; thence N 40 W 81 poles to a stake' f hence E with P M Winkler's line f8 poles to the beginning, con taiuing 10 acres more or less, being the land purchased by D H Shores from K W Keller rud wife. Addle and conveyed by D H Shores to Arthur Keller and wife Biua Keller, July V, 1914. Said mortgage deed is recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Watauga county In Book U, page 117. This April 18, 1917. JOEL P. GREENE, Mortgagor. Brown & Lovill, Attys. Notice of Administration. The undersigned having duly qualified as administrator of the estate of C. J. Coffey, deed., all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present them to the undersiged on or before the 12th day ot Ap ril, 1918, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All person indebted to said es tate will pleas settle at once. This April 12, 1917. T. H. COFFEY, Adtn Foundry & Machine Shop. High Grade Iron, Brass and Aluminum Castings, Boiler Arches, Boiler Fronts, Grate Bars and Saw Mill Castings rurnished on Short Notice Repair Work a Specialty. Highest market prices paid for good cast scrap iron. We solicit your business and guarantee satisfaction. Lineberry Foundry and Machine Co,, NORTH WILKESBOllO, N. C, BYMUM B. BANNER. P.M. RICHARDS, Jr., The Place Where YOU GET The mosfcents out'ofjyour DOLLARS and where QUALITY and Quantity comes first and Profits last. My line is general and my prices low everything considered. See my line of farming implements hoes, shovels, plows, etc. Your trade is always solicited. J-S. WINKLE B A Good Beginning My Automobile Repairing We will uike a specialty of automobile repairing at our garage this sum mer. We can take care of any and all inakns of cars, put them to iroinir and keep them going. We are prepared to look after your electric starting aud lighting system regardless ol tne make. Parts and Accessories. We keep a full line of parts for Ford and Overland cars, and will not keep you waiting for repair work. Gasoline, oils and greases on sale at all times Automobile Tires and Tubes. We are sole agent for Goodyear tires and tubes, and will maintain a Good year Service Station. Anyone that knows anything about tires will tell you that Goodyear tirei are the bent. We have tried them, and wo know. Automobile Livery Service. We will maintain an automobile passenger service for the people of W atau ga and Avery counties aud passengers coining up on the ET Ji W Pi Our cars will come on oall anywhere that cars can go day or night. WNO Rv. Priors will be as reasonable as we can make them, general high prices considered, Patronize the men that appreciate your business, and men that know their business. bxperlmeutln is very expensive to the car owner. Banner & Richards BAN NEB ELK, N.C followed up by close applications of business methods will usually make a good ending. I have decided to follow these principles for the coming year and in so doing will give his customers the benefit of his exper iences and prices on his stock of goods, most of which was bought before the great advance in prices. Notions of various kinds at bargain prices. The la test shapes and styles. Hardware of all kinds at the lowest prices. A nice line of groceries always in stock at the best prices. Line of Shoes is the best. Shoes are indispensable and my line should not be o verlooked. In fact you can find anything necessary for everyday consumption. I thank you for past pa ,tronage and hope to merit your future business. It B, BLACKBURN, BOONE, - N. C. THE FAMOUS Chattanooga Plows FORD THE UNIVERSAL CAR 320,817 Have been built and actually delivered to retail buyers since August 1, 1910 These figures 1)80,817 represent the actual number of cars manufactured by ns since August 1, 1916 and delivered by our agents to retail buyers; This unusual fall and winter demand for Ford ears makes It necessary for us to confine the distribution of cars only to those agents who have orders for Immediate delivery to retail customers, rather than to, permit any agent to stock cars io anticipation of later spring sales. We are issuing this notice to Intending buyers that they may protect them selves against delay or disappointment in securing Ford cars. If, therefore you are planning to buy a Ford, we advise you to place your order and take delivery now. Immediate orders will have prompt attention. Delay In buying at this time may cause you te wait for Several months. Enter your order today for Immediate delivery with our authorized Ford agent listed below and don't be dlsapioiiited later on. Pricks: Runabout $345, Touring car $360, ooupelet $509, Town car MM, Sedan $615 fob. Detroit - FORD MOTOR COMPANY. We Have Them. All Kinds. See them before Buying. W. H. Wagoner, Valle Crucee, N.C. Get The Best BERNHARDT -SEAGLE CO WHOLESALE AND RETAIL HARDWARE AND FURNITURE , i LENOIR, - - NORTH CAROLINA,