V I SI 1 II m M Mr m 1 Published Every -Thursd a ; A Teacher if Twisty Tim la The following beautiful extract was clipped from the Charlotte Observer about twenty years ago, and the original was loaned to the writer by the husband of the lady concerned. It was writ ten to that paper by its Editor, who was at Blowing Rock at the time. The good wishes expressed by the editor seem to have been fully realized, for the "fair faced girl" is a model wife and mother of this community, exerting a ' fine influence. The surprise of the editor reveals a mistaken idea of that day, and which baa not yet passed away entirely, for there are no more beautiful girls than are right here in these mountains. Here is the extract: "One day while passing along the Bhulls Mills road we passed a plain little wooden school house neur the side of the road. Impell ed by curiosity we entered. The school had juat begun, and the classes were being organized. The simply clad bashful girls and the awkward boys, some of them nearly grown, were seated on the rude benches placed along the vails. The teacher was a light en ired, fair-faced girl, about 17 or 18 years old, it seemed. Her countenance was beautiful, her voice sweet, her manners gentle. She said she lived near Boone, aud was educated at Claremont College. She seemed to have en- tm upon life's duties bo trust ify who does not wish that . mi' lite may be one crowned with iicegs. and that the fragrance of t-r good works and pureeharac .T may always linger helpfully i nut those who baply may m? near her, and about her? I'hHsings on thee, little teacher. "It was rather strange to find one so sweet and kindly sympa thetic among these wild surroun dings It seems as if the delicate rose had gone to teach school a mong the hills, with the sunburn ed orchids and freckled tiger lil lies as her pupils." J, M. D. Onnftbi Statt's Oldest Met. Edenton Mitchell, generally known as "Uncle Ead." of Wha ley, is supposed to be the oldest man in the State. His exact age is not known, but bo is supposed to be .107 years old. W hen the war broke out in 1802 he was too old for service, and ever since the iron mines at Cranbery have been in operation until tte 1 ist eight or tea years he has been a regular peddler there. He would often go to Beech Creek and lower Beaver Dam and buy up immense loads of eggs, chick ens, peaches, api-les, and any thing else marketable he could buy, making two or three trips every week, always going on foot He has been known to make the trip from his home, a dis tance of ten miles, and back in a little mora than half a day. Last year he did quite a lot of farm work, and last November he walked from his home, a dis tance of one mile, to theelection, voted and immediately returned, just as he had always done, with out stopping to talk with any one more than a few words. But since then he had an attack of gangreen which cost him four toes from one foot Just now he is up again from a severe attack of grippe and pneumonia, which has left bis mind badly impaired. Truly his has been a life worthy of mention. 0. W. B. Little Girl Had Croup. Eyery mother knows and fears croUD. Mrs. it M uanev, btbii ford. Ky., writes: "My little girl - bad croui) every few nights. 1 be. iran to give ber Foley ' Honey -and Tar, and that night sbt ilept well; Uever coughed anv , dnd the next day her cough wa . done." Relieves cougbn a n coldf. Contains no opiate. Sol . everywhere. ButlmUttliGiri On. the. 5th day of April, 1917, the hand Qf death snatched from the loving home of Mr. and Mrs. W. N, Howell, of Brookside, N. C, their boly daughter, Vera Etblyn, who was seven years of age; shrouding the home with a pall of sorrow, behind which Prov idence hides a smiling face. The funeral service was conducted at South Fork church on Saturday by the pastor, Rev. L. A. Wil son, . who used for his subject 1 Cor., 15, 55: "O death where is thy sting? 0 grave where is thy victory?" The sermon was most impressive, emphasizing the aw ful .fact that all must die, and that every human pathway leads to an open grave. The able min ister declared from the authority oi tne JJiDie. tnat aeatn which is the result of Nature's inevitable law, could not hold its victim forever, as Christ had arisen con- querer over death and the grave, and in his own good time - would call little Vera from the grave clothed with all the glory and beauty of immortality. No one can explain, the myste ry of death. The poor ignorant peasant, weeping over the grave of his dead, can answer that question just as intelligently anl satisfactorily as the most pro found scholar; for the ignorance of the one is just as consoling as the learned aud unmeaning words of the other. While groping our weary way through the dark night of earthly troubles, may we all behold the glorious con stellation of faith and hope, that we will one day meet our loved ones again. May the Bereaved family gath er consolation from the fact that the same loving Saviorwho wept over the grave of Lazerous and sympathized with the weeping sisters of Bethany, knows all a bout their troubles and sorrows, and will never leave them com fortless. Z. T. WATSON. Notice ti Roai Overseers. All overseers of the public roads in Boone township are requested to work out and put in good repair their sections at once, as they are in a deplorable coudi tion. Tbey must be put in good and lawful repair by May 1, '17, and reports made tome on or be fore that date. This done by or der of the Road Commission. This April 7, 1917. C. J. COTTRELL, Sloan's Liniment For Rheuma tnatism, The torture of rheumntisro the pains aud the aches that make life unbearable are relieved by Sloan's Liniment, a clean, clear liquid tlmt is easy to ap ply ana more enective than mus y plasters or ointments because it penetrates quickly without rubbing. For the many uains and aches that follow expowure. strains, sprains and muscle sore nes, Sloan's Liniment in prompt ly effective. Always have a bot tle reaJy for gout, lumbago, toothache, backache, stiff neck and all extern! pains, At drug gists, 25c Speaking about fiery stuff, a car load of booze got aflame in Virginia yesterday'.-Wilmington Dispatch. A Bilious Attack. When you have a bilious at tack your liver fails to perform its function!. You become con ntipated. The food you eat fer ineuts in the stomach instead of digesting. This inflames the stom ach and causes nausea, vomiting nnd n terrible headache. Take Chamlierlain's Tablets. They will lone up your liver, clean out your stomach and you will noon lie us well an ever. They only cost a quarter. Champ Clark predicted his re. election' as Speaker in an hour and forty minutes after the vo ting started. Thus we have poli tics on a scientific basis. Wil mington Dispatch.. President Wilson has it right when he savs that Germanvis making war onthiscountry. The sinking of three American ships in one day should be sufficient evidenee of that fact. Charlotte Observer. An Honest Letter From an Hon est Man. Enos Halbert, Paoli, i Indiana, writeB. "I contracted a severe cold this fall hdJ couahed con tinually. Could hardly sleep at nights. I tried several remedies without relief. Got Folevs Hon ey and Tar and the first bottle relieved me. curing mv couerb en tirely. 1 can recommend it for all coughs. Get the genuine. For sale everywhere. The sad spectacle is being pre sented of the blue sea running red with blood. Wilmington Dis- patch. An Oregon man whose name is Pigg has petitioned the Legisla ture to change it Down this way we have some whose name is Hog even though they spell it some other way. Greenville Reflector "Women may be called to du ty at the front." Well, if that is goiug to be the case, it will be impossible to keep handsome North Carolinans from mingling with the front The Wilmington Star. Cut This Out It Is Worth Mon ey. Don't Miss This. Cut out this slip, enclose with 5c. to Folv . Co.. Chimg . III., writing vour iiara and Hddrens clearly. You willl receive in return a trial packnge containing Foley's Hon ey and Tnr Compound for coughs colds and croup; Foley Kidney Pills, and Foley Cathartic Tab lets, Sold everywhere. "Truth forever on the scaffold, wrong forever on the throne" but if this stuff keeps up there won't be any throne Durham Sun. . . 'A Good, Old-Fashioned Phygic' Foley Cathartic Tabletx, a wholesome physic,' thoroughly cleanses the bowels, sweeten the Mtomach. tone np the liver. For indigestion, biliousness nnd al breath, bloating, gas, or consti pation, no remedy is more high ly recommended. Do not crinA nor nauseate. Give stout persons a lghr, Iree feeling. Sold very where. WAR Always irakea mnles hls-h. No is theUine to raine them. The Blair Jack isetandiup at homo again this year. Sfanou lor colt $7 00 Parties trading mares Id foal will be reepon ilble (or season. II. NEAL BLAIR. ooooooocccoooooooocooooooo o o o o o k o o o o o o Saved Girl's Life "I want to tell you what wonderful benefit I have re ceived from the use of Thedford's Black-Draught," writes MrsSylvania Woods, of Clifton Mills, Ky. "It certainly has no equal for la grippe, bad colds, liver and stomach troubles. I firmly believe Black-Draught saved my little girl's life. When she had the measles, they went In on her, but one good dose of Thedford's Black-Draught made them break out, and she has bad no more trouble. 1 shall never be without THEDFORD'S o In my home." For constipation, Indigestion, headache, dlzzi- j ness, malaria, chills and fever, biliousness, and all similar j ailments, Thedford's Black-Draught has proved itself a safe, ! reliable, gentle and valuable remedy. ! If you suffer from any of these complaints, try Black- Draught It is a medicine of known merit Seventy-five t years of splendid success proves its value. Good for ! o o o o o o o o 0 yuuns ana oia. ror saie everywhere. Price 25 cents. X coooooooooooooooocoooocobo I Vacation time is as good as New Years for making fresh res olutions. Youth's Companion. . A Stitch ii rime. Boone People Should Not Neg lect Their Kidneys. No kidney ailment is unimpor tant Don't overlook the slight- esc oacKacne or urinary irregu larity. Nature mav be warning you of approaching dropsy or unguis uisease. rvioney disease is seldom fatal if treated in time, but neglect may pave the way. Don't neglect a lame or aching back another day. Don't ignore dizzy speus, irregular or discol urine, headaches, weariness orde pression. If you feel you need kid ney help, begin using the reliable, time-tried remedy, Doan's Kid ney pills. For 50 years, Doan's have been found effective. Endor sed by grateful people. Doon Munday, carpenter, N. Main St., Lenoir, N. C, says: My kidneys were disordered and I suffered from pains in my back. it was bard tor me to stoop or bend my body. When a friend rec ommended Doan's Kidney Pills. I used some. One box removed the pains and fixed me up in good shape. Price 50c. atall dealers. Don't, simply ask for a kidney remedy- get aoans Kidney rills the same kind that Mr. Mundav had. Fosier-Millburn Co., Props,, Buf- my, iew lorn. Fine Timber Lands for SALE. I am offering for sale the Boy den lands on the Boone & Blow ing Rock Turnpike, containing fine lot of timber. Also another tract of about one hundred a- cres lying between Banner Elk aud the Linville River Railroad Both tracts have all original virgin forest. You have the on portunity now to own this valu able property. W. L. HOLSHOSElt, Blowiug Rock, N. C. March 2G, 4 t. NOTICE. North Carolina. Watauca Coun ty. Superior Court, before the Clerk. Thomas Coffey, Smith Cozort, Mary Cozort, who m tennarried with Turnmire Charles Cozort, Luna Cozort heirs at law oi Emma Cozort deceased, who prior to her mar riage was ttinnia Coffey; Thorn as Coffey, William Coffey, Ella uoney, oiaggie uotley, who in termariied with John Mays Henrv Coffuv. (,'hiiilea Poffov Lee toffev. all of the nhovn h ing the heirs at law of Smith Coffey, deceased, vs. Elizabeth Cozort and James Cozort, mi nors. The defendant James Cos-nrt.. n bove named, will take notice that an action entitled as above ho been commenced in the Superioi Court of Watauga county for the purpose of Belling certain lands for mirtitinn- unit tho an in defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear be fore the undersigned, at hisoifict in uoone, . u. on the 2nd day ui may, ivx (, and answer or de mur to the uetitions of thenlmii, tiffs, or the plaintiffs will apply to the court for the relief ded in said Detition. Thin Anril uu, mi, W.D.;FARTHING,C.S.C. o o o o o o o o Virginia-Carolina Railway Company TIME TABLE TiTI In Effect 12:01 A. M., For Government of STATIONS Eastern Standard Tim til 2 h Class o. 1 A.M. 7:20 Lv. Abingdon (W.C.). 0.6 4 9 13 13 14 Ly. Yard .... Ly. Watauga 7:32 i 7:45 Ly. Barron Ly. Cedarville (W) Ly. Drowning Ford Ly. Vails Mill Pass No. IS 8:12 16 18 23 27 Ly. Damascus (W) (T) Ly. Laureldale (O.C.) L.Y. Tavlnr'n Vnll IW1 8: 8:89 8:64 Ar. Creek Junction Ly. Ly. Callahan Croswini (G.C.K.LvT 9:42 SI Ly. Green Cove (W) Meet No. 14 :B2 34 40 Ly. White Tod Gan (W.T.)....Ly. 390 Ly. Nella 10:27 44 46 48 60 63 66 Ly. TncVerdale (Wi 10:33 Ly. Lansing Ly. Berlin Ly. WarrenvlUe Ly. Smethport Ar. Weat Jefferson (WCT) 10:38 10:46 .... 11:04 11:05 .... 11:24 U:39 56 68 61 65 71 76 Ly. West Jefferson (WCY)....Ar Ly. Hamilton. N. C Ly. Donation Ly. Bowie W1 11:641 12:06 Ly. Riverside Ar. Ar. Elkland. N. C. (WCT)...Lv, P.M. Dally Except Sunday First Class I No. 6 1 No. 3 KONNAROCK PTMT 3:13 Xm 8:551 Ly. Creek Junction . . . Ly. Grassy Ridge , (:) Ar. Konnarock (WYO) .Ar. Ar. Ly. 3:28 P.M. 9:10 A.M. Stop on Signal, s Regular Stop. G. C Orado Crossing. W Water, COoal. O. Scales. T Turntable. Y. Wye. (:) Jot W. T. Rr. . IIMIIIBIIIM Net Contenti 15Tluid Drachnj rswirT - ditd r.ENT. AVcelabteftcparatioafcrAi . .. .. . r . j l..I..!.. simuaiinginerooa uj inAthktnmvfcandBoWb fSetylotiniDhiesti Mi ' aKenumessaiwneai.M""'-', J neither 0plam,Morphlne nor funeral kqtkahw Abtsnim (stipationandDwrrhoei ana revcriMuw TaSimilc Sijnatnreof IThb CmwiR Compaq WW "YORK. mm Exact Copy of Wrapper. You Need a Spring Iaxatie. Dr. Kintr's New Lifn-Pilla will remove the accumulated wastes of 'winter from vour intestines. the burden of the blood. Get that vim and snan of ennrt nnriftari healthy blood. Dr. King's New Lite Pills are a non-criping Inxa Mvethataidrt nature's proreHs, try them tonight. At all drug, gists, 25c. A lie has some credit until the truth comes along. ' Much Extra Work In March. It'n lr tween seasons, when few persons perspire as health de mands. The result is double work for the kidnevs to throw nut 'YHnte eliminated through tnmi when persons oepMnire. Owpr- worked kidnevs ned helD. fl fl Stone, Keadinir, Petiu... writes: n hen I ufed a kidnev rpmmlv I rely on Foley Kidney Pill. Sold everywhere. mm NO .58 ..bL3' Monday, Sept, '11, H16 JlTWHl Employee Only. n si 2 o at - 3 11! ,5 is 3 2 Hit let Claw NoTT General Office P.M. Ar :iq 6:W ' 4:45 ; .Ar. .Ar. .Ar. .Ar. .Ar. Ar. 1138 400 460 351 9 125 140 -1 ......Ar. Ar. Ar. 820 400 16 4:11 4:11 3:55 1:41 10 600 15 9 375 Ly. 390 S:0V S:W 2:21 .....Ly.I 200 Mst No. IS ...Ly.I 480 12' f:l 2:10 2:04 Ly. 280 Ly. 196 Ly. 390 Ly. 451 . . . .Ly. 800 1:18 I 11 20 Is 1:40 800 ....Ar. Ar Ar 160 360 320 1310 1:14 Is 1:00 12:4$ 80 11:10 P.M. Dally EiUMpt; BRANCH Sunday ' First CUM No. 4 No. Ttt TIT 375 9:26 20 9:11 8:21 P.M. . AM For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears Sip TMC OirrTAUR OOBMNT. H( TCM WTT $100 REWARD. $100, The readers of this paper will be pleased to' learn that there is at least one dreadful disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages and that is catarrh. Catarrh being greatly influenced by constitutional conditions re-, quires constitutional treatment. 11. 1'1 41 nan h uuarrn Medicine is taken internally and acts through the blood on the muscular surface of the system thereby destroying , the foundation of the disease, giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and ; assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in the curative pow ers of Uall's Catarrh RpinwW that they offer One Hundred Dot lars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for testimonials. AddressT. .1. HH EN EY PA Toledo. Ohio. Sold bv all W I MM: J. M rJjF Use For Over Thirty Years- ni 'gists, 75c. ". -i ! . ' Don't love yourself if you want others to love you.

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