ftHatauga Btmocrat Town and County. One of the twin infants of Mr. and Mrs. C. Q. Brown, died Monday. There will be preaching at the Methodist church next Sun day. Subject: "Good Roads." The apple bloom is light ia Watauga, bnt if it escapes get ting killed the crop promises to be sufficient for home use. Mrs. R. II. Ray, who has been in very feeble health for some time is. now suffering with a brokuu rib, the result of an unfortunate fall Tuesday evening. The fishing season opened on Tuesday, and Mr. R. M. Green, one of our crack anglers, was first to cast a fly, and reports a fine catch from the Boone Fork waters. Prof. Haitzog requests that the patrons of the Boone public school meet him on the grounds next Saturday for the purpose of planting trees, shrubbery and flowers. Bring a tree with you. Mrs. Lovill, widow of the late J. Claude Lovill, of Honey Grove Texas, arrived at the home of her brother-in-law, W. R. Lovill, Saturday, and will make her fu ture home there. Rev. N. C. Combs, a local minister of the M. E. Church, South, died suddenly in the post office at Mabel on last Friday, Watauga had no better man than he. A tribute next week, We are triad to learn that Mr. Joe C. Cook, whose fearful accident at the Whiting plant we have mentioned from time to time, is somewhat better, and there is now some hope of bis ul timate recovery. Mrs. J. M.Moretzanddaugh ter, Mrs. Grover Triplett, atten ded the Sunday School Conven tion on Beaver Dam last Sunday and since her return Mrs. Mor- etz has been suffering from the ef fects of coming in contact with poison oak. Mr. La than, of Union coun ty, arrived in Boone Sunday af ternoon, and on Monday morn ing left for his borne, taking with him his son, J. Barney, who Iibh been seriousiy ill at the home ol Mr. C. J. Cottrell for some time, The trip was made through to Monroe on Monday, and Tues day Prof. Greene received a tele' gram that the young man had died' that morning. Young Lath an was a member of the Senior class of the A. T. S., and no bet ter or more popular student has ever attended school here. Mr, Allen, Chief Engineer on the Elkland-Boone extension ol the Virginia-Carolina Railway, was in town a few hours Mon day. He says they are making good progress on tne survey two lines having been run, one on each side of the river, for a distance of eight miles, and he is -of the opinion that he can com plete the survey on this line with in the next two weeks, then the other two surveys, from River side and Bowie, respectively, wil be completed at the earliest day possible. The work is being done along permanent lines, and it is safe to announce that, should we carry the road bonds on n e x Tuesday, the county will have a standard gauge railroad right in her midst. Our Federal JUd HnstBi Saved. The County Road Commission eels that the county cannot af ford to lose the Aid offered us by the Federal government. If, by any chance; the road bonds should fail, we ieel that we must carry out the following section of the State Road law, to which attention is called. This will raise 127,000 a year. Of course this is not so fair to the outlying town ships as the bond issue, as be cause under this plan it would would be ten years before we can reach all parts of the county. The section follows: "Section 20: Wherever in any county, township, or road dis trict a condition exists in connec tion with the location, construc tion, maintenance, or repair of the roods of said county or town ship or road district that in the judgment of the county road commission or any other similar road commissioner board having charge of the roads and bridges of the county, township, or road district, the fund availa ble for such condition is insuffi cient for the work demanded, then, on application of the coun ty road commission or board of the county commisssioners shall appropriate from the gen eral fund of the county, or shall issue short-time notes or bonds in sufficient amount for the work required: Provided, that the a- mount of such fund or bonds is sued shall not any one hear ex ceed one per cent, of the taxable valuation, both real and person al, of the county, township, or road district." C. D. Taylor, Roy M. Bkown, W. W Stiuxgfellow, County Road Commission KODAK FILMS DEVELOPED FREE! Prints 8, 4, 5 and 6 cents each. , Films of all Bizes for sale Greene's Kodak Stcdio, Boone N. C. Notice of Tax-Listing I will be at the following places on the dates named for the pur pose of listing the taxes in Boone township for the yoar 1917, to wit: Vilas, Monday, May 14, be fore noon; T. L. Mast's store, the name date afternoon. Adams, Tuesdav the 15th: Boone Wed neBday and Thursday, 16 and 17th; New River Academy, ri day, the 18tn. 0. F. CL1TC0ER, List Taker. Tie Coattj Cianss. The county canvass for road bonds is going steadily on; num bers of leading citizens in the va riousjtownships taking part there in, Supt. E. P. Kinzell, of the Virginia Carolina Railway, after spending Tuesday in Boone, join ed the speakers at Blue Ridge at night, and made a very practical talk on good roads for Watau ga. He says that no county real ly needs a railroad until it has a system of good roads, and to prove his assertion, stated that, to put it at the lowest figures possible, Ashe county lost du ring the past winter $100,000, on account of being unable to get their lumber, acid wood, etc., to the rail road over the almost mpassable dirt roads of. the county. He says there is today within reach of their railway sur vey from Todd to Boone, enough dead chestnut wood, of no use to the owners, when delivered on the road, to pay the interest on our bonds for the next ten years. To work in the mines at Cran berry, N. C, loading cars by con tract. Can make from f 1.75 to $2.2") per day. Fine climate and ornnrl tronf mon f. Minna ivnll von. He says that no State, city, pro- J tilatcd. There will also be an gressive town or county, can do without bonds if they expect to keep abreast with this age of development THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH IN WATAUGA CO BLOWING ROCK BREEZE8 Miss Eunice Holshouser who has heen visiting in Richmond, Va., and Rowan county has re turned to her home. Miss Lena Reeves arrived several days ago. They were both missed while a- way, as they are regular attend ants at Sunday School and pray er meetings. The ice cream supper was a sue cess, the receipts amounting to $19.50. Rev. G. L. Hodges preached an interesting sermon at the Pres byterian church to a very large and appreciative audience. Bro Hodges is certainly a gifted spea ker for one so young in the ministry. Mr. T. H. Coffey is able to walk around town, but is still suffer ing from his fall. His many friends hope he will soon be well Mr. H. J. Teogue, formerly of Caldwell county has moved to town, having purchased a house and lot from our barber, Henry Coffey. The writer has just returned from a trip to Caldwell. The people are busy planting larger crops of corn than ever before, and there is a good prospect for a large crop of apples. Rev. Walter Adams of Cary s Flats is spending some time at the Rock. Mr. Job Blair of Vilas, passed through the village Saturday. The citizens of Blowing Rock met Friday n'ght and nominat ed Rev. Edwin Robbing for may or, John Cox, B. J, Greene and Chas. Cannon for commissioners. Dr. Brooks made an' able talk at the meeting on Sanitation, and May 15 was set apart as clean up day. W. M. F. The railroad is assured if the bonds are voted. The railroad itself and the property it wil bring with it will, within five years, be paying the entire tax due to the road bonds. John E. Brown Lawyer, boone, - - - N.c. Prompt attention given to all matters of a legal nature. Col lections a specialty. Office with Lovill & Lovill, N0T1UE:-1 have sold my jack to Mr. John II. Clawson of Meat Camp, who will stand him this year, lie lias an ad in another column. H. NeaLBIair. Attention Farmers. This is the year to raise big crops of corn and cabbage, by ueing Royster's High Grade Fer tilizers. For sale at W. L. WINKLER'S, Boone, N. C. Men Wanted. SERVICES A8 FOLLOWS: Foscoe: Every 'Sunday 11a.m. Sunday School 10 a. m. Blowincr Rock: 2nd Sunday 7: 30 p. m. Sunday School Jl p. m. Boone: Third Sunday 7:30 pm. Todd: Tuesday alter 3rd Sun- day 10 a. m. Shulls Mills: 4th Sunday 3 p.m. J. N. ATKINS. advance in wages May, 1st. For turtber information apply to or write S. II. ODUM, Supt., Cran berry, N. C. Notice ef Administration The undersigned having duly qualified as administrator of the estate of C. J. Coffey, deed., all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present theru to the undorsiged on or before the 12th day t Ap ril, 1918, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery All person indebted to -said es tate will pleas settle at once, This April 12, 1917. T. II. COFFEY, Adm Foundry & Machine Shop. High Grade Iron, Brass and Aluminum Castings, Boiler Arches, Boiler Fronts, Grate Bars and Saw Mill Castings turnished on Short Notice Repair Work a Specialty. Highest market prices paid for good cast scrap iron. We solicit your business and guarantee satisfaction. Lineberry Foundry and Machine Co., NORTH WILKESBOUO, N. C, The Place Where YOU GET The most cents out ofjyour DOLLARS and" where QUALITY and Quantity comes first and Profits last. My line is general and my prices low everything considered. See my line of farming implements hoes, shovels, plows, etc. Your trade is always solicited. J. S- WINKLEE A Good Beginning BYNUM B. BANNER. F. M. RICHARDS, Jr., Automobile Repairing We will tniko a specialty of automobile repairing ah our garage this an in nier. We oau take care of auy and all ratke of cars, put tliem to iroinsr and keep them going. We are prepared to look after your electric starting and lightlug system regardless ol tne make. Parts and Accessories. We keep a full line of parts for Ford and Overlaud cars, and will uot keep you waiting for repair work. Gasoline, oils and greases on Male at all times Automobile Tires and Tubes. We are sole agent for Goodyear Urea and tubes, and will maintain a Good year Service Station. Anyone that kiiowb auything abjut tires will tell you that Goodyear tires are the best. We have tried them, and wo know. Automobile Livery Service. We will maintain an automobile passenger service for the people of W atan ga and Avery counties. and passengers coming up on the E T i W N 0 Ry. Our cars will cowo on call anywhere that cars can go day or night. Prices ga and Avery counties. and passengers coming up on the E T 4 W N 0 Ry Our cars will couio on call anywhere that cars can go day or niirht. Priuei wi!I be as reasonable as we can make them, general high prines oonxidered, Patronize the men that appreciate your business, and men that know their business. Experimenting is very exprusive to the car owner. Banner & Richards BANNER ELK, N.C FORD THE UNIVERSAL CAR 320,817 Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S QASTORIA Have been built and actually delivered to retail buyers since. August 1, 1819 These figures 830,817 represent the actual number of cars manufactured by as since August 1, 1916 and delivered by our agents to retail buyers, This unusual fall and winter demand for Ford cars makes It necessary for us to couQoe the distribution of cars ouly to those agents wbo have orders for immediate delivery to retail customers, rather than to permit any agent to stock oars In anticipation of later spring sales. We are issuing this notice to Intending buyers that they may protect them selves against delay or disappointment la securing Ford oars. If, therefore you are planning to buy Ford, we advise you to place your order and take delivery now. Immediate orders will have prompt attention. Delay lu bating at this time may eaussyou te wait for Several mouths. Enter your order today for immediate delivery with our authorized Ford agent listed below and don t be disappointed later on. Pricks: Runabout $819, Touring car $360, coupelet $305, Town car 95, Sedan $613 fob. Detroit FORD MOTOR COMPANY. W. H. Wagoner, ValleCruoe8,N. C. followed up by close applications of business methods will usually make a good ending. I have decided to follow these principles for the coming year and in so doing will give his customers the benefit of his exper- iences and prices on his stock of goods, most of which was bought before the great advance in prices. Notions of various kinds at bargain prices. The la test shape3 and styles. Hardware of all kinds at the lowest prices. A nice line of groceries always1 in stock at the best prices. My Line of Shoes is the best. Shoes are indispensable and my line should not be o verlooked. In fact you can find anything necessary for everyday consumption. I thank you for past pa tronage and hope to merit your future business. M, B, BLACKBURN, BOONE, - N. C. THE FAMOUS Chattanooga Plows We Have Them. All Kinds. See them before Buying. Get The Best. BERNHARDT -SEAGLE CO WHOLESALE AND RETAIL HARDWARE AND FURNITURE ; LBN01K, ------- - JNUKTH CAROLINA,