AC a L rl r ti T ki 1c SI n lo M tt fo k oi Is . 10 to if W .bt be re SI th mi bj ck Pt y it rq ao ti . ne; !v.-' t an i ) at dJ no dui cot at etc tal 1 it t , i Chi J kiu Rl ttfri ter' on l it a in liej H dull U terl reme i P ublishedr Every tThursda ; la Memory of Millard Haf mib. Our ranks are again broken; another soldier has fallen. Who will take his place? Millard Ha gaman, whose departure on the 10th day of Feb. 1917 we mourn, ' was 43 years of age. He had suf fered very much for about eight months with a malady that baf fled the skill of the physicians. Hia family and friends did all tbey knew for his alleviation and restoration, but God willed it otherwise. During his long ill- ness he was never heard to utter a word of complaint. Asa citizen ha was of the highest type. On . all questions affecting the moral, intellectual or religious better- ment of his community and country, he stood four square. Uewas liberal with time and money for 6 very. good cause. A man of excellent judgment; he neverexpressed himself until he had carefully considered. Strict ly honest, truthful, upright, pub lic-spirited; he admired these gm ces in others, but was always gen erous to the faults of his neigh' bors. He professed faith in Christ when quite young, perhaps nine or ten years old, in a meeting held by Elders A. C. and his son, J. H. Farthing, who was just be ginning the ministry. These ser- ices were held in an old log school house just above wbej-e Forest Grove church now stands. This was the first protracted service ever held on East Beaver Dam, and this was the only con version' in that meeting, of which we have ever heard. Some years after he was baptised iutothe fellowship of Forest Grove church in which he lived and wrought u itil his departing. No man was ever truer to his church and to the things for which the church stands. He was a man of deep christian humility, al ways carry ing a strong seuse of his unwor tliiness. This often, iu his yoiing or days, kept lum from filling im portant places of trust und ser vicebut later in life he threw , himself wholly into whatever his , brethren called hitn. He was dotibtlesss one of t he most effl cient Sunday Schoolteachers in the Three Forks Association. He had an extensive knowledge o the Bible; was also a studious reader of good books and cur rent literature. This, backed bv his deep piety, made him a teach er loved and respected by his class of younugmen whom he taught for many years. At the time of his death he was clerk o hU church, and had been for ma ny years. It was often remarked by different ones of his pastors, that he was, perhaps, the best church clerk in the Three Forks Association. Forest Grove church keenly ,U els the loss we have sus tained in hia death. In the prime of his life, in the midst of his use fulness, his going away is an in expressable bereavement to his family, hia church aud the com munity. We shall kuow better why, some day. J. F. Ellkk, Smith Hauamax,'"" E. Graog, Committee. Hi Had Trouble Four or Fiv Years. f Many people suffer from blad- wm.1 d tfoo'jta when they can be quickly relieved W ,1 Furv. 8n lem, Mo., write': was bother. !! ed witD bladder trouble four or five years, It gave tneagrrat ,w deal of uaiu, I took different mPH riiA, Iciuee. but nothing did me anv j Mr ?ood,1util. 1 "t Foley Kiduey t, mis. 'land Wt Put something by for a rainy W day, evon if it isn't more than an umbrella. loins : W d Cut This out It Is Worth Money Jjjjj Don't miss this. Cut out tufa r113, Hlip, enclose, with 5c. to Foley & rVo,, Chicago, HI., writing your ' rr( name and address cierariy, lou jlitp will receive in return a trial let package containing Foley's Hon at J ey aud tar compound for roughs, AttcoId and croup;' Foley Kiduey 'J IPllle, and Foley Cathartic Tab- let. Sold everywhere, ft " - ATTENTION, FAKKEKS. On next Saturdy, May the 5th, there will be an effort made to arrange a National Farm Loan Association in Doone. Through such an association monoy can be had at 5 per cent interest to buy or improve farm lands, buy live stock, erect necessary build ings, pay indebtedness, etc. Please let those who have agreed to join be on hand and any oth ers who may be interested. Don't forget the date, Saturday, May tho 5th. Respectfully, A. D. BLAIR. Boone, N C. Don't Let Your Cough Hang On. A cough that racka and weak ens is dangerous, it undermines your health and thrives on neg lect. Relieve it at once with Dr. King's New Discovery. This Hootbing balsam remedy heals tbe tnroat, loosens the phlegm, its antispptic properties kill the germ and th' cold is quickly bro ken up. unuaren biid grownups aiiKe nnn vr. King's iew uiscov ery pleasant to take ns well as effective. Have a bottle handy iu your medicine chest for grippe, croup, and all bronchial affec tions. At druggists, 50c Women do not traitress the bounds of decorum as often as men, but when they do they go to greater lengths. Proper Food For Weak Stom achs. The proper food for one man ran.y be ail wroncr for another. Every one vbould apopt a diet Huiteu to ms age and occupation. Those who have weuk Htomnrlin need to be especially careful and should eat slowly and rnaxtieate their food thorouchlv. ltixnlMO important that they keep their noweiH leguinr. Mien they tie cunieronxtipntei) or when they feel dull find Htupid after eatin. they should tke ('hamherlaiti's labletn to strengthen the eioin nch and move tbe bowels. They 'ire easy to take and pleasant in enecc. It is with narrow-minded peo pie, as with narrow-necked bot ties, the less they have in them the more noise they make in pour ing it out. Road To Happiness. Be amiable, cheerful and cood natured and you are much more iiKeiy zn De nappy, lou will nnn his difficult, if not impossible, when you are constantly troub led with constipation. Take Chamberlain's Tablets aud get rid of that aud it will be easy. These tablets not only move the bowels, buc improve the appetite aud strengthen the digestion. The reason (why books are so seldom returned by the borrow ers is that it is so much easier to retain the books than what is in them. Daughter in Terrible Shape. A Mitchell, Bagdad, Ky. writes: "My daughter was in terrible shape with kidney trouble. 1 got her to take, Foley's Kidney fills and she is completely cured." Uolev,Kidnpy Pills strengthen weak, deranged kidneys; correct bladder troubles: stou rhetmnt.- ic .'pains and backache: rell sore muscles and stiff io inta. For Bale everywhere. Preterm Your Complexion Aft eaiy, pleasing way by using Magnolia Balm before and after outings. You can fearlessly face the sun, wind and dual because you know Magnolia Balm keeps you safe from Sunburn and Tan. This fragrant lo tion iswonderfully soothing, cooling and a great com fort after a day outdoors. KM l:- B-t . iiiagiiuua oaim is 'the ftk-in.nvina 'which in recularlv 7fj I , -A1UBCU UlllC retried. Magnolia Balm LIQUID FACE POWDER. 75c. ml DmCTi mlumail Jlnd Sample (either color) for 2c. Stamp, tyrmMfi.Co., 40 Sooth Fifth SuBrooUrn.N.Y. PnblieSpiritiiCitizii. Promoted by a deep interest in tho welfare and advancement of the people of the State at large, and his love for the cause of good roads, Mr. H. B. Varner, of Lex ington, is an incessautand untir ing worker in behalf of good roads for every locality. Mr. Var. ner, a very busy man himself, leaveBhia own duties and goes out to help others, asking no re muneration in return for his ser- vices. He was in Caldwell Mon day, making speeches at Oak Hill and Hudson. He has no per sonal interest in the mountain counties, but from the stand point of a disinterested outsider, and a public-spirited citizen gives the public the benefit of his knowl edge and experience as a practi cal Good roada builder. Lenoir Topic. Special Notice. Foley Cathartic Ta bleta cleanse thoroughly 'the bowels, remove undigested waste matter, sweet en tbe stomach and tone up tbe liver. Do notgnpenomauHeate, Stout persons praise Foley Cath artic Tablets tor the light, free and comfortable feeling they bring. Will not addict you to tbe "pill habit, sold everywhere. Do not hurry to reach the top of the ladder if you are going to fall off when you get there. Glad to Uarn Of It. CoueIis that lollow LaGrinpe. or n uy deep-seated couch, uill we r down t he strongest man or n auoweo to continue; i . Smith. Auuusta, Ga . writes: ' J iiot one 25 tent bott leof Foley V lloney Hutl Tar and my rough and cold is about well. 1 Man silad to learn of a great medi cine like 1 bat." Sold Lerj whrf. STABBED IN THE BACK. How Many Democrat Readers Have Had Those Sudden Twinges. Have you ever had a "crick" in your back? Does your back ache with a dull, heavy, draggy throb? Is it hard to straighten up af ter stooping; Hard to arise from a chair or turn in bed? Are there other signs of kidney weakness When your kidneys need ntten tion, use a tested kidney remedy. Use Doan's Kidney Pills a remedy that has proved its merit ('ouvinciug testimony iu the following statement: Mrs. I). D. Isenhour, 712 High land Ave., Hickory, in. c, says: "1 was bothered by weakness in my back brought on 1 belmve by a strain from lifting, i had a eonstant dull ache across my loins which bothered me when 1 sat down. 1 began using Loan's Kidney rills and they strength ened my back and made me feel much better. Price 50c. at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get doan's" Kidney Pills the same that Mrs. Isenhour had. Fosier-Millburn Co., Props., liuf aly, New York. 1 NOTICE. North Carolina, Watauga Coun ty. Superior Court, before the Clerk. Thomas Coffey, Smith Cozort, Mary Cozort, who in termarried with Turnmire, Charles Cozort, Luna Cozort, heirs at law oi Emma Cozort, deceased, who prior to her mar riage was Emma()offey;Thom as Coffey, William Coffey, Ella Coffey, Maggie Coffey, who in termarried with John Mavs. Henry Coffey, Charles Coffey, Lee Coffey, all of the above be ing the heirs at law of Smith Coffey, deceased, v. Filizabeth Cozort and James Cozort, mi nors. The defendaut James Cozort, a hove named, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of .Watauga county for the purpose of selling certain lands for partition; and the said defendant wil further tnkenotice that he is required to appear be fore the undersigned, at his office in Doone, N. C. on the 2nd day of May, 1917, andjanswer or de mur to the petitions of the plain tiffs, or the plaintiffs will apply to the court lor the relief derm ti ded in said petition. This April 2nd, 1917. W. D.FABtHING, C. S. C. MORTGAGE SALE. : By virtue of provlsiou of a cer tain mortgage deed executed by Ar Jhur Keller aud wife, Biiia Keller, to D II Shore to secure the payment of a certain note due D H Shore for par chase mouey on said lands, the uotes secured by said mortgage deed having matured and default having beeu made in the payment thereof, said notes together w)th mortgage deed having been transferred to the under signed, 1 will ou Saturday, May, IU, J i17. between the hours of 12, M..and 2, p. id., at the court house door in Boone, N. C, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash tbe following described real estate to wit: Two cer tain tracts or parcels of land iu Blow ing Bock township, Watauga connly, adjoiuiug the lauds ol P M Winkler, L U Winkler aud others aud bouud eJ ns follows: First tract. Beglunlug on a snruce pine, W W Eldridge soruer, near a spring and runs S. 50 E., 37 poles to a laurel bush iu L O Winkler's line; tneuce a wr tu oz oiee to a spruce pine; thence wextwardly 25 poles (o a rock; theuce 15 poletothebeeiuuiue. containing 8 acres more or less. Seooud tract. Beginning on a snruce pine and' runs S 400 K 31 poles to a chestnut tree; thence W 53 poles to a stake; thence N 40 W 81 poles to a stake- f hence E with P M Winkler's line f8 poles to the beginning, coo taiuing 10 acres more or less, being the land purchased by D H Shores from K W Keller rud wife. Addle and conveyed by D H Shores to Arthur seller ana wire bina Keller, July 9, 11)14. Said mortgage deed is recorded iu the office of the Register of Deed i of Watauga county in Book U, page ill. AUID AJJ1I AO, 1IF1 f . JOEL P. GREENE, Mortgagee. Brown & Lovill, Attys. Land Entry Ni. 2540. State of North Carolina Watauga county, office of entry taker. Arthur Storle locates and enters 400 acres of laud on the waters of Joe Pork and in Blue Ridge township, adjoining the laud of h rand in Lum ber co. ii L Htorl anil nrhara. Ru . uiug ou a chetituut, said Lumber Co' coruer, ranniu 4y w with saui Hue I o (1 L Stories Hue and variolic couifeft tor coiimlinipnt. an on tn In. elude all vacant land. Entered thit April W, 1I7. H.J. HARDIN, E.T. For Your Child's Cough. Here's a pleasant couch svrui that every child likes to iake, Dr. Dell's Pitie-'far-Uoney. Ii your chill has a deep hacking cuuirli that worries von yivn hin Dr. Dell's Pine-Tar- Honey, tbe Hootbing pine balsams relieve the cough, loosens the phlegm aim neais tue irritated tissurg. Ot a botlle to-day at your drug gist and start treutment ai once. 25c. LR Helps Sick Women Cardui, the woman's tonic, helped Mrs. Wil liam Eversole, of Hazel Patch, Ky. Read what she writes: "I had i general breaking-d6wn of my health. I was in bed for weeks, unable to get up. I had such a weakness and dizziness, . . . and th ruiina ivra ro, & very severe. A friend m A M 1 LnJ 1-1 .J ... vu i"t uini uicu cvcry thing else, why not a i i urauir.. . i did, and I soon saw it was helping A me . . . After 12 bottles, I am strong and well." . TAKE The Woman's Tonic Do you feel weak, diz zy, worn-out? Is your lack of good health caused from any of the com plaints so common to women? Then why not w t(1 111 k.1 I .1 I I n give Cardui a trial? It fj I Cm nould 8ure1 d for you j vhat it has done for so f r H many thousands of other K H Ipi women who suffered it fo j fJ should help you back to U Q IqI health. ITl lf Ask some lady friend Or J rS who has taken Cardui. yJj She will tell you how it IPI hi helped her. Try Cardui. HH fjj AD Droggisb Jn Virginia-Garolina Railway G)mpaiiy TIME TABLE NO 8 In Effect 12:01 A. M Monday, 8ept, 11, 1918 For Government of Employes Only. i II STATIONS Eastern Standard Tims No. 1 A.M. 7:201 Lr. Abingdon (W.C.) 0.51 Lv. Yard 7:32 4 9 12 13 14 Lv. Watauga Lv. Barron Lt. Cedarville (W) a 7:451 ... ... ... Pass Lv. Drowning Ford Lv. Vails Mill No. 131 s 8:12 8:20 16 18 23 27 Lv. Damascus (W) (T) Lt. Laureldale (Q.C.).. 8:39 Lt. Taylor's Valley (W) Ar.. Creek Junction s 8:64 ti a o g , O "5 o) a Ts Class Lt. Callahan CrosKinc (Q.C.)..Lv. 9:42 81 Lt. Green Cove (W) Meet No. 14 s 9:521 34 40 Lv. White Too Gap (W.T.)....Lr. 390 Lv. Nella 10:27 10:33 10:38 10:46 44 46 48 60 63 66 Lv. Tuckerdale (W) Lt. Lansing Lt.' Berlin Lt. Warren ville' Lt. Smethport Ar. West Jefferson (WCY) sll:04 11:051 66 68 61 65 71 76 Lt. West Jefferwm (WCY)....Ar. Lt. Hamilton. N. C .....Ar. 11:24 811:39 11:64 Lt. Donation Lt. Bowie (W) Lt. RIverRide 12:061 Ar. Elkland, N. C. (WCT)...Lt. P.M. bally Exoept Sunday First Class No. 6 1 No. 8 KONNAROCK P.M. 3:13 Xm. 8:551 Lt. Creek Junction ....Ar. Lt. Grassy Ridge (:) Ar. 3:28 P.M. 9:10 Ar. Konnarock (WYO) Lt. AM Stop on Signal, s Regular Stop. G. C Grade Crossing. W Water, C Coal. O. Scales. T- Turntable. Y. Wye. (:) Jet W. T. By. Ilrict Contents 15Tluid T)raohni "Tt -Unt -o ma r.RNT, 11 jtLbunuu w ---: .Miinii wr inf rnnn iiw nvcui tlnthcStomadis and iBwcjser I! ThcrcWroiiniDhJcslia 1 1 Kfomnno iuinnK3.ui"" 1 nettherOplum,Morphuienof Mineral, isot iwi JbcmtUSdl Him Qtntmm-BJir ,Atnf11tPimeirvfor Constipation and Diarrhoei . PM .tL.Ait! Ann ana rcvensmiw LossofSleep rcsulUn4llmfrWjml lac Simile Sinatureof B TheCektaurCompm If .mnlT. Exact Copy of Wrapper. Mubde Soreness Relieved. Unusual work, hnnrlino- nnrl lifting ni utrenuous exercise is a strain on the muscles, thpv hn- comp sore atnl stiff, you are crip pled and in pain. Sloan's Lini. ment brings you quick relief, easy to apply, it penetrates without rubbing and drives out the sore liens. A clHHrliquid.cIenner than muHSy iilasters or ointmpnts it. does not stain tlip Kki or clog tne pores. . AlwayH have a bottle handy lor the pnins of rhpiitna. tism, gout, luinliajro, grippe, bruisex. HtiffneHH. ifk Rrlio unit all exiernal Dain. At vonrH Mirr. gist, 25c. ,1 0 SEE BETTER SEEDULA 17 Y - r ; The Best Equipment Obtainable masses rttted lixc us ve v MARTIM BLOW, LENOIR, N. L W A TC II P A PK R FOR I ia Tvq V iTi'-, J. 'I'1 i r, .-'J I1. JCSS- ll ! I If JIiiI j r i iat Class " I General No. l" Office P-M. Ar Ar.l Ar. Ar. Ar. Ar Ar. .....Ar. Ar, 820 4001 600 s :ia 4:11 S:BS Ar. Lt 375 s s:i ...Lv. 390 8:00 .....Lt.I 200 1:21 Meet No. IS Lt.! 480 280 12 8:11 Lt 1:10 Lt. Lt. 195 2:04 1:18 390 461 Lt. ....Lt, 11 800 8001 20' s 1:40 TS5 Ar, Ar. 160 360 320 1:14 s 1:00 Ar 11:41 1310 SO 12:30 P.M. Dally Ixctpt Sunday First Class No. 4 1 No. I BRANCH XST 9:2 TOT 8:41 3751 20 9:11 8:29 P.M." A.M. ma For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature, of In Use For Over Thirty Years OH tmi etirmuii eoMHv. lira mm cm m REWARD. $100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreadfuldiseasethat science has been able to cure in all itq stages and that is catarrh. Catarrh being greatly influenced by constitutional conditions re quirps constitutional treatment. Hali's Catarrh Medicine is taken internally and acta thrnnch tha blood on the muscular surfaces of the system t hereby destroying the foundation of the disease, giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in' the curative pow ers of Hall's Catarrh Remedy that they offer One Hundred Dol lars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for testimonials. m Address P. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by all drug, gists, 75c. J Don't love youtseli if you want others to Iovq yon,' - 9.19 1138 35 400 9 6:08 460 9 : 125 2 ... 140 2 .......... 15 ' 10 1

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