Mt Oatausa Btmoaat Town and County. Brick-making tor the boy's dormitory was begun on Mon day. -A Red Cross organization for Boone is the next Btep to be ta ken by the patriotic ladies of this section. The big band mill at Shulls Mills is again in operation, the , repaired motor having been put in place again the tlrst of the week. Mrs. W. H. Brown and four little children, returned yester day from a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Mast at Vilas. Mrs. Minnie Watson, of Le noir, with her son Hugh, is at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Farthing, on Routal, for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Don. D. Far thing are now at home to their friends in their pretty new home near the residence of Mr. Mr. W. L. Trivett, on route 1. Mr. C. C. Farthing will leave today for Stanley county, where he has taken a plumbing con tract. His wife and children re turned from a visit to relatives in Raleigh last Sunday. Mrs, 1. C Adams, of Stuart, Va., who, with her interesting lit tle, family, is visiting her pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Isaacs of Vilas, was a pleasant business caller at this office Tuesday. There will be preaching at the Baptist Church in Boone next Sunday at 11, a. m , by Rev. Ar thur Wilson, of Missouri, and at 8:15, p. nr., by the pastor. Sun day School at 10, a. m. All cor dially invited. -The Worthy Matron requests us to say that there will be a regular communication 0. . S. at Masonic Hall in Boone on next Tuesday evening at 8 o' clock. All members requested to be present. Mr. J. M, May wife and three children, of Trade, Teun., were in town a few hours yesterday. The many friends ot the family, that lor a long while resided here, were glad indeed to seethemeven for so short a time. The annual memorial servi ces will be held at the Harmon grave yard on Cove Creek at 11, a. ra., on the fourth Sunday in June, conducted by Revs. John Crisp and Calvin Farthing. The public generally invited. In a neat little garrage, with a good assortment of tools and repairs, Mr. Dean Bingham is now prepared to treat the ail ments of your Ford or other motor-driven machines onshortno tice. When in need of any work in bis line, give him a call. Mr. T. L. Critcher, of Bamboo, lias bought from Mr. M. C. Cook another boundary of land ad joining his pretty farm which makes hint the most desirable property, in that section which from a scenic viewpoint, is one of the beauty spots of the coun ty. Mr. John Sherrill has moved from his home at Reese to his farm at George's Gap He has 18 fine dairy cows on grass there and he wants to be there to help attend to them. Mr. Sherrill is ffettinjr a little closer to Boone all the while, where we all hope be will land ere long; The Board of County Com missionere, theGood Roads Com missioners and Prof. James of the faculty of the University of North Carolina, a memoeroi tne KtatA Hiohwav Commission aud a bond expert, will meet in joint session at the court nouse next Monday, for the purpose of dis cussing Watauga's good roads construction, the floating of the bonds, and if floated, when the work ot construction will actu ally begin. - " I -. ,.,..,-.- 1 . - Married at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs; Da vid Williams, on Route 1, last Sunday, Mr. T. Lloyd Cottrell to Miss Lucy Williams, Thos. L. Critcher, Esq. performing the cer emony. The Democrat and a host of friends extend congratula tions to the justly popular cou ple. Rev. Arthur Wilson, son of Rev. L. C. W ilson, of Beaver Dam, now of Missouri, is with home folks and friends in Watauga for a ferv weeks.. Mr. Wilson is a graduate of the A T. S., but has been in the Middle West, for a number of years, where be has become quite an eminent Bap tist minister. We are told that the largest crowd almost ever seen at a fu neral in this section, was present at the burial of Mrs. Martha Shearer on Monday. All her fam ily and nearest relatives were present, and bing a lady belov ed by all, her friends assembled in large numbers to pay their last respects to her. Mrs. Dr. Church, an estima ble lady, formerly of Zionville, this county, died at her home at Elk Park on Monday, and the remains were brought back for interment, which was made near her former home Tuesday after noon. Mrs. Church was well ad vanced in years, and we are told that grief over the death of her son lust full hastened her death. Quite a number of our dear old boys who wore the grey du ring the war between the States. are eujoying the National Reun ion at Washington. D. C, this week, but the pity is that many of them were too feeble to make the trip. May the occasion be one of the greatest pleasure for each and every one of them, is our wish. Children's Day was observed at the Methodist Church on last Sunday. The children acquitted themselves beautifully. Especi ally noticable were the songs, the children having been carefully trained in them by Mrs. Frank Lintiey. All who attended the exercises were much pleased with the good work of the little chil dren who were trained by Mrs. Linney and MUs Nannie Rivers. -Mrs. E. S. Coffey went to Mor- ganton last Friday, where she remained with her sister, Mrs. Spainhour, until the first of the week, when she left for Washing ton D. C, to visit her husband who has a Government position there and at the same time "take in" the reunion of the Confeder- ate veterans that is being held in that city this week. As we olose our forms the re turns from the various town ships of the county, save one, are all in, and not the least trou ble, so far as we can learn, wan bad on registration day. Every man of the prescribed age, regis tered without a murmur, and we want the man who put in circu lation the report' that trouble was expected in some of the mountain counties to know that Watauga is made up of patriot ic law-abidiug citizens, and as good hereditary fighting blood as ever coursed through the veins of any people U here in abun dance. Mr. A. F. Dancy, of Char lotte, salesman for the Under wood Typewriter Co., was in the village the first of the week. He has a good seller and he knows just how to push it, but while he is doing this, he has planted on his Wilkes county farm this year 11 acres of cane to be converted into sorghum this fall. Aside from his own crop, his neighbors are putting in heavy crops, ara outing in all to more than 9O acres, which will be manufactur ed into the palatable syrup at the big power plant that will be put iu by Mr. Dancey before the crop is off. It is his intention to can the output in airtight re ceptacels, hot from the evapora ting Jpans, so as to retain the t icu flavor which syrup in open vessels, loses by age. Mrs. John Lewis has return ed from a few day's visit to rela tives on Meat Camp. Miss Verna Wilson, who has just completed her second year at Elon College, is at home for vacation. -Dr. J. L. Cottrell and Mr. Joe Mews, both of Mountain City, Tenn., were business callers at this office Monday. Mrs. G rover Triplett. after a visitofafew weeks to her Da- rents in Boone, returned to her home in Lenoir Monday. Messrs. Robert Tulliam, Tra cy Councill, Clyde Miller and W S. Tatum, students at the Uni versity, and Mr. Sam Horton.of Wake Forest College, are at home for the summer vacation. Mrs. John Stanbury return ed from Jefferson Monday, where she spent several days with her daughter, Mrs. W. L. Scott,. A tiny baby girl took up her abode in the home of Prof. Scott while Mrs. Stanbury was there. Friend Tom Green, one of Stony Fork's best and most pro gressive farmers, was in to see us yesterday, and reports the growing crops in his secti' n ai? looking fairly well. Peaches, he said, are all dead, and the apple crop rather light. Mr. Green ha a commercial orchard of 1,000 fine apple trees, and 400 peach trees of the very best varieties pro urable, and has spent much time and money thereon. Mrs. Martha Shearer. . It is with sorrow that we chronicle the death of Mrs. Mar- tha Shearer who. passed away on the morning of the 3rd inst. at 3 o'clock and was' gathered to her people, like a shock of corn fully ripe. Mrs. Shearer had reached a ripe old ace and was one of those sweet, gentle char- acters hard to find at this day. Her kindness, her open hearted hospitality were characteristics of the good lady. This writer has known Mrs. Suearerfrom his childhood and has ever loved the dear saintly soul, who has gone to receive her reward, for work well and faithfully done, in her day and generation. "There is no death, the stars go down to rise upon a brighter shore." BYNUM B. BANNER. Automobile We will nnke a specialty of automobile repairing at our nnretge this sum Dier. Wt Mil kllA DIM nf tnir InH ill millna l aH n.if H...... .... ..!.... and keen them srmnir Wa r tiranar and lighting system regardless ot the Parts and We keep a full line of parts for Ford a -id Overland cars, and will not keep you walling for repair work. Gasoline, oils and greases on sale at all times Automobile Tires and Tubes. We are sole agenU for Goodyear tires and tubes, and will maintain a Good year Service Station. Anyone that k iowb aoything about tires will tell you that Goodyear tires are the best. We have tried them, and wo know. Automobile Livery Service. We will maintain an automobile passonger service for the people of W atau ga and Avery counties and passengers coming np on the E T & W N O Ky. Our cars will come 00 call anywhere that cars can tro day or night. Prices wi!l be aa reasonable as wa can make them, general high prices considered, Patronize the men that appreciate your business, and men that know their business. Experimenting is very ezpjusive to the car owner. Banner & Richards BANNER ELK, N.C. FORD THE UNIVERSAL CAR Wherever Ford cars have pioneered, Ford service has kept pace. It is the factor which strengthens the perso nal relation between Ford owners and the Companv. To get the best possible service here where it needs attention supervision throughout. Wo and give you the benefit of ces. Touring car $360, Runabout $345, Sedan $645, Cou pelet $505, Town Car $595 all f. 0. b. Detroit. On display and for sale by W. H. Wagner, ValieCiucesJN. C, the episcopal churgh IN wataosa CO SEnVlCEH ah follows: Foscoe: Every Sunday 11 a. ra. Sunday School 10 a. m. Blowing Rock: 2nd Sunday 7: 30 p. in. Sunday School 3 p. in. Boone: Third Sunday 7:30 pm. Todd: Tuesday alter 3cd Sun day 10 a. m. Shulls Mills: 4th Sunday 3 p.m. J. N. ATKINS. NOTICE. United States of America, Western District of North Caroliua. Tbls is to notify all jurors, wltoeraes ana aeiennanw mat his Houor Jus. E. Boyd, Judge bas adjourned the Mav term of thn United Rtutnu Tils triot oourt at Wllkesboro, N, C. until luesday after the second Monday in Sentfliu ber 11117. It helncr thn 11th Uv of September 1017. The jurors, wit puses and defendants will not be re quired to attend at May term 1917, but will be required to attend the ad journed term on the 11th day of Sept ivw. i nis aone Dy order of the court this 15 day of May M7. MILTON McNEILL, Deputy Clerk U. S. Court. Mules I or Sale. I have a nice pair of three year old mules for sale. They are well broken. For prices call on or address, VV. L. COFFEY, Sands, N. C. John E. Brown Lawyer. boone, . . . N.C. Prompt attention given to all matters of a legal nature. Col lections a specialty. Office with Lovill & Lovill, Attention Farmers. This is the year to raise Lie crops of corn and cabbage, by using Royster's High Grade Fer tilizers. J or Hale at. W. L. WINKLER'S, c Boone, N. C. KODAK FILMS developed free Printed for 3, 4 and 5 cents each. 25 years' experience. Dunwick Photo Studio, Lenoir, North Carolina. Fa'm For Sale. About 1)0 acres of good farm ing lands near Neva, Tenu a good dwelling and outhouses, splendid water, fine orchard, and a lot of good timber. This splen did property will be sold at a bargain to the quick buyer. See or write JAMES HOLSCLAW, Neva, Tennessee. F. M. RICHARDS, Jr., Repairing innir .fia. ..,. i make. Accessories. from your Ford car, bring it and get the benefit of Ford use the gennine Ford parts the regular standard Ford pri Shoes at the Present Wholesale Prices. I can sell you shoes at last years prices. Having pla ced my order for Spring Shoes and slippers last fall. So I can save jou from 50c to $1.00 per pair on shoes, I Also Have Dress Goods, Notions, Clothing Etc, that I can sell you cheaper I . DacK owing to the big advance in prices of goods. Come and see me and save money by so doiusr. Good stock al ways on hand. Yours to C. M. Critcher, EAST TENNESSEE AND WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA , RAILROAD COMPANY LINVILLE RIVER RAILWAY COMPANY Jlma Tabla No. 77 In Effect 6:45 A. M. Sunday, Standird Time EASTWARD No. 4 1 No. 3 1 P.M. M. I (E. T. and 1:00 7: 00 1 Leave Johnson 1:12 7:121 Mllllgan 1:16 7:161 Watauga Point. 1:20 7:20 ..'Sycamore Shoals . ... Elltabothton . . .... Valley Forge.. Hampton ... ....'Pardee Point.. Blevlng .... ....White Rock.. Crabtree ... ...Roan Mountain. Shell Creek... Elk Park.... 1:28' 7:28 1:42 7:42 1:60 1:67 7:60 7:57 2:06 8:051 2:11 2:17 8:11 8:17 8:25 8:32 2:26 2:32 2:60 2:65 -8:60 8:65 Arrive Cranberry Leave No. 8 i (Llnvllle River Railway) P.M 3:15 3:301 Leave Cranberry Arrive Minneapolis 3:40 3:47 3:65 4:30 4:50 Montezuma Plneola 10:051 Llnvllle 10:201, The 10:27 Jeotes 10:35 , Townsend 10:45 10:56 L Foecoe Arrive Shulls Flag Station. Noa. 1, 2, 3, and 4 dally. Koa. 7 and 8 daily, except Sunday. NOTE Connection is made at Wowing Rock, N. C., distance seven N. L. MAST, Prrf. (4, P. HAGAMAN, Cash. The Bank That Appreciates and Protects its Gustome Capital, Surplus, Profits- and Stockholders, If. hau Kiian tlm rtnlisttr rF f laid liunlr nnoaiKIi 4-t Yn ti f .rtu if Urnlniiifa nnnnfir ' Wrt nnnfmnlnfa t It a confidence tbepeoplo have Bliown ueipeu ui uj uuuievc iu uinuiu ui With our improved equipment to serve them. The Watauga County Bank BOONE, NOKTH CAROLINA. L. I). LOWE, rresidont. H. B. PERRY, Vlce-Preildent L. U. FARTHING, Cashier. ' TheValle We solicit the accounts ofairjierHonsjn this new Hunk, and, we will do our bent to accommodate the people and ivnder the Kreu hwfc Hcrvice consistant with Hound hanking. WAR, and high pi ices U the talk of the town. Hut Hcnd vour produce to me for highest cash priceg. Meet me at Cook Brothers Store at Todd on Friday of each week with your produce, and at liivwruide on other daye. Mail me a card today for pi ices. I pay cash on receipt of goods. My Motto: llonesty. Respectfully, N. C. PARSONS Get Your Supplies From Elkland Supply Co. TODD, N. C. GRAIN FLOUR 'PROVISIONS AND PRODUCE Fertilizers, Etc. THE TBADE OF WATAUGA PEOPLE INVITED. New. Building near Todd Mercantile Co., Todd, N, C. than I can buy the same goods a - Save You Money, R. F. D. Boone, N. C. May 27, 117-Canti J STATIONS WESTWARD I No. 1 1 No. S A M. P. M. 10:40 6:00 10:27 4:47 10:20 4:40 10:17 4:37 10:12 4:81 10:00 4:20 9:68 4:16 9:60 4:07 9:43 4:00 9:37 3:62 9:30 3:46 9:25 3:40 9:18 3:83 9:03 3:18 8:55 3:10 8:35 2:6a 8:20 2:36 8:11 2:26 8:05 2:20 7:56 2:10 "7:45 "2:66 7:25 1:40 7:16 1:30 7:06 1:20 6:55 1:10 6:45 1:00 W. N. C. R. R.) City Arrive College No. T A. 11.1 4 "Y.ii 7:00 i ;! 4 4 .....4 Junction Vale Newland Gap Siding Mills Loavel 4 . ; ! 1 ! ' ' : ' ' Shulls Mills with automobrti 1 il tern miles. . ,m, w W. O. COFFEY, Vlw Prea. J. T. MILLER, Am' t Cash. Liability :: :-: $50,000.00 i i ronilai ta rrpunfoaf. uawxiin in us, and the Huccero they have a oliuuk uoumuk iusliiiuiiiuu. we are better than everprepard Cruris Bank. WAR!