C.5 f If 1 IS-4 Ifi 81 ti I "3 I ft I Published Every Thursda r CHEER UP Though days o! strife be draw ing near, though war may last for many a year, it is not well to yield to fear; cheer up! Dou't let your optomiBin lade; you give the foe untimely aid when of your fears you make parade; cheer up! I have three uncles bearing anus; nine cousins went to war's alarms . and vet mv smile retains its charms; cheer up! They say we'll noon be short of meat: we'll be deprived of corn and wheat, but, while we have enough to eat, cheer up! They say we'll bear upon our backs the burden of a frightful tax; just now no man that burden packs; cheer up! They're saying this, and saying that, designed to knock our spir its flat, and "they" are talking through a hat cheer up! Don't cross a bridge until you're there; don't starve until your cupbords bare: cheer up. Don't try to chill the hopeful chap; you'll never ; . u v. - help him win a scrap by having tears upon your map; cheer up. Just now we need no talk o gloom no prophecies of dole and doom; be cheerful as the flowers in bloom cheer up! Walt Mason. Special Notice. Foley Cathartic Tablets cleanse thoroughly the bowels, remove undigested waste matter, sweet- liver. Do not erine nor nauseate. Stout ueraons nraise FolevCath- artic Tablet- lor the light, free and comfortable feeling they bring. Will not addict you to the "uiu habit, bold e very wuere. I fit tub. "Antl fnr vnnr roiintrv. bov. and for that flair, never dream , , Knt. nf oorvino" bur- aa serving you. No matter what happens to you, no matter who flatters you or abuses you, never look at an other flag. Ilemember, that be hind all these men vou have to do with, behind officers, and Gov ernment, and people even, there ia the countrv. herself, vonrcoun try, and that you belong to her halnnw tn rnnr mvn mother. Stand by her as you would stand by your own moth- er." Edward Everette Hale. Don't Let Your Uougb Hang On. A cough that racks and weak ens is dangerous, it undermines Jrour health and thriven on neg ect. Relieve it at once with Dr. King's New Discovery. T h i e soothing balsam remedy hehls the throat, loosens the phlegm, its antlneptic properties Kill the germ and th' cold is quickly bro ken up. Children bnd grownups alike find Dr. King's New Discov ery pleasant to take as well as effective. Have a bottle handy in your medicine chest for grippe, croup, and all bronchiul affec tions. At druggists, 50c. Southport News: Every availa- hla fnnf rf frfonnfl ia hoW nlon n D x ted here, while some of tbe sur rounding farmers say they could increase their acreage provided they could secure the labor. Had Trouble' Four or Five Years. Mauy people suffer from blad der trouble when they can he quickly relieved W J Fury, Sa lem, Mo., write: '1 wrb bother ed with bladder trouble four or five years, It gave me a great deal of paiu, I took different med icineri, but nothing did me any good uutil I got Foley Kidney Pills." The only pretense that is per tnitsable is the pretense of hap piness when you do not feel it. Cut This out-It Is Worth Money Don't miss this. Cut out tbw slip, enclose with 5c. to Foley & Co,, Chicago, 111., writing your , name aud address clerarly, - You will receive iu return a trial package containing Foley's Hon ej and tar compound for coughs, colds and croup; roiey Kidney Pills, and Foley Cathartic Tab let. Sola everywhere. jtAPID PHC3RESS ON ' REVISION OF REVENUE IILI Washington. Making rapid proe ms In wising the Housa war tax bill. the Senate Finance Committee decid ed to exempt from taxation many articles, to substitute stamp taxea xor the manufacturers' grow sales plan, of the House, and to consider new taxes anon eecond-class mail matter- The latter were advocated by Senator Hardwick and Postotflce: Department heads, and would be based upon tbe advertising space in publications. It was agreed that there should be no direct taxation on Jewelry, motion picture film, chewing gum and pianos and self-played musical instrument!. For the House gross ' manufacturers Mies tax of five per cent, the commit tee determined to ubstitute stamp taxes on mechanical musical Instru ments, including talking machine rec ords, athletic goods, perfumes, cos metics and patent medicines. For the House five per cent tax on yachts and other pleasure boats, a new tax based upon tonnage or length was consider A new tax upon confectionary was pro proposed by Senator Williams. Road To Happiness. lie amiable, cheerful and good DHtured and you are much more likely to be happy, Ik ou will Hud this difficult, if not impossible, whed vou are constantly troub- led with constipation, lake ? A i -ii rid of that and it will be easy, Thejje taUet8 not 0Dy move the bowels, but improve the Hppetite and strengthen tne digestion. Some of the Tnonites are wor rying because the cook 9 are de manding higher wageu. The way to overcome this difficulty is to do without the cook. Ashe vile Times. A. Word To Mothers, There seems to be more than the usual number ol children sul ferine from measles, whoopina cough and other children diseari es this SDrinir. Do not neglect any cold, for a cold weakens tne I . m n 1 n n nil 1 11 m n lialtte to attack of more seriouo ni merits, role.vs Honey and - . lar relieves cougiin, colds and Sold everywhere. .One of the best ingredients to mix with business is kindness. Love ennquers all things but poverty and toohthacbe give it some pretty hard falls, Why is it that what is "purely nerves ' in us uectiues down right meanness when in the oth er fellow. Akers, He who has conferred a kin ness should be silent; he who has received one should speak of it, Seneca. Everv despot in history has sought to justify every act of op pression and perfidy by the plea of necessity, expediency, orth public good. J. J. Wolters. I like a small word; it seems to guarantee the condensation of thought. Ex. NOTICE OF LAND SALE. By virtue of the power of rale con I falnAil In a.Ai1ft!n tnnrl mm HmmT 01 pouted to Jerry Day by KateL. Win t kler and J. W Long to secure the payment of the sum of $1000.00 and interest 1 win on tne una nay or J uiy 1917 sell to the highest bidder for eash, at the court houst door in Boone. N. 0, the following described real estate, lying iu Watauga couuty Blue Kidge township and bounded as follows: Beginning on a one t nut tree on a hillside on the west side of tbe Blue Ridge on a rock cliff, and runs E 00 P to an ahe at the Buffalo Hprlugs, then E with said brunch down it meanders to tho falls of the same; then 8 to tbe N B corner of a 70 aore tract granted by the state to Joshua Story in the year 1838, theuce S 180 p to a maple; thenoe to a 900 acre tract granted t Joshua Story In the year 18H7, running so as to get to the IN Hue of said tract to a stake Ju eaid line: then S with said Hue 80 p to a stake near the Widow Hutteni line; then W 90 poles to three small red oaks, then N 40 poles to a red oak then EM) p to a hickory, then M Vi p t a chestnut, then N 05 E to a white oak, then N Op to a led oak, then N W to another tract of SO acres granted to Joshua Story in 1835, to the 8 corner of said traet at double cheittnut; thence W 71 N 12 p to a ohestuut; then H 65 E 16 p to a chest nut; theu N 40 p to a spauinh oak; W CO p to a stake; N 65 p to a stake; thn B 70 p to a stake; then H 20 E 76 p to beginning corner of the 60 acre tract; then N 140 p to the beginulug ooruer containing 200 acres more or less This 21st day or May 1917. . M. W. DAY. Adin'r. of Jerry Day, deo'd. FOLEY KIDNEY PIUS IfOflACKACHl Kioum m HAD git It ia said that a man never travels very far when standing on his dignity, Clear Away The Waste. Bowel regularity is be secret of good health, bright eyes, clear complexions, and Dr. King's New Lils Pills are a mild and gentle laxative that regulates the con gested intestines by removing tbe accumulated wastes witnout griping, lake a pill petore re tiring and tnat tieavy Head. mat dull poring fever feeling dinsa- nears. At your diucgiHt, 25c. MORTGAGE SALE. By virtue of the anttaorlty given me in a mortgage deed executed on the 5th day of Feb 1015 and recorded Id book 8 uage 340 in the register's office of Watauga county to secure a debt of $336 due by note and payble Deo 1, 1V10 1 will sen at the court house door iu tbe town of Boone by nubile outcry on the 2ud day of J nly at II ain to the highest bidder A oer tain tract of laud lying on the water oi Meat Camp in Meat camp township Watauga county bonnaeu as roiiows: on the east by the Mary Rattan land end the L. D. Cole land, outlie north by the lauds of W. S, Davie on west by the lauds or Jacob main and on the South by lamls of Clay Miller. for further designation and bounds reference is made to reoord in Book 8 page 840 in the registers oftloe for said county, said boundary contain ing 40 acies more or less. This May 84th 1017. H. A. DAVIS, Mortgagee. 1"' "" fiswiait yiMwaua mtCH AND JEWELRY REPAIi done at this shop under a positive guarantee & a material used g guaranteed to be genuine. Estimate furnished on all mail orders, oalu faction guaranteed iu every respect on all railroad watches. Office near tbe Watauga Co. Bank. J. W. BRYAN Graduate Jeweler and Watchmaker eOONE.N. O. . NOTICE OF LAND SALD. By virtue of the power of sale coutained in a certain mortgage deed executed by 15 Btnurch and wife M L Church to the under signed, O M McUlamery, on the 2'Jtn day of Jan. IV) 15, to secure - e . f iB,,j, me paymeni or me (tun oi i uu, wuicn morTgaere oeea is oi i-ec- ord in the office of the Register of I)eedH of Watauira county, IN. C. in Dook S, paire I wil sell to the highest bidder lorcusli at the court house door in Uooue N. C, on the 10th day of .luue, 1017, at 11, a. ni to satinfy balance due of f 570 and interest due then ou, default having been made in the payment of a part o the priiicipul and interest at ma turity, the following described tract of land, lying iu Watauga county. N. C. on the waters o: the South Fork uf New River aud bounded as follows: Begin ning on a hickory, R H Castle's corner, running thence noitheost oO poles tu a bunch oi chestnut sprouts, thence W with said CaH- tle's line S poles to a Spanish oak, thence S S0 W 17!i poles to a Spanish oak, thence nurtnwaro 13J4 poles to a cliestnut, n. l, Seats' corner, thence N. 80 E2l hoIoh to a chestnut, thence N M0( E 24 poles to a chestnut sprout thence N 81 E 34 poles to a ser vice, thence E with Lareatie Phil hps line 00 poles to a red oak theuce S40E 20 poles to Spanish oak, thence S 41 E 2 poles to a Spanish oak, thence S 48 W 16 poles to a Spanish oak and maple, thence south-west 10 poles to a locust, thence W 80 poles to the beginning, contain 53 acres more or less. This May 8th, 1017. O. H. McGLAMERY, R. L. Ballew, Atty.- Prtterve Your Complexion the easy, pleasing fvay by using Magnolia Balm befors and after outings. You can fearlessly face the sun, wind and duft because you know Magnolia Balm keep you sate from Sunburn and 1 an, This fragrant lo tion iswonderfully soothing, cooling and a great com' fort after a day outdoors. Magnolia Balm ia the skin-saving beauty secret which is regularly a 1 used when once tried. Magnolia Balm LIQUID FACE PUWULK. Pink, H'bfc. fh-M. 75c.tfDntlhH9tbymll4itfa. Sample (either color) for 2c Stamp. Lyon Mil. Co.. 40 South FiFth St.. Brooklyn. N.Y, ll www Daughter in Terrible Shape. A Mitchell, Bagdad, Ky, writes 'My daughter was in terrible shape with kidney trouble. I got her to take Foley's Kidney Pills and e he is completely cured." Golev Kidney Pills strengthen weak, deranged kidney; correct bladder troubles; stop rlietmat ic pains and backache; rellieve sore muscles and stiff joints. For sale everywhere. WHY SO WEAK? Kid Kidney t rouble may be sapping iur life away." Boone People your have learned this fact When a healthy man or woman begins to i uu down witnout ap parent cause, becomes weak, lan guid, depressed, suffers back ache, headache, dizzy spells and urina ry disorders, weak kidneys may to the cause. 1 lie slightest sym- ptou of kidney trouble is too ser ious to neglect. Doan s Kidney ills have earned their lame vy their effectiveness in strengthen. ing the kidneys and keeping them well. Can Boone readers demand urther proof of their merit than the followiug statement: G. F. Ware, Hildebrand, N. C, says: My back pained me so severely that I had to lay off rom work about 10 days. 1 was in such misery that I could har dly move. I consulted two doc- tors but they done me no good beard about Doan's Kidney ills and got a supply. Before had used two boxes, l'was help ed and four boxes entirely remo ved the trouble. 1 have used them several times since for re turn attacks and they have al ways helped me." Price 50c. at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get doan's Kidney Tills the same that Mr.-Ware had '"oster-Millburn Co., Props., Buf- aiy, isew lork. For Your Child's Cough. Here's a pleasant cough syrup that every child likes to take, Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Iioney. ll your chili has a deep hacking cough that worries you give him Dr. Heirs rme-Tar-tloue.y, the eoofhing pine balsams relieve the cough, loosens the phlegm and heals the irritated tisBU e. (let a bottle to-day at your drt gist and start treat men t at once. 25c. N UAOltll About Gone Many thousands ol women suffering from womanly trouble, havct been benefited by the use of Cardul, the woman's tonic, according to letters we receive, similar to this one from Mrs. Z. V. Spell, ofHayne.N.C. "I could not stand on my feet, and Just suffered terribly," she says. "As my suf fering was so great, and he had tried other reme 'dies, Dr. had us Kt Cardul. . I begin proving, and it cured me. I know, and my doctor knows, what Car dul did for me, for my nerves and health were about gone." TAKE Tie Woman's Tonic She writes furthen 41 1 tm In splendid health . . . candomywork. I feel I owe It to Cardul, for I was in dreadful condition." If you are nervous, run down and weak, or suffer from headache, backache, etc., every month, try Cardul. Thousands of women praise this medi cine for the good it has done them, and many physicians who have used Cardul successfully with their women patients, for years, endorse this medi cine. Think what it means 1 to be In splendid health. like Mrs. Spelt. Give Cardul a trial. ft All IWrtflrmvtft raa aa uggMM sv i JT1 IN mm : Virginia-Carolina Railway Company 8 ' 1. . TIMS' TABLE NO Jlfl ' .' .! LIB dJflMlW i w ilI TIME TABLE In Effect 12:01 A. M- Monday, Sept, 11, 1911 .WlllA For Government of STATIONS Eastern Standard Tim ' 81 X J5 u 1st Class "FoTT A.M. 7:20' Ly. Abingdon (W.C.) 0.6 Lt. Yard 7:32 4 9 13 13 14 Ly. Watauga Lt. Barron s 7:451 Lt. Cedarville (W) ... ... Lt. Drowning Ford Lt. Vails Mill Pass No. 13 s 8:12 18 18 23 27 Lt. Damascus (W) (T) Lt. Laureldale (Q.C.) Lt. Taylor's Valley (W) Ar. Creek Junction 8:20 8:39 S 8:64 17 "Callahan Crossing (O.C.)..Lt., 8:42 31 Lt. Green Cove (y) Meet No. 14 s 1:621 84 40 Lt. White Top Gap (W-T.J....LT, Lt. Nella Lt.I 10:27 44 46 48 EO 63 66 Lt. Tuckerdale (W) Lt. Lansing Lt. Berlin Lt. Warren ville 10:33 10:38 10:46 Lt. Smethport ell:04 Ar. West Jefferson (WCY) 11:051 66 68 61 65 71 76 Lt. West Jefferson (WCY)....Ar. Lt. Hamilton, N. C .....Ar, 11:241 Lt. Donation Lt. Bowie (W) 811:39 11:64 Lt. Riverside 12:06 Ar. Elkland, -N. C. (WCT)...Lt. P.M. billy Except Sunday First Class KONNAROCK No. 6 No. 8 XmT 8:55 8:131 Lt. Creek Junction . . . .Ar.l Lt. Grassy Ridge (:) Ar. Ar. Konnarock (WTO) Lt. 8:28 9:10 P.M. A.M. Stop on Signal, s Regular Stop. C OoaL O. Scales. T. Turntable. Net Contents 15 fluid Drachnj ALCOHOL-3PBRCEN1. simununineiuwi u, tlnoihcSusiiiacks and Bowisor Thereby ftomotlniDies (crftlMSsandRetoB .oUhr Onium.Morphlne nor Mineral. Not Nahcotic AhdDfulBemedyfcr ConstipationandDiarrtioei and Fcverlshncss and Teens' Sleep ftSinuleSi4nat' 1st Cfntadr CompaW. NEW TfW Exact Copy of Wrapper. Mut cle Soreness Relieved. Unusual work, bendine and lifting oi ntrenuous exercise is a strain on the muscles, they be come eore and stiff, you are crip. piea ana in pain, feioan s Liui- ment brings you quick relief, easy to apply, it penetrates without rubbing and drives out the sore ness. A cleHr liquid, cleaner than musey plasters or ointments, it does not stain the ski.i or dog the pores. Always have abottl bandy lor tbe pains of rheuma tism, gout, lumbago, grippe, bruiHen, stillness, tiHckaciie aud all external paiu. At your drug gist, 25c. G!ad to Learu Of It. Coughs that follow LaGrippe, or ny deep-ovated coujjih, will wer down the strongest man or woman if allowvd tocontinue; Smith, Augusta. Ga , writps: ''I got one 25 cent bottleof Foley's ! aoney and Tar and my rough Hnd cold is about well. 1 was glad to learn of a great medi- cine like that." Sold Eyerywhre. NO JS8 Employes Only.. Ar.l Ar. Ar.l Ar. Ar.l, Ar. Ar.l ...... Ar Ar. Ar, Lt 4:11 4:11 8:65 3:41 ..U. 890 200 1:U 8:81 Meet No. 19 .Lt. Lt. Lt Lt 480 12 t:l 280 195 390 461 2:04 1:11 Lt. ....Lt.I 800 800 s 1:40 Ar.l Ar. 160 360 320 1310 4 1:14 Is 1:00 .... 91 8 Ar 11:41 so 12:M P.M. Daily Ixeapt Sunday - BRANCH First ClaM No. 4 no. a PIT 3:41 8761 9:26 20 9:11 8:11 P.M. A.M, O. C Grade Crossing. W Wattr, T. Wye. (:) Jet, W. T. Ky. For Infanta and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature of For Over Y ThirtyYears mi etimun tnrun. lira m tt $101 EEVARB. (180. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there 1m at least one dreadful disease that science has beeu able to cure ia all its stages and that is catarrh. ., Catarrh being greatly influenced by constitutional conditions re quires constitutional treatment. Hali's Catarrh Medicine is taken ., internally and lets through tho blood on tbe muscalar, surface of the Bystem thereby destroying the foundation of the diseaw. giviog the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have ec much faith in the curative pow ers of Hall's Catarrh Remedy, that they offer One 11 u ndred Dol lars for any case that i t fails to cure. 8end for testimonials. Address F. J. CHENEY A CO., x oieoo, unio. isoid by ell dru t gists, 75c. I . I 1 . The'roen who read are the mn who leach -1 "J L 1511 til il!J: 1 I 1st Claasj I General No. l' 1 Offlca '- P.M. s ...of err I xiao so r;::i 400 9 -d:w 460 9 : ! 126 2 ' 140 21 1" ..... 820 16 - s 400 10 600 16 375 9 AUDI HI r tl'.W ni A IIP i. ' J r !' 1 W