you xxvrn. BOONE WATAUGA COUNTY, N. C, THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 20, 1917. NO. 52. V1 ' ' ISSnfJ POTI10TIC MY. Itrji Crtrilssexblis b Kssnr tki tiyj irti Hn Wistii-for til torffsltiitlar. One of the most notable days that Boone has eve' witnessed will, without doubt, go down in history as Sept. 11, 1917. Oo that day between twelve and fif teen hundred people assembled in Boone to do honor to the soldier boy 8 who are 'selected (to go to the training camps from Watau ga, and practically all of them answered to the roll call made by John EL Bingham.chaii man of our exemptiou board. The Blowing Rock band was present and rendered fine patri otic music, and the audience, whichmeans every one who could - find room in the courtroom, ren dered anumber of patriotic songs. But the music which went direct to the soul was made by the "Cove Creek Fife and Drum Corps." This wnsoriginallv made ' up of Confederate veterans, and two are still in it Meesrs. Noah Isaacs and Enoch Swift but the rest have passed to the beyond. One, who- beat the- drum, Mr. Burton Fletcher, died on the roor ning of the 11th at 5 o'clock. He followed Lee and Jackson fot four years in the civil war, and Tki litisii Cisaittn if tki Wiius Cexaitti if tki CricH if Natteui Defiisi. The women of Watauga coun ty held a conferepce m the Court House Wednesday afternoon, the twelfth of September, for the pur pose of organizing the Watauga Committee of the Woman's Com mittee of the Council of National Defense. The object of this or ganization is to link together and make effective the patriotic service of as many women as pos sible. . The meeting was presided over by Mrs. Hard Taylor, Tempora ry Chairman, of ValleCrucis. Af ter brief speeches of great inter est from Mrs. Wade Wagner of Valle Cruris and Mrs. Cotten cf Salisbury, permanent officers were elected as follows: Chairman Mrs. B. J. Councill; First Vice Chairman, Mrs Tom Coffey; Sec ond Vice Chairman, Miss Maude Mast; Secretary, Mrs. 1. ti. Greer; Treasurer, Mrs H. B. Perry. The following Heads of Depart Mrs. J. I. Cnk Passu Ami. Early Wednesday morning, af ter a liugering illness at her home one and a half miles from town, Mrs. J. H. Cook passed quietly into the great beyond. She was 77 years old, leaves a husband, two sons, Oscar, who was resid ing with them at the time ot her death, and L. C. Cook, of Chica go, who did not get here. Also two daughters, Mrs. C. C. Ten nell, who resides near here, and Mrs. Grace Cook of N. C. Both daughters were present. The fu neral was conducted from the Baptist church Thursday morn ing by Rev. D. A. Glenn, in the presence of a host of admiriDg iriends and weeping relative?. The remains were interred in Morning View , cemetery. She was one of our best women and will be greatly missed. She was a consistent -christian and had been for many years a member of the Baptist church. Sullivan Developer. Ii Memory. Bluff City, (Tenn) BaptistSun day School, Sept. 2nd, 1917. While standing on the brink of eterniiy, realizing how brittle the thread that holds us to earth, we turn our eyes with astonish ment upoq the onward sweep of time which has wrought such ha voc upon the human race and view with composure and confl dence that time not in the dis tant future when we too shall be cut down with the all-devouring Town aud County. PROFESSIONAL. ments were appointed: Registra tion, Mrs. R. C. Rivers; Food Production, Conservation, and Home Economics, Mrs. Joe Win kler, Blowing Rock; Women ih Indu try, Miss Edna Bingham; Child Welfare, Miss Margaret was considered, possibly, the best Dobbin; Social Service, Mrs Whi drummer in this or any other ting; Public Health, Miss Swift; part of the State. The music ren- Education, Miss Mary E. Horner; dered by this corps is the most Liberty Loan, Mrs. David Ragan; patriotic and most soul-stirring norae neiiei, Mrs. Annie ueauy ; that could possibly be imagined, Safeguarding of Moral and Spiri- MVAAlinw tha trim nmrtiAl snint tual Forces. Mrs. Lee Swift. that wm in those old heroes as The Executive Committee of BCJthe of thne and Katherd with th iW not of the fife thrills the organization is comDOsed of tho8e who nave Kone on befor w y : I I 1TL M- il 1 t 3 the officers and beads of depart-1 une tuua we iook ana ponaer ments with the following addi ttonal members: Mrs. Dan Whee ler, Mrs. Richard Wagner, Mrs, Smith Hagaman, Mrs. Luther Farthing, Mrs. Will Thomas and Mrs. John Ward. We women of Watauza hoDe through this organization to be one was sister LMzabeth 8. took, readv to resDond at once when wife of Brother J. H. Cook. She win in th war. and what t h i s the government needs our heln fell asleep in Jesus on the morn- .,a on, that th.fn. Llnncr nnv ' linn whether it ' h Wg of August 22, 1917, at her ttiMiiMtinvninnrmuntrv wrh canning and drvinir fruits a n d home near Bluff Clty. Tena- af at stake. Mr. Npwiand's address vegetables or taking care of our ter a lingering illness which she was of a very high order. He soldier boys. We-will soon have bore with much patience. Aat nn hnr fiAi-manv hsL in. 91 bovs in trakiimr. and manvof Sbe ,eaves S'J1"- !vinS lier.ahus- Kews Fram NackttL The cheese factory at Hackett, ... . . .-.! whicn was recently completed, is The Dem0Crat is indeed, sor- now in full operation, the first rv to know that Mr. Richard cheese having beeu made by Mr. Green,of Bamboo, is in very David Swift on Tuesday, August poor heathi but hopes to soon tne 4tn. 1 tie people are jusuy Lear of his permanent recovery Droud of this, their new enter-1 Drise. With crass Dleniiful and -A scattering few of Watau droves of fine cows grazing on ga's contingent in Battery E, the hill-sides and in the vallevs. were over from Lenoir Friday fa ononaua baama lilmnot. rorfain I fOT their farewell VIMt tO 10V- sininmnn Boi.Himf Ti-.ara i nnf h- ed ones aud Inenos. Deiore leav hie new under Vhe sun. but lis- Ug for Long Island, New York o ' - ... . ten! Did vou ever hear of raising wnere tney win go m training, ' ' I ... . m I calf on whev? and the said ine battery leit ior camp eany calves doing well, and bringing Sunday morning, as. good prices wnen soici, as -Miss Josephine Lovill enter .ma. . l I tnose raised in tne natural way t ed Mhool at Davenport College ine wney is given 10 tnem warm , t week and her brother, "Lit- uuu wirj uu iu. xuo m". went to UfeonsDoro. L. D.LOWB was itold that the w hey retains he wiH Bpen,j the winteP at Banner Kik, n. c, tne sugar tat, so ine caives gei tl home 0, hU aunt Mr9 Ja8j imo uuiiouicrciucmi m " Brawley, and attend scbool in milK. Hia nnn Anna rtniont. nf Mnp. nn xi.; i. .liL. 1 r r ine rye crop m una part ui ine maj College in that city. count v was fine. Mr. R. L. Triu- v ' 1 . 1 Jl II- MT Ct uur gooa ineua, air. . o Green, of Stony Fork, has a son who volunteered in Wyoming and is now in training at Camp Greene. Charlotte, N. C. Altho this is the baby boy, the aged parents are not grieving over his decison to enlist in the service of his country, but are proud of the smoothly with good attendance Patriot,c 8teP he .taken the busy, time oil Mr. II. Graly Farthing, who has been holding a position Newport News, Va., for a year or E. Glenn Salmons, Resident Dentist. BOONE, N. C. Office at CritcherSHotel. OFFICE HOURS: ' 9:00 to 13 a. ui; 1:00 to 4:00 p. m, EDTTUND JONES - LAWYER -LENOIU.N.C,- WM Practice Regularly in the Courts of Watvufia, 61 ii T. A. LOVK, ' Plneoli', N. 0 lett threshed 77 bushels off ot four acres of ground. Corn is looking well. On last Sunduy, Sept. 2, Rev. L. C. Wilson was again unani mously elected pastor of the Bap tist church here. Sunday School each Sunday with good attend ance. Lay scnool moving on considering year. -Mr. Abner Baird has been sick with typhoid, but is convales- LOWE & LOVE ATTOKNEYS-AT-LAW. ' Troctice in the courts of Avery and surrounding counties. Caie ful attention given to all matter! of a legal nature. 7-6-12. F. A. LINNEY, -ATTORNEY AT LA W, BOONE, n. c. Will practice in the courts 1 1 Watauga and adjoining cotn ties. 5-11-1911. more, volunteered there, and is VETERINARY SURGERY. now In military training at Pe- the very, heart of the hearer. f Hon. W. C. Newland, of Lenoir, was introduced by the chairm an, Rev. M. A. Adams, who made some most appropriate intro ductory remarks, the main points being ttU&t -President Wilson's patient dealing with Germany was sublime., that ei ther the Allies or Germany must we see one fall in our midst and we are compelled to note with much sorrow the passing of bne of our number from this mortal life, to one of immortality in "that city not built with hands, eternal in the heavens." That The Democrat reaches here on tersburg. Virginia. Uurrrah for Saturday. Grady! Wherever W atauga blood flows, true patriotism can. al- mit, she would fill her place in ways be found. tne Sunday School on Sunday ThefrostandfreezeonThurs- morning. Hut increasing year aav mornim? last i iDorted aa . ,. ' n I aud declining neaitn nuany over- having been very disasterous to come ner mortal nw ac tne ripe crop8 ,n BOUje part8 0f the coun old age oi seventy seven -years t x ma immediate section the uere was a long and useiui me Aamtt(ra h tnAAar i th mni oi ton ano pcaceiui service, grow- 8el.iU8. while the corn itself is ing beautifully old, until she was more or ie88, M- Clarence Mc ready to be transplanted as a r,hee 0 route i who wa8 80 se- m ui i tt i 1 a iuu Diown nower m me garuenB rioU8iy damaged by the' June oi me ceiesnai worm. ner. me was one worthy of emulation aud to be cherished in our mem ories. She will be greatly missed When in need of vet-: erinary surgery call on or write to G. H. Hayes Veterinary Svrgeon,Vi las, N. q. 6-15-16. B. F. Lovill, W. K.lovU Loyill & Lpvill -Attorneys AtIILaw--B00NE, N.C- . Sneciftlfattentionfinven tni , , r m " ----- w -mmm w frost, tells The Democrat kin rt la n 1 rt id an mo xivP to aiiuuov au auouiuiu tnaa Who HanvaK Uam anA Pavq tnclT CSu9 Creek sections were largely pro band, two sons and two daugh ters to weep over the loss which they have sustained. Sister Cook was born and rata- jn bands with those gone oo before and bold out beckoning bands to those loved Ones left behind, dwelt on how Germany had iu- 91 boys in warning, and many of suited America by methods of them have gone, at a great sacn warfare, and that no patriotic nee. The appeal now goes out to citizen could not even; think of tne women oi tne county, ano nnf o-ivino- hia haat tn 'hia onnn. JBneL'iflll V the Heads of these De- t,rv in wnW frirm hr other. . He Dartment. to- sacrifice, if need M ln Granville county, N. C. -rlnRfldwithftvervtouchinc-nledire be. to do their part toward relie- e"r,v life she professed Jaith in 1 nrrai - . I 11. !!. 1 J ...UL T -i! i of love and honor to the voumr ving the minds of our boys at the ummi ai)ttpusi 1 Thin una I front, of homa an tie ties. We Church in that county. While inriPfid. a prpftt addresa. 1 ' shculd make them feel that their yet a youug woman she removed ' O ,1 .... ! i i II j. After this, a very sumptuous interests are being looked otter "J iuga. uouniy, n.u., pu n j i a her church memberamn in t.lM aiuner waauerveu w vuobuiuiuib ovu"u". . . 7 . : : T iBB.i. ti,.t iiJbii The Headsof Departments who iQree dories cnurcn in watcoun- 8tin in the hospital and Mr, naM .MOnnf of f moof iv. WDere n rexa Qeo a a wnera.wwv' nnu ii vi piDocuv uv vuv uiccviuk i" will be notified by the Secretary 8U(J worked as a faithful member within a few days as to the na- unt oaV a w years ago she ture of the work expected of &D(i her husband removed to this them. Any inquiries along this county and both laid their letters chnfwn words bv Prof. 1. G. Greer line will be gladly answered by 10 lun wty BaptwtLhurcn, also . I If .!..! i 1 when the audience re-assembled the Secretary or by the President joineu mis cuuoay cscnooi ana T. E. Bingham, Lawyer N.C from among us, but her presence tected by a fog, but tat loas over witn tne reueemeo on me omer the county is quite considerable. i -.1. tit I A.i 1 I U. J.. till ICIUIUUM ne88toinegioneBoiineceie8iiai , . ar(v Aa.hJ Dho u-ni of-ii rtaA from Indiana on Wednesday of BUONb, that his client, Mr. Will Edrois- all matters of a legal nature ten, is again a free man h aving Collections a specialty. who must soon follow. There.- rf . J "Tr1 . ...7 .mce witn Doiicitori;. a. iw fore, be it resolved, that while we ttU tmuZ w w? K,u: 7 on the court house lawn, having been daintily prepared by the good ladies of the town and coun ty, which called forth a vote of thanks from them to Che ladies, which was delivered in a few well in the court room for . the after noon exercises, pledging them selves that when they wect to the front they would serve their country to the best that was' in them. Chairman Adams then in t ro of the organization, . 1 - Miw. I. G. Greek, 8ec.. atdl Muscle Soreness Relieved. UnuHual work, bending ulf tng oi Mtreous exercise ,w a Istrin on the muscles they be come lore and tiff, you are crip remained a faithful member of both until her death. When her health and strength would per- bow in bumble jsubinission to the ""u , tu. "l C .Sllnf Almi..hf.nfu1ntJ.I. H A"ff- ' miSWH, WHO w I InnnAl ittA tnHMlhln AMI m la I Ed- mistenwill not return to Wa-1 tauga until her case is disposed of. 0, ly.I()d. cherish her memory here and en deavor to emulate her beautiful christian walk and life among us. That we extend to the bereav ed husband and childreu our sin- DR. R.D. JEPUGS RESlDENTpENTlST Bannebs Elk, N. C. . ; 19 At Boone on first Monday of every month for 4 or 5 dayg and every court wk. Office ut and able' to heal the wounds cere sympathy and deep condo- which afflictions have made and the Blackburn Hptel. ( lence in this, their sad lereave- to bind up the hearts which sur mentand point them lor com fort to Him, who is ever ready dmttd Hon. I. A. Linnev. who pled and m pain. Sloan's Lint- made the closing speech. It would l,n,? JBqnwKwuei eMj . . . . . . -Tj x to aDDlv., it peuetrata .without maeea oe nara touo jubuw w . hi- A jp,M aat thJ Mr. Linney's speech ma short re- Df)Mt A clear liquid, cleaner than mo1 thail that of any Other American company. view, suffice it to say that it was mUesy plasters or ointment, it The gtreWth of more than 624 million dollars oass3t. .i.;nKw on1L nan.iy ior tne pains oi rueuma- mciuaing wonaeriui aisaouny Denenw witn income ior v, ion, - - i t.ihiti in ill i. i ii ill i lrxv i is u riuuiTi i lue. Exberience and financial strength . are the. two main pillars of sound life . insurance. Safety, Liberal Policy contracts, and Low Net Cost are the three essential ele ments that we ail want in our Insurance. In these essen tials the Mutual Life can serve you best. The Mutual Life Insurance Co., OF NEW YOBK Offers These Advantages: A successful experience of nearly 75 years, which is row has broken. That these resolutions be spread upon the minutes o f the Sunday School and a copy be furnished the bereaved husband and children, Brother J. H. Cook and family. Fraternally submittel, R. Y.Hall ) Martha Collins Com., W.D.Lyon. J t, Adopted by unanimous vote of John E. Brown ;:' Lawyer; ;;" BOONE, . ( . - N. C. Prompt attention'given to all matters of a legal nature. Col lections a specialty. Office with Lovill & Lovill, Ifiam irnnf, liimhAcrn. crinDfl. ... i , ii ii pi " -I - - f- - n-,r r ' eQce. id conciuaiuK D6 toia xue bruiafiR. tiffoess. backache and young men who were going oju all external pain. At your drug ma 4-1 a awrtttaoanfaf Strad rtf tKi nil- I Ot IRIL 2It(. - - ' .t ' OD t lf7 ip. Vi?Al VUUft f Vft KMV VM" " ly nation that had never been de feated, and that alter tne war the United States would be one of the chief powers in establish ing an international court oi m bitraticjn V ,'tj , 341 D. 1 .NOTICE., i The man who hauls Leroy Triplett around to beg gets two tiiidsof what the people gives him, and lieroy Triplett is worth 11,000, and lives better thah the average citizen. This Sept. 0, '17. Manager Western District ' : " : i " KORTH CAROLINA. Columbus Andrews J.EN0IR, : : Would like to have an active agent or two in Watauga County fV ijio hyUyit:' C. P. Allen, Supt- , F. T. Carrier, Secretary. t The above Rf.solution was ftl so adopted by Bluff City Baptist Church on the same date and by a unanimous vote. - J. N. Monroe. VMTCH ,cJEWELRY m hop XMi M It OhildrenOry , FOR FLETCHER'S .. CASXORtA duncatthli auder a pualtl guarautet- A uiatorial U8d Kdaranteed to bs gnalne. EfttinaUf (arnlthed on all wall ordr, Bat la faction itnarautaad In every rcapMt -II Ii - . A - k. nMHu.k vu nil ri.rvau waiouva. vine inn hk- . Wauoga Co. Bank. J.IW.BRYAN GradoiU Jwler and Watann ak booaa,.o, ., j romso;oiAwm m.. Tffc mai Aktl J ' 0-4, 4t. T, U. MILLEE. ..i?i'S;v.