VOL XXIX. BOONE WATAUGA .COUNTY, N. G, THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 27,1917. NO. 1. i, .J rV fitiUsi licihil fcj Ci:rissiii t L. hQfltai. 1 Editor Democrat: 1 have re celved a petition signed by a con siderable number of citizens of Watauga county, beaded by the name of J. W, Harrison of Blow ing Rock, expressing certain defi nite views'as to the policy to be pursued in raising the' revenue with which to prosecute the pres e it warT The petition I b a v e turned over to the Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, as the letter which I enclose will hdicate, with the urgent request that the views expressed be gi' en careful considerations they come from men of high charac ter and intellgence. TAs there are so many persont' names attach ed to this petition, or request, I find it almost impossible to write each one separately. Therefore, 1 ask that you publish this letter, together with the one from Con gressman Kitcbin, Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, showing the manner in Which the matter has been handled. Thanking you, I am, with best wishes, very sincerely, R. L. Docghton. . Mr. Kitchin's reply, received by Congressman Dougbton, fol lows: "Referring to our conversation this morning, at which .time you handed me the petition received by yuu from the citizens of Wa tauga county, North Carolina, with respect to the manner of fi nancing the war, I beg to say - that I will bring the same to the attention of the members of the Ways and Means Committee, of the- House and also give to it ; personally the fullest considera tion in connection with the'Rev enue measure pending. "With assurance, of my best wishes and kindest regards, I beg to remain, "Sincerely yours, ' "Claude Kitchin.'-' SOME BONIS. Don't expect your preacher to give you HIS best unless you give him YOUR best It isn't in human nature, and is, therefore,) . i . ' an uureasonaoie demand. Don't expect him to preach good sermons if you neither give him time to prepare them nor come to hear them. Don't expect every sermon to be the kind you like. The one you like the least may be the best he has preached for half the con gregation. Don't radiate pessimism and expect your preacher to be buoy ant with optimism. Flowers grow in the sunshine. WtyTii Oatii Statu Is At War. For the best essay on "Why the. United States is at War," written by public school teach ers of North Carolina, prizes ag gregating t300.00 are offered by the National Board of Histor ical Service. To elementary tea chers, five prizes ranging from $10 to $75 eacn, and to high school teachers seven prizes ran ging from $10 to $75 eaoh, are offered. Essays must be submit ted by January 1, 191&. Similar contests are being con ducted in fourteen other States. The winning essays in each State will be entered in a national com petition in which additional pri- Don't expect your preacher to ' zes of $75 each w ill liTawarded. Full information, including the conditions of the contests and references to material, may be obtained from R. D. W. Connor. N.C. be over-cheerful when his salarv is in arrears.. Don't expect five thousand dol lar .efficiency on a five hundred dollar salary. .No other business Secretary of the North Carolina in the world makes suchdemands. I Historical Commission, Raleigh, Uon t criticise the dress of the preacher's wife when she cannot wear better clothing without go ingindebt Uon t expect her to wear your ast-year clothing without being embarrassed. ' " . . Don't finally try to get as much out of your preacher as possible for as little as possible in return. It is not just; it isactual- ly morally wrong. "Religious." Boone, N. C. . Summer Complaint. , During the hot weather of the summer months some member ot almost everv family is likely to be troubled with HOrueunnaturaf ; looseness of the bowels, and ic is or the great Bt importance that this be tieated promptly, which can only be done when the tnedi vine is kept at hand. Mr. F. F Scott, Scotsville, ew York etat. . "I first used Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrohea Remedy as much a five yeHs ugo. At that time I had a severe attack of summer complaint and was suffering in tense pain. One done relieved me. Otuer member of my fam ily have since used it with like re suits." Corporal Cleveland Gross, of Battery E, to whose injuries in an automobile wreck, we have re ferred at different times, is at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L S. Gross, near the village, for the purpose of recuperating a little more from his injuries be fore joining his comrades at tireenville, 8. C. Though some what reduced in flesh, is looking fine, bis wprst trouble being a de fective eye, the result of a frac tore in bis forehead. Mr. Gross says the lavish kindness, and nn - stinted care bestowed upon him by the go jd people of Lenoir, bis physicians, comrades and Fra ternal organizations of that town during the painful weeks spent in the hospital, was something almost beyond his comprehen sion, and he feels his inability to express thanks bv any means ad equate to the occosioa. No bet ter people on earth, says he, than those of Lenoir. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR! A LOST IN EAST BOONE, GOLD riug, with cameo setting. The Finder will be suitably reward ed by returning same to The Democrat office. 9-20, 2t NOTICE OP ADMINISTRATION? The aoderelgoed having been ap pointed and duly qualified aa admin Utrator or tba estate of Emanuel Hainptou, deoeased, all persons hav lug claims against said estate are no 1 1 fled to exhibit the lame before hlni oo or before the 1st day of October 1918 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please maks immediate settlement. This 19th day ot tept. 1917. W D. HAMPTON, Adm'rof Emanuel Hampton, deo'd Haiti Qptoaistic, This. The learned editor of the Char lotte Observer, on a recent visit to Washington, wrote at con siderable length ior his paper on war ideas, and other matters of importance to the American cit? izeus. in the Capital City, and we publish this paragraph, which shows to some extent the ideas of Washingtouians as to when the war will close: Of course The Observer made effort in a casual way to get Washington opinion on the probable duratiou of the war. One authority on that probable duration of the war. One author ity on that problemat ic question may be as good as another and again it may not. Tutting all these opinions together and stri king a balance and provided these opinibus are worth any thingthe war will not last over a year at best. Many seem to be lieve it will come to an end be fore the Winter is over. Others are agreed that it will not come until after Pershing and bis men shall have had a hand in the fighting. Among those who are looking for that, there are some who go a step further and indi cate a belief that the end will come as suddenly as the war was begun. It is these who are not looking for another Winter of war. The sentiment in Washing ton' is that Germany ts whipped. All are united on that. The one point of speculation is as to when Germany will throw up her hands," WOMEN? WOES. Boom Winn Art FiidiiiRilif it List. It does seem that women have more than a fair share of t h e aches and pains that afflict hu manity; tney must "keep up," must attend to duties in spite of constantly aching backs, or head aches, dizzy spells, bearing down paius; tney must stoop over, when to' stoop means torture. They must walk and bend and work with racking pains and ma ny aches from kidney ills. Keep ing the kidneys well has spared thousands of women much mise rv. ltpad uf a rempilv for kidnev only that is endored by people in this locality Mrs. t. L. Sockwell, Mulberry St, North Wilkesboro, says: "I PROFESSIONAL. Will Practice Itczularlv in ins courts 01 Watauga. iad a creat deal of misery over 6-1 it . . 1 ..... v .1 my kidneys. When lover-exerted my back became painful. Several boxes of Doan'B Kidney Pills cur ed the dull pains across the small of my back. I consider consider them the best medi cine to be had for kidney trouble.' I'rice ouc. at all dealers, uon t LOWE & LOVE ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. simply ask for a kidney remedy- an(j BUrrounding counties. Care get doan's Kidney Ti Is-the fuj attention (riven to all matters ... 41. A i- II LI I It I. . 1 I . sumo ui til awe. ouu&wou uuu. nf A lAO'fl.l tmnirn 1 l:iil i I, I o " " t UBiei-UUIIUUIIl VjJ., L 1UU8., UUl'Irf 1 O We Cordially Invite our Watauga Friends to Attend The Caldwell County Fair LENOIR, N.C, October 3 4 -5,1917 Splendid Exhibits. Valuable Prizes. Entertainment Varied HIGHLY P.ECOMMENDED and Glean We, the undersigned, who I with a band of 15 men in saw the fine exhibits of two brilliant uniform (Salisbury years ago have every reason Concert Band) "stunts", on to believe the e xhibits at the the Square and the grounds Caldwell Fair this year will by Professional Acrobats far exceed that good show, both in quality and quantity and improved manner of dis play. Wonderful liberality has been shown to farmers, the farmer's wife, and to the young people. Whatever your calling or occupation, come and exchange ideas with your friends. It will pay you, besides the pleasure of three days diversion and rest. Don't Miss the Fair. (Signed) G..W. F. Harper,; J. L. Nelson . Horace Sisk, Supt. Tuty Schools. M.''M. Courtney ' Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S 1 . ; ; CASTOR I A from Indianapolis; a "Zoo" with Ostriches, ; Alligators, and many other wild ani mals and birds; with a . $25,- 000 collection of trained ani mals and birds brought from South America and Austra lia; with two wonderful ma gicians from Philadelphia; The ocean fish exhibit; Mer ry-Go- Round, and Ferris Wheels; Thrilling Fireworks (on the third night,) and oth er attractions, it would be a distinct loss to you to miss it, and close kin to a crime to leave the children at home Come and bring them. Dont Miss the Fair. . Glenn Salmons, Kesident Dentist. BOONE, N. C. Office at CritcherJIIoU'l. OFFICE HOURS: 9:00 to 13 a. n; 1:00 to 4:00 p. m. EDTUND JONES - LAWYER LENOIR, N. C,- L. D.LOWB Bauuur Klk, N. C. T. A. LOVK, Ptueola, N. 0 BANK IEPMT. F. A. LINNEY, Following Is the report of the ecn ATTORNEY AT LA W dltiooof ValleCruols Bank at Valle ' Cruols, in the state of florth Carolina n at the close of business Sept. 11,1017. Will practice in the courts ot RESOURCES: Watauea and adioininr conn. .1. ... . " r lioans ana discounts 145,41)4 47 ties. u vera rails see urea 0.J4.1U " Unseourtd 100.15 United States bonds on hand 100 1.03 6-11-1911. Premium od bouds Banking House Furniture and Fixtures Due from National banks Due from Banks and b'krs Cash items Gold coin Silver coin, inclnding all mi nor coin currency National bank notes and oth er U. 8. notes iSS VETERINARY SURGERY.'. 2.1H7 67 654 (ft. 468 25 05.00 101.80 600,00 Total..... $63,642.84 LIABILITIES: Capital stock paid In 10.000 Surplus Fund 1400.00 1 Undivided pronts less current expenses and taxes paid 48 08 Notes aud Bills redlsuounted 6257.00 Bills Payable 6,000.00 Deposits subject to check 15.628.81 Time cert! Ilea tea of desposit 11,578.80 Savings Deposits 103 H2 Cashiers oh'ks outstanding .701 70 Total 02,642.84 State of North Carolina, County of Watauga sr. I, L. M. Farthing, cash ier of the above named bank, do sol eninly swear that, the above state ment is true to the best of my know (edge and belief. L. M. FARTHING, Cashier, Correct Attest: ' H. B. PERRY SiRAH O. W&astR D. F. Mast Directors When inneedof veU erinary surgery call on or write to G, H. Hayes Veterinary Svrgeon, Vi las, N. C. 6-15-16. E. F.'Lovill. W. R. LotU Lovill & Lovill -Attorneys At ;Law- - BOONE,. N. C- ' Special attention given to all business entrusted to their care. , .. .. T. . Bingham, Lawyer BOONE, N.C "Promptuttention).piTpn'to ml mafters of a lenal nature Subscribed and sworn to before me CollectlOUB a SJieclalty. u. nA.k u a nr I tui.wvuu.jui.wpiwii. nm. u,ltt, Kr.lioif... U A I W H MAST N P I vww ffiiu viivivvii at AMW We take pleasure in stat ing that we have personally investigated the lists of "Shows" and other attrac tions contracted for by the fair management for 1917, that there is plenty to thril to please all ages, to enter tain and instruct. We are satisfied that every feature of the entertainment pro- gram is uean ana wnoie- some. Don't Miss the Fair. (Signed) , .5 W. J. Lenoir, Major. Mrs. M. M. Courtney Mrs. Elizabeth Randolph, "' " Vice-l'res. Local Red Cross. NOTICE. North Carolina. Watausa Sydney I'hllllps aud ney 0, ly.Jpd. DR. R. D, JEPHGS ' RESIDENT-DENTIST ' Banmgrs Elk, N. C. If At Boone on first Monday county, ydney I'hllllps aud wire Km urn Phillips, Welia Taylor and husband Li. L Taylor, Josle Uole aud hui baud- Andrew Cote, Biddie Greer and husband Frank Greer. Mollle N orris and husband Will Norris, vs Martha Norris and husband Milt Norris, Clerlnda Hayes, Bertba Waddelland Waddell. By virtue of an order or the Superior of every month' for 4 Or,5 days court in the above entitled action, 1 and every court v-ek. Office vt win on toe oiu aay or noveintr 1H17 the Blackburn Hotel. at iue cuuri muiioo uuur iu duuud, ji u. at l o'clock: p. m, sen ro tne hgi ret bidder for cash, the following; de scribed real estate to wit: BegiuuniK on a Spanish oak, Claws n's corner and runs west ou pole to a Spanish oak and chestuut, tnen a wltb ilaw sons 82 poles to a Spanish oak: then west 83 poles to a chestnut oak. then N 10 W 116 poles to a white oak; then E i poles to a chestnut lu bis old line. then 8 20 B with said line 64 poles to Mrs. E. F. Reid. President Womans' Betterment Ass'u John E. Brown 9 Lawyer, boone, . . . N.C. Prompt attentioDgivenJto all ajpanish oak, then B with said Hot matters of a legal nature. Col lections a specialty. Office with Lovill A Lovili; Don't Forget the Dates,-Oct 3-4-5, 1917 to the corner; tnen to the beKiuDinc, eontalntOKllO acres inor or less. This 11 day of September 1917 . WILL NORR18, Commissioner. NOTICE.' Vftllll nAnM MMMW. IH A -VI ll "IVII.. WHUIlj, .11 the Superior court prin( term 11)17 James 1. league vs. Ha ran Teague. The defendant above named will take notice that an action i-ut tiled as above has been eoinuiruoed iu the luperlor court ot Watauga county for divorce from the bonds of matrimony; said deiendant will further take notice that he is required to appear at the next term of Watsuicasuuerior oourf to be held on the Urd Monday after the first Uonday of said month, it be tug the 28 day thereof at the court house in Bo ne N. O. and answer or demur to the complaint iu said action or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief deibauded iu said com plainfa This Spt. 8, 1917. -, W. D. FARTHING, 0, 8. C. 1 F, A. Unney, PialntlflV Att'y. VMTCH and done at this shop . under a positive guarantee Ic a material nsed l. ?uaranteed to be genuine. Estimates urnished on all wall orders. Balis faction guaranteed in every refpeet ou all railroad watches. Office near the Watauga Co. Bank. J.W.BLYAN Qraiuate Je-weier and Watvbttakt BOOJ.,H,0, v 4f