7 VsO, ".-.';..T';'V' .v;-1'-? ' n in VOL XXIX. BOONE WATAUGA COUNTY, N. C, THURSDAY OCTOBER 11, 1917. NO. 3. Titii lislists fiemus. The attitude of the German -American press and the German alliance In this country "in their hearty support of the German government," and theattitude of the Germans at home toward their government shows that they are back of it, Colonel Rooee. velt said iu a speech at the Old Glory week festival at Kansas City in commenting on the theo ry that the United States is fight ing the German government but not the people. "For no nation Joes Germany feel and express eucbjbitter and contemptuous hostility as for the United States," he said. ''There is no nation on the" face of the globe which they would be nore delighted to ruin and plun der. Onder such circumstauces the public men' add 1 newspapers engaged iu - defending Germany or assailing England and our al lies or in protesting against the war and demanding an inconclu sive peace are guilty ol moral treason to this country, ? and while the German-American pa pers have achieved an evil promi nence in this' matter the profess ional anti-English Irish papers are as bad and the purely-sensational demagogic ant unpatriot ic section of the native American press is the worst of all. " "German embodies the princi ples of successful militaristic au tocracy. Mucn5 has v been, i s aid about our being against the Ger man government but not against the German , people. The atti tude of the German-American press and the German Alliance in this country fn their hearty sup port of the German government and the,-, practically unanimous support of the government here tofore by the Germans . at home shows that at present the Ger mans are " back of the German government ' ; n '' " "They Jiave enthusiastically supportel its policy of brutal disregard of the rights of others Until they reverse themsel ves, un til they cast off theyipke of mili taristic autocVacy-'then' Identify . tnemselves with it and force us to be against them. It is for the German people themselves to differentiate themselves from tbeir government Uii til thejr do this -they force' us -to be a gamst the German people as a necessary incident of being a gainst the German government. "The Germans govern from above down. The people of this republic, like the people of France like the people of .-England, be lieve in government from below up. In other words we believe in government by ourselves. The Germans believe in being govern ed by an autocratic . dynasty which rests primarily on a great militaristic class and a great bureaucratic class. No man who supports Germany ,at dm time can ciaira woes real democrat or a real lover of free institutions. He is false both to democracy and freedom. Germany has well matured plans for the conquest and op pression of the United States, he said. This was evidenced,, be . said, by the conversation of some recently captured German offi cers who talked to their English captors freely without knowing - that an American "officer was . present. - "These Germans announced that Germany was going to win and that they wtre going .to smash the United States and bleed it white with an enormous indemnity and make it pay the whole expense of the war," be said. "They had no thought oi ueace and nosinan in his-, senses doubts 'that hisUcwW be the policy adopted as a matter course by Germany. ' . AWeriTiWiMia. W. J. Hares in Charlotte Obaerver. Thin letter is written as a war ning to' the German government. We, the people of the United States, know what freedom is, and we know 1 hat where "a gov ernment is run as our there is run as ours there is freedom. Our gov ernment belongs to the people and not to any man or men who fill the offices to which they are elected, only a limited time giv. en to the men filling all offices in our government, a fact which is well known to you,' William, and as long as the people of your country give office to men f o r ife (particularly such as you are) they will 6uffer under a yoke of bondage as has been . for years itnout number. Now, old gen- might as well Bit up and take no tice, for Woodrow means busi ness or he would not be ' making such gigantic Dreoarations he has the, money, the men, the ood and everything else needed, the people of the United States sttand at the back of their Pres- ident-and will tight to a finish or its people as well as for the people of other countries who want freedom, such as Americans lave, and you can laugh and make fun. of our American peo ple as much as you want, but our boys are fixing for you 'and wht n the blow is struck by Amer ica it will be something 'for. you to reraembe. , ? We Americans , be- leve in the right, and nothing else suits us. If there is any right or justice iu you we Americans al to see it. All rhe evil ways of murdering the innocent are your thought, and a just and holy God will Jnever give victory in the great struggle now going on to Bucb a beast as the emperor of Germany. We Americans have instilled in us liberty, which makes us free and gives to us reedoiu. We belong to no man or set of mm. Such men of the ong ago as Thomas Jefferson of natioual fame, and John McKnit Alexander of our first indepen dence 1775 give to the American people government of the people, by the people, and with the peo ple and therefore we have been a ree people since their day and. what of your country? Has any rights ever been given the people n any form in the governing bo dy? You oppose democracy, which you know puts the govern. ment in the hands of the people where it ougnt to be, and no government can be n 'fairly, honestly and straight, until a democratic form is adopted. Am erica is for abolishing the office of kings, emperors, czars, and all such governments as take from the people the right to rule. Now William, a parting shot to you. Woodrow Wilson, our President, is a good roan, not depending upon bis power or strength to wiu thi8Tvar fight but like Da vid goes to his God in prayer to guide and direct him and ' when he does that in sincerity aud in truth, you had better sit up and take notice "If at this moment, while we are s' ill helpless, France and England were defeated, the Ger man fleet would be at our doors in a fortnight and an army of conquest would have landed here witnin a montn. some years ago! saw openly published in Germany a pamphlet written by a member of the German general staff containing a well worked out plan for the conquest of the United States which the German staff regarded as easy and for t ne levyiug 01 enormous contri buttons at our expense." Children ;Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CA3XORIA Town and County. Dr. A.! W. Dula, came over last Iriday afternoon, bringing with him Mrs. M. L Thomas and children, ol Hickory. -The Teachers' Meeting held in the auditorium of the Train ing School on Friday last, was largely attended, every teacher in the county being present, save four. ' No, not all the Watauga peo pie attended the Fair at Lenoir last week, but certainly she was well represented. All we have heard express themsplves are loud in their praise of the Fair, and pronouce it one of the .veiy best they have ever attended. -MivR. R. Trivett,son of the Rev. G. W. Trivett, of Watauga Falls, now residing at Berlin, Ashe county, and a representa tive of the Piedmont Tobacco Co., of Roanake, Va., was in the village last Friday supplying his trade .here and looking up new customers. Friend Watson, of Hackett, passed tbrouch town last Fii- ay for a short visit to his fa ther, Mr. I. S. Watson, on Sto ny Fork. He brought The Demo crat a turnip, surelv the finest ' specimen we have ejet seen. It as symmetrically shapedrm, smooth and nice, and tipped the scales at 9 pounds. , Dr. Robert Knox Bingham, ho, since early last spring, has been practicing at Blowing Rock, moved back to bis neat home in East Boone last week, and will remain here, during the winter, at least. Friends of the doctor and family are delighted to see them back, and hope they have ound out, ere this, that Boone is the best place "they is" to live in, and will now be content to remain with us,v Rev. M. A. Adams had very early a serious accident with his brd car last Friday evening, a bent radius rod b' ing the cause 01 tne trouoie. lie was ruuning along fat a lively clip near the 1 1 WW home of Mr. W. D. Farthiog, when the Ford wtnt wiftj, plunged into a plank-and-wire fence knock ing out three pahnels'and run ning well into the field before it could be stopped. The minister escaped unhurt but the Ford was considerably damaged. Mr. Martin Warren, of Ma bel, now 78 years of age, but very much younger when it comes to "doing things," dug GO bushels of potatoes- while hi sons won ookingafter theotherfarm work and as the .'spuds', were unusual- y fine, the aged f aimer selected a few of the choicest ones, bounced in a car on Friday morning and sped away to the Mountain f ity rair. Here's a hopin' that the good old man will bring back first priie on his product The Mutual Life OPNEWYOBK I Offers These Advantages: A successful experience of more inan mat 01 any other Xl .1 1 . . The strength of more than Insurance, the net cost of including wonderful disability benefits with income for me. Experience and financial pillars of sound life-insurance. Safety, Liberal Policy contracts, ana l.ow wet uost are tne three essential ele nrents that we all want in our insurance. In these essen tialsthe Mutual Life can serve you best. , ; Columbus Ante,; LENOIR, : : J : : : : ; NORTH CAROLINA. Would like to have an active agent or two in Watauga vooniy Mrs. J. Crib Norris, of Sands, was in the village Monday, and bad with her her two little neph ews,' Wm. and Taylor Stephens, two ot the triplets born to her sister at Johnson City, Tenn., a little less than three years ago, the 'mother passing to her re ward soon after the children were born. Mrs. Norris brought them to her home at once, and to her great sorrow, the little girl died at seven months old. The boys are certainly flue specimens and show the lavish care that has been bestowed noon them by their adopted parents. And now it seems that after all these years, of patient toil (not by proxy, either), the edi tor of this rag.cf liberty has got his "'foot in" for slander, be cause be rather inadvertantly said last week, after bragging tremendously on the growing crops of the Hon. Frank A Lin ney, added, for the purpose of keeping farm history straigt in Watauga, that he, Linney, had the major part of his work done by proxy. Plaintiff has "spoken to" John H. Bingham, a man who delves deep in legal lore, to appear for him in the prosecu tion, and departiug from all prec edents laid down in such cases turns himself into a swift wituese and says be is knowin to the fact that plaintiff assisted incut ting some six or more shocks of corn only last week, and that on the morning after the frost the plaintiff mowed down a patch of corn with a scythe, but failed to state just what it cost him to straighten it out aud get it iuto shock. All this evidence a pilin' up, rather got the attention of. defendant, and he stated in re buttal that he never intended to do the plaintiff any harm, and admitted that he had seen, him on different occasions, going to and from his farm in a henry ford, and thought he was piling in evidence in chunks, when Lin ney broke in with "The same as to say that riding in a Ford isn't WORK! Defendent seeing that he was beaten in the preliminary swooned, and as soon as he re covered wailed out, "Nevermind, we will see you again later when our lawyer returns from Ken tucky!" Muncle Soreness Relieved. Unusual work, bending and uifCng 01 Mtreous exercise is a lstrii on the muscles, tuy be come sore und tiff, you are crip pied and in pain. Sloan's Li in meat brings you quick relief eas, to apply, it penetrate without rubbing and drives out the sort-- tie.48. A cIcht liquid, cleHner than mussy piasters or ointments, it does not stain the ski.i or clog the pores. Always nave a bott'lf bandy, lor (be pains of rnuma tiam, gout, lumbago, grippe. bruises stiffness, buckaciie and all external pain. At yourdrug gist, 25c. Insurance Co., nearlv 75 years, which is . . " ' American company. 624 million dollars of assets. which is as low as the lowest strength are the two main Manager Western District Thi Liquor Situation. The Editor of the Recorder walked around to the Dflie of Col lector J. W. Bailey to get some first-hand information in regard totheworkof his department. Mr. Baily talked very freely and said that condition in his dis trict is most deplorable. Liquor is being shipped in to many sec tions of Eastern North Carolina aud the local authorities seem to be 'asleep, or utteily indifferent to the conditions which prevail. As evidence that liquor is being freely sold, Mr- Baily told us of parties who had offered bim large sums of money for tne Federal Goverumert in order to compro mise liabilities for tne violation of the' revenue laws. Atone place, a carload of liquor was shipped and was retailed out to the Bur- rounding country. Mr. Bailey in timated very strongly that he thought the railroads were lay ing themselves liable to prosecu- tio for violating the internal rev enue laws, and he could not be ieve that this violation was done ignorantly. "It is inconceivable" he said, "that a carload ofli- uor should be hauled on any ' train without the authorities knowing that the car contained iquor. Mr. Bailey isdoiug all he can with bis few deputies to root out this evil. But he has only nine deputies and they have fifty counties to cover, and yet iu many counties, with this small force, he has done more to run down i'lind tigers and destroy il- icit stills than the sheriffs who are right on the ground. Mr. Bai- y says that the case is hopeless u iless a public sentim n t cau be aroused which will force the local authorities to co-operate with the Federal authorities in enforcing the revenue laws. Every law-abidimr citizen, and every believer in proHlbitioni should bring pressure,to bearup ou "the local anthorities which will force them to execute the aw or give place to officers who will do it. It is reflection on any ountry that the Federal Gov ernment has to come in and pro tect its citizens from this evil when the sheriff is paid a good salary to do this very work. All honor to. the Federal govern ment audits officers in thir ef forts to root out the liquor traf fic, but shame upon the local au thorities who fail to do t hi e i r duty. Biblical Recorder. Tbe Big Eight Arrives it Cimp lieksn. Editor Democrat: VN e arrived at Camp Jackson at 12:00 o clock Friday night, reported to headquarters and answered to II la at ' rou can, arer wnicu we were as signed a bed, aud we all took our first nights sleep in a mili tary camp. All eight of us were examined Saturday morning and passed up ior military service. We are all proud of our new home. The Watauga boys are all in bar racks together and we are going at it rough and tough, and are going to make good ' soldiers. We are proud to be in the camp with such a body of excellent men.' me rear car was turned over to us and we were told to do what we pleased, just so wed id n' shoot the conductor. We have good board and i good iea. ine arming isn t s bard though we drill 8 h urn per day. tamp Jackson covers 2o square acres and i 8 six miles from Columbia. , We wish to extend our best re gards to those back home in old Watauga, and we nope tbey wi appreciate ou r service. Respectfully, , - "The Big-Eight." Davis, Winkler, Penneli, Swift Baiid, Trivett. Hollars, Isaacs. PROFESSIONAL. E. Glenn Salmons, - Resident Dentist. BOONE, N. C. OfflcetCritcher;iIotl. OFFICE HOURS: -u, 9:00 to 13 a. iu; 1:00 to 4:00 p. in. EDTUJND JONES LAWYER LENOItt, N. C,- Will Frnctice Reaula'rh in the Courts of .M at9vgat 6-1 II L. O. LOWS T. A. LOVK, Mneola, M. O , Baiuior Elk, N. C. LOWE & LOVE ATTORN EYS-AT-LAW. Practice in the courts of Averv and surrounding counties. Cuie- iui attention given to allmattxrs of a legal nature. 7-0-12. F. A. LINNEY, -ATTORNE Y AT LA W,- DOONE, N. C. Will practice in the courts o Watauga and adjoining coun ties. -11-1911. VETERINARY SURGERY, When inneedjof vet erinary surgery call on or write to G. H. Hayes Veterinary Svrgeon, Vi las,N.C. 6-15-16. P. Lovill. w. B. LovU Lovill & Lovill Attorneys At Law- BOONE, N. G- M Special attention given to all business entrusted to their care. , T. E. Bingham, Lawyer BOONE, ..... . N.C "Prompt 8ttention'given!to ill matters of a les;al nature Collections a specialty. Office with Solicitor.?. A. Ho ney 0, ly. pd. DR, R, 0, JEIINIIIGS RESIDENTfcDENTIST Jf IBanneus.Elk, N. C. WAt Boone on first Mondnv ol every month for 4 or 5 days and every court wek. Office t the Blackburn Hotel. John E. Brown Lawyer. BOONE, . . . N.C. Prompt attentionjgivenjto all matters of a legal nature. Col lections a specialty. Office with Lovill & Lovill, JEWELRY E doocatthia thp onder positive ... - guaranteed to be genuine.' Estimates furnished on all mail order. Satis faetion guaranteed lo every respect ou all railroad watehM. Offloe near the Watauga Go. Bank. - . . J, W.M YAK Graduate Jeweiw end Waicnu.ek - BUUr(K,fl.g. SSI . i U1 NfRtcuD St.. 1 r

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