... -' . .'w-Vr,,!V- :-J.'-' v 5,;' ,.-. v VOL XXIX. BOONE WATAUGA COUNTY, N. C, THURSDAY NOVEMBER 1, 1917. NO. 6. V rr. A Kitbirt Pnyir for Jar Sitdiir Joi. 0 God of infinite mercy, hear the mothers of this- laud as we plead before Thy throne for the loved one we are sending fort h to battle for the Right. Though our hearts are bowed with Borrow, we pray not for ourselves; all our prayers, 0 God of love, are fjr them, the priceless treasures of our lives. We are willing to suf fer, and, if need be, to die for our country. . We would gladly give our lives t) save these loved ones, dearer to us than life itself, who are go ing out to fight foes, seen and un seen, to face all the horrors of the battlefield, and some per chance to die, that others may live, but by no word or look will we hold them to save others. Give them the manhood to meet this supreme test of life, give them strength of body, of nund and soul to do battle fort h e Right, and to succor to women and children. Arm them with Di vine power to smite evil; fold them in thy loving arms; yea, though they walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Death may Thy presence banish every fear and Thy rod and Thy staff comfort tbem. For three long years the men ol our allies have battled lor us a for their own homes, and their loved ones have endured the sor rows which now we must face. 0 jr men go forth to help save us from ruin and the world from birbarism. We suffer, but we glo ry in thy manhood. We dedicate our lives to this great cause that we may serve behind the lines while they carry forward the flag of civilization. The prayers of a world in ago ny, for whom thee loved ones are fighting, are lifted up to Thee for these men. They are offering all that earth holds dear, bw Ciuse Jbey have heard Thy voice calling them to the noblest work to which lives were ever consecra ted. Thy love, 0 God, our Fa- ' tber, excels all other love, so we leave them with Tbee, To JTbee have we committed them. They are Thine, created in Thy image. - Into them Thou hast breathed the breath of life in the largest and divinest sense, f? In their sacrifices, offering their lives that others might lire they are following in the footsteps Of the Son of God Himself, who died to make men free from the power of evil. We trust them, 0 God, to Thy infinite love, and to thy ever-watchful eye. Hold them as in the hollow of Thy band, for .they are doing Thy work and ful filling the teachines of Him who spake as man never spoke, when He taught that no greater love has any man that he is willing to lav down his life for others. Manufacturers Record. Sixaer Ran Derelopaist it lime. lock. Mr. W. L, Alexander, a promi nent banker ofChurlotte, says the Lenoir Topic, has purchased seven hundred acres of land near Blowing Ruck, extending south ward to the upper Johns River section. He was here Saturday on his way to Blowing Rock to direct some preliminary work in the development of the eetate. Mr. Alexander plans to erect a palatial summer home on the property and build many miles .. of roads and driveways, some' thing like the Cone estate devel opmeut. Mr. E. W. Cole, who has been engineer of the town of Le noir during the present street street and sidewalk improvement has been lectured by Mr. Alexan der to to begin the survey of the roads on the estate as oon as his work in Lenoir is finished. : Details if tni Death if Yonnc Evintti Islets. Alleghany Star. Mr. Henderson Joines is in re ceipt of the following letter from .' ranee, under the date of Sept u, gmug ueiaiis 01 nis Bon lev eret's death. My dear Mr. and Mrs. Joines: I am writing to express my most sincere sympathy with you in the loss of your son No. 261,- 146 -Private E. Joines. He was out in front yesterday with another scout and was snip ed through the heart, being kill ed instantly. He suffered no pain and if we have to go his was the death we all would like to have. We recovered his body and conveyed it to a military cemete ry nine miles in the rear so he will rest in peace and not be dis turbed. I will see that a cross is erect ed with bis name and Batalion on it and his grave location will be registered with the graves Reg istrar, Canadian Forces. Yourson's death is a great loss to me, to my company, and the Battalion. He was the best scout we bad and was thought very highly of by every one he came in contact with. He was an excellent soldier, most reliable and a good work er, wno tooK a keen interest in his profession. He died the noble death of a true and gallant soldier in the execution of his duty, and has left behind a host of comrades to mourn his loss and honor bis memory. I will send hU personal effects direct to you, as I am sure you will like to have them, and if they went through the regular channel they would probably take several months to reach you. Believe me, yours with deeprst sympathy. A. Sodden English, Major, C. C, "C" Co.. 38th Bat. Can. Inf. France, Sept. 16, 1917. The following card has also been received by Mr. and Mrs Soines, from Lord Derb, Secreta ry of State for War. "The king commands me to as sure you of the true sympathy of His Majesty and the Queen in your sorrow." Mr. J. E.- Watson, of Hackett, passed through last Friday en route to the home of his father, Mr. I. S. Watson, on Stony Fork, where be went after a supply of canned goods, dried fruit, etc. bis crop at home having failed this year. WOMEN' WOES. Bum Wenei Are FiidintRilif at list. It does seem that women have more than a fair share of t h e aches and pains that afflict hu manity; they must "keep up,' must attend to duties in spite ol constantly aching backs, orhead aches, dizzy spells, bearing down pains; they must stoop over, when to stoop means torture They must walk and bend and work with racking pains and ma ny aches from kidney ills. Keep ing the kidueys well has spared thousands of women much miser ry. Read of a remedy for kidneys only that is endorad by people in ttiis locality. Mrs. C. L. Sock well, Mulberry St., North w llkesboro, says: bad a great deal ol misery over my kidneys. When lover-exerted my back became painful. Severe boxes of Doan's kidney Pills cur ed the dull pains across the small of my back. I consider I consider them the best medi cine to be badforkilney trouble. I Price 60c. at nil dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get doan's Kidney Tills the same that Mr. Sock wt 11 bad Foster-Millburn Co., Props., But aiO, K6y jLOrK. '.. Town and County. Dr. Little moved quite a con siderable bunch of young cattle and mules from his mou tain pas tures to his Pond Bottom farm at Friday, where they will be ied through the winter. Mrs. Joseph Warden, former ly MiBs Maggie, daughter of our esteemed townsman, James II. Taylor, arrived from her home in .Charlotte last week, and will remain in the county a few days yet with home folks and friends. Mr. Wade Beach, of Zionville . F. D., has moved to Bluff City Tenn, where be and his family will make their future home Mr. Beach was exempt lrom military service by the local exemption board on account of dependants ast Friday. Beach is a good cit- zen and nis departure means a oss to the county. Mr. J. D. Bryan, of Bristol, in sending remitence for his pa per, writes that his health has been quite poor this summer, and to add to this he had a .fall, rom t he effects of which he suf fered a great deal, reducing him in flesh to 105 pounds. Sorry to hear of the ill health of the aged ex-Confederate, but hope ere this he is much improved. Rev. Lee Norris, son of the ate Joseph Norris, of Sandp, who has helda position with ajbigshoe concern in rortsmouth. Ohio, ior more tnan ten years past, is just now enjoying a well-ear ned rest with relatives iu Wat auga and Ashe counties. He still holds on to his ministerial wo: k, and hopes to fill a few appoint ments while here. ft Mr. Ben Isaacs, of Red Jack ett, West Virginia, wasbeforejtbe local exemption board for exam inntion on last Friday. He is c sen of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Isaacs of Vilas, and was accompanied here by his attractive sister, Miss Mary Isaacs. The young man bas been in the employ of a West Vir ginia coal Co. for the past five years, and has made good. He recently purcM" a snug little farm near that of Lis fa' her for which he paid $2,500. Private Ed. Hodges, of camp Sevier, at Greenville, S. C, arnv ed at the home of hir parents, Mr. and Mrs G. A. Hodges, near the village, on a five days fur lough, leaving on Tuesday for the caanps. Ed is looking1 well; is i i the best of spirits, and speaks in the highest terms of the treat ment tne soldier boys receive from their superiors. He says the fair is very good indeed? but the water, while pure, is not so good a in Watauga. The young man looks well in his uniform and is a picture of perfect health. Mr. Jesse F. Robbinsand fara ily have moved from the A. B, Cook property in East Boone, to the home of Mr. J. Patterson Hodges, in the Poplar Grove sec tion, and will remain there dur ing the winter, at least, Mr. Rob bins is just recovering from a very serious illness, his worst trouble now being a fever leg. that is giving him considerable worry. He is now on crutches but is very thankful indeed that his condition is no worse. Sorry to see the good people leave the village,' but hope the move wil prove for the best for them. Ask Anyone Who Has Used It. There are families who alwa aim to keep a bottle of Chamber Iain's Golic and Diarrhoea Rem edy in the bouse for use in case it is needed, aud find that, it is not only a toed inveetmentbut la ves tbem Jio end of suffering. As to its reliability, ask eny one nbo ba) used it. - Mrs. Edmistea Declared Insane. In the case of the state vs. Lo la Edmisten, charged with mur der. (Sause sailed for trial Tues day by Court. Court finds defen dant committed the act charged against her in the indictment. That at the time thereof defend ant was a person of unsound mind and not accountable for her act and not guilty of murder ae charged in the bill of indict ment. Court orders that defend- aunt be committed to the Cen tral Indiana Hospital for the nsane, and there be confined until she is discharged therefrom upon the order of the Court. Drs. 'eare, Rhein, and Garrigas gave evidence of her being of unsound mind. Sheriff Thompson and William Edmisten. her husband, testified as to her mental condi tion. On the application of Mr. and Mrs Parlier, parents of Mrs. Ed misten, of Horton, Watauga county, N. C, to the court, Johns, uett & Banta were retained for the defendant. Roseland Indi ana paper. Says the Wilkes Journal. An aeroplaue was seen to pass over the Northern part of Alexander county, just west of Taylorsville, on Friday of last week. The ma chine was near enough to the earth that it could be plainly seen and the motor distinctly heard. Quite a little conjecture has been indulged in as to the machines being in that section some advancing the idea that it i one of the war models being t ied out, while others say that c is probably one being demon strated at fairs in the Western part of the state. We believe we are safe in stating that it was not a German aircraft as no women and children have been reported as having lost their lives as the result of the "raid." Summer Comprint. During the hot weather of the summer months some member oi almost every family is likely to be troubled mtn some unnatural looeenesB of the bowels, and it is or the greatest importance that this be treated promptly, which can only be doue when the medi cifiH is kept at hand. Mr. F. F Scott, ocotsyille, .ew lorkstat, "I first used Chamberlain s Colic and Diarrobea Remedy as much a? five years ago. At that-time 1 bad a severe attack of summer complaint and wa6 suffering in tense pain. Une dose relieved me. Other member of my fam ily have since used it with like re sults." NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION. The UQderalgDed havlnfr been ap pointed and duly quMlDVd as ad in In Btrator of tbe estate wt Buianuel Hampton, deceased, all persons hav inr claims against said estate are no tified to uxbibit tbe saute before biin on or before the 1st day of October 1918 or this notice will be pleaded In bar or tbelr recovery. All persons inaeotea to said estate win please mak Immediate settlement. This Wth day of 8pt. 1U17. W. D. HAMPTON. Adm'rof Emanuel Hampton, dee'd. NOTICE. Sarah Coffey, widow of C. J. Coffey and JaoieCofffv by her cuardlan W. D. Ahley VS. Thomas Coffey; Emma Oragg and husband John Gragg; John coffey and wife Frau oia coffer; Owyu coffey and wile Julia coffey; Charley and wife Am anda Coffey; Hattle Stocks and Charley Stocks; Rufus coffey and Emma coffey. By virtue of an order of the Superior court in the above entitled aotion, 1 will on tbeStb day of November 1917 at 1 o'clock p. m. at the oourt house door la Boone, N. O., sell to the high est bidder tor ?asb the following de scribed tract of land to wit: Hounded on the north by the lands of the Boone Fork Lumber Co. and W. 8. Whiting, on the west by Koby coff-y on tbe south by Owyn coffey. on I he east by Rufus coffey and Rufus Bald win, and being all tbe lands of which C. J. Coffey died seized. Said tale will be mad of the above described land subject to that part allotted to Sarah Coffey as a dower. This 19th day of sept- 1V17. T. K, BIKGHAV, commissioner Muscle Soreness Relieved. Unusual work, bending and uiftng oi streous exercise is a Istrin on the muscles, they be come sore und tiff, you are crip pled and in pain. Sloan's Lini ment brings you quick relief easy to apply, it penetrate without rubbing and drives out the sore ness. A clear liquid, cleaner than niussy plasters or ointments, it does not stain the skiii or clog t he pores. Al ways nave a bott le lundy lor the puins of rheuma tiHtu, gout, lumbago, grippe, bruisett, stiffness, buckacue and all external paiu. At your drug gist, 25c. Notice of Trustees Sale. North Carolina, Watauga coun ty. By virtue of the powr of sale contained iu a certain deed of trust executed on the 25th day of May 1916 by C. M. Watson and wife to W. E Johnson, Trus tee, to secure the payment of the sum $644.04; which deed (f trust, is duly recorded in book 8, page 416 of the Register of deeds of Wataug eounty, I will ou the 3rd day of November 1917 at 1 E. in. bell for cash to the highest idder at the court house i n Boone, N. C. to satisfy a balance of $644.04, interest and costdue on snid debt; the following de scribed real estate; to wit: Ly ing and being in VVatimca coun. ty North Carolina, iu Elk town ship, adjoining the lauos of Jo seph Sander's heirs, Newton Greer aud others and containing 3d acres more or less, bounded as follows: Beginning on a chest nut oak, running Southwest 65 poles more or less to a chestnut in what is known as the Wheeler line, then North 45 poles more or less to a white oak, then same course 26 poles to a Spanish oak; then N 50 E 32 poles to a span- l 1.1 L. 1 - 1.1. I isn ou k u,y wie siuu ui mo ruuu. then South with the road 30 roles more or less to a stake in Sanders's line, then with Sanders line and south to the begiuning. This 28th day of Sept. 1917. W. E. JOHNSON, Trustee. J. B. Council!, Att'y. NOTICE. Notth Carolina Watauga county: In the superior court sprlDK term 1017 James 1. Teagun vs. Sarah Teague. The defendant above named will take notice tbat ao action entitled asabove has been commenced In the superior court of Watauga county for divorce from the bonds or matnuion.y; said defendant will further take notice that he Is required to appear at the next term of Watauga superior court to be held on the 3rd Monday after the first Monday of said month, It be ing the 28 day thereof at tbe court house in Bo ne N, O. and answer or demur to the complaint in said action or the plaintiff will apply to tbe oourt tor tbe relief demanded in said com plaint, 1 his Sept. 8, 1917. W. D. FARTHING, 0. 8. 0, F. A. Ltnney, Plaintiff's Att'y. Tennessee f arm For Sae. One'half mile from Butler, con taining 177 acn s, 45 acres river bottom iu first-class state of cul tivation. The hot rum land will produce from 40 to 75 bushels of corn per acre ana 10 to nusn els of wheat. Tbe upland will pro duce from 30 to 50 bushels of corn, 40 acres being new land, having been tended one aud two years. The farm U all cleared ex cept about 8 acres. This is a bar gain for any one wanting a farm at a medium price where they can educate their children cheaply. There are two nine mos. schools here, and Butler is a thrifty little town of 1,000. Ou tbis farm are two sets of buildings one resi dence costing 3,000; another Sood, five-room dwelling, ont ouses of all kinds can be easi ly divided into two farms prop erty abundantly watered by wells springs and tbe W atttnga river. Will feed and graze 75 head of cattle Come at once, as this of- f r of sale will bold good for on ly two weeks. II. M. WAGNER. Butler, Tenn., Oct. 24. 2t. ; FOB SALE: A good farm of 175 acres, one mile from Todd, N. C. Good 8-rooin bouse iu good repair. Good orchards and out buildings. Water in house. If interested call on or write W. S. Miller, Tpdd, N.C. 9-27 4. Fomsomoijmnvi PROFESSIONAL. E. Glenn Salmons, Kesident Dentist. BOONE, N. C. Offlafat CritcherHo'tel. OFFICE HOURS: 9:00 to 13 a. ni; 1:00 to 4:00 p. m, EOT t.Li ND JONES ' LAWYER LENOIR, N. C,- . Will Practice Regularly in the Courts oi Watffuga, 6-1 ii L. D. LOWE T. A. LOW, Banner Elk, N. C. PlueoU, N. O LOWE & LOVE ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. Practice in the courts of Avery and surrounding counties. Cme mi attention given to ail matters of a legal nature. 7-6-12. F, A. LINNEY, -ATTORNEY AT LAW, BOONE, n. c. Will practice in the courts o Watauga and adjoining coun ties. 3-111911. VETERINARY SURGERY. When in need oj vet erinary surgery'call w or write to G. H. Hayes Veterihary Svrgcon, Vi las, N. C. , 6 -15-16. 8. F. Lovill. " w. R. LotII Lovill & Lovill -Attorneys AtJ ILaw -B00NE, ;. C.- H Special attention given to all business entrusted to their care. .. .. .. T. E. Bingham, Lawyer BOONE, ..... . N.C Prom pt a t ten tion)gi vento all matters of a legal nature Collections a specialty. Office with Solicitor,?. A. Ho ney 9, lypd. DR. R, 0, JEHHIIIGS RESIDENT.DENTISr' tBanneiis;ElkiN..C. tir-At Boone on first Monday of every mouth for 4 or 5 days and every court wk. Office t the Blackburn Hotel. John E. Brown IiAWYfiS. BOONE, ... N.C Prompt attentiongivento all matters of a legal nature. Col. lections a specialty. Office with Lovill &,Lovill, VMTCH and .eJEWELRY done at this shop under a positive guarantee A a material used U guaranteed to bo genuine. Estimates tarnished on all mail orders. Sails faction guaranteed In erery raapMf ou all railroad watches. Offlea near the Watauga Co. Bank, y f w -. J. W;BKYAN Oiaduale Jeweler and WaUttt.k. BuoyM.c. ... -.1 V',

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