"A; u. I89 ii c1 0 I? .a iJ. C. Rivers, Proprietor. Thursday, Nov. 1 i 1917. Bsaai Moaklf IS Tbt 111! ArtCll. J - f Tk - Tl,..- w ,. ; ... . !- we nave uouceu, un uccasiuu, j!; that there are some few young . ladies who absolutely refuse to I i t entertained hv anv class of in- . I dividuals other than the human ( iuonkey. This peculiar taste, we Jr suppose, is brought on by what j:. is known as moukey-maniaism. This maniaism deprives those so j afflicted with gumption enough n: to retire to some secluded spot .1 when possessed with an inBane l desire to pull off some idiotic stunts Instead,' churches or . some other public place seems to 1 s i. 1L.I I J monkey as a place to display bis I 7j talents to the best advantage. ,j There would be no such thing as the human monkey if some of the 2 gentler sex didn't demand some- 2 thing along the monkey line for ,T entertainment. This being so, -t we have often wondered why r young ladies, afflicted with the aforesaid mania, didn't invest in the real article. We understand jj a very decent kind of monkey can J .still be had for something like J $5.00 the war so far having no . effect on the monkey market. We think this would be. advisable, I mainly, because of the fact there ICgj isn't any law against feeding the f ( real article on sleeping powders, ' n or even using an axe on him in case his companionship should become tiresome. On the other y ' hand the court might not uphold & V aft Br.Niniinna tNtarmant oa tvi I ever, there is almost always some way out of adifflculty, and shou'd some monkey-mania afflicted young lady become tired of the ibl companionship of some human monkey, and having some mis- gmngs s to theconsequencesas nrra n a iha urtintniutnomw rt t : i. . Blocking jjuw ici o ur tuo iu truuuv-1 J tiou of an axe, she mieht eo to some Keeley Institute and bor- Jl row a little bichloride of gold. (j ; The writer of the above few ! lines used to be a durued fool u himself isn't burdened with anv very great amount of surplus ! wisdom vet. but has reformed to the extent of trying to sensible as what light he f ' act as has at I hand will permit. . The greatest gift ' the Great Giver ever bestowed on mortal man is senso, and what we con siuer as very sensime aavice to inone who happen to besoiavor- ea, is to snow meir appreciation ... Dy mauiug ic a point to try ana ... i use at leust a part of it. :-'' T. B. M. Traininf Scbsel Items. Rev. J. C. Owen, hissinger, Mr. M. . usuorne, and Uev, M. A. Adams attended chapel exercise eacu day last week and Mr. Uwen maue splendid Short talks each ' day which were greatly apprecia- tad by the laculty and students, . imsv. u. iv. miibuu uueuueu cnapei service on Saturday, also i Prof. D. a Dougherty was pros- ent, the Superintendent being absent The go jd professor ha 8 been takuig a much needed vaca- 4.1 i t .uum scnoo room work, ana ,u,0 u un anuice ai vu.uuMUfttuwwsrmuiworK. :? The Senior Class went to Le- noir on oaiuraay to see "The , jinn oi a nation." iney were XMVTO D- -,7T " n panied by Professors Hartzog and Downum,theGradedSchool KW-""r utuer Blu. en . .. rroi. u. 15. uougherty accom- ; paniea ur. v. u urown ana nis , family to Lenoir on Saturday, ho were on their way to Wake county to engage in school work. Ife Children Ory ?.S':vvF0R FLETCHER'S CASlXJO-RIA list tf Ptrsess CaSel IcU tki Sinrtci f ttiBiitel Stabs tot tnsp y hi w Disebirfid. : As a result of the last call by i the local exemption . bonrd, the-day examinations being made on Tuesday and V ednesday of last wees, me iuuu iiift were eeiecura ( for services in the United States army, not exempiea or aiscuarg , ed: y i waiter coffey, shulls Mills a reek Todd, Todd h A Andrews, noone j s Thomas, Mabel Henry Hagaman, watauga Falls Joseph L Hogshead, Matney clay Beard, vallecrueis B R Williams, sands smithey o watson, Triplett c M wilson, zionville Joseph B Burkett, sands Asa L Heece, Reese chushcr Hollars, shulls Mills u e sherley, stony Fork v m s Buragarner; sands owyn Brown, shulls Mills L e wilson, zionville Munroe Harm an, valle crucis Robert penley, zionville o o Stephens, sands o 8 Thomas, Mabel Milton oreen, Blowing Rock Thomas Kagan, zionville cloy winkler, noone c J story, penley . j f wilson, zionville vester Moody, shulls Mills Ben Isaacs, vilas Hardy Mcclain, Banners Elk Frank Hollar, shulls Mills l w stanbery, vilas carl Horton winkler, noone w H Benson, Triplett w c oxen tine, shulls Mills iven cook, vilas, l career, zionville BLOWING ROCK BREEZES Rev. Edgar Tufts filled his reg ular appointments at the "Rock Church" last Sunday and Sun day night. He preached an able R.., f. a. ntn, taketh I Master Carl Francumisconva- ie8C1D8 we are B,aa swte. Olenn Francum of Philadelphia 8 Qt h0Iue at 131owing Rock for a short visit. Dvnum Francum. who is in camp now at Anniston. Ala.. " i ' was married a few weeks ago to Miss Mav Hacine.oi Wi nuncton. W - C3 Del. He expects to suil for France next January When the people of Blowing Rock learned that Gen. Persh ing's troops had gone into the trenches in "No Man's Land" the young men and some of the 0uer men and hovs went ud on i r- a hill overlookinc the villaue fir e(j tt gaiute with dvnainite. built a huge bonfire and celebrated the event in a boisterous but patriot ic manner. There were a few of the "fair sex" who showed their patriotism by attending the J celebration. The meeting at Cool Springs Church closed last Friday. There were two candidates received for baptism. The church members were revived and much good, we trust was accomplished. itev.u. b Hodge, iniorms us that h will begin a series of meetings at Laurel Fork Church this week. He is expecting Rev. Mr. Watts from Alexander Co. to assist him. . i The peo of Bjowing Rock are expecting a series of meetings at the Baptist Church to begin tonight The pastor, Rev. M. A. Adams, will be assisted by Rev, J. C. Owen, of Ashevillo. Mr.Thos. Robbins, of Lenoir was in town yesterday. In fact Mp. Robbin8 visit8 Jour town quite frequently. There must be Uome attraction for him in this village, however, we are always glad to see bim, as he is a jolly good fellow and scatters sun Uhine wherever he goes. W. M. F. KODAK FILMS developed free I T! a. - J fl M m rnuiea ior o.,- ana o cents eacn 25 years' experience. Dunwick Photo Studio,' Lenoir, North Carolina. . KEY. JAKES J. L SHEIT808. It is with feelings of the deepest regret that we chronicle the death of Rev. J. J. L. Sherwood,' which occurred on Cove Creek last Sun- afternoon. For a number of years Rev. Mr. Sherwood has been one of the leading figures. in tn movement tor tne moral ana spiritual uplift of the people of watauga and adjoining coun ties. ' He was a man of more than ordinary ability as a preacher of the gospel. His pastoral servi ces have been in demand in this and adjoining counties for many jears, and all who knew him loved and respected him. With in the bounds of the Three Forks Baptist Association, where the greater part of his labors have been performed, no minister of the gospel stood higher in the estimation of his brethren lhau did Mr. Sherwood. From a hu man standpoint. we feel inexpres sibly sad that he has gone from us; but iu the light of his splen did life and his earnest endeavors to lead others to the higher life, we know that be has only been called from his labors to his eter nal reward the reward of there deemed. He is dead, yet his in flueuce still survives and we fully believe that his labors and his Godly influence speaking through those who have bean led by him to Christ, shall be instrumental in leading to nobler thought and deeper spiritual lives, many yet unborn; and in the great judg ment when .the final accounting shall be rendered and the force of our influences shall be weighed and measured, we verily believe that many souls shall be laid at the Master's feet as sheaves har vested by the labors of this noble man. A Horrible Trafidy in Alennder County. A jStatesville dispatch of tie 27th says: One of the worst trag edies in the history of this sec tion occurred this afternoon when Cail White, who lives some eight mi'es north of Taylorsville, be came violently demented and killed his wife and two small children. Mr. white was at the home of his father, Mr. W. E. White, who was a former repre sentative in the State senate from Alexander county, whrn the killing occurred. n:8 brother, L. 0. White, of StateF- ville, and another brother, Mr. Arthur White, cashier of the Bank at Stony Point, we're at the spring a short distance away when. beard a shot Going imme diately to the house, they beheld the situation. .After Bhooting his wife and then shooting two of the smaller children, White went down the road where he met a neighbor, told liiln what he had done, Jand asked that he be killed. At the same time White made an at tempt to strike him. A struggle ensued, but finally the demented man was overcome. He was plac ed in an automobile and ta'en to Taylorsville where he was plac cd in jail for safe keeping. The dmpatcb adds that White comes from one of the best fami lies in Alexander county. Mrs. White is a daughter ol Mr. Thomas S. Watson, of Vir gil, this county, and when the appalling news reached bim, he left at once for the scene of the fearful tragedy, and late Monday night he returned home bringing with him the ghastly remains of his three loved ones, victims ol an insane (?) husband and fath er. A pitiable case it is if White is really insane, but it he is not, thU should be a case for Judge Lynch, ii ever such a thing is jus tifiable. The plea of "insanity" to cover up crime, has become en tirely too prevalent and it seems that something must be done to check it Democrat. At last the news has been her aided throughout the world that our contingent of 'soldiers in France are now facing the ene my in the trenches, and that 'no man's land,' before the fir ingline of the Germans, is being invaded by American soldiers. Personal Property Saje. We will on ttie 6th day 'of' 'No vember. 1917 at our residence 1 mile west of Boone, offer lot sakfl at public auction the following i-ersonal property: One eood 18 months old colt; two milk cows that will.give milk all winter; I some farn tools; a lot of feed i stuff, such as fodder, hay and straw; our entire corn crop; afew bushels of wheat and buckwheat; about 50 bushels of Irish pota toes; a few gallons of good cane molasses; also our entire house hold and kitchen furniture and other things too tedious to men tion. We will also offer at pri vate sale at any time o;ie Wil liams grist mill; one 6 horse pow er gasoline engine and full equip ments, all in flrstclass condition. Sale to begin at 10 a. m. Terms made known on day of sale. This October 15th, 1917. D.N.TR1VETT C. G. TR1VETT. AN AVALANCHE OF MONEY bothers many a man when hie bills begiu to turn into cash. For safety, ease in disbursement, and gaining almost instant credit in the business world, he should at once turn the sum into a bank. Open an account and begin to do all his bill-paying by check. It is the simplest and most accu rate way of keeping posted, as every stub is a positive receipt that said bills are paid. There are manifold advantages attach ed to this bank method of doing business that never fail in advan cing a man on the road to sue- :css. Bank of Blowing Rock BLOWING ROCK, N. C. offers Its unexcelled service.. Quality Printing OF EVERY DESCRIPTION turned out promptljumd satis faction guaranteed or no pay. WATAUGA PRINTING COMPANY BOONE, N.O. FOR DRUGS -OR- Anything Pharmaceutical 'Phone or write - BALLEWS CASH PHARMACY, LENOIR, N. C. "The store with a pedigree and a reputation." Equipped tgth the most com plete line and greatest va riety of drug merchan diseto be found be tween Charlotte and Asheville. Give Us Your Patronage. Rubbing Eases Pain Rubbing sends the liniment tingling through the flesh and quickly slops pain. Demand liniment that you can rub with. The beit rubbing liniment U MUSTAIl CooJ for tht Allmenli qf Hones, Mules, Cattle, Etc. Qoodfor so ur own Acha, Pains, RhRURiUm, Sprains, ' Cuts, Burns, Etc -' ' 23c50c$l 1.11DW Coming To Town? If so. vou are invited to Cause 1 nave in Store lor VOU your needs may be. Remember. I want your trade, and . .. . L :l - - : , trying w meru i, uy giving yyu Your Moneys Worth v in every transaction. My stock of dry goods, shoes, gent's furnishings, etc. is neat, catchy, and "up-to-the-minute. Don't listen to what others say, but come and see for your self. I know I can save you some money, and am pre pared to prove it. Fresh Groceries always on hand. Will buy what you have to sell, and sell you what you have to buy. Yours for trade,, J. S-WINKLE E An Open Letter TO THE PUBLIC: I am now better prepared, regardless of the extrem ely high prices that are prevailing throughout the country to furnish you more genuine, money-saving . bargains in anything you want in merchandise than ever before. This is not written as a "space filler" but for the benefit, of those who are anxious to get goods . t At A Living Price In Clothing I am carrying probably the best stock in the county, can fit men of all sizes, and at prices that will fit the pocket book as well. Just a look at my stock will convince you of this. Many beautiful suits going at, and " in some instances below what the same suits- would cost today, wholesale. Big Stock of Shoes Yes, the biggest to be found in this section. As my customers know, I carry the going just as low, or a little elsewhere. Investigate, if you have not bought your fall and winter footwear. They are still advancine on the market. I am also prepared to fill your every want in dry goods, notions, gents' furnishings, etc.," Big stock of shelf and heavy hardware I am headquarters for all Feed stuffs, flour, meal and a full line of groceries always on hand. Come in and take advantage of the bargains I am offering. Most Respectfully, M. B. BLACKBURN liOONE, NORTH CAROLINA. Chattanooga Plows. Disc Plows, Bottom Plows, Hill Side Plows, and Subsoil Plows. We Have Tlje CHATTANOOGA is especially design ed for this mountain country. - Just the thing for your fall plowing. Buy your plow now, and let it be a Chattanooga. Get The Best BERNHARDT -SEAGLE CO WHOLESALE AND RETAIL LENOIR, call.at my place. ;vWhy? :Be- in mercnanuise, ,wimmvw " best in shoes, and they are lower than you can get them always on hand. kinds farming implements Them All. HARDWARE AND FURNITURE : f NORTH CAROLINA, 1 1L I if ..' '.j -I'M';

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