Ml ;Town and County. ' ; Seed "e lor sale at $1.G0, cash. T. B, Moore. ; y Comralsisioner'B :' c ourt next Monday, f . , -Winter is tralv holriino nut . , . 0 - - - well for the beginning. . , Mr. and Mrs. Ned Jones, of Lenoir, were in the village a few hours Sunday. Mr. James. Rngan raised three hanovers this year, ,he rvimhinivJ woicrhr. nf whifh not e - 40 oounds. '.'. . Rev. R. L Isabell and broth er, Mr. John L. Isabell, both of Lenoir, transacted business in the village yesterday. Dr. Oscar L Moore, of Le noir, wm be at blowing Kock on Nov. 1st, 2nd and 3rd, to do deutal work. , , -.. J.- '1. I ,t TtTi-l yuuj a uuiuuer ui nuuiu gans attended tne picture show The Birth of a Nation at Le noir, on Friday and Saturday of last week. Owing to the delay of prop- tratin of the women of the county had to be again postponed, next Saturday being the day now Bet Remember, beginning with tomorrow,you must contribute three cents to your Uncle Samu el every time you mail a letter. In other words it will take three cents letter postage," instead . of n-n aiafnrmarlir Mrs. Joseph Warden, of Char lotte, after a pleasant visit to relatives in Watauga, left this morning for home, accompanied by her venerable father, James H. Taylor; Esq., who will spend the winter, there, hoping to be back early in the spring. The collection for home mis sions, taken at the close of the protracted service at the Bap tist church in Boone, amounted to well over f 100.00, which was i .i" ji ! : inaeea a gooaiy niue sum ior a community like this, all condi tions considered. Wflniifra pnnntv frntrihn- ted 6,500 to the Liberty Loan . Fund,' which, to be fare, is better . than none, but still it is very lit tle for a good county like this. Hon F. A. Linney, true patriot that he is, purchased a bond for . himself and one for each member of his family wife and four coil dren. Corporal Henry Grady Far thing, of the trainmg camp at Petersburg, Va., left on his re turn to camp Tuesday moi ning, after a brief visit to his pareuts, Mr: and Mrs. J. W. Fartbinc. Tho fvnnno rnrnnral'a visit was two-fold to loved ones and to take BUDScriDtious ior MDeriy Loan Bonds. The former was en joyed to the fullest, and be was much gratified by his measure of success he had with the latter. . The protracted services at the Baptist church which have been in progress for the past ten lata nlntuwl urifVi tha nffarnnnn service last Sunday, seven con verts being received into the church at that hour by baptism, and there, were a number of oth ers who nrofessed faith in. Christ out nave not, as yet, connected themselves with any church. The '.' Pav Mr. ftann nf Aahavlllfl. who had charge of the meeting, with ' n . i u."; u - 111,. A.t 4. m n i u : u Will cuuauua pvoaiuij iuiuuu tieTt week. PI ANO AND . ORGAN CHEAP. A very fine high grade piano ' and sweet toned handsome or- gau IV 1 Dale vucai' iui vaou v nn aniv rprma wnra in 1 . w. m I. . . Tr . out 1UUO, XUVUU1UI1U, 10. Mrs. Cook, relict of the late Thomas Cook, died at rbe hfjme of her son, Mr. A. B. Cook, in the Rutherwood section ,on Monday nigut last, and the remains were interred atMt Vernon chutfh, upar the old home at 10 o'clock yeHterday. The good, old lady had reached the ripe age of 92 years, and through all this time was. loved and houored by all who knew her, and her motherly advice and counsel will be missed in the home and in the commu nity in which she resided. Mr. Frank Ragan, who some 25 or more vears aco. left Wa- V 7 - tauga for parts unknowo, his relatives in the county thinking him long dead, "turned up" on Meat Camp, his former home on last Saturday, in the finest of health, hailing from Colorado, where he has been prospering all these yearn. He left on his return to the west early in the week, ta king with him his youngest son, who has been living at Shulls Mills. -Capt. E. F. Lovill, after a business trip of some weeks to the State of Utah, returned last Friday, in the best of health and reports one of the most enjoyable trips ever. While out he visittd relatives in Colorado, and when he turned bis face to the South, Camp Sevier, at Greenville, S. C, was bis objective point, where he spent a short while with Watau ga's khaki-clad boys, bringing to his mind vividly his struggles in the war between the states. He was dinnered by the Camp offi cials, who gave him every cour tesy possible. From Camp Sevier he came by way of Greensboro, to visit his daughter, Jlrs. Jas. Brawley. At 3, p. m.. last Sunday, the spirit of that beloved man and paRtor, the Rev. J. J. L. Sher wood, quietly, peacefully, passed the great divide, at the home of his son, Mr. W. F. Sherwood, on Cove Creek, his wife having pre ceded him to the spirit world a little less than three weeks. Mr. Sherwod has long been a resi dent of Watauga, and has ever been considered one of the very ablest Baptist ministers in the mountain counties. He was iu deed a servant of the Master, aud, doubtless, his crown will be bedecked w ltn many stars, as a resultof his labors here. Truly a great man has been called to his reward, and the people mourn his departure. The remains were laid to rest beside the new-made gravo ?f his beloved companion, on Tuesday forenoon, Pastor M. A Adums conducting the funer al services. ; , IClrflfTtelv We take this method of thank ing our many friends for the kindness and aid given usdunng our sickness. May God in his wisdom bless and take care of them through life and in the end save them. ' J. F. Robbins and Family. FARM FOR SALE. ' Near Butler, Tenn., on Watau ga River, containing 60 acres, 5 acres being river bottom, the re mainder upland ot extra quality. All of this land, will produce 50 bushels of corn per acre and oth er crops in proportion. New 5 room cottage just completed ready to move into. Watered by fine spring near the house. If sold at once will take f 3500.00 and givepo8se88ion Immediately. If interested write or call ou II. M. WAGNER. Butler, Tenn., 3t THE EPISCOPAL CHUM IN WATAUGA CO SERVICES AS POLLO WS! Blowing Rock: Every Sunday morning. Boone, 1st and 2nd Sunday eve ning at 4:30. Shulls Mills: Fourth Sunday evening. J. Ni ATKINS. ft CR.' ALFRED 17. CULA r EYE PRTf Al.ivr ..-"Njro SEE BETTER C Y SEE DIM "i 17 Year' Experience The Best Equipment Obtainable, Glasses Pitted Exclusively MMTIJI BLOCK, LEKOIR, N. CLi .ii you idi ii irom uula. Il l All Klgbt LENSES GROUND & DUPLICATED Repair Dep't Box 127 Charlotte, N. C. Tennessee 4 arm For Sale. Fine farm lorated one-half mile from Butler, Tenn., containing 125 acres best improved lands iu Johnson county. This farm has 25 acres of fine river bottom laud, the remainder flat and rolling land of extra good quality. Im provements just completed that cost f 2,500, which iucludesgood seven-room house, good barn and other outbuildings. This is one of the most desirable places to live in this county, being sit uated as it is, so near Butler, a town of about 1,000 population, having two nine months schools and school property valued at about $25,000. The county is now building pike roads, the sur vey ruuning through this farm, and will give a good outlet to N. C, and intersect with the Carter county line. If interested come or write at once, for if sold atall it will be within the next 2 weeks. J. C. nAGAMAN. Butler, Tenn., Oct 24. 2t. Dr. M. A. Royall OF ELKIN Specialist in Diseases of the EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT WILL BE AT Boone, Critcher Hotel NOV. 12th and 13th. First Round for Taxes. WANTED: 9flft hnnhAla nf hwina. at 8 to ,; 10c. per pound; 500 bushels 01 potatoes, at 85c. per bushel v i r Boone I ork Lumber Co, ;sbuiriJjai8,N.c. An Eijojibli Birti Day Dluir. A sumptuous dinner was given at the home of Mrs. Lelia Wink ler, recently, in honor of her birthday. The dinner, which was gotten up by herdaughters, Mes- dames Zeb Farthing and Walter tinkler, was a surprise to the mother. The table was simply loaded with the choicest of food, and the neighbors and friends, whose happy privilege it was to be present on this occasion, en joyed the day to the fullest ex tent. One of the most pleasant-fea tures of the happy occasion 'was the filling of a box with the good things from the mother's birth day dinner, to send to her dear soldier boy, Fred, as a token of his being present in mind, if he could not be in person. 0.NB PbEBEXT. I wiM meet the tax payers of Watsuga county for the purpose of collecting taxes for the year 1917 at following times and places: Cove Creek, Thursday October 18, 1917 Forenoon, W. F. Sherwood's store Afternoon, at Mabel, Recce's store North Fork, Thntmn's store, Friday October 19, 1917 Meat Camp Hodgsou'B store forenoon, afternoon at Will Norris' Saturday Ball Mountain, Voting Place, Monday.... Stony Fork, f'reno'n Ed Moretz, after, Virgil P. O Elk, Jim Wheeler's store, Wednesday Blowing Rock, Friday Watauga, Shulls Mills, Saturday. Laurel Creek, John Ward's store, Tuesday. Beaver Dam, voting place, Wednesday 20 " 22 " " 23 " " 24 " " 25 " " 26 " , 27 " " 29 " " 30 " ,. 3l Nov. 5 " All taxes will be collected without delav; all other taxes nol paid will be collected at once. This Oc'ober 2nd, 1917. VUtiia KtwtiiBrniKilliiiiKi. The subject of this sketch was born in Watauga county, N. C, June 10, 1831. After reaching manlood he moved to Missouri, where he resided till tdsdath, which occurred on Oct. 20, from injuries received in a fall Irom a wagon. He leaves four children, three sons and one daughter, all of whom live. iaMissonri, except one. who is a soldier, stationed at Battle Creek, Michigan. He was a successful business man, and had accumulated considera ble wealth. A good christian Gen tleman gone. : Sands, N.C. m. e. a v. p. Major, sheriff. L, D. LOWK, Prealdent H. B. PERRY, Vloe-Preldenl L.U. FARTHING, Caahler. The Valle t 'V - ' ! We solicit the accounts of all persons in this new (Bank, and we will do onr best to accommodate the people and render the greatest service consistent with sound banking. REGISTERED SADDLE HORSES. I will sell to the highest bidder 11 head of Registered saddle horses, consisting of 1 brood mare; 1 three year old gelding; 3 two year old stallions; 4 one and two year old fillies; 2 weanling colts. Will also sell 1 three year old Black Jack. REGISTERED SHORTHORN CATTLE. Six head of Registeredhorthorn cattle. DUR0CT JERSEY PIGS. Eight Pure Bred Duroc Jersey Pigs, two months old. EAST TENNESSEE & WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA RAILROAD COMPANY LINVILLE RIVER RAILWAY COMPANY . Time Table No. 7&-In Effect 7:00 A. M., Sunday, Oct 14, 1917 CENTRAL STANDARD TIME Get Your Supplies From Elklaud Supply Co. TODD,p.C GRAIN FLOUR 'PROVISIONS AND PRODUCE Fertilizers, Etc.1 THE TRADE OF WATAUGA PEOPLE INVITED New Budding near Todd Mercantile, Co., : Todd, N. C. Public Sale REGISTERED STOCK AT THE FAIR GEOTODS, Mountain City, Tenn., ' haturday, November 3, 1917, 1 O'clock P. M. TERMS OF SALE: Six and twelve months time .will be allowed purchasers on approved notes. This October 7,1917. : ' H. T. D. WILLS, Shouns, Tenn. EASTWARD Id Claai First ClaM No. fNo. 4No. 21 I L I .1 . . , J. A. M.r. M.A. M. STATIONS HTIe 7.151 1.121 7.37 7.40 I. SO t.46 1.00 t.02 1.201 1.15 1.45 1.65 10.30 10. SOI 11.151 a. an A. M 1. 001 1.121 1.16 1.20 S.2S I.J8I 1.41 .47 1.64 4.03 4.08 4.141 4.201 4.26 4.44 4.50 IP. M 10.401 10.621 10.561 11.001 11.08 11.18 11.21 11.27 11.14 11.43 11.48 11.64 12.00 12.06 12.24 12.30 P. M TTm. 12.401 1.05 1.16 1.80 1.661 1.05 1.10 1.40 1.66 1.06 1.16 P. M I. 7 t.5 6.7 1.6 11.2 II. 1 14.1 It. 5 11.4 11.7 24 26.7 27.4 12 14.1 Lv. At. No. 4. P. M 5.00 5.12 5.22 6.10 5.40 5.66 1.1 S. I 10 . 11.1 11.1 K.6 11.1 10.5 12 21.1 Johnson City MUllRan Collet WUuga Point Sycamort Shoals Ellnbsthton Coal Chuti Valley Force , Hampton Pardee Point Blevlns ' White Rock Crabtree Roan Mountain . Shell Creek t. Elk Park Cranberry Ar. F. F.i WESTWARD First Class Seoond CUM No. llNo. lINo. 6No. T A. M.l P. Ji. 1.401 4.lS' .20 1.66 1.10 1.46 .0& 1.40 1.00 t.45 1.10 8. 101 1.00 1.25 1.66 1.161 1.40 1.051 1.101 7.681 1.11 7.451 1.10 7.40) 1.01 7.10 1.60 7.12 MOI 7.0OI 1.1U l. M.IP. U. aTm.IpTu noi 1.15 1.28 1.15 1.20 1.13 1.07 1.02 1.64 1.47 1.42 1.15 1.10 1.601 9.36 1.28 1.25 1.20 1.12 1.07 1.02) 1.54 1.47 1.41 1.15 1.30 1.25 8.10 1.00 I. M STATIONS o. 1 Lv. Cranberry Minneapolis Junction Vale Newland Monteiuma ' . j Ar. Plneola 1 y LlnviU . The Gap 1 Jeetea Siding Townsend .. I Foaooe j 1 Ar. ShulU fttllla ' Ar. F ' F. Lv. F. F. F. F. Lv M. 7.60 7.18 7.10 7.25 T.tBI 7.00 1.26 1.10 1.00 P. M. i sort irar I.N I M 7. 7.15 7.16 7.N t.M 1.45 .ll 26 .ll A..M. F Flag Stations. Trains 1, I, I and 4 run dally and carry mall and passengers. Trains and 7 run dally exceot Sunday and carry passengers. . .U West bound trains have right of track over trains of same or Inferior cuuM. No train must follow another closer than Ave minutes. -Speed limit five miles per hour between Cranberry Wye and water tank. .. Inferior trains clear track five minutes before arriving, time of other trains. H GEO. W. HARDIN, V.-P. and Bupfc N. L. MAST, Pre. G, P. HAGAMAN, Cash. W. C.COFFE1, Vice Pre. J. T. MILLER, Asa' t Cub, The Bank That Appreciates and Protects its Customs CipitiU-rpIn, Profits i Stickloldirj, LUiility :: JjO.883.CJ It has bea the policy of this bank to reader the trreatest ser?ic4 possible to the citizens of Watauga county. We aDoreclata the coDddcnce the people have shown in us, and tho snccehs they . Lave neipeo us to achieve in bulldin up a strong banking tnHtitutioo. ltn our improved equipment we are better than ever pivpurd to serve them. - The Watauga County Bank BOONE, NOKTH CAUOLIXA. BYNUM B. BANNER. F. M. B1CUAKDS, Jr., W keep a fall lloe of parts (or Ford and Overland curs, and you waiting ior repair work. Automobile Repairing W will mike specialty of d'ltoraoblte repairing at oar (tarafte tbit sum mer. We eau take oare of any anl all miliei of ears, nut tlwui to aroloir aud keep theui going. We are prepared to look after your eteotrio itartlng ana iiguting system regaraiew ol tne make. Parts and Accessories. v. Ford and Overland care, and will not keep Gasoline, oil and greases on sale at all timea Automobile Tires and Tubes. We are sole agent! for Goodyear tire and tubes, aud will maintain aGood-' year Service Station. Anyone that know anything about tirea wilLtell you that Goodyear tirea are the beet. We hare tried them, and we know. Automobile Livery Service. We will maintain an automobile paaaenger aerYloe (or the people of W atau ga and Avery counties and passenger coming op on the B T k W N O By. Our can will come on call anywhere that ears can go day or night. Prices will be as reasopable as we can make them, general high p rinse considered, Patronize the men that .appreciate your business, and men that know their business. Eiperimenting Is very ei pensive to the oar owner. - - Banner & Richards o: V ; BAM NEB ELK, N.C- .... i'. kit " .'4 jli-r. :,i'1i'.'-..'.mVV. ' 4k'