' ' " i ;' Town and County. v - "i " 1 1 1 "T Boy a bond; then buy an other. No 'time for lagging, now. ' Capt. Lovill is attending Jef feron court this week. .' Editor Frank A.' Carr, of the Avery Monataineer, was in the Tillage a few hours last Friday. Mrs. M. P, Critcher has been right HI with tonsilitis for the past few days. Mr, and Mrs. Brit Robertson of Boone, have moved to the Dr. Hodges farm at Poplar Grove. Messrs. John Lewis and H. Neal Blair have possessed them selves of-an. automobile each within the past few days, of the Briscoe variety. . . We are glad to learn that Mrs J. D. Cook, an estimable la dy, of Stony- Fori?, continues to improve from long and serious illness::. The Watauga County Bank will lend money at 4 per cent to buy; Liberty Bonds for the first ninety days and take the bond for security. LOST between Boone and Dock Mast's store last Saturday night between 6 and 7 o'clock, ladies rain coat. Reward for re turn to Democrat office. A message to Mr. H. C. Mil ler, of Sands, from Camp Mills. New York, bring the news that his son, Mr. Reuben Miller, is se riously ill with pneumonia in the military camps. We are asked to announce that, owing to existing health conditions in the community, the regular communication of Watauga Lodge, 278, has been called off. by order of the master. The Germans are crying for peace, of their own liking, to be sure. Buy a bond and help force the murderous Hun into a peace to our liking. Money was never worse needed by the government than now. ' Mr. W. B. Hartley, of Blow ing Rock, now of Freemont, Va., was in the village Monday, hav ing returned to stand his physi cal examination for military ser vice, tie was a pleasaht business caller at our office while here. Th8?c(ll5"wing young men en trained yesterday iriorniug for Charlottesville, Va where they were ordered to take special me chanical training in the Univer sity of Virginia: Hardy Lyons, Oliver Hampton, Chas. Wilson, Walter Bingham. t Mr. Jones A. Lay and family left last week for their home at Jopliri, Mo., after a visit of a few days to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John (Lay, at Cook's Gap. Mr. Lay left 'Watauga 20 years ago; has succeeded well, and we were all pleased to see him again. Mr. B. . R. Brown, of Sands, has been notified by wire that his son, Thomas, who was right eriousV wounded by the acci dental discbarge of a gun at Camp McArthur, Texas, recent ly, has developed pneumonia, and bis vase is considered citical Messrs. Charley and Don Far thing, who returned from work at Newport News, Va., some two weeks ago, with typical cases of i ifluenza, are rapidly improving. Caarley ' developed pneumonia, bat his brother escaped. Every precaution was taken, and no spread of the disease is feared So "far there have leen but few cases of Influenza in Boone and vicinity, and they have been in a rather mild form. The quar antine laws are being rigidly en forced at the A. T. S., and all the Dublic schools in this part of the county have been tem porarily sus oended. All Sunday schools and other religious gatherings are called off for the present, and every1 precaution is being taken to prevent the spread of the dis ease. It is hoped that the same steps are being taken through Qut the county. Mrs. Edith Maxwell .tf orris, of West Riverside, was in town yesterday. Mr. R. H. Ray, who has been a very sick man at his home in East Boone for more than two weeks, is somewhat improved, but is still far from being well. His son, Mr. Hiram Ray, of Ashe county, is with him, and will re main until a change in bin con. dition occurs. The Road Commission is pre paring to carry on the road building on a larger scale. They have bought a second steam shovel which has been shipped and is expected to arrive in Boone on the first train that comes over the new roud. When the two forces are fully organiz ed, one will work west of Boone and .the other east , Miss Fannie Stater, a trained nurse of Wilmington, N. C, sent out by the State Board of Health to assist Dr. Jones, County Phy sician, in the examination of school children, has been right ill at the Critcber Hotel. Her sis ter, Mrs. Dr. Edwards, of Mor ganton, N. C. is with her. Miss Florence Boyd, former ly of Caldwell, now from some point in Kentucky, is a visitor at the home of her cousin, Mrs T. B. Moore, in Boone. The lady is a graduate nurse andwe would b) fortunate indeed if her servi ces could be procured for this section during the epidemic of influenza. Ex-Sheriff J. L. Hayes, now of Lancaster, Washington, in re newing for bis paper writes that t ey have just now finished threading his son Walter's wheat, the crop amonting to 15,000 bushels, the grain there selling at $2.00 per bushel. Some wheat and some price. Mr. Joe L. Wagner, of Valle Crucis, was in to see us last week and broke the news that he had sold bis farm, with all equip ment, to Messrs. C. D. and By nutn Taylor, of that community, and his intentions then were to move to some point in the west in the near future. Here's ho ping, Joe, that you may secure other property to your liking, and decide to remain in the county of your nativity. Surely the war isatlastcom- ing home to the people of Wa-. tauga. It may come closer to YOU before Saturday night. Are you doing your part by those who are suffering and dying for you? For the sake of humanity; for the sake of your country, and, above all, the respect you Lave for those near and dear to you, do your bit by buying bonds to the limit and help to bring this appalling war to a close. While 'possum bunting last Saturday uigbt Fred Hodges happened to a very painful acci dent. The dogs denned in a ledge of rocks, and while his com rades were attempting to move a heave stone, it slipped, catch ing the young man's hand and badly lacerating threa fingers and a thumb ltis a very seri ous hurt, but his physician thinks it will ho bealas not to eave any very noticable scars. Mr. N. L. Mast left last week to visit his son, Mr. Tom Mast, who has been very ill at Camp Crane, Allentown, Penn., forsev. eraldays. His first message to his family was to the effect that the young man was improving, hut just as we close our forms, we learu that the family has re ceived a message that their dear boy bad died in the hospital on Tuesday night. Mr Mast will bring the body home for inter ment, but we have not learned when it is expected. The stroke on the parents and loved ones is indeed so heavy that words of condolence 6eem too trifling to offer, nevertheless they have the deepest sympathy of all in the : death of their gallant young son and brother, who volunteered in 1 the service and laid down his life j for bis counory. "A teaspoon ful of Dr. Ca! J wefts Syrup Pep sin each night at bedtime has done me a world of good, as I am 62 years old and was getting badly constipated. I had prwiously taken a lot of salts and pills without real relief." (From a letter to Dr. Caldwell writ ten by Mr. A. Forester, Princess Anne, Md.) Constipation is one of the penalties of age that, should never be neglected Dr. Cald well's Syrup Pepsin is a combination of simple laxative herbs with pepsin that relieves consti pation in an easy, natural manner, without grip ing or strain, and is as positive in its effect as it is mild, and gentle in its action. - DR. CALDWELL'S Syrup Pepsin The Perfect Laxative i Sold by Druggists Everywhere 50 c:s. (,) $L00 1 ' A TRIAL BOTTL3 CAN D2 OBTAINED, FfctK CP CHARGE. CY WRITING TO DR.1 W. 0. CALDWELL. AZ0 WASHINGTON STRECT. MONTICELLO, ILLINOIS Buy a Liberty Bond and help win the war. Prtatiliffrej Winkler liii ti Rtst Moa Jiy Emitt . The remains of Private Jef frey Winkler, of Boone, who died at Camp Jackson, on Tuesday morning of last week, arrived at the Winkler.bury ing ground Mon day afternoon, where interment was made, bis pastor, Rev, H. L. Powell, assisted by Rev. Cross, pastor of the Baptist church, conducting the funeral. The body was expected as early as Wednes day evening of last week, butow ing to the congestion of traffic, it was impossible to make the shipment from Camp Jackson un til Sunday, hence the long days of weary waiting by loved ones and friends. However, the body having been embalmed it reached its destination in a fine state of. preservation. Private Fred Penley, son of Mr. Sim. Penley, a neighbor of deceased at home and a comrade in Battery D, Field Artillery, ac companied the lift-less form, and spoke in high terras of the short military career of his dead com rade. Tbe body was encased in a neat black casket, and folded about it was a large United States flag, sa.ying in (indisputa ble words, "I died for ray coun try." Resting on the cusket was a beautiful floral offering, from his company, and apenant bear ing tbe name of his company, regiment, etc., while other beau tiful and expensive floral pieces were sent in by sorrowing rela tives and sympathizing friends. As said before, Jeffry was the Or t Boone boy to lay down bis life in the great struggle, and we all mourn his departure, but feel pr jud of him for his efforts, and hope that when the grave s ball give up their dead, that Jeffrey miy emerge from the folds of 'Old Glory" and find peace, eter nal peace, over there. Public Speaking! Hon. R. L. Doughton, Demo cratic Candidate for Congress wi'l speak at tbe following times and places: Soda Hill, Meat Camp Town ship, Thurs. Oct. 24 at 1 p. m. Sugar Grove, Walnut Grove Academy, Friday Oct 25, 1 p. m Blowing Rock, Friday night, October 25. Come and hear "Farmer Bob" discuss the issues of the'day. La ies especially invited. Addressd will be maiuly along patriotic line. Z. V. LONG, Chm. Ex. Com, 8th con. District! VotiBf Plici Cbaigid. The voters in Laurel Creek township will take notice that the voting place has been moved from John Ward's store to John son's School House by order of countAboard of elections this Oct. 12,1918. J. M. Mobetz, Chm. J, W. H0DUE8, Sec, r Miss Carrie Coffey returned to her work at Shulls Mills yes terday evening, after a few days visit to her parents in Boone. WANTED: A good electricit n for electrical driven saw mill. Good location, permanent job and a good future to the right man. Must be tilled at once. Beat wages. Apply to BOONE FORK LUMBER CO., Shulls Mills, N. V. THE- Edison Phonograph 1 "Ihi Phonograph With a Soul." We wish to announce that we are the exclusive dealers for the Edison in this section. This machine is positively tie last word in a musical instru ment. Thomas A. Edison has built into it years of experience and study, which makes the new DiaiDoud Disc Phonograph a Masterpiece of Mechanical Per fection, which is above compari son with other machines uow on the market. The Edidon brings the World's Greatest Artists into your home. Buy yours now and enjoy the world's best music as you sit by your fireside a little later, shut in by the rigors of grim winter. We have the Edison in many styles, and at prices to fit every purse. Call and let us demons trate, or write us for prices and descriptive matter. FURNITURE We have in stock at all times a most complete line of Furni ture, embodying the following articles: FURNITURE QfEEXSWARE STOVES DliUOGETS RANGES GLASS WAKE CARPETS WALL PAPER RUGS . COFFINS MATTINGS CA8KET8 GIVE US A T3IAL. Elk Park Furniture Co. ELK PARK, X. C. p FBSHiiiiBeg . 1 w 111 oe at tbe following places on the; dates mentioned pr wr nnmnaa of pnllarttin'a- tavaa tnm fka una 1 titl dk. 1 .' . S S J ' M .' ; Boone. Mondav n . . Cove Creek. W. V. Kherwnnrl'a ufrnro TneaH. ' IK North Fork, Will Thomas store, Meat tamp, Meat rjamp post office, Thurs. forenoon , ' 17. -Afternoon." Will Nnrria atni .. . -i. I 17 Bald Mountain, Todd, Friday Stony Fork, Stony Fork post office Sat. forenoon.. ' ' Afternoon, Ed Moretx's store Sat 4 Elk, Greer's store, Monday.... . iue Kidge, voting place, Tuesday.... Blowing kock, Wednesday.... luu.u. .ju u i.a lumn. 1 11 1 n. n. v -..- T uvg, MWVQ uuurei t-reeK; donn ward s srore. sat 20 Beaver Dam, Don Hagaman's store, Monday... ' 26 lrt everybody come out and pay their taxes. This October 8th, 1918. ' . . Wl Pi Cold Weather Goods The rigors of winter will soon be upon us, and it is tht duty of every one to prepare for it the best they can. Where will I buy my supplies, is the question now rife among our people. I am prepared to supply your every want in cold weather goods Men's Clothing I have possibly the best stock of men's clothing in the county from which to select, and much of it being bought before the advance, I have some genuine bargains Buy your warm underwear from me, your furnishings of all kinds, and shoes-the kind I have always handled the best. Bring your boys and fit them up to your liking. I have the goods, you need them; you have the cash and I can handle it. For the Ladies My stock of dress goods is very handsome, and con sists of some of the best fabrics to be found in a country store. Toilet articles of all kinds in abundance. Come to me for your supplies. Always in stock hea vy and shelf hardware, grass seed, feeds, etc. M. B.BLACKBURN BOONE, NORTH CAROLINA. If in Need of any description call on the Mountain City, Tennessee. Winter is coming! We have just received a solid car of heaters both wood and coal burners, also have a large stock of Ranges, both steel and cast. We also keep on hand in large quantities Lamons Wagon3, Harness, Far mers' Favorite Grain Drills. In addition to this we handle the indispensable Ford Auto mobile. In fact we handle the best line of hardware in this entire section. Syracuse Plows , i We keep these famous plows in stock in different styles at different prices. Better buy your plows now for they will be no cheaper; and probably higher. We will be glad to quote you prices. Give us a call W. R. Stoffel Hardware Co. WHOLE8ALE AND RETAIL BARD WARE. Mountain Gty, Term. Buy War Savings Stamps ...: ;V 4 ' v. rw 11 iqia Wednesday3Z; ':. Vie! ..; 18 19 19 21 22 23 24 4 .. , ( t t A, I AUCV T ...................... 25 MOODY, SherlE of a Stove W. R. Stotfel Hardware Co. . . ... . " , Copj d.tsj jjij. ? . n

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