. ........ .'.' .;YA;w..u: : ... ;v.( ' ' -'-.; ' ; - - ; - J ;- v.i- Ms CiisSKSti titan S::i. Z: &. 0. Pr yau InjCbAtlotte Observer, he'ildcats, the soldiers of 3 Thirtieth dirtsiob, are break lag tiwiy from.the British and taa turi homeward toon; They baa ploriom fljthtinjlr, record. Marshal . Poeb, Gnwral fiaipr, ; General Pershing and others, of 4 high military rank, have praised .thc.n.';.: ; , '. i The North Carolina hoys aire g with tho Thirtieth. People here ; often' wonder if their comrade, i the Britten, recall that th grut jcau.Jfathers of the Southern :;' Wildcats'' tvere the mta who . piade Cornwallis hop about Thar lotte. 'and peppered the British :&t King's Mountain. It wan old . ayUig that wbea brothers foil out amj 8aht th; mix upn a n;,jj V. ty one. The Americans and Brit? vlsh fought uuring our revolution but the.v5 stood bi !e by sidinbea ''. tii the hnisser out of Belgium. No division corais from Europe ''with nnre laurels than the W ild -. cat. . v rbe composition of the Ttir tied., as annoucod by the way . department follows. The r9th; .3-1 G9th infantry brigade?, coh' wjs rf the 117tn. 118tb l mii.J 190 ch infantry artil. ':;fiiu'iit! It Is probable i. . 3 "h livision also ojr . ' i .itfiHitryovsunization in lii .i; Pi-'aidy drive; and '!' i 'i"- . . its own ertill'-ry. t I ii tieiUconsistsof Norjlh a- .viiiili ' .imliim and Te'inei .' sw i ; I few New Yuifc v .,- : n. . ma: of the armif .1.'. ;;; itna' people 'have muchw(rried about I : in the othejj;-iJr, Many .ftVr wired to ace if thru X sors'ii nneswei-e in cssuHHy lists. It understood that more than a,")0,(X0,000 letters canwi in , fr .ia soldiers ioFrHncethwweeV. .'.Tk'iis communieations will cany giiid new to many Xoi tn (tfarr. . Iiq.i liouie'. The North Carolina Wildcats' c iue from the best fighting stock A cisunl periisal of the narots ..'will ishcv t'w.'.tthe.N ftre the detu ceu lants of the men who won at Kir! MoiHnain and otbe southern battle Rrouan. AwilJ- cat. of .jlijcats i Lii tit .riant A! exander Taylor, son cf Tr. I.aat M. Taylor, ofMorantou! Alien , he went to war he dropped bin work in Tennessee, volunteered and trained at Camp Sevier. H Loa been in real battle within tbf ' last few months. In a F-ur to Ms father recently be said: "I know you haveseea m the pap. . er what our division did, for it is in all of the- paper or , ie and we have been complimented by eve-body nearly, Gerernl p.s'si iur c.iiHral Haijr, Mar shal t'ucu and all the r.st. This . division is made up of the finest fighting men ia the world. . . fsoir k . . People Ca Kit Get Inllueiua From The : It is established on good ao . thority that since Sept. 1 'Up to ! date we have 350,000 cases ol r-lflfluenza in orth Tarolina, ard . that 250,000 of these cases were iconti. ct ... fiom . ell people. . This is t:,ore than twice as mnv v as were contracted from sick peo. pie. e all 'k ow that one is I I much more liable to be bitten I y . snaao nianen ?n tne grass than j by one in the optm where it can i D8 seen. . The s una re son is 1 f t j-' i'rith ruaavijHjeaeefc - One is not ;y.m liableto get iufluenxa, scarlet v levtr, wuooping cough, meaelep i '?, j?. Vi . . ' uipineri.i, ana many otherd sea .; .W3 tfom sick peoplyaa from well A people who carry the disea grms in their mouths J: ' When the news gets circulated around in 'a community that f; iirne one has a contagious di' ;t in most people get afraid and ttay awayfrbai niiri; iThe' few f popls who-do ga to fee bim ub. ti'Sj fFMh their hands aid use ' .pracautidns before leaTiog the sick room. Sick people are confined to a limited area and come iu contact with few people, therefore they can't npread dis ease very widely. Bbt listen! th fellow who gets the disease is in fected from one to several daj before he comes down. tJetween 'the time he gets the disease getml in his mouth and the time he gets tick is the most dan gerous period. During this time the iuf.C' d p"ron, not suspictiufc bow dangerous he is, goes into cidwd? at theaters, dances, mov ing picture shows, on rail, road iars, and in other public places, and there he scatters the disease germs. Peopls eho'tld know thefe facts ind tbev should also know that 'many present carry the diseasi ferrns in their mouths wbon?vei tare thedi-ease. PrOgle mustal ways be oh cuard it'thi-y hope to prevent getting and spreading diseases. They should always u e separate drinking cups, dishes, and towels, os have them boiled before ut-ing them after another, and they should bold a handker chief over the mouth and noei wheo coughing or sneezing. When an epidemic dispase ii present in the community, stay away from public meetings. In annalygimj tb? ipquirements for the prevention of disease, the mehndp narrow thems I ves down to individual effort, and ih" soo ner the people, indidually, realize their lesponaibilit in dis' ase pre vents the better it wili befd the people, co;ectively. Hep jrt all cases of whooping cough, meaels, dyptheria, and scarlet fewr promptly, and you will hiHtructed how to prevent their siprend. J. W. Jones Ho. Physician. ADVICE TO "FLU" CONVALESCENTS SPAIN AND ENGLAND REPORT INCREASE IN TUBERCULOSIS AFTER INFLUENZA EPIDEMIC U. S. Public Health Service Warns Public Against Tuberculosis. One Million Cases Tubercu losis in United States Each a Source of Danger. Influnia Convalescents Should Havt Lurtga Examlnad Colda Which Hang On Of ton Beginning of Tubareuloals. No Causa for Alarm If Tubtreuloala la Raeognltsd Early Patent Mtdl clp.es Not to Ba Trusted. k w w Beware tuberculouls after In flaenia. No need to worry If you take precautions lu time. Don't diagnose your own con dition. Hare your doctor exam ine your lungs several times at monthly Intervals. Build up your strength with right living, good food and plenty of fresh air. Don't waste money on patent medicines advertised to cure tu berculosis. Become a fresh-air crank and enjoy life. r i Washington, D. C.(Speclal.) Ac- .cording to a report made to the United States Public Health Service, the epi demic of influenza in Spain has al ready caused an Increase in the preva lence and deaths from pulmonary tu berculosis. A similar association be tween Influenza and tuberculosis was recently made by Sir Arthur News holme, the chief medical officer of the English public health service, in his analysis of the tuberculosis death rate In England. In order that the people of the Unit ed States may profit by the experience of; other countries Surgeon General Rupert Blue of the United States Pub lic, Health Service has Just Issued a warning emphasizing the need of spe etar precautions at the present time. "Experience seems to Indicate," says the Surgeon General, "that persons whose resistance has been weakened by an attack of Influenza are peculiar-, ly; susceptible to tuberculosis. 'With fnllllQM of its people recently affected with Influenza this country aow of fers conditions favoring the Spread of tuberculosis." ) One Million Consumptives In the r , United Statea. " "Then yon consider this a serious menace r. was asked. "In my 'opinion It is, though I hasten to add It is dis tinctly one. against which the people can guard. So far as onean estimate Cher are at present about one million cases fit. tubej-cujosjs jn the United States, there Is unfortunately iS complete census available to show ex actly the number of tuberculosis per sons In each state despite the fact that most of the states have made the dis ease reportable. In New Tork city, where reporting has bees In force for many years, over 88,000 cases of tu berculosis are registered with the De partment of Health. Those familiar with the situation believe that the ad dition of unrecognised and unreported cases would make the number nearer 60,000. . The very careful health sur vey conducted during the past two years In Pramlngham, Mass., revealed 200 cases of tuberculosis In a popula tion of approximately 15,000. If these proportions hold true for the United States as a whole they would Indicate that about one In every hundred per sons is tuberculous. Each of these constitutes a source of danger to be guarded against" What to Do. In his statement to the pubUc Sur geon General Blue points out how those who have bad Influenza should protect themselves against tuberculo sis. "All who have recovered from in fluenza," says the Surgeon General, "should have their lungs carefully ex amined by a competent physician. In fact, It Is desirable to have several ex aminations made a month apart Such examinations cannot be made through the clothing nor can they be carried out In two or tliree minutes. If the lungs are found to be free from tuber; culosis every effort should be made to keep them so. This can be done by right living, good food and plenty of fresh air." . Danger Signs. The Surgeon General warned espe cially against certain danger signs, such as "decline" and "colds which hang on." These, he explained, were often the beginning of tuberculosis. "If you do not get well promptly, it your cold seems to hang on or your health and strength decline, remember that these are often the early signs of tuberculo sis. Place yourself at once under tho care of a competent physician. Tuber culosis Is curable In the early stages. Patent Medicines Dangeroue In Tuber culosis. I "Above all do not trust In the mis leading statements of unscrupulous patent medicine takers. There Is no specific medicine for the cure of tuber culosis. The money spent on such roedlclara is thrown away ; It should ' hit anent Intni1 tnr mrmA tneUl anil Am. ' cent living." S. HEALTH SERVICE ISSUES VARIIIIIG Increase in AH Respiratory Dis eases After the Influenza Epidemic Probable. Influenza Expected to Lurk for Months.' How to Guard Against Pneumonia. Common Colds Highly Catching Im portance of Suitable ClothingCould 8ave 100,000 Lives. Washington, D. C. With the subsid ence of the epidemic of Influenza the attention of health officers is directed !o pneumonia, bronchitis and other llseases of the respiratory system which regularly cause a large number f deaths, especially during the winter season. According .to Rupert Blue, Surgeon General of the United States Public Health Service, these diseases will be especially prevalent this win ter unless the people are particularly careful to obey health Instructions. "The present epidemic," said Sur geon General Blue, ''has taught by bit ter experience how readily a condition beginning apparently as a slight cold 1 may go on to pneumonia and death. Although the worst of the epidemic Is over, there will continue to be a large number of scattered cases, many of them mild and unrecognized, which will be danger spots to be guarded against." The Surgeon General likened the present situation to that after a great fire, saying, "No fire chief who understands his business stops playing the hose on the charred debris as soon as the flames and visible fire have dis appeared. On the contrary, he con tinues the water for hours and even days, for he knows that there Is dan ger of the fire rekindling from smol dering embers." "Then you fear another outbreak of Influenzal" he was asked. "Not neces sarily another large epidemic," said the Surgeon General, "but unless the people learn to realize the seriousness of the danger they will be compelled to pay a heavy death toll from pneumo nia and other respiratory diseases. Common Colds Highly Catching. "It is. encouraging to observe that people are beginning to learn that or .dlnary coughs and colds are highly catching and are spread from person to person by means of droplets of , germ laden mucus. Such droplets ore sprayed Into the air when careless or Ignorant people cough or sneeze with out covering their mouth and nose. It i Is also good to know that people have learned something about the value of fresh air. In summer, when people sre largely out of doors, the respira tory diseases (coughs, colda, pneumo nia, etc) are Infrequent; In the fall, j as people begin to remain Indoors, the ' respiratory diseases increase; in the winter, when people are prone to stay in badly ventilated, overheated rooms, the respiratory diseases become very prevalent i Suitable Clothing Important "Still another factor in the produc tt of colda, mmi spiratory diseases is carelessness or Iff "noranee of the people regarding suit .able clothing during the seasons when the weather suddenly changes, sitting .in warm rooms too heavily dressed or, what ia even more common, especially among wemen, dressing so lightly that windows are kept closed In order to be comfortably warm. This la a very in ! jurious practice. Could Save 100,000 Live. "I believe we could easily save one hundred thousand lives annually In the United States If all the people j would adopt the system of fresh air .living followed, for example, In tuber ; culosis sanatoria. There la nothing 'mysterious about It no specific medi cine, no vsccine. like Important thing Is right living, good food and plenty of fresh air. Droplet Infection Explained In Picture. "The Bureau of Public Health, Treasury Department has just Issued a striking poster drawn by Berryman, the well-known Washington cartoonist The poster exemplifies the modern method of health education. A few years ago, under similar circumstances, the health authorities would have Is sued an official dry but scientifically accurate bulletin teaching the role of droplet infection In the spread of re spiratory diseases. The only ones who would have understood the bulletin would have been those who already knew all about the subject The man In the street the plain citizen and the many millions who toil for their living wtnild have had no time and no desire to wade through the technical phrase ology." , USE ANOi ooq BIT Tb COLDS, DffLUCNZA, PNEUMONIA, AND -TCBOtCULMB ARE SPREAD THB WAT Copies of this poster can be ob tained ft ee of charge by writing to the Burgeon General, U. S. Public Health 8ervlce, Washington, D. C. baw Mill For bale. . Any one winning to buy a good saw mill and engine twent? horsepower all in good condition, call o cr write Smith Hagamar and W. F. Reeee, admioistra tore of VV. G. Reese, deceased, Vi las, N C. TO IMPROVE YOUR D1GES ION. "For years my digestion wa fo ooor that I could only pat thf lightest foods. 1 tried everythi that 1 heard of tu get relief but not until about a year ago when 1 8aw Chamberlain's Tablet' art vertised and gor abottleof them did I gut the right treatment Since taking tbem my digestion h fine." Mrs. Blanche Bo.vet Indiana, Penn. ft DR. ALFRED 7. OUU w EYE SPECIALIST , TO SEE BETTER tr y seeduu f 17 Year's Experience The best Equipment Obtainable. vjitca nucu exclusively i MARTIN BLOCK, LENOIR, N. CJ . If yon tot It fWmJ)t'LA. It's All Right 1 w WAX!3.rAP!i soa tAlS. 1 Repair Dcp't. Box 127 Charlotte, N. C. LENSES GROUND & DUPLICATED Bank of Blowing Bock BLOWING BOCK, X. C. offers to everj business man or hfail of a household its great fa cilities for hanking money and for paying bills by check-a meth oJ that simplifies and adds dig nity tu every transaction of buei jobs and ureatly improves one's financial standing. Connection with a Bank proveB itself the en terprising business man's best friend. Every progressive mer chant should make it bis duty to inquire about tl e advantages o fered by the Bank oi Bh' wing Rock. fhTFY O-rrAl AYATTUP lXSSiit DfA. STl TaaTjsw mrm T t 1 . 1 ft . UdmmL.A; v An international oervice Built on Tiny Profits Per Pound Some Industries have been able to get in Itep with war demands more quickly than others.. In many cases mighty plants have sprung up but at a prodigious cost The packing industry was able to adapt itself to unheard of demands1 more quickly, perhaps, than any other industry. And, this was because the vast equipment of packing plants refrigerator cars, branch houses, etc, had been gradually developed to its present state of efficiency, so that in the crucial hour it became a mighty international system for war service. And how had this development taken place? Not by making vast inroads into the capi tal wealth of the country, but largely by using, from year to year, a portion of the profiti to provide for expansion. Swift ft Company's profits have always been so tiny, compared with sales, that they have had practic ally no effect on the price of meat (amounting to only a fraction of a cent per pound). And yet the owners of the business - have been content with reasonable returns on their capital, and have been able, year after year, to put part of the profits back into the business to provide for its expansion. . These fractions of tiny profits have been repaid to to the public many fold in the form of better service, and better and cheaper meat, and made it possible for Swift ft Company to meet, undaunted, the sudden cry for meat for overseas. Could any other method of financing a vital industry involve less hardship to the people of the country? Could there be a better instance of true profit-sharing'' than this return in added usefulness and in national preparedness ? Swift & Company, U. & A. CALLED HER FAMILY TO HER BEDSIDE Six Yens Ago, TLmldni She lligst Die, Says Texts Lady, Bet Ntv She Is a Well, Strong Wonts and Praises Ctrti Fcr Her Recovery. Reyse City, TerMra. Mary Hu man, of this place, says; "After the hlrth of my little girl. . .my side com menced to hart me. I had to go back to bed. We fialled the doctor. He treated me... but I got no better. I tot worse and worse until the misery was unbearable... I was In bed for three months and suffered such agony that I was Just drawn up in a knot... I told my husband It he would get me a bottle of Cardul I would try It. . . I commenced taking It, however, that evening I called my family about me... for I knew I could not last many days unless I bad a change for The Elklaiid TODD, N. C. is as usual "stocked up" with the best supply procurable for the wholesale and retail trades Grain, flour, provis ioiia o all kinds, and fertilizers always' on hand. Coun try produce of all kinds bought and sold. THB TRDE Of t WATAUGA PEOPLE INVITED N. M. Dobbin, Manager. " New Building near Todd Mercantile Co., ' Todd, N. C '.i it. in 7 i . the better. Thai was sht years tfO and I am still here and am a well strong woman, and I owe my life tt Cardul. I had only taken halt the bottle when I began to feel better. The misery In my. side got less... 1 contlnned right on taking the Cardd until I had taken time bottles sad I did not need any more for t was well and never felt better in my life... t hare never had any trouble from thai day to this." Do you suffer from headache, beck ache, pains in sides, or other discom forts, each month? Or do you feel weak, nervous and fagged-ontf If so, sirs Cardul, the woman's toaie, a trial J. 71 i Supply Co, Kill i-A i ! iii ". my. i : V !. :.rJ- KI .'Co ' i" . ' i i . .:'.. i . - ' " t ',l'''''v'1',',1, ,j . v-.f.-r