Z LOCAL AFFAIRS Ry. S. K tfragg, ofShulls Mill, was a pleasant business caller at our office yesterday. Regular communication of Watauga Lodge. 273 at the Ma sonic Hall tomorrow sight at the usual hour. The Master re quests a full atind,ancv 1 -Mil J.8.:WiuWec'ha3 rented the W. QHrtrtiog property in Eaxt Boone, and moved his fara- i y there for the -jfiuter that he may be in closer touch with hie business and the schooj. No new cases of flu in tbe vil lage, but it is raging in tlievicin it of Utxlee1 Gap. w fiiini'W m Messrs A. D blair, Q. A. Hog es and R. R, itolvard, being am ong the sufferers. " James Winkler, who has been plying on a;'4ransport between New York and France in tbe ser vice of the government, for sev eral months, vinited his parents, Mr. and Mrs.. J. L. Winkler, last week, returning to bis work on Thursday. . .-? J Mr. John Lewis has resigned bis "position ..in the Blackburn store and thinks of making a prospecting trip to the- State of Wyoming, wi(h. & view to mo ving there late un. His former position is being tflled by Mr. 0. L. Hardin. Mrs. J. Young Farthing, di ed of paralysis at her .home on Beaver Dam last Saturday. She, we are told, was a most splendid lady and one who will be great ly missed in her community. She leaves an aged husband and a family of grown up children. I -CaptR F. Lovill, Senator elect from this district, and Dr. H. McD. Little, our representa tive, left ttje last of the week for Balt-igb; to be present at the 6 penmg df tne Legislature yet-ter-day. Dr. Little was accompanied by his wife, who will spend the winter in to WtaTEIty; J Mr. Anderson Cable, of Lean der, this county, died of pnumo nia at his home on last Satur day. Mr. Cable was an ex-Confederate veteran, and possibly was las well known as any pri vate citizen in the county. He was kind, obliging, and bad ma many friends-Jfeaqetohis ajhe9. In naming the bouie comers for the' holidays last wek, we overlooked the fact that MUs Annie Stanbury, teacher at Wil son, N. C, was with h"r parents, Mr, and Mrs. John Stanbury, in Boone, through the happy sea son, returning'te her work the day afterTJbsf mas. Capt; Coffer, brother of Clerk of the Court,. 0. L. Coffey, was a visitor here last week, ' coming from S&'LbXiis, Mo., where he had been training men for over seas service. Capt Coffey has been in the United States army for tbe past seven years, but as ' his services were needed here, . he was never sent over seas. Mr. Will EJmisten, son of Mr and Mrs. R.'F.Edmisten,' of Boone, who had been in the mill tary camps in Oregon since ear- lf. last Spring, died at. Toledo, that state, on Thursday of last week of pneumonia. The body was shipped by express on Fri day and is' expected to" arrive at Ithe home of his parents to day, and interment will be made . in the family buryjng ground. The - fond parents, who are almost heartbroken, have the deepest sympathy of all their friends in this their great sorrow. Mr. Jack Johnson, who has long been afflicted with tuburcu loais, dind at his home at Sher wood last Sunday, leaving a wife and one child. Mr. Johnson, up the time his health fail, was a hustling business man and had accumulated considerable prop erty . H is wife was formerly M iss Hattie Swift, of Aroant ha. All ladies in the county who have Red Cross Yarn, either knit; ted or" unknitted, belonging to thp-Watmga Couuty Chapter will kindly return name.' togeth er ivirh all iiHHs,,tle p'-oprtv of the oh'pter, to the undersign ed at the earliest . date possible, as no further knitted articles are to be shipped from any chapter PIfW iitMiff tO 'his 0 ii'vv. n. i ii y- !'-, lr.'"i -i . -Mr. J. T. HentJiix left last week .(or a business trip east of the R dee, and on Monty' morn ing his wife received a telegram rom Lincoliaon that he was very sick with flu at a hotel, in that town. Mrs. Ilendrix left at once or Lenoir whw she lanxvl bv phone that he w giving on all right, and the news Tumlay morning being still encouraging she returned that afternoon. Another cheese factory, No. 1 for Watauga, was organized at Hopkins last Week -with 80 stockholders, and Mr. Farnham is of the opinion that, the- cheese industry in Watauga is still in its infancy. The New York mar ket quotation on cheese the first of the week was 40 cents per pound, the highest it has ever been. Five years ago it was only bringing 15 cents per pound and even at that price it was consid ered a paying business. Rev. L. F. Aithoiy Passes. The Rev. Mr. L. F. Anthony of the Episcopal Church, died at his home, Valle Crucis, N. C. Jan. 5, at 11 o'clock a. m. Mr. Antho ny had been ill with influenza- nnonmnmn. fnr- nnltr nhnnr. a week. His almost sudden pa8the.U. P m.fflcient and LOST , One open faced, solid gold watch was lost by me,R D. Cross y between Dock Mast's store and -Boone, Monday evening Jan. : ,1919, or some one went into the . room in mv home and took it i out of the pocket of a vest near the door in an upstairs room. Seasonable reward to the Under. . Bet. RD. Cross. , ?; - 1919 - GREETINGS -m Watch 3?Ms .Space . Allow us to help yb-j SAVE. TIME TROUBLE and MONEY. Lenoir Book Gompr my EAST TENNE88EE A WE8TERN NORTH CAROLINA RAILROAD CO. , LINVILLE RIVER RAfLWAY COMPANY TIME TABLE NO. 82 IN EFFECT 7:00 A.M., WEDNESDAY, JAN. 1, 1818EASTIRN STANDARD TIME EASTWARD WESTWARD Sscond-Class Flrit-Clais Flrst-Class Saoond-ClftM A.M. A.M. P.M. AM. STATIONS Mo. 1 No. I No. t No. T No. t No. I No. 6 No. 4 No. 8 MilM LENOIR, NORTH CAROLINA. Traidof Sctasol The Fchool resumed woikyon Tuesday, December 31 after a tfn 1o.V' vumtion.' . Prof., Onnf : conducted the Snt'day Sf-bofi! ht the HH '.on In at 'Sunday iwd gave a plain," sensible exposition of the lesson. The young men have Assumed the duties of .the janitor. Tbe an i tor has been hindered from attending to "his duties owing to the quarahtine...,.Tbeyre doing their part welk: , Miss Delia Farthinr;, a gradu ate of.our school 1918, land '.an assistant in the primary depart ment for the last half year, is to leavens. She goes, to the Memo rial Hospital, Richmond, Va. t5 take training for a nurse, we regret to see her leave, but feel that she goW to prepare for a great work tor which she by na ture is well suited. .Our very best wishes go with her and we shall expect to hear good. things. of her. Miss Lula Prestwood, who taught in the Boone puMic school during the fall, is to ,take Miss Farthings place in the school. ing put is a great tbock as -weU as a great loss to the entire com munity. By bis splendid char acter and loving service he had endeared himself to every one. During the siege of influenza he served and ministered to all un tiringly, and his life was not less than a sacrifice in this work. His mother and sister came up this morning and accompanied his remains to Johnson City where his body will be embalmed and from there they with the corpse will return to Lincolnton, bis home town, for bis Hnal rest ing place we feel sure that, the work will not suffer at her hands. To show the esteem in which Miss Farth ing is held by her students, the rimary Department gave her a reception at the girls' ball, .on Tuesday afternoon. . which was a very pleasant affair for all present. ... Resolutions of Respect Whereas it has Dieasetl our Heavenly Father to take from the home of Mr. and Mrs Aubyn Farthing, th- ir infant child Reba we as a Sunday School desire to express our sincere sympathy to the bereaved parents, commend ing them to the one who makes no mistakes, however hard the dispensation may seem to us. The little one who was given them to brighten their lives for sixteen short months will be sore lv missed in their home yet she will ever be a guiding star in the window of heaven to beck them to the better laud. There fore be it resolved, 1. That we shall misshersmil iug face in our Sunday School. 2. That the ympathy of tbe school be extended tothebereav ed family. 3. That a page on our Sun day School record be used to in- HCfiue these minutes, and one given to the family, and one sent to the Democrat for publication Respectfully submitted. Emma Mast . V Doitms L. Perby Com Victoria I. Taylor J , Look out for Spair isli Iijiluenza,; At';fh5 first sign of. 3 cblji take CASCARAM QUININE VOW" 'i. StMted coU iM4r toi.to mn-h UbUt turm It, wm, a weUtm hmln up tcold la 14 ouf llee grip In I dayi. MoMy Mttuiiiui, rintw ' ritM.KUrtpictai. ttm fMraliw pas b w IU4 top At au unit otonh '.. " NOTtCE. . Notice b her-'by glyen that the un denlgqed will apply to the sheriff ol Wtauftacounty for deed, to that tract of land knwp aa tha .Fiaqnery Mine. tMot. in Lavral, Creek township Watau?a.county, adjoining the land of Wlltie Harman, Traok Burton aud other. This tract of land waa fold for Uxei for tbe year 1917, and pur ehaied by Watauga -County on tb 0th day ot May 1018 . and waa listed In tbe name of the Flannery Mlnlcp Company, said land having been as signed to tbe Undersigned by said oounty. The said mining eoiupanj will further taavs notice that tbetiuif of redemption Wift expire on the Oth day of tfay l919atbh)h time said deed, will be demanded. This 2nd day of peoember'i9l8. . : y J. 8. FLANNERY. . luvir Da Itiss. We have had a great deal ,'of rain this winter. We haven t had scarcely any snow until Jan- uary 3 Rev. Wiseman Green, of Bluff City, Tenn. baa been visiting in this section for a few days. ' ' Four small children belonging to Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Myers of Chattanooga, Tenn. who have men with' relatives in this sec- tion for some left for their home ast Tuesday, accompanied by their auuf, Miss Fannie Dough erty. ! The flu is almpst a thing of the past in this community. ..' Mr. Allen Storle's 5 year old daughter is dangerously ill with pneumonia. NOTICR TO REDEEM FROM TAX SALE. TO BAKER & CO: Take notice that at a sale of real estate for taxes on flth May. 1918, at the court house in Boone, Watauga eouoty, . C-, tha unnereignea purohased 00 acre tract of land io North Fork Town ship, Watauga Co. N.U.; assessed Tor taxes to tne uauie oi Baker s Uo. for tbe year 1917. the tas and oost aggre (rating tbe nin of 60, and the time for redemption will expire on May 8 1910. And said delinquent will fur ther take notice that unless said land Is redeemed from said sale the under signed will apply to W. P. Moody.. Ki therm oi watauga uouaty, for a deed to said land. Ti is Jan. 1. 1919 T. H. TAILOR, Pnrohsser. FOR SALE ' One 90 acre farm in W ashing ton Co. Tenn , three and onehal miles of Jonenboro, 8th Dist, R I. Land Is fertile and in good state of cultivation. . 28 .ocm seeded to wheat. . Land watered by creek, well and cistern; Fruit of all descriptions. Fairly good rour room q weuing Large new stock barn, 40 x CO. Addr S3 R. 0. Edwards, Jonesboro, Tenn Route I. 7.(0 1.151 4.001 11.40 t.OS 8. JO 4.13 11.62 1.7 1.10 8.37 4.16 11.56 1.6 1.13 8.40 4.20 13.00 4.7 1.20 9.30 4.28 13.08 9.6 1.80 .60 4.38 13.18 11.2 3.85 10.00 4.41 13.21 12.3 I. 45 10.13 4.47 18.27 14.2 8.65' 10,30 4.54 12.34 16.6 S.10 10.45 5.03 12.43 14 ,16 10.65 6.08 128 21.7 . 26 11.05 6.14 12.64 24 1.27 11.25 6.20 1.00 26.7 t.45 11.40 6.28 1.08 27.4 10.06 12.30 (.45 1.25 32 10.15 12.40 (.60 1.80 84.1 AM. -P.M. P.M. P.M. 10.30. 1.46 6.00 10.45 ,2.00 (.13 3.2 10.66 2.10 (.22 ...... 6.6 II. 06 2.30 (.30 8 11.15 2.60 (.40 10 (.66 12.2 11.25 8.10 P.M 12.2 11.45 3.85 16.6 11,60 3.45 18.1 12.00 4.65 20.6 12.10 4.10 22 . 12.20 4.26 23.8 P.M. P.M. P.M. A.M. . 1.00 . 8.00 1.15 : 25.6 1.20 ; 8-.20 26.3 .1.85 .36 28.6 2.00. 10. 00 32 " ..P.M. A.M. r Ly. Johnson City Ar. MlUlsmit Collac r. WaUuta Point F. Sycamore Shoals F. KUiabethton Coal Chuta Valley Forga V. Hampton Pardt Point F. . Blsrlns Whits Rock F. crabtrea - r. Roan Mountain Ar. ' 8heU Creak Elk Park Cranberry It ILv. Cranberry Ar. Minneapolis JCl. Vale F. Newland Monteiuma Ar. Plneola Ly. Ivlnvllle . F. Tpa Gap F. Jestea Sidmv F. Townsend F. ... Fosooa ' ' F. Ar. Sbulls MUla Lv. 11.001 10.48 10.401 10.87 10.32 K.25 10.18 10.13 10.06 .6(. S.50 8.42 1.37 t.30 1.161 8.061 A.M. 8.601. I SI S.IS 8.28 3.60) .SSI 3.351 3.87 3.22 8.15 3.011 3.03 3.661 1.46 2.4W 1.331 8.27 i.tol 3.05 Lv. Ar. Ebulls Mills Ar. Laurel F. Danners " F. Bodies . F. Boon Lv. A.M. "?J it.sa 10.35 10.171 10. 1W t.( 1.40 Ml t.10 8. it 1.471 . 8.18 a.eo A.M. . e e ! P.M. 8.101 S.Sft 4.45 4.86 4.23 .M a.si 3.cl 8.81 8.35 8.U 1.001 2.461 8.20 00 r... I . HI e i eeee ewe ee 1.16 3.001 7.87 . T.30I 7.20 7.10 t.eo A.M. P.M. 4.001 8.45 3.36 3.26 P.M. 3. as 6.19 6.W. 4.56 4.60 4.38 4.33 4.28 4.20 4.10 4.08 l.tt 3.6) 8.42 3.25 8.10 P.M. 3.00 J.4. 2.3 t.i I.r; sea t.0' 1.4u 1.? 1 1 ' l. P.M. 12. W 11. 11 J5 11. ?S 8. dot 11 .? I I I P.M. I A.M. Note chance to Eastern Standard Tlin Kffectlm rth Tim Takl No. 38. F -Flag" Stations, Trains 1, 2. 8 and 4 run dally and carry mall and passenger. All other trains run dally except Sunday. Trains 8 and t are mixed trains and carry .paaieng-ers between all stations. Train No. ( Is a mixed freight and passenger t-.r; between Cranberry and Boone. Train No. 7 Is a mixed freight and naatenger tiin between Monteiuma and Boons. No other trains carry passengers, wont'" trains have right of track over trains of same or Inferior class. No train must 'oiiy another closer than five minutes. Inferior trains must clear track five minutes ' -ore time of other trains. Speed limit five miles per hour between Craisberrr and Water Tank. . . .- - - ,F. M. ALLISON, Superintendent QEO. W5 HARDIN, V.-P, and O. V. Ladies' Coat Suit& "We have a cnmplcte ar-Roi4. Ttl! r: and Long Coats, in H?cV, ccpenhag:r, n&vj end and all the latest stylec, ranging in pike: COAT SUITS, $15.00, $20.00,22.50, and $25.00 LONG COATS, $5.00 to $25.00 Men's and Bays' Clothing Over 150 suits to select from and a ;ving of from 2.50 to $10,00 on each suit. Our suits "arell vvool - and are guaranteed not to fade. Men's Suits.12.50 to $25.00, Boy's Suits $5.00 to $10.00. ' "" " ; , We have an immense stock of Men's, women's and chil drens shoes that were bought many months ago, long be fore prices were so high, and in-many instances we are elling them below the wholesale price today. Men's guaranteed all leather shoe& $2.75 and up. ! " We also have i complete line of high tops and logging shoes. we have a good stock of men's and women's sweaters heavy underwear, mackinaws, Corduroy Suits, that we ' are selling far below the market. Yon will also find our lines of Groceries, Hardware,. Furniture, Roofing, Stoves, wagons and Harness, Coffins and Caskets to bevcompleje in every detail. . ' NOTICE. Having qualified as admlnlc trat( r ot the estate of Tom Thomas deceated late of Watauga county. Korth Caio Una, this is to notify alLprsons liav Ing olaiuis against the estate of . aid. droeased to exhibit them to t he uu derslgned at Trade, R. F. D Tenn., on or before the l9th day of Decm ber 1919 or this notice will be ;plead to bar of their recovery. All perfoo indebted to said estate will, pleaie make immediate psyment. . This 10th day of December 1911 R. A. THOMAS. Adm'r. We Buy Old False Teeth V'e pay from 2.00 to $33 0) er set (broken or not). We also pay actual vhie for . Diamond, old (fold, silver and bridge-woik. S nd at once by parcel post nrd receive cash by-njturo mail. Ma wr't Tooth 'Specialty.'. Debt. X. 2007 8. 5th St, Philadelphia,; I'a "WE WAHT YOUR TEADE NOTICE, navioff qualified as adminis trator of the estate ot G: L. Hart ley, deceased, late of the county of Watauira, State of N. C, tbii is to uotity all persons having claims ueainst said estate to ex hibit them before the undersiiriu ! ed on or before the 29th dav of Nov , liy, or this notice will be pieuu iu uur ui vuejr recovery ill mrannii In1ahtw1 tn aaiA as. FOR SALE., home-grown, , sun-' APB rpniiMite.1 ,to m.b. m and aiMurel tobacco. J. E. mediate payment This Nov. 27, Maltba, ropiaru rove, address luio. Boone. N. C. , . . W. B. HiBTtEt. Adcq. Land and Lots For Sale in ; Boone. ' V Six Jots for sale: fronting on ruuro nuna-; square. iuu acres ot lana very .-near t6n. .Also one orner .lut"iiearBabk end court Louse. .. . E. F. LOVILL. FOR SALE: One team of four- year old mules. If interested see or write J. E. Maltba, Boone, N. C. TO IMPROVE. YOUR DIGEST ION. "Foryjfara iuy digestion vns FORD THE UNIVERSAL CAR Owners of Ford cars ai? advised to l.e'caufe. 'counterfeit or parts not made by the Ford Ata. r a . a a.-- pany. it your car needs adjustment or. repairing,, tv. to the authorized Ford dealer in your locality, where will find a reliable service station, with the complete chanical equipment and the necessary, tools t give highest quality Ford se'ico- 0b1.-in.7M3 -for the s' Ford prices. All the Ford parts uscJ by Ford .IcaloJi ace .i.h:. tured and supplied by the Ford Motor Company. If car requires replacement of any part or parts, is in Lced of repairs -don't experiment;' don't waste time and , m n ey trying to "do it yourself.". It is one thin? to mvV-,-stand and operate a car; it is another thing to make re liable repairs t? a car. When anything is wroner with your Ford make a "bee line" or telephone the authorised Ford dealer. We are ready to eive you prompt atter. : ; . so poor that I could only eat the So tske your Fori cj r where satisfaction and ecoi.omy lightest foods ltripd every tliirirlBM e11t. not until about a year ajro win n nie- tre CU1. I saw i namuerlain s Tablet ad vertised and cor abottleof them did I (jet the right treatment. Since taking them my digestion is flue ," Mrs. Blanche Bover Indiana, Feun. The Watauga Garage . Valle -Crucis, N. C. 1 1 l! i I nil it; it' ill- if. "if VA . M 4!' it': hi