ocofe : ' wf. ; tnc,', impal Lion,! t.- n ey i sedi on,' iresa.? It Sr. ibtwal emei ' Uoni ie sir; , A-f . tedtl The : oi ae V ie rfl jntacj trifle latoa w;t'; ;ript! f the undc ho tt dial nn fit iattet" en 1 ' W' I- I?-: 1GI ) ii Nl 4? pattl m a tin ec: (eroii I Joh yrorki ie a uuch KlOiC oravfl ' if nil joma tfton't; flod Mr; 'icvetj kear and,! ban cha. if004! for s , .. "i. .i..., uig . c rivers, Editor and Prritf p .. , .. -. , i ,., ' Vp - T'iUKSDAY, JanitabySO, 1919. Ill Kw tow Lfht ul Prnr Ct. . II 'a u wrvlce this f .11: 'The services of . M- nnnnrtMn. on ..nr J k-nced lineman, was sec.u.redYor ;vi.- i.iu :. ;i" It r ii p0MKin w n . At.nk to a wi iuiua. i t u. : vij i.n f v. . . Lovi!l;Dr. Anders, Etes ley, Mis. J. M. PayW; M L n,,.iu I uii WinL-iiv Hum .GrWan.! Walter Wiaklerhave ..i-. ii.. : .1-. i.: nuvwty ueeii mreu nun ujp w.m tract given for the wiring 'pf the ' homes of Watt.'IZeb and Charlie Frii thing, making ifv Iota of a bout eighty houses besides 'the school.- ' " Anew five horajower motpr b is been installed in it- niechioe for the Ntanuul Training Depart . tnent. This machine serves s a ripsaw, planer and raanv pibr purposes. The transformer tins. I eeti placed and the plaus laid for wiring the the boy's new dor tnitory. There came a severe electric storm early in August which bur ned out the transformer at ;Dr. Bingham's, hurst the'iusJ blocks at Pr. Salmon's andotlier )laces, burned out G.C. Winklers iuot r; melted down the coils,, in the circuit breaker at the power plant, ana very probably injured the street light transformer and other things. A trip toChnrlcftte made in a day and night brought t'Hk enS'!h material to start th plant Birain. Flovd Tate 4 1 v.ho so faithfully operates the plitut sw.-m?d to enjoy the outing iniiiens'lv, KHcially the electric mni .'ump Gwne. He al- . h ' w.t!.vnt"i-.iuellon but said that it was too hot to sleep h i. I-HV-- that luxury 6ff n . !... -t : ;!. to th nimin t til it".. iiiif i li j latit I as been lelfrn. j" i of the motor at ihe Plaiii- p Mill uud Hue-' tli rains have nm.le water plentifu', thecurrenl 1h. beetj on very 'regularly. iln , Mon lay, Jan. 20. has bedqi a t ypicul day. rThecuirentcaiuJ1 oniitfli'M o'clock, 1 his -morning and will go off at 11:0 tonlbh making n totul of hours 6u' Of the the twenty -four. - ' We regret that the street light? ne not In operation. Undei pimuteoudi ions a, street laap justs nly from thirty Vo fortj d:V,vs, but should uuder propel roiiuitiiniM last from one to two yea Lamps are not as good cince the war. 83 bffore, but we . ulso have good reason to believp that the transformer delivers too high voltage. The "An", situa tion and fhe war has ninde re peirs an 1 expert help very scarce. Wli a re securing instruments with whii.h we hope to test the trans former fully. . Few people realize the expense and diftleulty in- fc cuiing electrit'al equipment; We have tested many of the other transformer with a diff-rent in. Klrument and they aredelivering (orrect voltogp. . J. W. 'vT;?. V!le Cracis Peoplt Picnic in feoni. In honor of Mr. and Mrs. II P. Lund, of Orange, N. J , wLo have been vUi'ing at Valle Cru ci., a number of prominent citi t;sand their families from that im mediate section came in on the p o'clock train Saturday Tind reinuitied until 8 O'clock' in thd afternoou. They brought a pic nic dinner w ith them aud after it had been served, tbeypeut a few hours visiting their many friends in Doone. The members of the party were: Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Mast, Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Mast, Mr. and Mrs. Claud Mast; Mr. and JMra Lund, Mrs. Sulli van and Misses Daisy Mast and Beatrice Shull. They seemed to enjoy their visit to the fullest, and thefgood people may mt assured that their !k rt stay in the yilage was highly apprecia ted. , ; 1 ' Prof. Greer ta'ked on Tuesday -"at Chapel on the Prohibition A. ! raendment to the United States Constitution whereby the Uoion will become dry on January 16, 1920. On Wednesday at Chapel Prof. Greene talked on the woman euB rage movement, bring nz some n": "mi-. V, i-,mn ,and to 811 them ivith future hopes Ou Thursday Mid Sue Ump.;.... bespoke at I hapel on the Gov. ernment Ownership of the roil. , loads, giving some of tbe.reae. j I yuo iui uiiu uaiiou uviciumicuv h , 2 . n 9fP- B present at ebul and own was as asked b-v ' tbf f8Pi;.tedent to give som information about the BoU shevi i movement in Uiismh. . Sopt. T. W. Hajnpton, of.Shull Mills was at the school on We.! nesday for a littjh while. Supt. Dougherty talkod on Fri day on thecalamity iuthedeitho of PresidehtiGrahnm and Denn SJtacy; of the University, speaking iu highest terms of these splendid men. Ou Saturday Miss Stanbury gave quite a number of interest- ing points as to how the Govern raent is preparing for the em ployment of the soldiers wlen they are demobilized. . . The Sopqmoren enjoyed a soc ial evening Saturday in the Hall of the Appalachian Soc'ety. It was a very enjoyable occasion. Some of the teachers took the students to walk on Sunday af ternoon on what is known as the circle, a beautiful and picturesque walk. Quite a number of the music class were on a programme at the girls halt on Mondav even ing. This was one of the regu lar terra recitals. It was not difficult to perciive that botb the skill of the Btudent and the instruction of the teacher were displayed in a most pleasing way. Witugi Dinocrat ComiaiiM Mr, Editor: I am taking the liberty to write y.ou about yt ur mterejting little paper, The Wu tau?a Democrat. e take the paper and . have it8 unc,ioM8 yol, becrtme eousti been for ome time, as mother puted. The food you eitflfmentH and Dad never think our weekly I in your stomnch instead of diges mail edition is ever complete iai,,K This inflames th stomach without a copv. und causes uan,ea, Siting and . , . a terrible headache lake three Perhaps you are wondering 0f Chamberlain's TMbleta. Thev who dad and mother are: none j will tone up your liver, clean ut other than Thomas D. Ileudrix your stomach and you will soon and Martha Hampton, daugh-; 1,6 08 wellasever They onlvcost ter of W. F. Hampton, an old rt-Bident.of North Carolina. Quite a' few of their acquain tances are kept in touch with through your paper. Dad was spenkingof you last night so I thought 1 would write you and tell you how much we enjoy your paper, and consider dad quite lucky to know the editor person ally. . You can't imagine the pleasure that they get from your paper, having been born and reared there. I imagine it seems like rews from home and am sure it " wish it tvas possible for everyone who suffers from constipation to know about Dr. CaldwclVs Syrup Pcpshi. It is pleasant to the taste, docs not gripe, and the result is sure." (From a letter to Dr. Caldwell writ ten by Mr. R. A. Lancy, Alexandria, La.) Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is a com bination of simple laxative herbs with pepsin, pleasant to the taste, gentle in action and posi tive in its effect. It relieves constipation quickly, without griping or strain, and is a standard family remedy. DR. CALDWELL'S Syrup Pepsin The Perfect Laxative Sold by t)ruggists Everywhere 50cts.(Z)$1.00 A TRIAL tOTHC CAN BI OBTAINED, MIC CP CHAR0I, IV WRITINO TO ML W. CALDWILL, 459 WASHIMTOH tTREIT. M0NTKIU0, ILLINOIS IbiBiitktfa Ckill Lit tie James, son of M r. and Mrs. Couley Q. Brown, age twen all things best. This little Rem 11 11 . 1 1 m . ( had only been with bis fond par-' ents long enough to tie the gen- tie thread of ffection and love, b.vhis sweet and kind appearance He was loved by all who knew him, and they f el better by his W-g anon them IJtfW was a great lover of music at all times even during bis sickness and death. We extend to the bereaved ones our deepest syn pathy in their trying hours. . H.L. Clark's Criek Ntws. There will be preaching at the Lutheran Church Sunday. . Mr. James.Harman's little girl is very ill with pneumonia. Mrs. Cinda Story and little daughter are visit ihe relatives Virginia. Mr. Cicero Townsend was mar. ried last Sunday to! Miss Ola Townsend, Mr. G. Wv Robbins performing thf ceremony. Mr. Oscar Cook and Miss Oda Taylor went to Valle Crucis and had a fine trip. Word has been received by Mrs A. W. Dula of the safe return from France of her nephew, Dan W. Phillips of Sugar Grove. Phil lips was a member of the famous "Rainbow" (2nd) division. The only inconvenience he suffered during his months of fighting tvas to be slightly gassed. His brother, Smith Phillips was also , on ihe fighting front in France, , aud received a gunshot; wound in the leg October 9 and , was sent t j a hospital at Winchester, Eng land. He has not returned from 'overs' as yet. Leu ir JJews. AJilLLlOUS ATTACK. Whn you have a bilious at- tnl? tfiif I i t7 air tfiaif.i ' f A nariiim a quarter. am sure it brings up quite a few pleasant memories of bye gone days. Mr. Rivers am going to vi-it this summer in North Carolina and if you will pardon me I feel like the pleasure of mooting you will not be denied, for I sincerely feel indebted to anyone who can render so much pleasant infor mation to my parents. Again thanking you, 1 am, An ardent admirer of your pa per M. LILLIAN HEXDRIX Bessemer, Ala. ty months and ten days, was' . mere w nwie sieep, iuue rei, H offer8 fiftv thousand uol the gentle voice which knoweth r.ontiniinl mnnd of nnin You 'terest, serial ispuc, five to thirty , KXCEASIX6 KISERY. . : Some Boone Kidney Sufferers . Get Little Rest or Comfort, 'J can't rest at night when there's' I J I t 1 V . ft.. ! kidney backache. You suffer icue. stabs' twingesand 'etabs''of pain, an-; . , j bank 2 Cent ol fflKiffi'w qimi. RrJe right, o I . . . 'J be comfortable at work without : darting pains and blinding dizzy epeiis .neglect-, tneee ailments and nerious troubles may follow ' S "dS-iX Thousands have testified to their merit. Boone readers will find testimony. Mrs. R. J. B Jsh, Prospect Heiubfs, Lenoir! N.C. savs: "My back got bo lame 1 couldn't turn over in bed and my housework was torture. At almost every move my back hurt.. One of my family, who had been helped by Doan's Kidney Pill's, advised me to use them and I did. They hel ped ate from the first and one box took the lameness out of my back and did me good in every way." r . v price 60c. at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get doan's Kidney Pills the same Mr. Bush has pub licly recommended. Foster Millburn Co., Props., Buffalo, New York. - . NOTICE TO REDEEM FROM TAX SALE. TO J. B. CALL: Take notice . tbat at a aale of real estate for taxes on t) May, 1918, at tbe ooart house' Id Boone, Watauga eouotjv N. 0., tbe i.odemlgned purchared one town lot in Boone township, Watauga count; N. 0. assessed for tazts in the name of J. B.call for the years 1915, 1916 and 1917, aggregating the amt of 4 and tbe time for. redemption will ex pire on nay etn, 1919. ..And said de hoquebt will farther take notice that unless satd lot la redeemed from said eale the undersigned will apply to W. r. mooay, r.x Bnrin or wataoga Co for a deed to aaid land. This Jan. 1, 1919. T; B. lAI LOR, Purchaser, NOTICE The Influenza at Shnlls Mills is now over, but evidently all of the old employees of tbe Boone Fork Lumber Company do not know it. . We hope each and every one of them. will return to work Im mediately and get their own pla ces. We are pa.xing top pricis for all parts of the operation. We would also be glad to have all the new men we can get. We are not only paying high wages, but we have just made a new rule, by wbich a man can get his money any time be wants, to go oonie. Therefore, if tou can come for a week or twbmeks or a month, come ahead and when yon want to go noioe you can get your money. Boone Fork Li mber Co. T. W. Hampton, Supt. HOW'S THIS? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward lor any case of catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Medicine. Hall's Catarrh Medicine has been taken by catarrh sufferers for the past thirty five years and has become knowuai tbe most reliable remedy tor catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Medicine acta thru the blood ou the mucous urfacesrexpel)ing the polsou from tu blood and healing tbe diseased poreions. After you have taken Hall's Ca tarrh Medicine foi a short time you will see a great improvement In your geueral health. Start takluar Hall's Catarrh Medicine at onoo and get rid of catarrh. Fend for testimonials free . t: J. CHENEY & CO , Toledo, 0. 8old by all Diuggiits, 76o. AHKinds of Insurant. in the strongest companies in the I world. The best is always the cheapest: Life insurance at tost a speehlty. Phone or write me to Banner Elk, (Y F. P.JESMXGS. KOTICE TO REDEEM FROM TAX SALE. TO J. R. RAT: Tal e notice that at a sale of rtal estate fir taxea on Oth May, 1018, at t)eronrt house in Booue, Watauga County, N. C., the undersigned purchased one lot in Boone Township in said county; as sessed for taxes in the name of J. R ; Ray foi the years 1913, 1810 and 1017, aggregating the amount of $3.1, and the time for redemption will expire on May 8th, 1919.. And said delin quent will further take notice thit unless said lot is redeemed from aaid tax sate fie uoderslgued will auilv to W. P. Moody, Ex-Bherlff of Witau ga County, 1 r a deed to said lot. . Vols Jan. 1. If 15. .. 1 T. H. TAJ LOR, TurchMfr: Second Road Bond Sale $50,000.00 Read Bonds. Bids Close February 10. Watauga county, North Caro- years, Sealed bids Feb. . . . 10, 10 m (wtified check vouched . 1-.-. !.. ii.ri reject an uws. r or imonnu wu , write W. R Gragg. clerk board oJ commi88ioners, Boone, N. C. W. R. GRAGG, Clerk bd. county commissioners. NOTICE, naving qualified as adminis trator of the estateof Q: L. Hart lev, deceased, late of the county of Watauga, State'of -NIC, this is. to notify all persons' having claims against said estate to ex hibit them before the undersign ed on or before the 29th day of Nov , 1919, or this notice will be Dleud m bar of their recovery All person indebted to son es tate nre reauested to wake im- mediate payment. This Nov. 27, 1913. W. B. Hartley, dra. BURIES9N DRUG GO. NEWLAND,N. C. Druas & Druaaists Sundries X nnmnlpto linn nf toilpr it rtirl a 1 ftfS E2 S ?J5 5 Tl I"!' Mail orders given prompt atten tion. GIVE TS ATRIAL The Watauga County Bank BOONE. XOUTU CAROLINA. N. L. MAST, Pree. Q, P. HAGAMAN, Cash. The demand for food staffs during the year 1919 than ever in the history . of the world. We especially desire to co-operate with the farin era of Watauga County in-increasing their farm produc tion and improving their live stock. . OUR MOTTO: "SAFETY AND5ERVICB.M ' Tital Resources Over $100,000X0 . : Capital and Surplus Over $50,000.00. Big Stock for , New Yeai Trade The year 1919 finds me with the largest and best se lected stock of General Merchandise 1 have ever carried, in fact, i am now, since the advent of . the railroad into Boone, prepared to supply vour everv want: tut should I fail, let me know, and it will be -produced at' once, i f : My Sale of Shoes for the past year has been very heavy from the fact that i carry me very pest makes on the market, which always insures a ready sale. I now have the best line I have ev- , er carried, and am constantly adding to it, and can fit you hr whatever style you may want, and at low prices, .con sidering the quality. When in need of any kind of foot- . wear call on me. I also have on hand a splendid stock' of Ready Made Clothing from the cheap suit to a nobby suit for extra occasions. I am offering them just as low as I can and insist that you ' call, if in need of anything in this line. I rn nlpfloo , om style and prices. Good line of groceries always on hand. ' ' ! . ' REMEMBER I always carry a full line of flour, chop cottonseed meal, etc which I can supply either in whole sale or retail lots. I thank you for your patronage in the past and hdpe Miaiw A, . u 1.1- . J to merit it in the future. M. B. BLACKBURN BOONE, NORTH CAROLINA. L, D. LOWE, President. L. U. FARTHIUQ, Cashier. TheValle N e solicit the'accountsjor allJpersonRjinJthihJuew Bank, and we will do our best to accommodate the people and render the g reatest sei vice consis ant with Bound banking. Quality Printing OF EVWERY DESCRIPTION turnedSut promptly and satis faction guaranteed or no pay. WATAUGA PR1NTIM6 COMPANT i BOONE, N.O. - : .;-N0JT.ICEL;-: , . . Having qualified as adminis trator of tue estate ofJR. N. Greer -., dcd., late of thecounty of Watau-. ga. State of N. ft, thh is tah6ti fy all persona having claims' a gainst the said estate to exhibit them before the undersigned on or before the 27th day of Nov.; 1919, or this notice will be pi ad i:i bar of their recovery. . All per.. Hons. indebted to said estate trill please make settlement at' once.' This Nov. 27, 1918. ' C. M. Cbitchek; Admr. . , E. S. Coffey, Atty. - Entry Natie7No. 2542. FT " . State of North Carolina, Watauga County. Offlje o Entry taker of tali cuunty. . ; 0. L. Storie locates and enters'MO U hundred aud forty aerea of land, in Blue Ridge towusbip. Beglnnlug en J, C Cook's and M. M. Moore'scorner on top of Blue Ridge near the ,Tbun der H ill aud run with he Moore line : to Jesse Hodges' line, then with laid .. Hodges' Hue to 8 J. Fcrd's corner, then with Ford's lina to Buffalo; , Spring, thence down said branch ,te the (alls of Buffalo, tbet ee S -W. to atake on bank of branch near J.vTV. Ford's houM, thence W. to betfanlof . fOBito include all vacant land, l-i sa id bouudry. Entered Dee. 8, tl ? ... H. J. HARDIN, Entry Taker. ; W. C. COPFEI, rice Fm W. D. FARTHING, ua'tCub. of all kinds will be H.IB.'PERRY, Vioe-Piesldent Crucis Bank.