dfcc datauga Democrat LOCAL AFFAIRS Commissioners' court Monday. j . -Mr. S.'B Cook, of Shulls Mil e, wasa: buines8 caller at our office Tuesday. - Mr. Thomas Miller, the pop. ular Cashier of t he Bank of Blow, log Rock, waacirculatioz among friends in Boone last Sunday. Mr J. M.i'ook, of Sweet Wa tor, was in town yesterday, com ing here to meet a neighbor boy, Mr. James Farthing, returning from the military camps; The eongf ol the spring birds have been greeting the ears of the early liters of late, some thing very unusual for Warau ga at this season ol. the year. Just nw we are having the first touch of winter for some time, but, really, it is rather en joyable after the long stretch of unny weather. Miss Carrie Coffey, who is holding a position in the offices of the Whiting people at Shulls Mills, spent Sunday with her pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Coffey, in Boone. - . '. Mr. C. M. Crltcher. a promi nent merchant on Route 1 left on No. 4 yesterday morning bound for Johnion City and Bristol to lay in his spring and summer stock of merchandise. Mr. D. J, Cottrell has sold one-half interest in his business at Baily pamp to a Mr. Bolich, living near by, and will now turn his almost undivided attention to bis mercantile business in Boone. ' M. B. Blackburn is providing quite a lot of room in bis large ware house for the storage of grains and flour. The apartment is being wired throughout,' ma king it absolutely rat proof. A very nice arrangement, indeed. By an oversight the name of friend Joe Mast, of Valle Crucis, was left out uf the picnic crowd that visited B,oone last Satur day. Joe was on hand, all right; in fact bis absence would have detracted uipch from" the pleas ure of toe occasion. f-Mr.amesCook, who, sever al years, ago, moved from Wa tauga to Hewlett, " Va., died at home on the 23rd in at. of heart trouble followed by influenza On the following night his daughter in-law, Mrs. James C'ok, Jr., di ed of influenza, leaving a babe five months old. Mr. Jacob Parlier, fireman on the good roads steam shovel operating near the village, .was called to his home at Moravian FalN, Wiltes county, last Satur day, onjaccouut of the death oi his father, which "occurred on Fri day.' The Xno-r News says that Mr. Timothy Townsendandfam ily, including his daughter and son-in-law, are down with influ enzal Mr. Townsend is miller at th Patterson School mill on Buffalo. They are said to be im proving. The family moved from Watauga a few years ago. Rev. L. D. Cole, agwl local Methodist minister' of Meat Camp township, was in town Mondav. returning from a visit to his daughter, Mrs. W. S. Mil ler, at Shulls Mills. The venera ble gentleman is now engaged in telling books, of various kinds, and we hope him success in his work, this being about all be is able to do to earn a little money. Mrs. James L. Winkler was called to Hickory last week to visit her daughter, Mrs. Thomar son, and little son, who were nextr K uuueuza- A ie10' gram tue latter part of the week annouueed the death of the ba by boy, but the mother is impro ving. The steam shovel is now mo ving dirt ia the cut near the ret idence of Mr. J. C. Hodges, which is a little more .than one fourth of a mile from the gap of the Rich Mountain. The weather has been tine through January und th road forces have iertainly fafceu advuntage of theopportu nities offered. - Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Lund, of Orange, New Jersey, flfttr a vis it of some thre- weeks to rela tives at Valle Outis. will leave tomorrow for tbtir northern home. .Mrs. Lund was formerly Altes Nora Mast, of the Valley, and the visit of the poplar lady, with her peasant husband, was very much enjoyed by all. Look here, friends; I am go i ing to have a sale at the G rem old home on Saturday, Feb. 1. You know the bad weather pre vented the sale. I want to thank you all for your kindness incom ing. So come and we will have the sale, sure. You all know the terms. Sale to begin promptly at 9 o'clock. Mattie J. Greene. Messrs. Ed. Q. Farthing and A W. Beach have taken the con tract for the erection of a mod ern reidenco for Clerk of the Court 0. L. Coffey, and the buil ding will be rush d to comple tion at the earliest day possible. The contractors are both good workers and know just how to push a job along. Mr. Larkin Hodges, of Bun- comb county, who has spent sev eral weeks with his aged.brother, Mr. Riley Hodges, at the home of Mr. George Teague, will leave tomorrow for his home. Despite his age of 78 years, he is enjoy ing fine health. He la 11 years younger than the brother be is visiting. Mr. Thomas Eller, of Sands, recently returned from the mill? tary camps, was; married last Saturday to Mies Cad Norris, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Norris, of that community: The ceremony was performed by Rev. John Norris, uncle of. the brid-. at his home west of the village. .The Democrat extends congrat ulations. On TufsdBy G. LFtory& Son, of Blowing Rork.J. F. D., shipped for the North Carolina Evergreen Co. at Banner Elk to Robinson & Co , Boston, Mass., 38 cases of galax; there being ten thousand leaves to the case The galax industry in Watauga for a number of years has been quite an item, a? it has distribu ted among our people thousands of dollars in cash each season. -Mr. W. E. Shipley, of Valle Crucis, was in B ione Monday. He has closed a deal with Mr. J. D. Councill for the property on which his blacksmith hqp stands and will, in the near future, build an up-to-date garage and sales rooms for the Ford Cars, which Mr. Shipley thinks, is the best car made, especially for this mountain section: The building, as planned will be forty by eighty feet. If you are biuind on your subscription of course you are not iretting the paper. There, is qo reason now for any man lail inc to pay a smalLdebt. Bo fair, be honest. Pay up; have a clear conscience; send in your re newal and read and enjoy the BLANK BOOKS (SEE LA8T WEEK'S DEMOCHAT ) J iist before the holidays we were greatly handicappo 1 at not bD ingvable to get from the factory a supply of Waterman's Fountain Pens. Now we have a full stock of the most popular s'z s,. ranging in prices from 2.50 to 8.0,6. We Lave, also the very be'st'liiie of eheap pens, self-fillers at1.75.' . INKS-Officc and Fountain Pen . Carter's Pencraft "(the best) per quart. ;$T50 " writing fluid ',' i'X 1.O.0 ' : Pencraft"'' "'pint , "'.90 ' ." '" ' . . " ' balf-pint" ..-..V. . " " Carmine ; . , ' ' '" 1 " '-" 70 EAST TENNESSEE A WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA RAILROAD CO. , LINVILLE RIVER RAILWAY COMPANY TIME TABLE NO. 82 . ' IN EFFECT 7:00 A.M.,-WEONESDAY, JAN. 1, 1919-EASTERN STANDARD TIME EASTWARD WB8TWAKD Second-Class Flrat-Clasa Flrst-ClaM Saoond-Claa . 1 No. AIL A.M. P.M. A.M. Ho. I No. No. 4 No. t MUM ; . . . . .. ' 1 . ' ' green, Lenoir Book Company . l,ontL j ? Spanish Influenza can Owing to the ban placed by the, -, . , u,rt City Health Officers on all public" Fviu. meetings for the prevention of -It can De CUreu. be spread of Spauwh. Influenza, I... ,. . r the meeting that had been callt-d ! " U1C "i ,Wi " bv County and Koad Commit-: 6mver or sneeze, taKe ioners-m Western Nortn taro- "Paved streets!" ironically lamnrknri n Inrlv frnm A. npar.hv ua BWnnlld throuirh the' e are spending quite a mud between the deDOt site and . little bunch of hard-earned cash Ma'n Street. Let the town otfi- just now improving our plant. dais take notice and get busy,'and we neeJ your neip t0 replace . TJ . .V . . . the said-money. oy tne traveling puDiic. . oureiy little work we where wortneededrubw, beforeOR SALE, home-grown the spring campaign for better J streets and better side walks opens. . . sun i'arteis nioall jizh ft; pen ink .15 blue aud viuKt 20c. LENOJtB, NORTH. CAROLINA. ina to be' held at "the Langn Hotel on Saturday Feb. 1.. 1919 has been transferred to the Red Cross Room at Biltmore. The delegates and visitors coming to Asheville. will -be requested to take the Biltmore car and ex press their interest by exerting this extra effort with an addit ional expense of Ave cents car are each way. ' t The purpose of the meeting, as stated, is to discuss the existing awsand regulations for State and Federal Aid' in Highway Im- provement. The. allotments as made to the various mountain counties and their purpose to ac cept or reject same, and where rejected;, the most advisable transfers. That Western North Carolina may avail herself of ev ery dollar of Federal money, that, may be offered. Fu rther, to con sider the propospd; bills before Congress and our S'ate Igi8la: ture relative to 'Highway, Im provement that we m&j encour age our law makers in a real pro gressive concrete program tot" maintaining a flst class system of Highways in ' our State and Nation. : . ? 2g CASCARA 9UININE W ,- Stinted eold MMdy tot M jmw-ln tabU) form talk, sure, no ojUf rtk up cold In 24 beon-tcltevM rip-la 3 day. Money back If it fails. Tba fenuina boat ha Red top With Ux. Hill'l picture. At All Draa Store. . ( NOTICE. jiotteB.lBihereby (lven;that tho'un denlsftiad; will apply to thehherlff of Watan county for a deed to that tract of land known ai the Flanuerj Mlat tract, in Laurel Creek township Wataoja county, adjoining the land of Willie Harman, Frank Burton and otheri, Thii'.tract of land wa sold for taxei for theyear 1917, and pur chased by Watauga County on the 6th day of May 1018 andwaa listed In the nam of tbaFlannery Minlnp Company, said land having been as signed to the undersigned by said county. The said tululng coiupanj will further take notice that the time of redemption will expire on the Ctb day of May 1910, at which time said deel will be demanded. Thll2nd day of geoember 1918. "ri- B. FLANNERY FOR SALE Cue 90 acre farm in W ashing ton Co. Ten n , three and onehal niilaa nf .Tnniuihnrrt fit li fliaf It I. Land is fertile and in go'di' state of cultivation. 28 acm seeded to wheat. Land waterei It is desired that every.county, by creek, well and cistern. Frui' in the Western Division be repre- 0f an descriptions. Fairly goo sented by its County Commiss- our room dwelling Large nev Route I. ion, Road Commission and active 8tock barn. 40 x CO. Addn 83 R. energetic citizens bo are willing q, Edwards, Jonesboro, Tenn to give time and real enort to the endeavor for better roa Js. - If you Will Unite with tie in 'our efforts to promote this great work, we urge you to give us a a helping.band in this pur first meeting. Let your voice be heard with real helpful sugges tions. ' W YTHE M. PEYTON. Our food Gospel 1' arw lead ' wnmtm notHlnjj " :. NOTICE. Having qualified as adinlnlntratoi of the estate of Tom Thomas decease( late of Watauga county North Cai Una, I his Is to notify all persons ha ing claims against the estate of kai deceased to exhibit them to the ui derslgned at Trade, R. F. D Tenn. on or before the 19th day of Deoen ber 1919 or this notice will be pleat in bar of their recovery. All person Indebted to said estate will' pleast make Immediate payment. This 19t) day of December 19i8 R A. THOMAS, Adm'r. PULP WOOD WANTED Poplar, cucumtier and Bass, $9.00 per cord on cars. Black gum and soft maple, $8.00. Will have cars at any switch,, Boone, Hodges Qap, Danners Siding and Shulls Mills, N. C. All wood out 5 feet long, not under 4 in ches in diameter. 1 W. V. CALAWAY. Shulls Milk, N. C. 4t NOTICE TO REDEEM FROil TAX BALE. TO BAKER ft CO: Take notloe that at a sale of real estate for taxes on th May. 1918, at the court house in Boone, Watauga county, N. C , the undersiguea purcnased oo acre tract of land in North Fork Town ship, Watauga Co. M. (.; aasewed for taxes In the name of Baker c Go. for the year 1917. the tax aud cost aggro gating the sum ot 18 SO, and the time for redemption will expire on May 6, 119. Ana said delinquent will fur ther take notice that unless said land Is redeemed Irora said sale the nnier kned will apply to W. P. Moody.. T.6W a.vs 1.10 S.1S 1.20 MM I. lb 1.46 1.65 1.10 1.16 .Z6 17 .45 10.05 10.15 AIM. 10.101 10.45 10.66 11.05 11.15 "iilssi 11.46 11.60 11.00 12.10 11.20 P.M. P.M. 1.00 1.16 1.20 1.15 2.001 P.M. 1.161 III I S.37 1.40 1.10 1.50 10.00 10.11 10.10 10.45 10.56 11.06 11.25 11.40 11.10 11.40 P.M. 1.45 1.00 1.10 1.30 2.60 "i.'io 1.15 1.45 4.65 4.10 4.25 P.M. A.M. 1.00 1.15 1.20 9.36 10.00 A.M. 4.001 11.401 4.11 4.16 4.20 4.28 4.13 4.41 4.47 4.54 6.03; 5.08 6.14 1.20 S.28 (.46 6.60 P.M. (.001 .12 (.22 (.10 6.40 (.65 P.M. 11.52 11.66 12.04 12.08 11.18 12.21 11.27 13.34 12.43 12.46 12.64 1.04 1.08 1.25 1.30 P.M. 7 6.6 .7 .6 11.2 12.1 14.2 16. D 19.41 11.7 14 16.7 27.4 li, 1.2 6.6 8 10 12.1 12.2 18.6 11.1 20. S 21 23.8 25.6 16.1 28.6 12 BTATION3 Ly. Johnson CUT AT. MlUlfan Colleta F. Wataua Point F. Sycaroora Bhoala F. Kllsabatbton i Coal Chute Villey Forge P. ' Hampton Pardee Point T. Blevtna White Rock T. CrabtrM V. Roao Mountain . Bhell Creek . - Elk Park' Ar. Cranberry Ly. Lv. Cranberry Ar. MuuieapoUa Jet F. Vale r, Newland Monteauma Ar. Plneola, tir. UnvlUa F. The Gap F. Jeites 81dlnt? F. Townsend F.I ... Foaeoe F. Ar. ShuUa Mitts Lt Lv, Shulls Mills Ar. Uturei i F. Banners F. Hod a F. Ar. Boone Lv. P.M. A.M. 1.501 10.601 N. 1 No, 1 No. A.M. 11.001 1U.4I 10.40 10.17 i.i: 10.16 10.18 10.11 1.181 1.301 1.17 1.12 1.16 1.08 1.01 1.66 1.4(1 I.4M 1.12 1.27 liol 1.05 1.66 P.M. 10.06 t.6 . 17 1.10 (.16 ' 1.06 A.M. 1.601 I.40 l.lll...... 281 .20 l.tOl With 10.15 10.25 10.17 H.lOl .6M S.40I f.Kri .t(H t.10 B.63 . 1.47 1.411 t.ttl l.l S.OOl A.M. i No. r.m 6.10) 4.45 4.M: 4.21 Ml 1.46 1.16 1.16 1.161 1.01) s.eoi 1.41 P.M. Time Table ! 1.161 1.001 T.17I T.10 7.101 T.10 f.M 4.00 I.4S 1.15 1.15 1.04 F.M. NO. 12. 6.10 6.00 4.0S 4.(4 4. SI 4.11 4.18 4.20 . U ' 4.03 S.66 1.54 1.4! t T.; 1.1'J PM l.e- 1.4 1.8. 1. 80 I.:c "l.r, ' 1.4 1.1 1.00 P.M. 11 1 . 11. ss 11.25 11.06 A.M. Note chang-e to Eastern Standard Time Effective F Flat- Stations. Trains 1. 1. 1 and 4 run dallv and oamr mail and naaaana-ara. All other tralna run dally except Sunday. Tralna S and ara mix ad trains and carry pasiena-eri between all staUona. Train No. la a nixed (retfht and paaeenfer tra'n between Cranberry and Boone. Train No. 7 U a mixed freight and paessnger train between Montetuma and Boon. No other trains carry paeencra.- Westbouad trains have right ot track over trains ot same or Interior class. No train must r-'t vy another closer than five minutes. Inferior trains must clear trackSflve minutes ); fore time of other trains. Speed limit live miles per hour between Croberry Wye and Water Tank. F. M, ALLISON, Superintendent GEO. W. HARDIN, V.'P. and O. M. LadiesV Coat Suits We have a complete assortment of Ladies Coat Str and Long Coats, in black, Copenhagen, navy and retri, and all the latest styles, ranging in price: COAT SUITS, $15.00, $20.00, 22.50, and $25.00 LONG COATS, $5.00'to $25.00 Men's and Boys' Clothing Over 150 suits to select from and a saving of from 2 50 ' to $10,00 on each suit. Our suits are all wool and are guaranteed not to fade. Men's Suits $12.50 to $25.00, Boy's Suits $5.00 to $10.00. ' We have an immense, stock 'qf Men's, women's and fhil drens shoes that were bought . manmonths ago, long be fore prices were so high , arid in, many instances we are elling-theiri below the wholesale price today.' Men's guaranteed all leather shoes $2.75 and up. We also have i.complete line of high tops and logging shoes.- we have a good stock of men'3 and women's sweaters heavy underwear, mackinaws, Corduroy Suits, that we ire selling far below the market.- Yon will also find our .ines of Groceries, Hardware,. Furniture, Roofing, Stoves, wagons and Harness, Coffins and Caskets to be completf n every detail. WE WANT YOUE MDE, ii hi ughes mm We Buy Old False Teeth We pay from 82.00 to $35.00 pel set (broken or not). We. also Day actual vnlue for Diamonds. old gold, silver and bridge-work. S.nd at once by parcel post and receive cash by return mail. Ma wr's Tooth Specialty, Dept. X. 2UU7 . 5tn st, fbiiudelphia, re Land and Lots For Sale in Boone. Six lots for sale fronting oi court bouse square. 100. acm of land very near town Alst near Bank and one corner lot court house. E. F. LOV1LL. aud air-cured tobacco. J. E Maltha Ponlar firovp address El Sheriff of WaUuira County, for a Maltba, iopiaruroe,aaaressdwdt0MlId lftf,d Ti.lsJan 1.1019. Boone, N. C. - T. Q. TAILOR, Pnrcheser TO IMPROVE YOUR D1QES1 ION. "ForyearH my digestion wn so poor that 1 could only eattli lightest foods. I tried evervtliint that 1 heard of to get relief, but not until about avoar airo hei I aw Chamberlain's Tablet ad vertised and cot a bottle of then did I get the right treatment buiee taking tnem my digest 101 is flue." Mrs. Blanche Bower Indiana, I'enu. , F O R D THE UNIVERSAL CAR Owners of Ford cars are advised to be cautious of "counterfeit" or parts not made by the Ford Motor Com pany. If your car needs adjustment or repairing, take it to the authorizad Ford dealer in your locality, where you will find a reliable service station,- with the complete me chanical equipment and the necessary tools to give the highest quality Ford service obtainable -for the standard Ford prices. All V V A TllBai mm aat a A J l.a Uawl 3 A A I 4t VM A a A MA Ail uie cuiu LJiu ia uocu uy xviu ucaieus io ii auuir-c tured and supplied by the Ford Motor Company. If your car requires replacement of any part or parts, is in need of repairs - don t experiment; don t waste time and. mon 3y trying to "do it yourself." It is one thing, to under stand and operate a car; it is another thing . to' make re liable repairs to a car. 'When anything is wron w;tl your Ford make a "bee line" or telephone the authorized Ford dealer. We are ready to give you prompt attention. So take your Ford car where satisfaction and 'ecr-riy are sure. The Watauga Garage . Valle Ciucis, N. C.