&bt Watauga fcmccrat LOCAL AFFAIRS Commissioners' court next Monday. v Walter Ray left Monday for a point near Atlanta, Ga., where he has taken work for the sum mer. t Judging by the wind February has borrowed a few days from March. Anyway', we are having a lot of wind just now. David Green, who has been do ing some work ' in the depot at Cranberry for a few weeks has re turned to his home in Boone. Mr. John Lewis, of East Boone, has purchased the Edmisten cot tage near the home of Mr. W. H. Brown, and is having, it painted and thoroughly repaired. Miss, Carrie Coffey, of the cler ical force of the BooneForkLum ber Co., spent Sunday with her parents here, returning to her work Monday forenoon. Mrs. Little, who, since the leg islature convened, has spent the time with her husband, Repre sentative, McD. Little, in Raleigh, returned to her home in Boone last week. Mr. R. C. Perry, formerly of Cove Creek, but now in the em ploy of the Boone Fork Lumber Co., at Shulls j Mills, transacted business in Boone between trains Monday. Lci$!ativi Coramitte Visits the Training School On Monday eveninga legisla tive committee three members of the Lower House and two of the Senate arrived in Boot? Monday, having been sent here to inspect the Appalachain Trac ing School, by the legislature of North Carolina. They came in on No. 8 at 3, p. m., and spent the evening in looking over the town and inspecting the various buil dings of the State's big school plant located here. The business session was held in the offices of the school at night, which lasted until a late hour, the body of law makers leaving on its return at midnight on a special car sent in for them by the Boone Fork Lum ber Company. Weexpected quite a write-up of this important event from our school correspondent, but he failed to write. Of course everything at the school was found all right, but the people would be glad to see it from the hand of some of the school authorities. Hughes bros kdl If you need shoes or rubbers go to Blackurn's.'as he has the most complete line, he 'has ever car ried with prices as close as they can be handled, quality consider ed, ad. John W. Hodges, of Boone, is uuw uttuuiiiig wic iniiiuua iccu and flour manufactured by the Model Mills at" Johnson City, Tenn. None better. The milling Co's ad in our next issue. Wanted, at once, a copy of The Democrat of the issue of Jan. 16. Will some subscriber kindly fur nish it? If any charges they "will be paid by us. Let us have it at once, please. V; ; . Messrs. C. B. .VonCanoa and John Lineback, of the j. Walter Wright Lumber Co.,who arecon ducting liea vy lumber operations on the Laurel, .were guests at the Blackburn Hotel Tuesday night, Mr. Nilew Church' tells The Democrat that his sister, Mrs.N. C. Combs, of Mable, has been very ill for several days, and, when last heard from, was but little if any improved Martin Eggers, son of Mr. Zil Eggars, of Beaver Dam township, is now in the county jail in aright badly demented conditionwhere he will remain' until he can be ad mitted into the Western Hospi tal at Morganton. ; ; ' We are glad to know that Boone is to have another splendid store. The Watauga Supply Co. is open- iug in the Bank building as tem porary quarters. This Co., we understand, will build in the near - future. While they intend run ning a general mercantile busi ness, hardware and furniture will be carried as leaders. - Messrs. Thos. EggarsandWal" ter Day, two young gentlemen from Mabel, despite the stormy weather, were intownafewhours Monday, and a' friend remarked to The Democrat that he suspec ted they had" business with the Register of Deeds. : ; . As ( the faculty of the A. T. S. was out in a body with the Legis lative committee on' last Mon day evening, we take it that the influenza scare In that big insti tution is practically over," and that the quarantine will soon be lifted. The Watauga Supply Co. is op ening up in the' Bank building. A car load of flour and oats, and a car of groceries have already arrived; and a splendid line of lry goods and hardware will ar Li a Una rf furniture will be added in "a few Good Road Forco in Boone. The good roads force, with the steam shovel and equipment that has been working between Boone and the gap of the Rich moun tain, turned east last Thursday, and on the return did some fin ishing work, and on Monday eve ning they arrived in town and are just now engaged in grading the main street. The grade thru the town will be forty feet, and it is the intention of the town com missioners to put in a macadam 12 feet wide from the Baptist church to the bridge west of the Blackburn Hotel. The Road C6m mision is responsible only for a twenty foot grade through. the village, while the commissioners are responsible to the Commis sion for all work done in excess of the twenty foot grade, whilein the corporate limits. Depot Aeat Arrives. , A neat little temporary office has been erected near the depot a telephone installed, and our fu ture agent, R. R. Johnson, ar rived Monday morning, with com plete office fixtures and is quite snugly ensconced in his new quar ters. Mr. Johnson was paymas ter on the construction work on the new railroad and is said to be a man of fine business qualifications. QUALITY PRICE SERVICE THE BEST THE LOWEST COURTEOUS J. C. LENTZ, President. R. T. GREER, Vice-Pros. J. T. MILLER, Cashier. EUNICE HOLSHOUSER, Asst. Cash. BANK OP BLOWING ROCK THE BANK THAT APPRECIATES YOUR BUSINESS. This Bank offers to every person its great facilities for banking money and assures every courtesy and accommo dation consistent with safe banking. You should make it our duty to inquire about the advantages offered by the Bank of Blowing Rock. . ALL TRANSACTIONS TREATED CONFIDENTIALLY Our lines of Men's, Women's and Children's Shoes, in dress and heavy weight is complete. We sell 'all leather' shoes -the kind that cost you less per month's wear. rirbtliitirr Men's all wool suits ranging in price VilUUlllIg from $15 qq t0 $32 5Q and they are guaranteed "all wool" too. Boy's suits, $4.50 to $12.50 DRY GOODS Our line of Dry Goods is complete and we have many items that we are selling for less money than we could replace the same in our store today. Spring & Summer Will soon be Here We are beginning to receive our spring pnd summer goods and will as usual have an up-to- date line of the newest merchandise. M. B. BLACKBURN Dr. H. McD. LITTLE HuCHESBBOS'acQ , Editor May Interested. The News is interested in the movement started by Mr. W. L. ONE HUNDRED AND FIFY DOLLARS REWARD. I will pay a cash reward of Winkler, of Boone, to organize a 1 $150.00 one hundred aneffifty doi Mr. Walter Holler Badly Hurt. Late Monday afternoon Mr. Walter Holler, who has been in charge of the Boone Planing Mill for a few weeks, was caught in a belt and his right arm was so badly crushed below the elbow that amputation was neceessary. The accident is most distressing, as the. unfortunate man has s wife and five small children. Mr Holler was a good mechanic, and has always provided well for hjs family, but never accumulated very much, and with this misfor tune his way seemed dark. The people of the town contributed to the family, anxious to do their bit. On Tuesday Prof. W. L.Wink ler, Mr. Holler's employer and owner of the machinery, came over, and shouldered the entire responsibility, assuring the suf fering man that he would receive full wages while out of commis sion; his every need and comfort to be looked after by him, and, when able to be out again,, he is. in his maimed condition, to re ceive full pay for his time from his benefactor. Good for Mr, Winkler! county fair for Watauga county. Mr. Winkler is calling on every man in the county who is interes ted in the welfare and develop ment? of the county's resources to let it be known. If interest is su indent then tlwy will begin an organized movement. Watauga county could have one f the most interesting fairs of any county in the State. Almost everything from cheese to maple syrup is made in the county. It is one of the best beef-producing counties, claiming a cow for ev ery person." We hope Mr. Wink er's efforts will meet with suc cess. We want to attend the first Watauga County fair. Lenoir News. Sri, litirul Revenue Officer te Visit Boone Internal Revenue Officer, M. O Dickerson, Jr., has the following appointment in Watauga to as sist income tax payers with their returns: Boone, February 28 to March 5. Taxpayers should go to the officer with all their figures in hand so as to take as little time as possible. The time for filing returns expires on March 45th and is, therefore, very short. lars for the arrest and delivery of Com, or C. D. Watson, to the sheriff of Ashe county, for an as sault on my person with a knife on Saturday, Feb. 1. T. S. WATSON. West Riverside, N. C. WANTED:Chestnut-oakand hem lock bark. Write for prices to Union Tanning Co. Johnson City, Tennessee. Blackburn & Little Wholesale and Retail Feeds and Flour. Our Line of Feed Stuff is Complete & The Price is Right COTTON SEED MEAL CORN AND OATS CHOI SWEET FEED WHEAT BRAN RICH MIDDLINGS ; CORN AND OATS FLOUR, AND -CORN MEAL We Expect to Receive two Car Loads of Fertilizer by March 1st ' WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. Blackburn & Little The Watauga County Bank BOONE, NORTH CAROLINA. N. L. MAST, Pres. W. C. COPFE1, Vic Pre O, P. HAGAMAN, Cash. ' W. D. FARTHINGriss'tCash, The demand for food stuffs of all kinds will be greater during the year 1919 than ever in the history of the world. We especially desire to co-operate with the farm ers of Watauga County in increasing their farm produc tion and improving their live stock. OUR MOTTO: "SAFETY AND SERVICE." Total Resources Over $Jt00t0OO.C0 ' Capital and Surplus Over $50,000.00. BURLESON DRUG GO. NEWLAND, N. U. Drugs & Druggists Sundries A complete line of toilet article. Mail orders given prompt atten tion. (JIVE US ATRIAL. The Yadkin Woolen Mjflls WOOL YARNS, WOOL BLANKKTS PATTERSON, N. C. have government permit to buy your wool or exchange yarn therefor. The Appalachian Schial. (Charlotte Observer.) The Appalachian Training Schoofis now occupying an im portant place in thh State. The building of the railroad to Boone, opening up the school to Avery, NoTICE op Service by Publication Mitchell. Yancey, BurKe, Mc- North Carolina. Watauira county, in the Superior court, belorc the clerk. Ida Vannoy, widow of H. V. Van noy, deceased, VS John A. Vannoy Charles E. Vannoy. James F. Van noy, Wiley C. Vannoy, Toll H. Van noy, Hoyt u vannoy, Larry m. Vannoy, Russel F. Vannoy, Flor ence Vannoy and Dail Vannoy, the last three named beinir infants, for whom Charles E. Vuniioy is actinir sruardian ad litem, all being heirs at law of tho H. t. vannoy, are u. Dowell, and all western North Carolina; the : building of the great National Highway through "Watauga, connecting Winston and Boston, gives the school op portunity for usefulness and growth not thought at one time it would ever have. The 500; Bf rpsi of land, the snlendid nower ' The defendants above named will take i l iu o rvm aaa i ,n notice that an action entitled asabovc plant, the 2,000,000 brick in well- has commPnced in the Superior ordered buildings, make a plant court before Clerk of Watauga coun- ,i i .1. d i . i . a1 1 j. Ill W nave, bill? " ivatt a wwnw unu mat me oiace can uuie nunesi - i. ai,rmnpt. iint,d out of the We are gOing to call lands and personal property of her ... .I. . r QPceaseu nusiiauu, rv. r. v annoy, uuu the attention of the present Gen- thft sftid dofendants will further take to the need of notice that they are required to appear spending more money on the SBld' tv and state on Sat. March crrounds and roads about tke 1. 1919. and answer or demur to the school, which will greatly add to T&t&"&S& the looks and physical aspects of for the relief demanded in said com mis roo. o, mm. O. L. COFFEY, Clerk of the Superior Court. all parts of the country do n ot understand why a school with a reputatton for first, class work does not appear better from the outside. The State can afford to be more liberal with this school. With Railroad Facilities I am better than ever prepared to supply your every want in General Merchandise. My stock in every department is full and if it is Good Goods at Honest Prices you want, can certainly serve you. I must tell you again of The Good Shoes I Handle. Nothing but the best makes in all the latest styles for 1111 A 1 men, women ana cniiaren. as you aououess are aware, shoes have made another considerable advance, and now is the time to buy. Just ask for what you want in the ine of shoes and you will get it, no better line to be found in this mcuntain section. A Big Stock of Clothing from which to select your spring and summer suits. Al most any style and price can be found in my large new stock. DRY mm NOTIONS RRDRFRIFS Vlll wtw --w iwiiw WIIWWBIIIW My line of dry goods and notions is possibly without a peer in this section. A complete line of groceries always on hand. M. B. BLACKBURN UOONE, NORTH CAROLINA. Another Proverb. ; A merchant in town received a check from a customer last week with this enclosure, only, which is full of truth. "You can't down an honest man, nor keepA chris tian out of heaven." KOTK'B. Havlnif qualified as administrAtor of the entalfl ef R. M. Phillips, d o'd late of WatHUKa county, N. C, IIiIhI touutify all persons having claims attains! the estate of said deceased to exhibit thenj to the undersigned at fa nds within twelve iu nths from date of publication, or this notice will be pleaded In barof their recov ery. All tiersrins lndbt'd to raid ei tate will uike Immediate payment, This 29ul ot January 1019. M H. NORKIS. Adiu'r of R M Phillips, deceased. L. I). LOWE, President. H.:H. PEKRY, Vice-President L. U. FARTHING, Cashier. The Valle Crucis Bank. We Hoticit the accounts of all persons In this new Bank, and ; we will do our test to accommodate the people and render the greatest service couaiataut with Bound banking.