GT&e tttauga democrat R. C RIVERS, Editor and Proprietor Entered at the post office at Boone, N. C. as second class mail matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One year $1.00; , Six months 30 cents. Three months, 25 cents. ' .Thursday, Jan. 1,1020. Williams-HDishouser On Sunday, Dec. 20, at the home of the groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John S. Williams, of Blowing Rock, Mr. Cameron Williams was happily married to iViss Eunice, the popular daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Hols houser, of that town, the Hiv. Mr. Wallqer performing the cer emony. The couple is one of t he most popular of that town, and in behalf of their many friends, we wish for them smoiflh sailing oni,he sea of time, and that prnce and prosperity may be t leir earthly inheritance. Bliigtiam-Summsrs. Dr. Letcher R. Bingham, of Boone, was married last Satur- luy in Wilkesboro to Miss Sadie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. H. Summers, of that town. The happy couple arrived in Boone Sunday afternoon. They will, for the present, board at the Crjtch or Hotel; the Dr., who Is building up a fine dental practice here, in tending to build next year. To the popular dentist and the lady of his choice, The Democrat ex tends congratulations and wel comes them as permanent resi dents of our town. ' Tbi Misses Toppings Visit Boone . Misses Annie, Etheland Mabel Toppings arrived at the home of their step-mother, Mrs. Mattie Toppings, in Boone, last week to spend the happy holiday sea son, gMiss Ethel coming from Washington, I). C, where she is holding a government position; Miss Mabel from Albermarlo, where she is teaching, Miss An nie having arrived some weeks ago from Camp Merritt, -N. J., where she had done hospital work during the war and had her NOTICE. North Carolina, Watauga County, Town of Blowing Rock. Be it remembered that a meetintr of the aldermen of the town of Blowing Rock wno constitute the governipg body of said town was held at the town Hall on the 3rd' day of November, 1919, when and where wero present W. L. Crisp, Joe White and J. M. Hodges aldermen of the said town, and G. C. Robbing mayor of the said town, when and where the following dio- ceedings were had: It was moved by W. L. Crisp and seconded by Joe White and the said iuumuii, ueing pui Dy uie Way or, was orders to sail for France when1 Z vote of the said . .. . aiaernien tliat the fo owinordin the armistice was signed. She left Monday for Endicott, N. Y., be adopted: 1. That it is necessary fnrthn tnn-n ...... I . mimw; lur uic WWII where she will take charge of a of Blowing Rock to improve its said local hospital, accompanied bv Miss Ethel as far as Washington, who will resume her department work. Miss Mabel will remain in Boone until Saturday when she streets by purchasing land and widen ing the said streets, by building re taining walls, rock and concrete cul verts', concrete bridges and grading and surfacing the said roads and for the construction and re-construction Will return to her school. The ' the surface of said streets and hitrh . .... ... visit of the popular young ladies was very much enjoyed by their many friends here. ' A Fine School Record. Mr. I. J. Bingham, of Ruther wood, who has just closed a most successful school, tells The Dem ocrat that three little girls, Miss es Eulah Carroll, Loer Triplett and Effie Hayes, whose age range from 10 to 14 years, attended the entire term and but one wm-il Q'l the word, as we are not. mi thorized to tell. This is indeed a fine record, and one that would be hard to duplicate in the coun ty. The little umses are to be congratulated. Suggestion to Tax Payers. Mr. Editor: Perhaps the peo ple of the county would annroei- , . . - j' tu u niv sum ate the information, through the of F'favn Thousand Dollars (SsIo.OOO) ways in said town with sand and sxav el, the said streets as now constructed being too narrow and badly out of re pair; that it is necessary, to defray the expenses of the said street improve ment, to issue bonds in the sum of Fif teen Thousand Dollars ($15,000.) 2. It is, therefore, ordered by the Board that coupon bonds, in the sum HEALTHY, ROBUST PEOPLE POPULAR' EVERYWHERE GOOD HEALTH CUEATES ATTRAC TIVE MAGNETIC PERSONALITY AND WINS ADMIRATION Healthy People Happiest PEPTO-MANGAN HAS PUT THOU SANDS INTO THE HEALTH V, FULL-BLOODED CLASS columns of your paper, that iS!tuod the said town and sold dartlift Revalues Af n as the law directs to defray the said o . 7 lu;:" l'cl" expenses aforesaid. sonal property is to be listed as , t, M . , , of Tomianr i. i-i lhat tho said bonds bcar rate of January the hrst. It would of interest not exceeding six per cen- be well for each tax-payer to take turn per annum, payable annually, an inventory of his personal ef- 4. That the said bonds be issued in fects in their entirety, on the denominations of One Thousand Dol- flrst day of the year, , in order lars ($,'00) eauh ard shall be dueand that he may be the better ena- pay,able as follows: First bond- De" bledto fill out his questional !?L ni hin . . ... . , - fnjume uu uie isi aay uiuci-iBcuuy wnen ne receives it. of December of each year thereafter iniS WOUld alSO shnrtnntliourfb-luntll tho entire l.nrwl Uc.m to J of the Supervisor and perhaps I nnd disc!ia,fc'd, bonds to bear date secure a more enuitahip n.i fnii. Dec'eml'p' H 1919. er list. Very truly, W. R. GRAGG, Register of Deeds. , Boi Supper. , There will be a box suppersriv- en at Mast, N. C, on Saturday night, Jan. 3, 1020, for the bene fit of the Methodist, reitunnuim 5. That a tax sufficient to provide for the payment of the principal of the bonds and to create a sinking fund sufficient to discharge the said bonds as they become due be annually levied and collected. (!. That a statement of tho present indebtedness of the town, incurred be fore March 7th, One Thousand Nine Hundred and Seventeen and the bond ed debt outstanding to be incurred un der ordinances or other proceedings, passed, taken, or pending, exclusive How the red-blooded, energet ic and attractive man or woman is envied by those mho feel that itwilj always bo their unfortu nate lot to be thin, pale, and weak-bodied! And yet why continue to envy men and women who possess a vigorous, healthy, physical con dition and an attractive, magnet ic personality? Poor health and lack of vitality are often merely the result of impoverished blood. Crude's Pepto-Mangan is for people whose bodies suffer from lack of proper blood nourishment. Pepto Mangan enriches the blood and increases the numberof heal thy red blood cells, which are so necessary to carry the proper nourishment, vieorousness and strength to every part o f the ooay. Physicians introduced Hnrlo'a Pepto-Mangan to the public be cause they knew that it contain- ed the very properties that are an sorely needed to build up thin, watery blood. For your conven ience Pepto-Mantran is r.rerm.rpn' in two forms, liquid and tablet. tsom contain exactly the same medicinal value. Insist on the trenninp Ponto. Mangan. To be sure you are buying the genuine Pepto-Mangan, ask ypur drnggistforGudes and be sure the name , "Glide's" is on the package. (adv.) THE NEW DIAMOND No product can be bigger than the brain that evolves it. No other brain in the world today has the inventive ab ility of Edison's. That fact alone is sufficient proof of the absolute superiority of the Amberola. and was first published on the 1st day of January 1919. Any action or proceeding question ing the validity of the said ordinance must be commenced within 30 days af ter its lirst publication. North Carolina Watauga Count r. The town of Blowing Rock. Personally appeared before' me this But the Amberola can quickly and easi ly prove its own su periority. It's tone oh, what a revelation compared to metal lic "talking mach ines" and shri 1 1 sou n d i n g phono graphs. None but Edison could work that m'.racle of tone. Then the Amberol Records, made for the Amberola alone! They are practically unbreakable and ev erlasting w h a t a contrast to the cost ly fragileness of oth er phonograph records. mil m Mm And for rangeof mu. sic the widest in the world-all the best, all the great est, all the latest. An endless . feast of fascinating melody. Yot the biggest sur prise of all is the price! This wonder phonograph costs loss than inferior competitors! There is not a single draw back to your owning an Amberola right now! You can pay a very small amount down, the rest in ea sy m o n t h 1 y pay ments if you want to. Don't listen to the claims of other manufacturers listen to their machines, then come in and com pare the matchless tone of the Amberola. Edi son's wizardry will win you every time. We'll expect you in today now don't forget. THE VARIETY STORE Utiles Sere Dinner to County Poor The ladies of the Baptist Mis sionary society, o.f Boone church, sent to the inmates of the would be county home on last Satur day a daintily prepared repast, winch, it goes without savinir. nectpil oi me property for the three pr-eeeed- j the town of Blowing Rook is nothing, n r ."") 'uujcci io taxation by the no uonas navmg been issued by the un Umstmas day Mr. Charles municipality, the said throe ven.. ha. : town and nn r , ... -" i """ vvuvi nvtuu lUOli Lewis, ot Meat Camp, lost his lnK tne fiscal years in which taxes have not been paid. residence and almost its entire wpre last levlod' be ,Ued w'th the) That the total assessed valuation of contents by fire.onlyone bed and B,Td B"f SWrn l b,v the Treasurer property subject to taxes by the mu- two DracticalK omntv tr i, . llo " "cipanty ot Blowing Rock for the !,, ,,! mi i ' tut mi in or tne ootid shall ing saved. The loss was total, as i,H !t Pnillinn ..,, ... ..... . he was carrying no insurance on or of said town and tho Secretory the property. thereof, and sealed with the corporate seal of the said town, the coupons to Let us say asain that, nhit.nn. be si?m d ll,e Ma-V(,r f said town, the bonds and coupons to be in last three years in which taxes were levied and collected is as follows 1U10: $154713.00 l!)l": 1.V5028.00 1!13: 158000.00 That the amount of bonds to be is- sued and now pendingbeforetlie board ries above luU words, are charsr- ..... , ..":. . . uu ,n: m . .... "T""?"; -urn luiiu us may nereaiter be deter- , ,,,,cu 11,1 street improvement, eu for at the rafp of if tmi. r,..,i l.:...i u.. ..... r, . . . ... i,..i...ii..j .. ... ' 0 .,..uuv aujrinjj, I j--- num. imuoi u.v me flOHm oi Alderman of fu,t";'"'K i ianu ior widening the tt'tlU ('-I I. muni. i .1 1 . I I h flf L- n.tfU ii 1n I ! .1 . 1...11J! . . ....... .7i j uiulu eujuyeu oy rnosei v nimv-ujjf, ensi;, iuwwu, surcciis, uunuiug concrete bridges and 'uuoruinaie wards of one of the 1 est counties in the State, who aro depending for board and cloohes upon the miserable sti pend of 40 cents per day each, tho antii mit3(l law of selling out the county charges to the lowest bidder, still remaining in full foroe and effect in Watauea. One of the comu.ittee remarked after Start the Year Right. A happy New Year to every reader of The Democrat. Use the first Sunday in 1920 - right. Go to Sunday school and preaching J. R. WALKER, Methodist Pastor. Boone, N. C. W. L. CRISP JOE WHITE returning from takingthe dinner PEED: t win nii ln t L J" M" H0DGKa Commissioners. "Well. that, m .. .- U 1 i11 SCl1 llt '"TO'Pr O. C. ROBHINK, Mayor. j "a'" WW HUM nPHrRllt. inrwn,,,! B. 'II,.. T .a ,V '""U"iioitt- iwK-wuif; (ii'uinance was pass- Jan. 10,13 stacks of hay; 10 h'd on the 3rd day of November lill') j - o ..v.vvw i g i auu 8. That the said oi'dinanrn shoii culverts, retaining walls, etc. is fifteen take effect withio thirty days after its thousttDd dollars; that the assessed last publication unless a petition fcr i va ue of tne Property in the town for its submission to the voters of the ' the year 1916 was 1W745.00; that the .iiu iown snail be tiled in the mean-1 ,cree"l'8ei wmcn tne net Increase to time with the said board as provided 1 made bpars t0 said assessed valua by law. j tion, is 18 per cent, that the contem- Passed in regular meeting by unana-' 1,latwl tax levv wil1 derlve sufficient mousvote of the aldermen of said j funds to Pa-V the kterest on said bonds iuwn on me utn day of November 1919 j tt"u crelu smKing tund for the dis county home, and I trust it will be the last, until conditions are changed there." When, oh when, will the time come for better ac commodations for God's poor in vv alauga.'' and 1 Htnnb-u or fodder. Kimber Johnson. charge of the principal, as determined by law. G. C. ROBBINS, Treasurer. Sworn to and subscribed before me, tliw 1st day of December 1919. J. T. MILLER, Notary Public. Watauga Teachers In Wilkes Mr. Wilson Norris who, assis- te.l by his wife and Miss Pearl Johnston, is teaching at Sum mit, was a week-end business culL'fat this offiofl. M Drmerly Miss Edith Maxwell. hal the distinction of making th 3 highest average grades of any pupil in the A. T. S., during Jier four years course, recently attended a teachers' meeting in Wilkesboro. A spelling match in .wmcu an tne teacners present ' took Vtaxt U'.'la bald on1 no mUUt have been expected, Mrs. Nor ris spelled down all present. The x i'- v w con- gratulated upon procuring the services of this trio of anions teachers who were largely edu cated in Watauga's great school. Dr. L. R. Bingham DENTIST ' OFFICE IN CRITCHER HOTEL. OFFICE HOPES: 8-12; 1-5. 48,000 Drugstores Selllt: Five million Deonle lise it to KILL COLDS HILL'S CASCARAkJP QUIN I N 1 V n M . 8tndird eold remedy for 20 yttn V 4n Ublet form uft, gure, no . up COId in 24 .noun relieves grip in 3 divi. .Money back if It fails. The .genuine bos baa Red .top with Mr. HUTt picture. At AKDracSu-,, SATURDAY NIGHT At The Appalachian Theater "A Proxy Husband" THE TWENTIETH CENTURY ROMANCE FEATURING Violet Pvlersereau Adventurous Ambrose FEATURING MACK SWAIN SUPPORTED BY THE L-KO BEAUTIES Peoples Bank & Trust Co, This new bank wishes to again thank the people of the entire county for the nice business they have given us during the first month of our existence. And it might interest you to know that our entire resources has reached the sum of $75,000.00 duriug this time. When you choose a place to put your money, the first and ; most import mtth-ng for you to know is who is behind the bank, or in other words, who are the stockholders and are they men of stan ling and reeponsi bility? This is the question we want you to ask us. Call in and open an ac count today, and if at any time we can v be of service to you, do not hesitate to call upon us. 4 per cent on time deposit Peoples Bank & Trust Co G. M. SUDDERTH, Cashier. I Li IT '"M'T f4 11 I SHOES AND CLOTHING Dry Goods, Hardware Farming Implements Stoves . ... wirercncmg, Wagons, Harness, Saddlcs Furniture, Coffins & Caskets. We always carry a big line of Groceries and F eeds and can sell you any quantity ' , at a money sav ing price. IHIlllIIIIlO