0 life Watauga democrat LOCAL AFFAIRS Put it 1920. Begin the year right by sub scribing for your county paper. Mrs. Crumley and children have been spending several days with relatives in Johnson City. Miss Gladys Hampton, of Shulls Mills, spent the week end with Miss Mae Greene, in Boone. Mrs. W. R. Gragg, who has very sick for several days past, is slowly but steadily improving. Mr. Bob McGhee, of Boone, killed a hog. 15 months old that netted 545 pounds. Roads were never much better in the summer season than now, and cars are on the streets as u sual. v The Christmas tree at Mabel, on the evening of the 24th was, a we are told, a beautiful success, and the best of order prevailed. Miss Nannie Rivers, who is teaching at Matney, spent Christ mas week at her home in Boone. returning to her work Sunday Mr. R. M. Greene, one of our busy merchants, is on the mar kets this week buying goods. He anticipates changing his line in some respects. Here we are again after a very hoppy Christmas season to wish for each and every one of our rea ders a happy and prosperous New Year. Miss Annie Mae Shipley, who is teaching at Mt. Holly, spent the holidays at her homeatValle Crucis. She was a week end vis itor at the home of Mrs. B. J Councill. Messrs. Claude Norris and Will Hodges, after spending a few days with homefolks in and around Brone, left Sunday mor ning on their return to Roanoke. Va. where thoy are engaged in brick work. Mr. Fred Farthing, a student in the Jefferson Medical School in Philadelphia, spent the holi day season with his parents, Mr. arid Mrs. J. W. Farthing. ' Miss Metta McRary, who has spent the summer at the home of her sister, Mrs. H. J. Hardin, left Tuesday for Asheville, where she will remain during the win tar. Mrs. J. Len Cook, who has baenin very poor health for some time, was taken to Hickory last week for hospital treatment and, likely, an operation. Mr; Cook has not yet returned. Mr. Thomas, son of Mr. Jas per Thomas, of Mabel, was mar ried on Christmas day to Miss Mae, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Silas Greene of that section. The Democrat extends, congratula tions. The tax Equalization Board of the county, with Co. Supervisor John Ward, was in session tin first of the week. District Super visor Buck, of Yancey county, was with them on Monday and Tuesday. Deputy Marshal W. R. Green, with a trusty posse, captured an illicit distillery in Elk township on Dec. 18. The outfit was of sol id copper, except the cap, which ot cedar, a small churn being us el. for that purpose. No arrest was made. Miss Josaphine-Lovill, a stu dent of Davenport College,' came home for the holidays and on Sat urday morning last, her father, Atty. W. R. Lovill, left with her for the Statesville hospital where she will be operated upon for ap pendicitis. Messrs. Cloy Winkler and Dean Bingham left Sunday mor ning for Canton Ohio where they hive taken work for a few inos. aVleast. The boys have had in charge for several months, the two county trucks on the State Highway, and did their duty well. Good luck, boys. Mr. Grady Farthing, a return ed soldier, holding a position at Newport News, . arrived at the Home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Farthing, Monday, and will remain until Friday. His stay is indeed short but his ma ny friends are delighted to see him even if his visit is brief. v We are told that Mr. W. L. Holshouser, of Blowing Rock, leaves today for California, where he will remain for a year atleast, his purpose being to make some investments there if the country appeals to him strong enough. His business here wjll be in the hands of his son during his ab sence. Mr. Smith McBride, book-kee per for the Watauga Supply Co., has moved his family into their home near the Baptist church in Boone, recently vacated by Mr. Job Cook, of the Boldin & Turn er Wholesale Grocery, who has moved into the Mr. Bynum Green property. We are glad towel- come the McBrides as perma nent residents of our town. Mr. Joe Eller, son of Rev. Frank Eller, of Stony Fork, was accidentally shot and right pain fully hurt while shooting at a target the day before Christmas. The ball entered the thigh pass ing practically through, and was taken out on the opposite side by Dr. Jones, and, when last heard from, the patient was getting on nicely. Prof, and Mrs. W. L. Winkler left last week for a rather exten ded visit, their first objective be ing the home of their brother, Mr. Thos. Winkler, who resides near Richmond, Va.; thence to Washington, D. C, and other cities, and their outing will be concluded at Springhope, N. C, Mrs. Winkler's former home. They expected to be away two or more weeks.. THANKS! Mr. Burton K. Barrs, Presi dent of the Bank of Boone and the Bank of Todd, is spending a few days at his old home in Jack sonville Fla. and last Saturday the editor of The Democrat was the recipient of a box of beautifuland uscious oranges and grape fruit that were gathered on a part of the Barrs estate, and within three miles of the spot where the finan cier first saw the light of day . The fruit arrived by parcel post in fine condition, and was enjoy ed to the fullest. Thanks. Two Stills Captured Since our last issue Deputy Sheriff N. C. Greene has succee ded in capturing two illicit dis tilleries of the gasoline barrel va riety, one on Baird's Creek and the other in the Laurel Fork sec tion, considerable beer being de stroyed at each joint, but unfor tunately no arrests were, untie. It is the general concensus of o pinion, that, unless Newtand Ro by' Greene become less vigilent, Watauga will soon be so dry that not a dron of "snake bite medi cine" can be found within her borders. Let the good work go on. - Quarterly Conference. On Sunday and Monday, Dec, 21 and 22, Boone enjoyed thefirst visit of the new presiding elderf Reverend W. E. Poovey. Mr. Poovy preached Sunday night in the Methodist church and Mon day night held his first quarter ly conference. He preached a ser mon that was interesting, sug gestive, helpful andencouraging. Boono would like to have the pre siding elder make his home here. A Severe Pounding Administered to Pas tor Walker. Mrs. Walker and I heartily thank the good people of Boone for a severe pounding on Tues dav niaht. The fact is we nave been receiving a continual pbun ding in Boone. Thecorners of our mouths are turning up with a happy smile. J. R. WALKER. How to Keep Baby ,r Smiling and Well See that the daily functions are regular and normal YOU can t expect the little ones to be happy and play ful when the dead feels dull and the stoninch bloated. 1'he normal habit of children is to be happy and when you notice them cross and fretful you will usually find constipation is responsible. Perhaps they have missed thut daily function so necessary to comfort and health. Look at the tongue and see if the breath is bad. Watch for belching. These are the tell-tale symptoms of con stipation. Tonight give a Iittlo of Dr. Caldwell s Syrup Pepsin, which you can buy at any drug store, and it will act in the morn ing and the troublesome symp toms promptly disappear. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is a combination of simple laxative herbs with pepsin. Unlike the harsher physics it acts gently and without griping so that while grownups can nse it freely it can also be given to a tiny baby with perfect safety. Thousands of American families would not think FOUND: While tearing down the Hagaman old house on Laurel Fork, Dec. 16, a grip and sack containing two pound jars of Prince Albert tobacco, six new shirts, feur pair of sock and one union suit, together with tags and prices from suits of j clothes to the amount of mere j than $100. Also one pair of j shoes, "King Arthur" brand, Owne? can get same by calling on Jeff Bentley, and paying for this ad. This Jan. 1, 1920. 3t. Entry Notce No, 2543. State of North Carolina, Watauga County. Omce'of Entry Taker of said county. ' M. W. Kay locates and enters one hundred (Kxi) acres of land in North Fork Township, on the head waters of North Fork of New River. Beginning on the northwest comer of the Elk Knoli Copper Co's 100 acre tract; then an east course to the- N. E. corner of same: thence a southern course to the Thomas & Reeves line; thence an eas tern course to R. B. Brown's line; thence a northern course, the same, to the Snyder heir's line; thence a west ern course, the same, to llorton line; thence a western course with the Mor ton three tracts to the Cook line; thence a southern aourse, the same to the beginning. Entered Dec. 30, 1919. H. J. HARDIN, Entry Taker. NOTICE North Carolina, Watauga county, 'n the Supt rior court, before the e'erx. Addle Grimes and .husband Monroe Grimes, Vs. Nelia Williams, widow of Beve Williams, dee'd, NeliaFau cette and husban John Fauat e, David Grimes, Paul Grimes and Minnie Williams. By virtue of an order of an order of the superior court of Watauea coun- 4v North Carolina, in the above entit led action directed to me, i win on me 2nd dav of February 1920, it being the first Monday of said month, between the hours of 10 a m and 3 p m, sell to the highest and Itest bidder for ca-jh on day of salo, all of two certain par cels or pieces of land in Boone town- i . fir... ..,.. ..... V V. t ' n r - snip, imuiuo cuuuiv, iiuiui viy- na and bounded asfollows: Adjoining the lands of Clingman Horton, Bob Shearer and others, and known as lots numbers 34 and 35 in the town of Boone. Lot number 34, fronting on the street along the north side of the town of Boone, more fully described by a deed in Book T at page 459, In the records of Watauga county, in a deed from J B and J C Horton to Is aac Faucette. Lot number 35, begin ning on a stake north West corner of Clingman Horton's lot, and runs N 32 degrees east to the line'of lot No. 34. 13 noles toa stake on side of street then south its degrees east u poies w stake at the old corner of said town; then south 32 degrees west 13 poles to a stake, Clingman Horton's corner; then north with his line 58 decrees W 0 poles ho the beginning. This land Is sold subject to tne oower rigin oi Ndia Williams. This th Hist day of December 1919. JOHN E. BROWN, Commissioner. Delco -Light THE COMPLETE ELECTRIC LIGHT and power plant. The safe'st, surest and most economical form of light and power. Watfiija Motor Co. THE WATAUGA HOTEL A. S. JOHNSON, PROPRIETOR NEWLY FURNISHED THROUGHOUT GOOD FARE AND GOOD SERVICE GUARANTEED ALL TIM ES Rales $2.00 per Day. Special Rites bj Week or Month. Meals served in ample time for anyone wishing to leave Boone on early trains. of being without a bottle in the house for the emergency arises almost daily when it is needed. fn Mtt of the fact that Dr. Cald well' t Srrup Pepsin is the largest selling liquid laxative in the world, there being over 6 million bottles sold each year, many who need its benefits have not yet used it. If you have not, send your name and address for a free trial bottle to Dr. W. B. Caldwell. 311 Washington St., MonticeUo, Illinois. NOTICE. The following is the number of days attended and the, number of miles tra veled by each member of the B(Wd of County Commissioners of Watauga County, from December 1st, 11)18, to November 30th, 1919: L A Green 10 days at $3 per day $T7.00 I80 miles at 10 cents per milo Im.pi) Total for L. A. Greene $75..K j v urooksnire in days at w.i.w per day . $51.00 90 miles at 10 cents per milo !).()0 Total for J C Brookshii-e flKi.OO .1 C Miller 19 days at 3 per day 57.00 135 miles at 10 cents per mile I3j50 Total for J. C. Miller $70.50 This November 30th, 1919. W. R. GRAGG, Clerk to Hoard. Tennessee Farm (or Sale. We are offering for sale a rich little Tennessee farm containing 61 acres, with extra good new farm building, and every kind of building that would be needed on Lthe farm and all in good condi tion. Forty acres of this land is cleared, and there is not an acre of it that will not produce fifty bushels of corn and other crops in proportion. The mast of the land is now set to grass and clo vera line meadow to cut next year. It is situated 3 miles up the Watauga River from Butler, near Sugar Grove church and Dugger's Forge school. Will sell, if sale is made immediately, for $4,500. The buildings alone will cost, if built now, more than half the amount asked for the farm. If interested write or call on, W. J. REESE, Butler, Tennessee. LOST, Strayed or stolen from my pasture near Foscoe, two two-year-old steers. Infonna 'tion leading to their recovery, or to the conviction of the cul prit (if stolen) will be liberally rewarded. Steers marked by hole in left ear. N. L. Mast. Notice of Administration Having qualified as oxecutor of the will of C. A. Grubb, deceas ed, late of the county of Watau ga, N. C, this is to notify all per soss having claims against said estate to exhibit them bef'oie the undersigned on or bo lore the "th day of Dec, 1921), or Ibis notice will be pleaded in. bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make im mediate payment. This Decem ber 5, 1919. C. E. CARROLL, Executor. i Bedspreads Wanted. We want knotted and tufted bedspreads. Do not send nay sprerds without first consulting some one who works for us reg ularly or sending a sample. We cannot accept poor work, so it will be for your own interst as well as ours to do this before sen ding work. The Handwork Shop l'oughkeeprie; N. Y. ll-4-4t. GREETINGS We wish to thank our many friends and customers for the splendid business you have given us during the past year, and especially the nice holi day trade. We hope to mer it continuance of same. Watch this space from time i t3 time. We have some good news for you. Wishing you one and all a very happy and prosperous year we are, Your friends, DO YOU ABALANCE IN BANK? Do you receive interest on that balance? If not, why not? We pay 2 per cent on monthly balances on your checking accounts. We pay 4 per cent on Certificates of De posit, withdrawable without notice We pay 5 per cent on Savings Deposits. Do not accept less elsewhere. Come in and The mail is perfectly safe, Send your Deposits by mail. THE BANK OF BOONE "A BANKING AND TRUST CORPORATION" 50 men for grade work Wages $3.00 per day. Apply to Boone Fork Lumber Co Boone, N. C. The Watauga County Bank BOONE, N C. It has been our policy to promote and develop the best inter ests of the people of Watauga County. During fifteen years of successful business experience our motto has been "Safety and service." We invite your continued patronage and co-operation. Capital and Surplus .Over Resturces Over N. L. Mast, Pres. , WVC. Coffey, V. Pres. Miss Pj'carl Hodges, iirokkopcr. WATAUGA SUPPLY CO J CARRY open an account. $60,000.00 $600,000.00 G. T. Hag AMU", Cashier. . W. D. Farthing, Ass't. Ctswer , At STiii E. South, Teller. -J ft i v. 'l II ;'.''f ".(;! in f - I 1 . n 5 i.i'fX

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