'AYS TO EARN MONEY ' i DEVISED BY CHILDREN ' North Carolina Bovi and Qlrla mw '-' , "ft, i TU... U.I... .J a ... ngs wnat Tney Have In sue- triously Mad.' Did you ever "save" three dollars fc -: : ot gains to a show? And when yon had saved It, did you lick twelve thrift - stamps and stick that three dollars '; rTi a ssvlnrs card? Pan Howard did. , end Page Is In the S-B trade of the - public schools of Tarboro. Page's :. Barings movement fs not a bit more j ' rirenuous, uner, man me ways 01 other pupils In the thrift clebs ot the same school. -.tSfteen dollars carrying dinner, and W I Tt 1 J M 4 a. 1 r.ii r iri mnnM n i rw.m it nans v wnrr. Ing an a farm last summer. The lit t'e 1-A j avenged twenty-lve dellars f a iiwim mma b aW at 6 iIU , ion, tying tooacco, enopninf put, v ., Te;tiij cmckens and helping areind ' house, and the l-B'e, the i-A'i and i a 4iiv w Uf IV U1V rUWI ; ' D 11th (Tartars hum rarnrAt luat u -i ' iui Liuii auinmer wan in nrw .liucins and saving. All Over State. ' ' t; The war tV.ey de It at Tarbow to '" wir tv ir inlac It at a 1a n ' 1-r V v!h Carolina achnftU loo And t Tt vrtil thnurtt ha hum. urn rin a in in moourag'S in fHfvtl mrwl wnA fl 44.. .4.4. . 'TTe knew what y were dolnc, a uwiubu to m ipvi veoemDer . s the second Korth Carotins, Day." ". : r " ctt!as of th ' atlt'a wham t 'v "ti mi .Miami . ;n .the way of .organising saving ao r; friontlly rivalry among the grades -n scnoois raaing part mat pnnci- I !i erd tsachers of other schools ask : ' it h!ve another day sot so that nil r other cities and towns might ok .rve it also. nope ror New Record. At thnt time. It wm hoped that r'h Carolina drool elf ldran. wouM now Mch wMer-mrk for josuth- ,1 inreors m government securities. ' T'eir sr-IwidJd attalnmenle Indicate ... 'fist they can efteompflsh all khey eet 1 "r Tfi nn virhhn.i .v...i. v. .. VI Muuum U.I , u wuii "njiravea ceruneates ''.V warded by this treasury department 1 the grades liavinB one hundred nr . .nt membpr hilM In aavlnp anr-latfna , ?'Dmbers ot these societies are pledged .' HUT a Mrtaln vm of ml.. 1 4 - ... j " - . j ek, by means of the penny id . . . . . ' ei iwvings caros issued by the " " 'j M4 4H t ..J 1L . Hu,. luw iruivuaae ui . ' " rift and War Savings Stamps. ; " esfl cards are sum t to any teacher k!ng a request for them to tbe War rtn Organirytlofn of the Fifth Fed- . VlBami4 TM4at.4 .4 M.l. M , . vihiivi, ah JtlVUUlUnU, .'a. . -'Mi 01 jnnri, containing graded "sons, Is ccr.sierd larcolv reioon. "ble for the intteiMst ot children la he school savings, societies. These , . " havo been titroduced In many , nes with excelVat results.' Chll n r.t all apes f'm, the time when "i thrift ha hits of the seulrrel are of .ro.mount 'nterest to the time when biy or gM Is thinking hardest of Ws to earn a living are? appealed to .n these thrift Jessojns aJd in conse-' Mtsnce the sates (of War Savings "n-nns are pittas; up not only In irth Carolina but all over the Unit fd States. ' i DO YOjJ KNOVVf -4- Do you know the young fellow who works for f.3 a week and who Is wearing a new winter suit thatosi 85 T De you know the wage earner 7,-ho loafs beeautte be is afraid if he dees too much he'll "work him self out of a Jobf Do you know thie housewife who is ashamed to' be seen with a mar ket basket en her arm or to carry home a brown pnper bundle? Do you know the manufacturer who, when the price of raw mate rial and overhead goes' up S per cent and tho cost of labor ad vances am equal amount, adds 25 per cent to the price ofi his goods? Do you know the man who lets a fresh clerk snep- ir. i " M5 hat for fear noil seem "cheap" when bo. can buy a satit Do you know the Investor wha has traded his Llbsrty Bonds for a vague promise of a hundred per cent profit in a stock company? Do vou know the married couple Tvho do not think enough of the:r .children to teach them to save? Do you know the shopper who says "Wrap it up" instead of "How much?" Po you know the person who lets fhe desire of the moment destroy '.lis results of days and weeks of thrift and saving? . Do you know th man who thinks 't Is not necessary to save? Do you know the man who says M the government savings secu nsLibcrty Bonds, War Sav-A-'.8s Stamps and Treasury Savings .'ertiflcatps are too slorw or too imall or too. old fashioned for his 'hvestmants? IF YOU DO. YOU KNOW PRET TY WBXL WHAT IS THE MAT TER WITH THE U. S. S1: '" IV rnflwy of the DniM SUtM arc mor than Aiw-thir4, aarlv nti . half nt all lkj ni .ivi nf Ik. m.a.1.1 Th. ! carry a yearly traffic to much rrtir than that ot -i' any other country that there it realty no basta for compart- 3 . Indeed, the traffic ot any two nation may be com- S; hioed, and still it doei not a-iproach the commerce of , Aawhca borne upon American rail ayi. ,t'' .'( -Cillii Inui liiiiir Caailu. ' Ask Any Doughboy Who h Was"Over There" and he will tell you that American railroads are the best in the world. -He saw the foreign roaof: in England and France, the best in Europe and in other Con tinental countries and he knows. n The part railroads have played in the' develop ment of the United States is beyond measure. American railroads have achieved high stand f u.i: : la-.i ciius ui puunu service uy iar-simieu anu courage ous investment of capital, and by the constant striving of managers and men for rewards for work well done. ' ; We have the best railroads in the world we must continue to have the best. But they must grow. To the $20,000,000,000 now invested in our, railroads, there will have to be added in the next few years, to keep pace with the nation's business, billions more for additional tracks, stations and terminals, cars and engines, electric power nouses and trains, automatic signals, safety devices, the elimination of grade crossings and for recon struction and engineering economies that will re duce the cost of transportation. To attract to the railroads in the future the in- vestment funds of many thrifty cilizens, the direct ing genius of the most capable builders and man agers, and the skill and loyalty of the best work men in competition with other industries bid ding for capital, managers and men .the railroad industry must hold out fair rewards to capital, to managers and to the men. American railroads will continue to set world standards and adequately 11 tliey continue to be built and operated on the American principle of rewards for work well done. dJiUy admti&anent iA publklwl kjth . ' Tkoit denting information eonterning the railroad lilU' tion may obtain literature hy writing tn The Amorta Hon of Railway Executive. 61 Bmadiray. Nne York. THE UNIVERSAL CAR Your Ford Car will give money saving, satisfactory service for years if you just give it decent care. Let our shop look after it, making replacements and repair , pi) when necessary keep it tu- We BIV8 Mr ned up, running smoothly ey-SaVinJ . . and you'll sure have all SCr.iC3 th3 comfort and service a; - , you could from a new .car. It's all knowing how. Our work men are skilled-we have genuine, Ford parts -we make the regular Ford prices as established by the factory. Ering your Ford car in and let us look it over. "A stitch in time saves nine." a Polk Miller's Liver Pills Watauga lofor Co, 4 J ii 2 derve the Nation's needs ! f J M '10a5 ......... f T li I The Good Old Kind that i do the work. fnrmtila te Cil VM'- Unequalled for Biliousness. Sick Headache, Constipation and Malaria. At all druggists. Manufac tured by Polk Miller Drug Co, Inc, Richmond, Va. 1W IX J Varialy Sitre BOONE, N. C DELCO-LIGHT Th complete EUctric Light and . Powor Plant Clean, sa.'e clrciric. light and power at;the. touch cf am button. Watauga Motor Go. IMS DHrT Sap rcrj Oia Kentncky Lady, Wlo Tells How She Wu Relieved After a Few Dotes of BI&ck-Draagnt. Meadorsvllle. Ky. Mr. Cynthia HlffKinbotham, of this town, eays: "At my ago, which Is 65, tho liver does not act so well as when youns. A few years ago, my stomach was all out of fls. I was constipated, my liver didn't act My digestion was bad, and It took so little to upset me. My ap petite, was cone. I was very weak... I decided I would give Black Draught a thorough trial as I knew It was highly recommended for this trouble I began tnk-ng' it I felt better after a few doses. My appetite improved and I became stronger. My bowels acted nrUurally and the least itvilito waa soon righted" with a few A man's credit is always enhanced by hav ing a bank account. Not only is it a great convenience in doing business, but, when it is a question of financial responsibility what better inference can any one give than the well knewn bank with which he carries his account. Open an account with us. vi e oiTtrycu every courtesy. The Vafle Cruds Bank law TV V T!P ; i i'"u raises his credit in the tnancloJ world, but one instance of credit we can discloso i n oanK o? herewith invites you r attention THE RE-CREATION OF BRIAN KENT Harold Bell Wrights latest ond most famons book, $1 rl0 The largest stock of holiday books we have ever carrio l We have beautiful Stationery at 50c, better at 75c bettor still at $1 and then superb from 1.50 to 500. Our stock f Fountain Pens is larger than ever before. Man v si ,u ,! Waterman's Ideal and Crocker's. Each of these nnl-e! range in price from 2.50 up to 10.00; but we have an excol lent school pen for 2.00. cf' Our sales of Ansco Kodaks and Supplies for all kod-ik, has been so satisfactory as to necessitate our carrvin,r much larger stock. . a Send-us your orders. We invite you to return any goods that are not satisfactory. 1 LENOIR BOOK CO. ALL KIKDS OF OUNCE In the Urone&t companies in the world. The best is al ways the cheapest. Life in surance at cost a speciality., hone or write me at ban ner Elk, N.C. F. P. Jennings. Stale ol Ohio, City of Toledo, Frank J. Cheney makes oa th that ho Is seniov pai-tner of the ihni oiF. J. Clie- llfY 4. U"iiift um.mij'.'i . of "Toledo, County and Slate aforenald and thai said lirin will pay the sum of TlnllaiMi np i(iell iintl ev. ery case ol Catarrh that cannot heour eu ny the use of Hull's Catarrh Medi cine, FltANK J. CilENHV. aworn 10 oeiore me unu suiwnum in inv presence, this (itii of Deceinher, A. D. ma. A. W. (JUCASON, (Seal) Notary t'ublie. Hall's Catarrh Medicine is taken in ternally and acts throitih tJie blood on tin- mucous suiluees of the system Send lor tcsliiuonial, free. F. J. (!lieney'& Co., Toledo, O. Sold by all druggists, 7"c. Hall's Family i'ills forconstipation. ACT doses of Black-Draught" Seventy years of successful use has made Thedford's Black-Draught a standard, household remedy. Every member, of every family, at times, need the help that Black-Draught can give In cleansing the system and re lieving the troubles that come from constipation, Indigestion, lazy ller, etc You cannot keep well unless your stomach, liver and bowels are in good working order. Keep them that way. Try Black-Draught ;t acts promptly, gently and In a natural way. If you feel sluggish, take a dose tonight You will feel fresh tomorrow. Price 25c. a package One cent a dose All druggists. j ga EX?LA!IilN3 GREAT ADVANTAGES of doing business through a Han!; suoststlio extend ing of this invitation to bus iness men and heads of fan,, dies to call and inquiro into our methods for,sii)plifYiu,,. the payment of ali bills bv check-a method once tried never abandoned. To the business man we want to point out the manifold ad- vou Hes gained by a connec- uuu uuu raises his credit in mowing Rock to its new money-saving methods DIGESTION WAS BAD Professional Cards R. D. JENNINGS r- DENTIST BOONF, - - - - N.c, Successor to Dr. E. Glenn Salmons. Or FlOtS AT UKACKB CRN HOTEL. Office Hours: i:fl0 to 12:00 a. m. 1:00 to 4:00 p. ni. Write or phone me for appoint ments. Vill giveyou the earliest date possible. EDMUNQ JONES 3 LAWYER Lenoir, N. C. ' Wm practice regularly In the Court C Wataasa. , L D. Lowe, T. A. Uv, Banner Elk, N. C Pinoela, N. 0 LOWE & LOVE ATTORN EYVkTAW Practice in the courts of Avery ass eurroundlng counties. Candl attoi itlon given to all Button of a lege nature. F. A. LINNZY ! ATTORN EY.AT-LAW i Beetle, N. a Will practice In the courts ox Wataaa and adjoining W.P.SPEAB.M.D. Praetloe UmlUd to EYE, EAR, N03E AND THROAT. I Hickory, N. & Office Over Houre-t to 11 Hickory Drug Co. 1 to I t F. Lovill w. R. LovU LOVILL A LOVILL ATTORN EYS-AT-LAW Boone, N. C Special attention given to all bulaea entrusted to their ear. T. E. BINGHAM LAWYER j Boone, N. C Prompt attention given to all matten I a legal nature. Office wit y Attorney T. A. Llnney JOHN E. BROWN LAWYER Boone, N. C. Prompt attention given to all Dal ten of a legal nature. Collections I specialty. Office with Lovill LovOl WATCH AND JEWELRY EEPAIRINQ Done at this shop nnder a poaltivl guarantee. All material used is guar tnteed to be genuine.. Estimates fur &Jfced on Ctl mail orders, flatisfao tlon guaranteed in every respect oa all railroad watches. Office near t&l Watauga C.unty Bank. J. W. BRYAN. Qrattuste Jteweler anad Watoh maker Boone, N. C. BB- linB V. MM T'laTO aru IAI.IHT lvTO SEE BETTER CLCC Rill 11 u jifi . if i ear a ejepenanco : 5?lb 8t Equipment Obtainable. ' I nil . T . . w a- a 17 V I- . Nmirl BLOCK, LEH0I3, N. L Vr ' 'ft i'.iif." lTU. IftAll Rleht 1 Villi k.IB t- Ar-1 aJual,......la Repr U op't. Uoi U7 Charlotte, N. C

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