W$ O&tsuga Democrat LOCAL' AFFAIRS Gardening is now on in full swing inthis section. Attorneys P. A. Linney and B. 8. Coffey are attending Avery county court this week. Mrs. Crumley, wife of Capt. C. G. Crumley, is spending a few days with her sick mother in Johnson City, Tenn. - ' Mr. A. L. Alexander, of Char ' lotte, and daughter-in-law, Mrs. W. L.' Alexander, of Blowing Hock, were in town Saturday af t9rnoon. . , Mr. Stephen South, of Beaver Dam, has moved to the home . of his brother, Mr. Austin South, and will farm the lands of his other brother, Mr. R. B. South, this season. . Mrs. Grover Triplett, of Le noir, with her attractive little daughter, Miss Anneal, is a visi tor at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Moretz, in Boone. Mr. Wiseman Green, a local Baptist minister of the Brushy Fork section, who was well ad vanced in years, died at his home Saturday night, and interment was made the following day. Rev. P. M. Huggins filled his appointment at Cove Creek Bap tist church last Sunday. Servi ces were held Saturday after noon, Sunday morning and. Sun day afternoon. Mr. C. S. Sherwood, traveling salesman out of Bristol, was ta king orders in Boone yesterday for feeds and grains, this being his first trip to Boone for some time, on account of aserious at tack of pneumonia, following in fluenza. Attorney and Mrs. J. P. Spain hour, of "Morganton, arrived in , Boone Saturday, Mr. Spainhour going on to Newland court Mon day, Mrs. ' Spainhour remaining here for a few days visit to her daughter, Mrs. I. G. Greer, and other relatives and friends in Boone. c Rev. L. C.Wilson, of Hunter, Tenn., was a visitor in Boone on Monday; It seems that while the Reverend gentleman resides in another state, there are attrac tions for him in Watauga that are constantly calling him back. Glad to see Mr. James Lovill at home again after a siege of several weeks in the Long Sani tarium, where he underwent a most serious operation for ap pendicitis. He is not yet well, but is able to be out, and it now seems that be is on the road to perma nent recovery. Mr. Geo. P. Coffey, of Blowing Rosk, returned last week from Hickory where bis little boy was operated on for adnoids, etc; by . Dr. Speas. He speaks in very high terms of the professional skill of the surgeon, and recommends him to the public in the highest terms. . Mr. Everette Beach, of Seat tle, Washington, with his wife and baby boy, is in for a visit of a few weeks to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Beach, in Boone. Mr.- Beach went west more than eleven years ago, and by close ap- ? plication' to business, has accu mnlated a snug sum,, and he de serves it, as he was one of Wa ' tauga's choice young men. All are glad to see him 'back again, even if bis stay is to be short. Mr. L. L. Critcher, who has held a position with the People's Bank and Trust Co., has resign ed to take up other pursuits. The vacancy was quickly filled by Miss Ethel Lewis, and, while we 5 would say nothing whatever det rimental to the gentlemen who have had that Institution incharge it only takes a glance around the rooms to convince one that the deft hand of a lady has gotten in - its work-why, the very furni : - tire has a newer and more invi , t ng appearance v WANTED A GIRL to do gener i r. o ames Moore is on to Lnar - lotte this week on' business for the Highway Motor Co. Mr. R. M. Green tells us that Mr. Pink Winkler and entire fam ily are down with influenza.' Drs. J. W. Jones and McG. An- pers atttended the meeting of the State Medical Association which was held in Charlotte the first of the week. Young Darrell Lewis, son of Mr, and Mrs. H. M. Lewis, who reside near the Training School, had the misfortune to get his left arm broken just above the wrist. There being no doctor in town, he was hurried to Valle Crucis, where Dr. Perry set the broken bones. Mr. W. L. Wilson, contractor on the street work in Boone, was up from Lenoir Tuesday looking over the situation, and to deter mine just when the town authri- tfes wanted him to resume work. He got no definite! nformation, but it is hoped he will return ere ong, as the completion of the work would mean much to our town for even this season. Mrs. J. Turner Hendrix has returned from Johns Hopkins hospital, and, we are glad to know, is very much improved in health. She is now able to be up a good part of the time, and is rapidly regaining her strength in fact, she is looking very much better than she did when she eft home some eight weeks ago, regardless of the trying ordeals hrough which she has passed. Her mother, Mrs. L. L. Critcher, who was at her bed-side during her long illness, returned with her. Mr. Bob Campbell, Supt. of the construction work on the new Methodist church in Boone, has arrived, bringing with him a brick machine which he, has put n place on the lands of Mr. J. S. Winkler, near town. Some hands are now engaged in putting the yards in shape, building tool hou ses, etc., and it is the opinion of Mr. Campbell that he will be ac tively engaged in making brick or the big edifice by the latter part of next week. Bob is a hust- er and may be depended upon to push the work to completion at as early a date as possible. Last Sept. Mrs. J. W. Horton, of Vilas, went for a visit of weeks to her son, Mr. W. J. Hortori, at 'arrell, Penn. Early in January Mr. Horton left for a short visit to his son, expecting to ac company his wire back home. Soon after his arrival atParrell he contracted influenza, which was followed by pneumonia, and lor some time his recovery was considered very doubtful. How ever, the disease yielded and he was nursed back to health and strength, and last Saturday, the venerable Confederate veteran, his wife, and son, who accompa nied them on their return, pass ed through en route to their home, Mr. Horton having stood the trip splendidly A Writer of Not Visits Boom. Mrs. Crete Hutchinson, Spe Ciai wnier, ui nasiuugiAJu, u. vj., 1 TTT ! t Tir L!.l.. It r was a visitor in Boone a short while Saturday afternoon. Her mission in this section of North Carolina is to gather data for a 64-page publicity booklet for the May View Park" Development Company, at Blowing Bock; Mr. W. L. Alexander, of Charlotte, being the promoter of, the huge building program now on in that progressive resort town. The booklet will be profusely illustra ted, and will contain an elaborate write up of the far-famed Blow ing Rock section, whichis attrac ting the attention of the entire country. The edition will be a very large one, and, doubtless, will attract thousands of visitors, as well as investors, to that highly favored secjpn. . . . WANTED-VHITE WOMAN OR r grown rtrl to do general housework In family of four Id Birmingham, Alabama. Apply In person or by - letter to Rer. J. it, Downum, Boone ! it 1T 1&Y2 Wfi jWE Oil -1 1 ' Spring is here. The ground is calling for a crop. Conscript your army of tools. Examine your barracks now. See that every weapon is fit. Don't . take chances. Weeds laugh at poor tools. Our ranks are complete and every soldier is perfect. General tools to private tools. Give them a review now while they are in bat tie formation and the prices are modest and shy. When in need of any kind of fanning imple ments, call on us and get our prices before you buy. A WORD TO THE AUTOMO BILE OWNER We have in stock the following sizes of tires, and tubes: 30 x 3, 80 z Z, 32 z 8X, 32 x 4 and 34 x 4, and our prices are right as we bought before the advances came on. We are. in a position to save you anywhere from five to ten dollars on each and every tire, so it will pay you to see us before you 'shoe' you rear this - sprjng. The Hartford Tire is a tire with a great record behind it, and all that use it are well satis fied with their service. Boone Hardware Co. Juot Received Schrafft's Chocolates 8 "All Mew" Packages Irresistables Jubilee All Right Common Sense Many other good candies in packages. Mail orders filled promptly. We Have the Most Complete Line of Candies in Western North Carolina ranging in price from 30c to $2 per pound. If you have a sweet tooth we can furnish the candy to ease it The Variety Store BOONE DRUG STORE C. M. YATES, Proprietor ' Full and complete stock of Drugs kept coustantly in stock. All practicing phy--sicians in Watauga county invited to make this their headquarters while in , Boone. Doctors Jones, Anders and Bingham have offices at the Drug Store. BOONE DRUG STORE WARTIME) Men to cut timber and work in the woods. We pay the highest wagesv in the county, have clean camps and furnish plenty of good food. -T Pittoburch Lumbdr Co. J Draemar, Carter CountyTenn. :VV (7 WITH. HARTFORD TIRES "JH mf Sntrnkf tkm Am4 m Im roue Omm THIS is the amirMcayou can always hnvo if your car Is equipped with Hartford Tires. - Hartford Tires are Quality Tires throughout. Hartford Tire are perfect antl-tklda, Hartford Tires are Tire Insurance Mtlcit tables ol J! JtlAdli Surpassing Her Own Selection Entre Nouse Spring Time l, , yyyv, UU in UVJ U Lb d 50 woods men, timber cutters, road builders, team drivers, swampers Best wages. First class boa r d i n g accommoda tions. BOONE FORK BOONE, .N. C. If oaint could be of covering, this would quickly show why a gallon of Hanna's Green Seal is more economical than "cheap" paint Add to this Green Seal's longer service, and new light is shed on the question "Which paint Is cheapest?" You need a trustworthy paint on your property. ' One that gives the maximum of covering protection and beauty. The exact formula appears on evtry package of Green Seal Paint. bold v 'tj iVV - . . ' Watauga Supply Co. YOUR TRUEST FRIEND The man who owns a home has a friend that will never fail him in good luck or bad.' It promotes family life, creates individuality and is an asset pay ing profitable dividends. BUILD A HOME and write to the OWN YOUR HOME Headquarters ' Brading-Sells Lumber Co. JOHNSON CITY, TENNESSEE for prices on lumber and building material r Port Car For Sale at Bargain Price Driven less than 1200 miles. Just enough to limber it up good. IN PERFECT A-l CONDITION- Looks like new and is new. No better car made at any price. Quality goes clear through. New one now costs you $1160.00 Will Ooll This One For $075.00 Reason for selling don't need a 5 pass enger car, want a three passenger Road-, ster. Can be seen and demonstrated at Boone. R. D. JENNINGS Dealer for Dort Cars. . " LUMBER GO. ftlagem Pant sold at so inuch a ntmartt v&rd H nil , . U'. al b.0ue work.r:W. R. Gragg. gWD(WUCHfVPiH-). ;.'!. . yTl y:-. vvlr '.-.vrja '.-