J l Dclco-Light THE COMPLETE ELECTRIC LIGHT and power plant. The safest, surest and most economical form of light and power. , Watauga Motor Co. Power in. JJ WITH ONE MAN AND A Fordson Tractor Farmin MSI I 9 51 1 .-S3- H 3 I: Means as Much as 3 to 6 Men With 6 to 12 GoodMuies A Fordson will solve your labor troubles, save you money as well as, worry and help you make a Bigger and Hetter Crop. With a Fordson Tractor you can plant on time and plant more acres, You can overc me the delays caused by sprinff rains and the Fordson enables you to cultivate and harvest the in creased acreage. 'If You. Ever Try a Fordson You Are Sure to Buy a Fordsoir M R(memberiThe Power Farming Unit can be operated by one factory may not be able to supply demands th'is spring. Price only $850 f. o. b. factory Watauga Motor Co. Valle Crucis, N. C. FORD CARS FORD SERVICE -FORD PARTS -F0RDS0NS THE UNIVERSAL CAR Weak Links in a Strong Chain Jhat's just what imitation parts are when" they become a part of our Ford car; They look strong enough, but the metal isn't there the strong, durable Vanadium steel that goe3 into the Ford chassis ar.d tvery Ford part. Foid ports are specially cast and heat treated, " each according to its use. Ford metallurgists have been studying that problem for sixteen years and know just how each unit should be made to endure a maxi mum of wear and tear. They know that best results can be obtained only by the use of spe cial formulas for different partF. We carry complete assortments of genuine Ford parts; and give careful, prompt Ford service. Drive in, it's better to da safe than ' sorry.,. Come to the Authorized Ford dealers for service. Watauga Motor Co. ; - To the citizens of Watauga and ad joining counties: , ; It will pay you to read each word of this advertisement f It will save you money and build up an estate for you in . the future and give you an immetjiate protection that is worth 100 cents on the dollar. By taking out your Life : nsurance in the JEFFERSON STANDARD, your own -' Home Company, : ' .' ' ...... . t THE LARGEST, BEST, AND STRONGEST III THE SOUTH . Giving the broadest and most liberal protec tion and most attractive policy contracts issued by any company in America today. ' The COMPANY that paid jour soldier boys their death claims . in full and charged not one cent War Rider. The first , company in, America to put a disability clause in a Life Insurance contract. We are writing business in your midst everyday, and you are aware T)f the Jarge volume of business I wrote your best and most reputable citizens last year. Your failure to see us before placing your ap plication is your loss. The loyalty of North Carolinians to their own home company is shown by these figures: ' North Carolina Policy Holders 29,451 North Carolina Insurance in Force $51,376,162 HERE'S WHAT WATAUGA'S MOST PROMINENT CITIZEN SAYS ABOUT THE JEFFERSON STANDARD: BOONE, N. C, February 18, 1920. Mr,R.W, Martin, Johnson City, Tenn., Dear sir: I received the life insurance policy in the Jefferson Stan dard Insurance Co. lor Ten Thousand Dollars and find it is just , what I wanted. I have carried some insurance with.your company forsev eral years, and their courteous treatment, with reference to this, induced me to take out more insurance with them. I consider your company perfectly reliable, safe, and in every resect one of the very best Insurance companies in this nation Any one desiring insurance can do no better than to take insurance with the Jefferson Standard. Very truly yours, B A. LINNEY. Professional Cardj R. D. JENNINGS i DENTIST BOONE, - - N.C. . Successor to Dr. E. Glenn Salmons. OFFICES AT BLACKBURN HOTEL. Office Hours: 9:00 to 12:00 a. m. . 1:00 to 4:00 p. m. - Write or phone me for appoint ments. Will give you the earliest . date possible. . T. A. Lovow N. 4 See us before buying insurance: Roy M. Brown, Boone, W. D. Wilson, Vilas, A. D. Wilson, Vilas. L. D. Lew, Banner Elk, N. C. Plneola, LOWE & LOVE ( ATTORNEYAT-fJW . . 'jj ' Praetlco la th court of Atotj at vronadiac eovatlas. Carotid attal thm (Itm to an nation of a hd aatoro. . I F. JL LINNET ATT0RNEY-AT4AW. BOOM, N. a J , -H ! Will practleo la tbo eovU of Watudj III aJllolnlas . ,-.11 .. ' I I W.P.SPEAfl,llD. jj BYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. Hickory KG. ' jj e, W. MARTIN General Agent ( Offlco Otot Hickory Drug Co. A man's credit is always enhanced by hav ing a bank account. Not only is it a great convenience in doing business, but when it is a question of financial responsibility what better reference can any one give than the well-known bank with which he carries his account. Open an account with us. We offer you every courtesy. ! The Valle Crucis Bank DO YOU CARRY A BlUNSE IN BANK? Do you receive interest on that balance? If not, why nut? Wo pay 2 per cent on month ly balances cn your check ing' accounts. We pay 4 per cent on certifi cate. of dqposit, withdraw able without notice. Wejpay 5 per cent on Sav ings Deposits. Do not accept Ikss elsewhere. Come in and open an account. The mail is .perfectly safe. Ser.d your deposits by mail. THE BANK OF BOONE "A HANKING AMD TUUST COKPOUATION" I The Peoples Bank. I DELCO-LIGHT TU oompku Eltrio Lifbt and Fowor Plaat Clean, safe electrio light and power atjtho touch of a button. improve Your Stock! If you Lave a good horse ti e next man is ready to pay vou a handsome price for lilir. if you have a 'pli gy' one lie doesn't wanthiinatany price "AGHE" A pure-bred Belgian Stallion, was bi-ed In Indiana, the sire and dam be tnjr imported from Boltlum. Ho is a bright bay, with blaze; eight years old, weighs 1800 pounds. If he isn't the best horse in the udioining coun ties of Tennessee and North Carolina, you being the judge, don't breed o him. It's to your interest to see this horse before vou breed. We will have experienced manager and every precaution will be taken, hut in ease of an accident will not be responsible. He will be at the following places this season: Oove Creek, Beaver Dam, Laurel Creek, Watauga. WILSON AKDREESE ZIOXVILLE, N. C. Watauga Motor Co.- The Peoples Bank & Trust Co. is a cort p ration made up of the best business , men of Watauga County; it is a corpo ration entirely seperate and distinct from any other banking cor wvration and to the people of Watauga County, we n invite your business upon our merits, using at all times our best efforts to , give you the best service consistent with good banking We pay you inter est on savings and time deposits, but not on deposits subject to check, WHY NOT? Because we do not believe this to be good banking. No hwithstanding, we have been in business less than five months, our Resources are More Than $100,000, and we thank you y for the confidence which has enablea us to reach this sum. Come and open an account with us and help us make one of the best banks in this section. Peoples Bank & Trust Co C M. QUDDERTH, Cashier. Boara to U E. P. Lovlll W. K Lovfl ,1 LOVUL & L07ILL ' t ' ATTORN EY-AT'LAW .. ., . Boon, N. C j f poelal attention girea to all Mateo oatrtutod to tholr T. E.BINQEAZX LAWYER f j Eoona, N. C " Prompt attention given to an matto of a legal naturo. OSiea viU ttornor F. A. Uaaar ! NOTICE. ! This is to notify all whom it may concern, that my wife, Leo- na Greene, left me of her own acord on March 4, 1920, and that I will in no way be responsible ior any aeot or debts she may contract during such seperation. This 29th day of March, 1920. RODNEY M. GREENE. v'..,,',;'v . 414t. P. . Tho Watauga County Bank BOONE, N. O. It has been our policy to promote and develop the best inter ests of the people of Watauga County, ' . t During fifteen years of successful business experience "our motto has been "Safety and service." We invite your continued patronage and co-operation. Capital and Surplus Over Resources Over N. L. Mast, Ptp. W. C. Coffky, V. Pros. Miss Pearl Hodges, Bookkeeper. $60,000,011 $600,000.00. O. P. Haoaman, Cahler. W. D. Farthing, Am'u Cashier Austin E. Sobth, Teller. JOHN E. BEOWW 1 ... li . UAWYEE 4. JJ !? Boono, N. C. T?1 Prompt attention glTen to an at tori of a legal aatoro, Colloetlona I poclalty. Offlco wltii LotQI ft Lorn m . j . i i . " t .. WATCH AND JEWELRY REPAIRING Dona at . this ahop undtr a poaltin Evaraatoo. All material mod la ruu aatood to bo rtnolno.' Xotteataa tat aJakod on all mall ordora. Satlata tloa fuanmteed la orary napoct 01 all railroad watchei. Ofloo Mtf Ul Wataosa Coast? Bank. J. W. BBYAN-t ratfuato Jowtlar anor WatoluMkoV' Boom, N. O. ' .' ' J 0DR. ALFRED W. C:U SEE BETTER (Lz Y SEECUii Sf . IZ Yoar'tEtperkneo The best Equipment O'jtainablo. Mjrlasses hitted Exclusively f BLOCK, LEKCI3, R.QJ If you tot It ftom DtTLA. Il'i All Right 1 tepalr Dep'tBox 127 Char lotto, N.C '-.i.-J'tf;. -'"j. v. v-'i; t.-:;.;..;V' ! '--7: .... v. ( !-'-"- '