Advertising Rates on Request. DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF BOONE, AND WATAUGA COUNTY. 1.0() lVr Y-nr VOL. XXXI. BOONE WATAUGA COUNTY, N. C, THURSDAY JUNE 17, 1920. NO 35. 1- 1 United States Has Had 107 Years of War Out of 145. This statement is rather amaz ing, but nevertheless true, as shown by figures compiled by one of the war department statisti cans, that the United States has been at war 106 years and nine months of its existence, says the Washington correspondent of the A8heville Citizen. It has been 145 years since the shot fired at Lexington was heard around the world, and since that time the country has been com pletely at peace only 39 years. "Beginning with the Sac and Fox Indian war of 1831, there was almost constant warfare in the United States, most of the time with Indian tribes, up to 1896. Although eclipsed by wars of greater proportions, the In dian troubles were almost contin uous throughout the whole per iod. And since the Senate has rejected the peace treaty, Amer ica is still technically in a state of war with Germany. The following information from the statistics branch of the war department shows the various wars in which the country has been engaged and their duration. War of the Revolution, began April 19, 1775; ended April 11, 1783; time consumed, 8 years. Wyoming Valley disturbances and Shay's rebellion began 1782; ended Jan. 5, 1787; time consum ed, five years. Northwest Indian wars and whiskey insurrection, began in January 1790, ended in August 1795; time consumed, five years and eight months. War with France, began July 9, 1799; ended September 30, 1800; time consumed, two years and three months. War with Tripoli, began July 10, 1801; ended June 4, 1805; time consumed, three years and eleven months.. Northwest Indian wars, began November 1811, ended October 1813; time consumed, 2 years. War with Great Britain and va rious Indian wars began July 18, 1812; ended February 17, 1815; time consumed, two years and seven months. Yellowstone expedition (In dian), began July 4, 1189; ended September 1819; time consumed, three months. Blackfeet Indian wars, began April 1, 1823; ended Oct. 1, 1823; time consumed, six months. Li Fevre Indian war, began June 1827, ended September 1827 time consumed, three months. Sac and Fox war, began April 1. 1831; ended October 1, 1831; time consumed, six months. Black Hawk war, began April 26. 1832; ended Sept. 21, 1832; time consumed, six months. Nullification troubles in South Carolina, began November 1832; ended February 1833; time con sumed, three months. Cherokee and Pawnee disturb ances, began June 30, 1833; ended 1839; time consumed, six years and six months. Seminole Indian war, began Nov. 1, 1835; ended Aug. 13,1842: timfl consumed, six years and nine months. War with Mexico, began Apri 24, 1846; ended May 30, 1848, . time consumed, two years and one month. . Various Indian wars with Cay use, Navajo, Comanche, Kickapoo Snake, Sioux, Seminole, etc. be gan 1848, ended 1861; time con sumed, thirteen years. Civil war, began April 12,1861 ended Aug. 30, 1866; time con sumed, five years and 4 months. Various Indian wars (did not cease through civil war) began 1-J65; ended 1890; timecoMumed, wenty-flve years. Judge Webb Flays Profiteers. A severe arraignment of the people of the country who are guilty of the crime of profiteer ing, a denouncement of the prac tice, which is spreading to an al arming extent, of using money in the elections, a discussion of the prohibition law and a general outline of the duties of a federal grand jury were the principal features of the charge delivered by Judge E. Yates Webb, of Shelby, to the grand jury which is serving at the term of the fed eral court at Greensboro this week, says the News-Herald. In speaking of what he states is commonly known as profiteer ing he recalled that last October 22 the Congress of the United States, having viewed with alarm the perfect orgy of money mak ing by fair means or foul which was at that time being carried on by numbers of people of the country, passed a law making it a crime punishable by a fine not to exceed $5,000 for any person firm or corporation to charge an excessive rate of profit for .any article. His talk on profiteering was the most severe denounce ment of price inflation which has ever been heard in Guilford coun ty. He termed it both treason able and sinful. Profiteering is one of the black cjouds which arises to dim the bright rays of the boys who went over the top in defense of their country, he said, and the shame is all the greater that after these men have gone forth on the field of battle and demonstrated the greatness of the American people that men in this country should bow themselves down before the golden calf and worship only the god of money. A profiteer is far worse, he stated, than the miser, for the miser is one of those un fortunate men who hoard their gold, but who rarely harm any- one out tnemseives,- wnne me profiteer grows fat on the blood of women and babes whom he has caused to go to an untimely grave by refusing to sell them the necessities of life at a price which they could pay. All wars he declared, are fol lowed by an orgy of overcharges, but the Congress of the United States has anticipated this and ast October passed the law whereby prollteers could be dealt with and he said,' I charge you to indict any man brought before you with sufficient evidence that, he has been practicing this most heinous of crimes." However, Judge Webb stated that he hoped that there were no such persons in the district and that the grand jury would nave none oi.tnese persons to deal with. Sioux Indian war, began Nov. 23, 1890; ended Jan. 19, 1891; time consumed, two months. Apache and Bannock Indian troubles began June 30, 1892; en ded June 30, 1896; time consum ed, four years. Spanish-American war, Philip pine insurrectiqn and Boxer ex pedition, began April 21, 1898; ended July 4, 1902; time consum ed, three years and two months Cuban pacification! began Oct. 6, 1906; ended April 1, 1909; time consumed, two years and six months. Nicaraguan campaign,' began Aug. 28, 1912; ended Nov. 2,1913 time consumed, one year and two months. Vera Cruz expedition, began April 21. 1894: ended Nov. 26, 1914; time consumed, 7 months Punitive expedition into Mex ico, began March 10, 1916; ended Feb. 5. 1917; time consumed eleven months. The world war, began April 1916. to date; time consumed, three years. Total, 106 years and 9 months About The Siamese Twins. William N. Taft in The Landmark. Strangely enough, though to this day known as the "Siamese" twins, Chang and Eng were the children of a Chinaman, born a- bont May, 1811. The twins join ed together by a cartilaginous band which could not be cut for fear of causing their death, were both feeble at birth, though Chang thrived while Eng contin ued delicate. They were really discovered by Robert Hunter, a British mer chant in the Orient, who prevail ed upon their parents to appren tice them to him for purposes of exhibition. After eight weeks tour of the United States, in the course of which they were exam ined by a number of leading sci entists, they were exhibited in London in 1829, but were forbid den to show themselves in France After their European tour they returned to the United States and settled down as farmers in North Carolina, taking the name of Bunker and, when 44 years of age they married two sisters, English women, aged 26 and 28. Chang had six children and Eng had five, all healthy, strong and without the slightest indication of the deformity which made their fathers unique. All the con temporary writers place especial emphasis upon the love and affec tion the brothers shown for each other up until the moment of their death, Jan. 48, 1874. While extremely unusual on account of their long lives, the Siamese twins were not entirely unique with respect to theirphys- ical union as there are several other cases mentioned of similar twin-birth, though the children did not usually live long. Mi Overalls. My overalls don't fit me, they bulge too much behind, and sty ish people twit me with comment most unkind. They say that when m going, and when 1 come as well. I have an outline showing that makes me look like Harper s 'erry. My overalls are roomy, the crease is down the side, the hue is dull and gloomy, they scratch a snowy hide. And yet with pride I wear them, these overalls of mine, and to the world declare them a symbol and a sign a sign that I have risen against the profiteer, and till that hog gets his'n I'll wear thi raiment queer. My overalls have nraces to hold them on my frame, they pinch in sundry places, and keep me walking lame; their poc cets ook like patches, and much con fusion bring; but when I scratch some matches these uuas are just the thing. And tho' I seem a martyr, 111 wear my rags al right, this scheme is just a star ter upon a bigger fight. When people cut out buying the things that are too dear, they'll conn- quite close to frying tho stall fed profiteer. Walt Mason. Sunday School tnd Workers Inslltoes will be held at the following pla ces on the dates indicated: Poplar Grove, June 25 and 27; Shulls Mills at night 27; Timber ed Ridge. July 2-4; Bethel at night on the 4th; Laurel Springs, July 9-11. Mount Vernon on the 11th at night; Middle Fork, July 1G-18, Blowing Rock at night on the 18th. Program for all the above In stitutes: Friday night sermon, P. M. Huggins. 1. Elementary Sunday School work and womans work, Miss Vera Ruth. 2. Adult Sunday School work and every member canvass, sr. M. Huggins. 3. Grading the School and B. Y. P. U., A. J. Green. 4. Co-operative work as operated by South ern Baptists, M. A. Adams. 5. Paper, How I secured my Nor- mol Diploma, Mrs. J. D. Brown There will be all-day meeting at each place Saturday and Sunday with dinner on the ground. Let each church attend the Institute most convenient to it. The Mobile School will meet at Cove Creek on Monday 19. This is for the whole association. . M. A. ADAMS, General Field Worker. Harding and Coolidge Nominated by the Republicans Senator Warren G. Harding of Ohio has been nominated for the presidency in the Republican na tional convention on the tenth ballot, receiving 520 votes. Only 493 were needed to nominate. He entered the convention as a can didate of the "dark horse" class and received only 61 votes on the first ballot. Governor Coolidge of Massa chusetts was nominated on the first ballot for the vice-presidency. SAFETY. Greensboro Daily News. Durham, it is learned, has a "safety campaign" and its pro- motors urge all and sundry to observe the following rules: 1. Golden rule Act as y o u would wish the other driver or pedestrian to act if you were in his place. 3. Right of Way at street in tersections, the vehicle on the right has the right of way. State law. 3. Speeding It is criminal and dangerous. You know why. 4. Passsing Children When passing children cither in the street or on the siuewaiic go slow; you never can tell what what they may do. They are not responsible you are. 5. Changing Course Always signal first. The driver back of you is not a mind reader. 6- Turning Corners Do not cut. Always signal. Go slow. 7. Passing Automobiles: When pulling out from behind the car ahead le sure you have a clear ance. 8. Pedestrians Rights Ob serve them. A very good set of precepts for any city or any place, or any one who drives a car. One exceeding ly sound one, we think, might be added always assume that the other fellow is a fool If he is, he is dangerous. Generally ofcourse, he isn't; but when you do meet one, if you have assumed that he is a sensible person, you may find out too late that he'isn't. mWRH H for use accompany m ' aova , If your druggist cannot ICHATTANOOGA PRINTING OUTFIT: 1 press, prints form size 5x8 inches. About 20 fonts of job type, all sizes, rules, leads, ornaments, cuts, furniture, composing stick, and other things too nu merous to mention. A dandy job printing outfit-an oppor tunity for some-one. Price $40. Will pay for itself in a short time. See or write Wagner A. Roeso, Boone, N. C. 6-10 2tc FOR SALE: The Alien Hix farm on New River, eontainingabout 100 acres. On the farm is twenty acres of timber, and twenty a cres of bottom meadow, possibly none better in the county, good residence, tine orchard and the best of lots for gardening and trucking. If interested write or call on J. S. Stanbury, Boone, N. C. m 27 tfc. ANNOUNCEMENT. I have nominated myself a can didate for a chance for a seat in the next General Assembly of North Carolina, provided, my as piration meets with the approba tion of the people collectively, whose interest I hold very dear and tender. m 27, tfc E. M. GREER. SELL CREAM IT PAYS We pay you cash and best market prices for cream in any quantity. Our Receiving Station will be opened in the near fu ture. Watch for the date. TRY US. CLOVERDALE CREAMERY incokporatedI JOHNSON CITY, TENN. Ical Representative: 6. 6. Wilcox Sons & Co. H H H H U U H This Is It J Z IRON is the tonic you need if you are run down, pale, weak, nervous, suffer from lack of iron in your blood, lack of strength in your system. ZIROfi IRON TOfJIG a preparation of pure iron salts, combined with hypophosphites of lime and soda, and other valuable Will Build You Up Men and women who have usedV Ziron, unite in its praise as a strength V builder and general tonic for the blood and nerves. It is mild in action, harm- less and contains no habit-forming drugs. ZIRON is not a oatent medicine or secret A remedy. The ingredients are printed on i the label. Eminent physicians agree on their therapeutic value. Full (directions 1 every package., i ry a Dome V u l oj vruggisis in 91. supply you, send us the money DRUG & CHEMICAL. CO., 2tf 3 Health About Gone Many thousands of women suffering from womanly trouble, have been benefited by the use of Cardui, the woman's tonic, according to letters , we receive, similar to this one from Mrs. Z.V. Spell. ofHayne.N.C. "Icoul not stand on my feet, and! Just suffered terribly,' she says. "As my suf fering was so great, and" he had tried other reme dies, Dr. had us get Cardui. . I began Improving, and It cured me. I know, and my doctor knows, what Car dui did for me, for my nerves and health were about gone." TAKE ft The Woman's Tonic She writes furthert l am In splendid health... can do my work. I feel I owe It to Cardui, for I was In dreadful condition." If you are nervous, run down and weak, or suffer from headache, backache, etc., every month, try Cardui. Thousands of women praise this medi cine for the good it has done them, and many physicians who have used Cardui successfully with thejr women patients, for years, endorse this medi cine. Think what it means to be In splendid health, like Mrs. Spell. Give Cardui a trial. M Druggists jn M H H H H R V v. ingredients, ioaay i 1. Aft A imhucs. and we will shipdire Chattanooga, Tfenn. .ln. 1.1U 1 v f 1M Ml V ''' 'Sfe 1 rap n n riV UG H t VR I n T

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