r- .( 1 I1 Lit I I) r '!! Is It Good Business Some Bank3 pay their Depositors no interest. Some Banks pay interest. Banks which have eujoy ed the rich harvest ot Ha ms' the money of their dtposi tors wi thou t pay in g interest there tor claim it cant be done. Well. IT IS DONTJ The Bank of Boone pays 2 per cent por annum on Monthly Balances on all Chocking accounts, It pays 4 per cent per an num . on Certificates of Deposit, 3monthsorover. It pays 5 per cent per an mi in on Savings Accounts compounded semiannu nlly. Do not lend or deposit where your money pays you nothing. Open an Account With THE BANK OF BOONE SELLCREAM We pay you cash and best market prices for cream in any quantity. Deliver to our station Tues day and Friday of each week I&wiM pay you. MARKET CEGJLAR AND RELIA- BLT5: 'Y:. ClOVERBjUE CBE1KEBY ' i::C0RPOItA1'ED JOHNSON CITY, TENN. Local Representative: 6. 6. Wilcox Soas& Co.. UmOR SALE: Two yoke 'f cood work oxen at the right price. Will soil for cash oa on time, to Suit too purehase. If interest ed, se or write J. R. Brown, Zionille;R. F. D. 10 T 2ip. F03 3ALTC: One brick machine: bonar and winn. and com plete si'W mill outfit, all in good condmen. See J. L. Winkler, Boonis N. C, if interested. 30 2t. WOOL EXCHANGE: While tnere is no market, for wool, the Yiidkui Woolen Mills will ex chants varus, blankets, linsays. jMiis mil flannels? for same. John R. Hagaman, PatU-rscn, N. C. J6 6tp. Etv;ormation Free. ' ii urnce Cheap! If you want either, see, write, or call G20. P. Blair, the insurance a-jjeat. 0 Sice in 'Bank Building, Blo-ir wr N. C. 8-25-'S0 EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. X-r:li Carolina. WatHitja County. T.U' '.in-.lor-sijfwd imving quuMfled ti rxwi'."" ot tho pstn'p of J V Far'hinj:' docoasul, all persons having claims ma 'is unci es. ate will present them v. ul iu nvrlve rwnth frnmriate. of this nmi .-.e ! it will Ih' pjpHed In bnr ot tapir recovery. All pMsvms owin?' said crite will ple?9 come fnrnatd nnd ms'ko settlor nt, This the lath iiiiv ol .tujrns. 1 20. HATT1E FARTHING, Ex tutrix ul J Y Farthing deceased. Kill That CASCARA , C.U., C.m,, OM ; Neglected Colds are Dangeroug Tali no obancM. Ktp this standard remedy bandy for the f.r.t cnto: Breaks up a cold In 24 hours Relievea . Grippe in 3 day Excellent for Headache Quinine in this form does not affect the bead Cascara la te;t Tcrio Laxative No upiatt in mil a. ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT Road Construction Outfit For Sale. One Erie Revolving Steam Sho vel, Type "B", No. 400, good con dition: G good teams;5 dump wag ons; one water tank on wagon; 1 one and a half ton International truck, plows, etc., makinga com plete road grading outfit. Write or see 0. D. Taylor, Chairman Watauga County Good Road Commission. Valle Civrucis, N.C. FOR SALE, CHEAP: I aaa now ' offering for sale ona five-room house and tie of the best lots in , town; lots ah in one boundary. House metal roofed; good ojt- i buiklincrs; H good sculeinent. Good T'tll and good young vin jyard. An ideal nocie for some : one. WW sell cheap. Call on or i write, J. W. Dyer, Butler, Teun. ; pah tf c. KENTUCKY FARM FOR SALE. Here is one of the best farms of its size in Pulaski county, Ky., containing 479 acres, o1 miles from a good railroad town, one half mile from church and school; 300 acres cleared, balance in good timber ps! argued to be from live hundrH uiousand to one million feet -udi as white oak, black oak, pophr, etc., 150 acres in rich bottom land all cleared, will griw this season, 75 bushels of corn per acre, 60 bushels of oats, two tons ot clover hay and other stufi in proportion. 75 acres of farm lays l.jvel to gently rolling and limestone at that, fine for ali crop.; in a high state of cu'.tivat ion, remainder is h!ll land which is in timber; farm is under good woven wire fence. Creek wa';er for stock. 100 acres of farm is in clover and grass. IMPROVEMENTS: One new 0 room house, one 4 room house and ono 3 room house. Good barn MxT2, two other barns, 5)(. T concrete sih, all lends ol outbuildings, hydiaulic ran pumps, water through house aw' oarn. The following stutf goes with farm: five thousand bush els of corn, sixty tons of closet luiv. lifteen dairv cows and I I hi ad ol other cattle, o head o uo -s, one new tractor with disc plov:s and harrow, mowing much in.1, rake, binder, wheat drill, riding cultivators, 3 wagons, sets ut harness and one new Fort oar. For price and terms write foi my tree price list of Kentucky Ohio and Indiana farms, lie manioer we nave any size oi price farm you want. Visit ou; conn try while the crops are on sim our corn, tobacco, clover, al tulfa, blue grass, etc. ROBY L JOHNSOIn, Main Office, Sornei set, Ky. DM SUFFER DON'T SCRATCH: Use Ab-CUne Itch and Skir Oinlmen1. and be relieved T.iis ointment is higlily reco men led for all kinds of skin trou pe, e jpecially Itch, Ec z?ma and other forms of skir euptfons. Get a box to-day at Boone Drti Co. or if no carried by ypnr drugi?' wj-ite direct to Company in closiag 50c for box. .MUIE GiiEMICAL GO, ELKIN, N. C. Dr. Opsas' Infirmary FOR FYF, EAR. NOSE, AND 'iHUCAT orr.ri iiicxckv m:i;g co. UICKCLY, N. C. Cold With QUININE AND La Grippe "Didn't Rest Weir Prominent Georgia Lady and Sleeplessness PEOPLE who get to feeling weak every now and then, and who do not seem to get the proper re freshment from rest, sleep and recrea tion, need a tonic to help their Mood revitalize and build up their system. For this, you will find Ziron Iron Tonic very valuable, as the teslmony of thousands already has proved. Mrs J. W. Dysart, lady ot a prominent Georgia famly residing near Carters-! vine, says: "I didn't feel like myself. S YOUB HEALTH 61001 Intiresl'ng Experience of a Texas Women Knew About Cardui Much Sickness Navasota, Texas. Mrs. W. M. Peden, account of how she recovered her stren gth, having realized that she was actually losing her health: "Health is the greatest thing In the votW, nnd vhen you feel that gradually slioine away from you, you certainly sit up aud take notice. That is what 1 did Eome time ago when 1 found myself in a very nervous, run-down condition of heailii. I was so tired and felt so lifeless I cculi hardly go at all. "I was ju:t no account for work. 1 would get a bucket oi water and would fel ro weak 1 would have to set it down neffji e I felt lilre I could Hit it lo the shelf, tn tl-' 3 condition, of course, to do even rry imuse-.vork was a task almost im j;c;ib!c to accomplish. "1 was . . . nervcusand easily upset. pty r . Do you know how to squeeze a dollar? v 0 We do. We'll show you. Our Budget Flan, through thrift and system applies the squeeze to your dollar. Shows you how you can get Edison right away. ' magic. Actually, it's is tell you all the details. GREEff & Bill DM hr Hf J; READ FE ADS. THEY Suffered from Faint Spells Relieved by Ziron. "1 didn't rest well some nights. I would be Just as tired when I got up In the morning as when I went to bed. I would get weak, and have kind of falnty spells at times hardly able to do my housework. "I beard of Ziron, and felt rr.aye a tonic would help me. I thought It would at least strengthen me. "I believe Ziron has done me good, I feel better. I am glad to recommend It as a good tonic." Try Ziron. Our money-back guaran tee protect you. At your drusskt i, LLY SLIPPING? Lady WIio Declares Thai if More TLcy Would Be Spared and Worry. I couldn't rest well at night and was . . just lifeless. '1 heard of Cardul and after reading I decided I had some female trouble that was pulling me down. I sent for Cardui and began it . . "In a very short while after I began the Cardui Home Treatment I saw an im provement and it wasn't long until 1 was all right good appetite, splendid rest, and much stronger so that I easily did my house work. "Later I took a bottle of Cardui S3 a tonic. I can recommend Cardui and glad ly do so, for U more women kne v, i: would save a great deal of worry and sickness." The enthusiastic praise ol thousands o! ether women who have found Cr :i) helpful should convince you that it Is wcrlli trying. All druggists sell it. that longed-for New It looks like money' common-sense, ft Let ARE MQNEY-SAVERS Kl- Powerful, Healing Fumes At the Blaze of a Match A bit of ORIUM, a spoon, a lighted match and you inhale the medicated fumes of ORIUM. Your cold begins to break up almost immediately and your nose, throat and head become clearer. ORIUM treatments are so simDle and harmless that child can use them. Get ORIUM from your druggist or send for a free sample. The Orium Company, St Louis, Mo. Boone Drug The Watauga County Bank BOONE, N. C. It has bejn our policy to promote and develop the best inter ests of the people of Watauga County. During fifteen yetirs of successful business experience our motto has been "Safety and service." We invite your continued patronage and co-operation. Capital ar.d Surplus Over Resources Over N. L. Mast, Pies. W. C. Co fey, V. Pros. Miss Pkaul Hodgls, Bookkeeper. ha financial world, bi . - Th Bank ui herewith invites your attention Wh 1 The Peoples Bank. The Peoples Bank & Trust Co. i a cor pi ration made up of the best business men of Watauga County; it is a coryo ration entirely separate and rffetiut from any other bankirj? cor wationand to tie people of Watauga County, we invite your business upon our merits, using at all times our best efforts to give you the best service consistent with good bankinp:.. We pay you inter est on savings and time deposits, but not on deposits subject to check, WHY . NOT? Because w e do not believe this to be good banking. Notwithstanding, we have been in business less than five months, our Recourses ore Rlore Than $100,000, and we thank you for the confder.ee which has enabled us to reach this sum. Come and open an account with us and help us make one of the best banks in this section. Peoples Bank & Trust Co G. til. SUDDERTH, Cashier. WHITE EAGLE'S INDIAN SEKNATtlNE CURItiS THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE Of Indigestior, Stomach Ttcuble, kii matlsm And Co'oatlor, At Some (f Our Very Best Citizens' Mil Testify. This is the Genuine Indian Medicine. Don't suffer any lon ger, but go to the Boone Di up Company and get fi bottle of God's Meiicine and be heiilet5. If not benefitted or cured, mot ey back; ;---'-- - a i nut Company. $60,000.00 $600,000.00 G. P. Ha(5amaj, Cashier. AV. D. Farthing, Ass't. Cashier Austin E. South, Teller. EXPLAIKINQ GREAT ADVANTAGES of doing business through a Bank suggeststhe extend ing of this invitation to bus iness men and heads of fam ilies to call and inquire into our methods lor simplifying the payment of .ail bills by check a method once tried, never abandoned. To the business man we want to point out the manifold ad vantages gainedbyaconnec tion that raises his credit in ranee of credit we can disclose- Blowing Rook to its new money-saving methods KUICE OF ADMINISTRATIS The unuersigned having quali tid as administrator of the es tate of A. H. Walser, deceased, this is to notify all persons hav ing claims to present them to the undersigned within one year from the date of this notice or it will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. All persous Indebted to said estate will please make im mediate settlement. This the 9tb diy of Sept., 1920. P, S, Walser, Ado T, r. Bingham, Atty, to :.',;!:" i Ah. . ''.it til;

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