Cfje Watauga Stmocrat. fC C RIVERS, Editor and Proprietor ' SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One year $1.00; Six months 50 cents. Three months, 25 cents. T t)( ' N. C. as second class mail matter. Thursday, July 21, 1021. Room MadeFortune From Waste. . ' ... Milwaukee Journal. There was a young man a few An "Insult to Springfield Republican. There is something very touch ing in the argument used-in the benate by Messrs. Liodge, Wads years ago who worked in the , worth and others against the sup shop.of a. small firm of manufac- Ple'uentary prohibition enforce ,: A , . uient bill. They say that trw pro- tin mg jewelers. One day he sur ( vihion whidl the anUHintof pn.sed his employers by offering spirituous liquor a doc-tor can to rent The back yal-d of the es- i presci ibe for a patient to a half tablishuient at a handsome iig. a pint iu ten days, is an insult to mrei; .... . the medical profession of the U mi, , , .. . nited Stales. The. had no use lor the back There are worsV insults than yard, except as a dumping place : that to honored profession in the la ws el the country. Clergymen a man t rco.-e than one wife. It is not TRAINING SCHOOL ITEMS . Considerable work is being done on the campus; cement steps being made at various pla- J for- refuse, so thev were willinir oes. drains improved, and plans. The. ".young mail told them that are nut left free to marry considered for further improve me its of a valuable nature. . We are glad to have with in at the school Professo'r Adams, head of the Department of Engi neering of A. and E. College who will spend some days here in the interest of the school water sys tem. The second Summer Term of the School opened on Tuesday 12th with the young ladies', .dor mitory almost full the first-day. Others have come since until the number in the state school lacks only four of being as in the first term. Many came who were not ready for the state wo: k and Professor Allen suggested organizing a special county sum mer school and quite a nice class is now at work; though many had already left before this idea was brought out.. All the work is tow moving on most satisfactorj -m . e OF u..r.v ,v".u -k ngur on using it . . , , . i , , i . , i irn r.1 rc vicitiuiau ii untie- for tne purpose; lid didn t mmd ; tluU v,elher the system of po Within a short time he gnined lyauiy and the system of Paly a fortune by putting the-'soil of andiy shall pievail in America. the yard through a rending pro- lf thf rcinjf t(--!1- profession can ; , . . ,, 1 , stand such an insult, the medi- , whereby larg3 quantities of cal p!ofession should not take gold and silver were recovered, too seriously the "insult implied Sweepings from the shop had in the proposed legal pro vis . ' ' sion that a half pint of spirits been thrown there for years, and win Sllfflce for a patient for ten they contained in the aggregate days, many thousands cf dollars worth , A man cannot have more than of precious metals , one wlfe; tnat is -ne A w- Lateron, the same young man man u"der tlie la7 ctnnf hav? ,A , . .... , more than one husband; and leased a building which had long most women find that one is a been occupied by another firm of great plenty. One half pint of manufacturing jewelers, and by whiskey for each 10 days of ill removing thefioors and cleaning ! ness -- to bean insult to any- up the ground beneath the build- ",h?J.w rf all-,hT the . ? , personal liberty of civilized men ing made another fortune. and women is limited' in all di Nowadays there would be noi rectioas. Of course the real in chance for anybody to carry out ' su-- are fuming over in the successfully a scheme of t h i s i Senate is the mh amendment ioa but the whole American peo- sort, because manufacturing jiv- Dr. Highsmith and Mrs. High- smith were at the school two eiers nave aaopted metnous and ' nie is insulted bv that. And the I installed devices to prevent any j ike ot it is that it was a self-in lot' the rich waste from getting a- davs during the week, and the' esting and instructive .lectures j to the school, which were greatly i enjoyed and his return was ear- J nestly solicited. No term of the A. T. S. has ever started off tin der more favorable con with a jhft.ter faiMiltv or .a morp ' intel wnt student body, t h i s ;j withent any disparagement of others. . m .Business House for Boone. Mr. G rover Ti iplett. of Lenoir, came over Saturday and contrae ted with a joint-stork Co., com -1 possd of Messrs. M. P. Critoher, 1 Geo. K. Moose and Dr. L. R. , Bingham for the. erection of a; large business house to be loca ted on the site now occupid by fie "old brick row" between the: Critcher hotel and the Highway Motor Co. TpkH building is now being razed, and th masons will b-: "on the job" within" the next few days. The building will be 45 x 76 feat, two stories, the lower ftoors to be used for store purposes the upper for offices. Messrs Triplett and Poe are to complete the building in every detail, and "Doc" Moose says he exptctsto "jark soda" in the new building within the next six week s? way. Hicted insult to which tffe Senate contributed, as duly prescribed by toe constitution. Personality in Letter-Writing depe-nds uoon more than what wrn saw nrth cMonf ditions; your penmanship. . ioui message, it 13 true, expresses your thought; but it is the atmosohere surrounding your message that conveys your self. In other words, the paper is as important to your letter as frood clothes are to your self. Symphony Lawn Symphony Charme Symphony Antique Fw those who are sensitive to the touch of elegance and who take pride in fine stationery, "Symphony" is the "papier d'excellence." fin ftol i.-.n. ,. II .1 . . 1 .1 . ... y v.. 1,) vii an Mijus awoms yo.i tnn uest possiole op- i z: 1 ! portunity for beautiful correspondenc; look over our display, It will pay yon to BOONE DRUG COMPANY The REX ML Store BOOXE, X. C. Ei-3enlce Men, Attention! : Mi-is Ruth Coffey, Secretary of the Home Service Committteej 0 ' the Watauga County Chapter 1 A. R. C, will be in the office of j t-ie Public Health Nurse at the courthouse every Saturday at-1 t -moon, beginning Saturday, Ji j 1 "23. Every ex-serviceman need - j iog assistance or advice concern ing bis compensation or treat ! ment is urged to come to the I court house Saturday afternoon. : Miss Coffey will be glad to help! you in any way possible. j TONSIL AND ADENOID CLINIC j Tha tonsil and adenoid clinic. under the direction of the State! board of Health, will be in Boone ' August 16 to August 19. ' ochool children between 6 and 1 12 years of age will be operated upon in this clinic for the remc val of tonsils and adenoids. A fee of $12.50 will be chargad fori all persons who can piy. Any I child who has no one able to pay j this fee will be operated upon ' free of charge. The work' will! be done by one of the best nose j and throat 'specialists in the state I In order to sret names on the i list, parents should make appli cation at once, to miss Stella Mc Cartney, Public Health Nursa, at Bonne, who . will giva each child a date to come to Bcone to have the work' done. A definite THE UNIVERSAL CAR We represent the most thorough and up to date motor car factory in the world, turning out the best all-round car on the market today-the most adaptable to every need of every class of people. The Ford Service organization, of which we are a mem ber, is the most extensive as well as the most intensive or ganization of its kind in existence, consisting of over 18000 service stations in the Uniteu States. It is our duty to uphold the high ideals of the Ford organization, to deliver cars as promptly as possible, to give quick and thorough repair service and courteous treatment to all customers. J. B. BOONE, N. C. TAYLOR VALLE CRUCIS, N. C. the Newest Creations in Men's - . and Ladies' Apparel It is a pleasure to be able to announce this week the arrival of our big new stock of clothing for both ladies and men, which includes everything in ap parel for everybody, and the styles are so late and so astonishingly clever as to meet with the instant approval of all who admire and wear good clothes Owing to the late arrival of our new line, it is impossible to enumer ate the many bargains, but next week it is our intention to give you prices and full descriptions of the values offered. DON T FORGET THE CHAUTAUQUA JULY 26-27-28 And Visit Our Store While in Town CLARENCE A, ELLIS BOONE, N. CAROLINA " " r ;llrm ' ' r"" eT .... k -r 1; 1 I oiwg't oil? If so, we have the material, brick, shingles, lath, molding, ceiling flooring, siding, windows, doors frames, mantels, paints, oils, varnishes, etc. We shall be glad to quote you prices on any kind of building material that you may want, and we believe you will find our pricss as low as can be found in this section. We also carry a complete line of coffins, cas kets and supplies. ' Phone or write us your wants. Come, look over our stock and get prices. Watauga Furniture & Lumber Company, 31 BOONE, N. C. McCartney now will save disvp point men t at, time of clinic. 3M'I ODoiutment madelhroucrh Miss $415 f. 0. b. Detroit