Wit Watauga democrat LOCAL AFFAIRS Dr. Anders has returned from Gastonia and resumed his prac tice in Booone. Mrs. Delphia Moore and son Mr. Carey Moore of Washington, D. C. are visitors at the home of Mrs. E. H. Moore. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Jenkins, of Sutherland, returned home Mon day evening after a visit to Mrs. Jenkin's father, Atty. W. R. Lovill. The schools of the county are now practically all in session, and County Supt. Smith Haga xnan, says the attendance is unu sually fine. Little Miss Ruth Allison, dau ghter of Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Al lison, of Cranberry, was a week end visitor to Miss Velina Rivers in Boone. Mr. U. M. Bradley, formerly of Watauga, but now of Lime Stone, Tenn., returned home a few days since, after a week's visit to relatives in the county. Mr. Manley Williams, the faith ful and efficient carrier on Route 1, out of Vilas, was in the village a few hours Monday evening, and remained over for the tele phone meeting which was held in the court house that night. Mrs. J. M. Moretz returned f'om the Long Sanatorium in Statesville Monday evening, and it is a genuine pleasure to an nounce that she is rapidly im proving from the trying or deal through which she passed more than two weeks ago. Old friend John H. Cook, of Johnson City, Tenn., has been spending the past month with loved ones and friends in Watau ga, .will leave for his home tomor row morning. He was a pleasant and appreciated caller at our of fice yestei'day. Ex-Sheriff J. L. Hayes, is in re ceipt of a letter from his son Walter, at St. John, Washington, in which he states that his yield of wheat will be from 30 to 35 bushels per acre, over his crop of 600 acres, and that the crop throughout the west is enor mous. When you fail to pay your hon est debts you are doing your part to prolong the stringent times through which we are passing, a possibly yourcreditor is need ing the amount with which to dissolve a debt of his own. This is no time to howl hard times with a roll clinched in your fist. If you owe a doilar, pay it, give t le other fellow a chance to pay his. The Boone Fork Lumber Co., put a crew of hands to work on the trackage of their lumber road from near the Winkler siding, back of the Rich mountain, Tues day morning. They are getting everything in readiness for the re-starting of the big operation at Shulls Mills, which, Mr. Gil ley tells The Democrat he hopes will not be farther in the future than ten days or two weeks. Mr. M. E. Towson, of Lynch burg, Va., and Mr. N. C. Par sons, of Abingdon, both knights of the grip, were among our mer chants Saturday soliciting or ders for their respective houses. They were of the opinion that Boone was fuller of activities in many lines than any small town t ley had visited since the pres eut wave of prospericy (?) struck the country. In fact, Mr. Tow son suggested that the name of t'.iis metropolis be changed to "Boom Town." Mr. D. J. Cottrell has comple ted and is now occupying his new store building near the Baptist church. The store rooms are well appointed and with the splendid location we predict for Mr. Cot trell continued success, with a larger stock and better facilities. Dr. Speas' Infirmary FOR EYE, EAR, NOSE, AND THROAT OVER HICKORY DRUG CO. HICKORY, N. C. The Blowing Rock Tragedy. Last Saturday night the town of Blowing Rock, as well as this and surrounding communities, were stirred as possibly never before, when the news was heralded abroad that three ne groes, Albert Gant, of Fayette ville, Walter Haith, of Burling ton, and Will Shaw, of Red Springs, had assaulted and shot to death, as it was then thought, Donald McLain, a white jitney driver, residing atBaley'sCamp. The negroes were all arrested by Sheriff Young and placed in jail the same night. As the story goes, Haith and Shaw, two of the negroes, were out driving in the private car of Mr. Holt, who is spending the summer at his Blowing Rock home, when they met McLain, driving a jitney in which were three negresses, they claiming he (McLain) ran uncomfortably close to their car in passing. They went on but soon returned, bringing with them Albert Gant, who, the negroes all claim knew nothing of the trouble. McLain had some car trouble and was standing by his machine when the negroes returned. A few hot words were passed when Haith hit him on the head with a bot tle of whiskey, which was imme diately followed by two shots from Shaw's gun, one ball enter ing the left shoulder, passing en tirely through the body of Mc Lain and piercing his car. At first it was thought that McLain would die at once, but was trea ted by the Blowing Rock physi cians, soon rallied; was sent to the hospital in Hickory, and up to the time of this writing, his physicians think he has a fight ing chance for recovery. The negroes will be given a preliminary hearing today (Wed nesday), Judge Councill appear ing for Gant, who, it seems, is innocent to begin with; Linney & Coffey for Haith, and Attor ney Chase Brenizer, of Char lotte, will appear for Shaw, the people for whom the negroes are working employing the lawyer in each instance. Later: The trial is over, and Albert Gant is freed, not one bit of evidence being developed against him. The other negroes, Haith and Shaw, were remanded to jail without bond, the evidence that Haith hit McLean with the bottle and that Shaw shot him was most conclusive. The large assembly of people who heard the trial are well pleased with verdict and all seem willing for the law to take its course with them. The wounded man this, Wednesday evening, is still alive but his condition is most serious. HOTEL ARRIVALS Following are some of the lat est arrivals at Hotel d itcher: J. C. Lane, Morristown, Tenn. G. M. Warren, Bristol: W. T. Christion, Bristol; J. Ca0e, Hen dersonville; H. H. Case, Hender soavilh; Dick Erwin, Charlotte; Gene Williams, Charlotte. Bank Dlnctort Mut. Last Monday the Directors of the Peoples Bank & Trust Co., held a meeting in the Bank buil ding, the main idea of the meet ing being to transact business looking to the erection of their new brick building on the Lovill corner. The following building committee was appointed, who will push the work to completion just as rapidly as possible when the material can be procured, much of which is now in sight: A. E. South, E. S. Coffey, G. M. Sudderth, Ira Critcher, John E. Brown, and Roby Greer. It is hoped by the committee that the building can be, if not entirely completed, far enough advanced that it can be occupied by late fall or early winter. Tax Rate (or 1921 Fixed at 90 Cents. The board of County Commis sioners met in extra session last Monday for the purpose of ma king the tax levy,- cancelling claims, etc. The tax levy was placed at 90 cents, which was di vided as follows: State school tax, 18c. County school tax, 22c. General county tax, 11c. Special county tax, 7c. Tax for county home, Gc. Interest on road bonds, 21c. Total 90c. The poll tax rate was fixed at $2.37. PINCHEO FOR SPEEDIN6 The following cases have been disposed of in the mayor's court this week: Alfred Adams, speeding, fined $15 and cost. Frank McGhee, speeding, fined $10; appealed to Superior Court; William Sud derth was also arrested, charged with speeding, and will be tried today. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND UNDER MORTGAGE Under and by virtue of a mortjjaffe deed executed by C. C Gmr and Et ta Greer on the 24th day of May 11I21, and recorded in book f, pajje 7, May 20, 15)21, in the oliico of Register of Deeds of Watauga County, to secure four certain promisoiy notes to the undersigned, of so en li'undr.'1 dollars in all with interest, Irom May 24, l'.LM. and whereas default has neen made in the payment of said notes, or any part thereof, therefore I will on th'o :ird day of October 1921, proceed to sell at public auction at the court house door in Boone, N. C. the land described in said mortgage deed lying and being in Cove Creek township, oii the waters of North Fork of said creek and adjoining the lands of J E Buikett, G. W. Younce, F. M. Greer and John Isaacs, and containing four teen acres, and for a more particular description reference is hereby made to the record of said mortgage as de scribed above. This the 10th dav of August 11)21. JOHN F. GREER, Mortgagee. Dr. E. M. Loyd, JOHNSON CITY, TENN. PRACTICE LIMITED TO EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. Special attention to fitting glasses. Offices in Loyd Building, one block South of E.T. & W. N. C. Depot. R. D. JENNINGS DENTIST BOONE, N. C. OFFIOKS AT W.AC'KIIUKN HOTKI.. Olllcc Hours: !l:(H) to 12:00 a. m. 1:00 to 4:00 p. in. Write or phono me for appoint ments. Will give you the earliest date possible. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified us administrator of the estate of Dr. .1. E. Brooks, deceas ed, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said de ceased, to exhibit them to the under signed on or before the ;"th dav of July 11)22, or this notiee will he plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate settlement. This 5th day of July 1921. T. H. COFFEY, Administrator. The Best Proof- of a bill paid is a cancelled check. Open an account with us and get a check-book. A Bank Account will help you in business in many ways, and your cancelled checks may be useful some time for refer ence. Small accounts are welcomed here as well as large ones. n Yy If so, we have the material, brick, shingles," lath, molding, ceiling flooring, siding, windows, doors frames, mantels, paints, oils, varnishes, etc. We shall be glad to quote you prices on any kind of building material that you may!'' want, and we believe you will find our prices as low as can be found in this section. We also carry a complete line of coffins, cas kets and supplies. Phone or write us your wants. Come, look over our stock and get prices. Watauga Furniture & Lumber Company, BOONE, N. C. ale idlsyoTiimer off Oiress d We will close out at greatly re duced prices all voile, white goods and all summer goods, including big stock of ginghams. Also clos ing out low cut shoes for ladies and men at big reductions. It will pay yoa to investigate our prices. Furniture at Special prices, cloth ing for men and boys, guaranteed, at prices you can't duplicate in town. Plenty of Stoneware, Crocks and Jars. See us. The store with Service and Quality. CLARENCE A, ELLIS' Big Underselling Sale See Page Four The Bank of Blowing Rock BLOWING ROCK, N. C.