( Stat Treasurer Ben Lacy called on K delinquent sheriffs for a settlement of taxes, and In telegraphic dispatches to these officials reminded them that unless state funds are to: th coming lx will request district solicitors to itirt prosecutions for collections. Mr. Lacy would not make publio the names of the sheriffs nor the coun ties delinquent in their settlement of taxes. He said, however, that this would be done if his appeal dees not bring the money soon. Delay in some cases he believes due to the misun derstanding among officiate as to the close of the fiscal year, the last gen eral assembly having changed this from November 30 to June 30. ' "I now write to say that 1 am up against it," Mr. Lacy says to the sheriffs in a letter mpplementlTiR hts wires." I must have money, and I want you to send me at once all that you have and exert yourself to col lect all this is due the state." Bank resources for .North Carolina at the close of business on June 30 last amounted to $38,046,573.88, ac cording to figures made public by the banking department of the corpora tion commission. This is a decrease of more than sixty-four million dollars in both state and federal banks as compared with the statement of last year. AsheviUe. James Trantham, aged 90 years, and one of the oldest resi dents of Buncombe county, died at his residence in Fairvlew after a short il'iess. ' ' Ashevllle. The presence of Gove nor Cameron Morrison, ex-Governor Locke Craig, Commissioner of Agri culture W. A. Graham, and other men of state-wire and more than state-wide prominence marked the Buncombe count iarmers' annual picnic, held at ths stat9 teot farm, na:ir Swaa-lanoi. Atmosphere Highly Surcharged. Union and non union elements fig ured in a nmafl police court case at Raleigh, when Justice W. C. Harris fined J. H. Wilson five dollars and costs for swearing at one of the print ers whom Wilson accused of follow ing strike-lirnkers to Wilson' place of business and calling theno work ers "rats" and Wilson's place a "rat Joint." The atmosphere grows more highly charhvt' ts the date for hearing the Injunction avalnst thesj sympathl Irg printers approaches. South Carolina Pay Program. The consummation of an elaborate program for South Carolina Septem ber 19 was announced by J. A. Daly, publicity manager of the "Made in the Carolinas" exposition, which will be held at Charlotte September 12 to 29. Governor Robert A. Cooper, in conversation over long distance tele phone approved of the plan by accept ing an invitation to deliver the prin cipal addresl. The original plan had 1 en for Governor Cooper to speak at 'ie opening, but the consent of the South Carolina executive to the nev plan was sought when it was realized that the original program would not 'bw him speaking twice. The railroads are cooperating with the exposition in organizing execur t'.on trains to be run into Charlotte t 'om South Carolina towns for South Cirollna day. French Monument to Americans. Flirey, France. Lorraine's monu ment to the American expeditionary lorces, the dedication of which was t.ae of the principal objects of the present visit of the American legion UdogtwU to Frarce, v aa , unveil 3d lorp hy the legion's representatives 1 la the presence of t'ae co'i.ryside. Dr. E. M. Loyd, JOHNSON CITY, TENN. PRACTICE LIMITED TO EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. Special attv.i'ion to fitting glasses. Offices in Loyd Building, om block South cf E. T. & W. X. C. Depot. R. D. JENNINGS DENTIST BOONE, N. C. OFTICKS AT ULACKHCltN HOTEL. Ofllce Hours: 11:00 to 12:00 a. rn. 1:00 to 4:01) p. m. Write or phone me for appoint ments. Will jsive you the earliest date possible. Dr. Speas' Infirmary FOR EYE, EAR, NOSE, AND THROAT OVER HtCKOUY DKl'-.t CO. HICKORY, N..C. WATCH REPAIRING! Done muler a positive guar a ii 1 e e. .Jewelry impaired. Ksluuaies fursii' lied on ail mail orders. Satisfaction win ranted. Oil ice back o f W.i'aii:?! Ri:ik. J. W. BUY AM, Jeweler, ALFRED W, Dl'U KYE SPKCIAUST TO SEE EETTER SEE DUiA ! 7 Y snr'i Exprrience ! ihebt-st Eaviiument Obtainable. !i Glasses Fitted Exclusively jf MARTIN BLOCK, LEfiOlFl, K. C f . if yon nt it rmiu ii r.A. it's Ait r.iifUu I FARM FOR SALE IN SEQUATCHIE VAL LEY, TENNESSEE. Two hundred and forty (240) a cres, about 100 cleared, all level bottom land in high state of cul tivation, balance in fairly good timber easily accessible for wor king. There is on this farm one of the finest and best homes any where in the county; nine room house, almost now, stone foun dation with large stone basement and tire place and running water in it. Running water in house and I barn piped lroiu tine mountain ! spring; a veiy nice, linely equip iped dairy barn with complo'e dairying out tit, including largo power churn, scKirator, Interna tional gas engine, m ist mill, i-oi n ; crusher- in facta complete out j fit with running wn'er all thru i the barn. A very line vineyard iand good orchaid. peaches, ap ! pins and pears. This is one ara !mg the finest homes and places ; io live in Ea.sl Tennessee. One l half mile to station, school and j chi! t ch, and three and . one half I miles from Dunlap, the seat of Sequatchie county, will .sell this ifaim, together with the equip ment mentioned, for iSll.OOOon good terms. The improvements alone, are worth the pi ke, asked. If interested kindly wi ite me at ! Uunlap, Tenn. ! HUOH M. WAGNER. THE UNIVERSAL CAR , If yu are doubtful whether it will pay you to buy a Ford Truck for your farm, go to the man who owns one and ask him. Or we will eome to yo'i and will tell you what dozens of Ford truck owners havp told us that the Ford truck is positively a paying proposition. It brings the best markots to your door. It solves the hauling problem on the farm and between the farm and the city. It does a dozen different jobs every day and stands the-wear and tear of farm work under all conditions A post card will bring yon further information. J. B. TAYLOR BOONE, N. C. VALLE CRUCIS, N. C. LUMBER! If you want hunter planed, if you want to buy building lumber or if you want to sell lumber, see or write BOONE PLANING MILL l-Js-lM-Uin-i- Protests Were Effective. Wanhlngton, (Special). Hundreds of telegrams protesting the license ci 'rn dollars on venders of soft drinks have been received here at the offices of Senator Overman and Represent the Weaver. Other memhers of the delegation have likewise received f urn protests as have most of the rep resentatives and senators, and thess protests apear to have been effective niCthe elimination of that section of ;.tjj tax bill was agreed upon by m.T- Jiirity members of the ways and means ommlttee. The Watauga County Bank BOONE. N. C. It has been our policy to piomote and dove! :p the l:t inter- j. ests of the people ef Wirings! '-.inn1;,'. liurmg I'lleon years of successful business experience our mo'to has been "Safety and service." We invite your eontimwl patronage, and co operation. flnM'tl nnA I'll rn Jns fiv j . Resources Over N. L. Mast. Ki-.'s W. C. I'ul'i Ky, v. rir. Miss Puaki. Hiwr:?, nooklvpopt-r. $coo,eoo,CB G. P. HArtAMAN, C'OslliiT. W.. 1'. 1'.i:thi:..!. A ';!.,l.r AliT K. Sne.TH, Ti lloi. DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, ETC. ale ' as j kMi -7a - 9 mmmi mmm H ma LIU n SAIJ3STAUTS SEPTEMBER 111. 1921 i AND LaSTS TEN DAYS j We will efer lor i-nle our emim1 steel: of pv:ds at yu;v priee. ml' ours. We will sell you shots; worth SlTi for S"2;: shves worth s-.r.O at !?j.()0; children's shots' from Ti') cents to 2.1 will stllj you cloth worth to $1.10 piri ytiul for 10 to -17) cunt.-';. Will sell 1 hi 13 n n 1.1 n ii m d Colds a Headache yo'-all VH sheeting at ;3 cents 1 mm Y If ii- 1 1 i If so, wc have the material, brick, shingles, lath, molding, ceiling flooring, siding, windows, doors frames, mantels, paints, oils, varnishes, etc. We shall be glad to quote you prices on any kind of building material that you may want, and we believe you will find our prices as low as can be found in this section. We also carry a complete line of coffins, cas kets and supplies. Phone or write us your wants. Come, look over our stock and get prices. per yard. I We haven't spnee to enumerate j all of the hat gains but have a! Nil f Mi stock to pic!.; fiotn, so comej before ethers got the arliclt Si i i yon want. I We will pay the top price for all ; iyour produce, egis en's, but ter 20 cents, ciiick-pns tn the tmY market. I tit i m 2 ii . . . i ...hi i l l.li .w o -.vn jo:his V1!1 l) sold for cash, and everyone buying as much as 10.00 worth of goods aill he given " pound s-uf sugar. I I Lveryone due us will take not - i i -e then, for we must collect, so' , we will be aide to meet our obli- j j gations. So come and settle and I I buy some goods at a low price. SALE STA UTS SEPT EM HER ! 10, 1H21, AND LASTS TILL1 SEPTEMBER 20, P.121-10 days! to give our friends some real bar-1 gtins. Come, sptmd the night if! I yon will; it wont cost you any-! thing. Bring your friends ard we will have a good time. E3 Li For years we have used Black-Draught in our family, and I have never found any medicine that could take its place," writes Mr. H. A. Stacy, of Bradyville.Tenn. Mr. Sta cy, who is a Rutherford County farmer, recommends Black Lnntght es a medicine that should be kept iu every house hold for use in the prompt treatment of many little ills to pre vent them from developing into serious troubles. THEDFORD'S LACK -DRAUGHT It touches the liver and does the work," Mr. Stacy ,!arefi-. !t is one oI the best medicines 1 ever saw for a cold and headache. 1 don't know what we would do in our fciau.y if it wasn't for Black-Draught. It has saved us many dollars .1 don't see how any family can hardly go with out ii. 1 know it is a reliable and splendid medicine to keep in the house. I recommend Black-Draught highly and am never without it." At all druggists. a D ' Hi u a D B B a D E K t 13 IS c a E D B B B Accept No Imitations H 1.81 QQ E2QBBQBBBBaBHBHBEaii3QflDI3BBDDBQ B B fl vn IUU !I91 11 FEEL AT HOME C. M WATSON You'll feel at home' when you visit this bank, we can assure you. One of our most ceaseless purposes is to so treat our customers that they will consider each visit to this Bank a pleas ure. Whatever the nature of your busi ness, you can come to us with the as surance that you will be courteously and considerately dealt with. Our aim is that this Bank shall al ways be regarded by those who deal with it as "The Bank With A Person ality. Open an account with Peoples Bank & Trust Co A. Y. Howell, Cashier. a BON RUTHERWOOD, H C. pauga Furniture & Lumber Company Fire, Life, Casualty. All new business and ex piring policies promptly attended to. Adjustments promptly made. GEORGE F. BLAIR, OFFICE IN P. O. BLIXJ. BLOWING ROCK, X. C. i I-., ., tf. M. Si d.-rrtii, Active V. P. The Dest Pre 4,f.... of a bill paid is a Canceiled i ! Pcn an aco.jt.t with 'is and get a chec'ooir. A Bank Accounfc wjj. heip you in busmen in wavs and your carolled cibec'ks may beful some time for refer ence. Small accounts are welcomed here as w ill as large I J BOONE, N. C. The Bank of Blowing Foc k BLOWING HOCK, N.C. 322 ESZ M

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