Vttt OTataujja democrat. LOCAL AFFAIRS Mrs. R. K. Born to Dr. and Bingham, a girl. Mr. H. W. Hoyton is spending several days in Wilkes county, looking after mattersof business. Mrs. J. M. Moretz has been right ill for several days, but at this writing is mueh improved. Mr. C. A. Ellis has moved into the house vacated last week by Mr. J. C. Fletcher's family. Mrs. M. A. Wade and family of Marion, Va. spent the waek end with her sister, Mrs. H. M,. Lewis. Friend Kimber Johnson of El izabethan, was a pleasant busi ness caller at this office yester day. Misses Ethel and Lula Lewis have returned from a week's vis- ; . , ; , ,m- mil. Oinds r. Mo'mt Airy and Dobson. Mrs. T. P. Adams left Sunday for a Bristol hospital whore she underwent a rather serious oper ation, but the latest advices are to the effect that the good lady is uoing very nicely. We are glad to learn that the little child of Mr. and Mrs. Con rad Yates, who has been so ser iously ill for the past several days, is very much improved and is thought to bo out of danger. Mr. Fred Winkler had the mis fortune of getting his left arm broken itist above the wrist last Saturday, when a truck under which he was working, slipped from a jack and fell upon him. Mr. James Mast of Mast, and Mr. James Councill of Boone left Monday for Chanel Hill where they will re enter the University of North Carolina for theensuing term- Mrs. J. A. Sproles delightfully entertained a number of the la dies of Boone last Thursday af ternoon in honor of Mrs. Nave, a visitor at the Sproles home, and Mrs. Fletcher, who has recently moved to Lenoir. Mr. K. G. Gragg. formerly a citizen of Boom1, but who for the past few years has resided at Piney Flats, Tenn., left for his home yesterday after a visit of several days with friends and relatives in this section. One of the latest additions to Boone, is a planing mill, black smith shop and machine shop combined, which is being con structed just beyond the Black burn store, our townsman Mr. Kelly Osborne, as wo understand it, being at the head of the pro j3ct. A part of the machinery has already been delivered, and the plant will probably be ready for work before long. Owing to the unavoidable ab sence of the editor this week, the paper is issued almost one day late, and we hope the readers will re fraii from censuring this edition too harshly, for without sufficient help in the shop, and more especially with a woeful lack of co-operation on the out side, a country printer is in a rather precarious, if not in an al together pitiable position. A wedding of more than usual interest occurred yesterday when Mr. Smith Hagaman and Miss Stella McCartney w e r e married, theceremony being per formed at Mountain City, Ten nessee. The couple i s widely known in tips section, Mr. Haga man being Superintendent o f county schools, formerly a rep rasentative from this county in the Legislature, and always one of Watauga's foremost men, while Miss McCartney has made a wide circle of friends during hetojourn here, and her untir ing efforts and wonderful efficien cy in the county's public health work have been a source of priie to all Wataugans. After a short bridal trip the couple will return to Boone, where they will proba bly make their future home. We are informed that a large delegation from Hickory and oth er towns will come to Boone Thursday October 13, and have a picnic? All Watauga people are invited to be present. Every body will provide their own din ner. We are glad to welcome our friends beyond the moun tainsthe building of good roads NOTICE OF TAX SALE For the purpose of satisfying1 the taxes for the years 15)19 and UttO, I will ou Monday the 7th day of No veraber 1921 at 1 o'clock p. m. at the court house door of Watauga county sell to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy said taxes the following real estate: - Meat Camp Township, 1920 D T Bumgarner, 25 acres 6.35 V M Green, 51 ac-es 8 92 J C Hodgei, 97 acres 10 50 M W Kay, mineral land S2 Jasuer liWan; 21 acres for 119 5 5 will make us neighbors. A hard J E Tatum heirs, 100 acres, 1920 R B Wilson, o acres, 120 surfaced road to Lenoir and Hick ory is in the minds of our friends Let everybody help to make this a big day. 2 62 W L Woodring heirs, To acres 10 99 Shawneehaw Township, 1920 Charlie Matnev, 7 acres 6 74 E L Ward, 1 acre i 83 Cove Creek Township, 1920 F C Ward, 195 acres 164 85 1 C. Reese, 02 acres 44 80 Charlie Proliit 160 acres 105 19 Joseph A Morphew, 14 acres 13 10 tsoone Township, ivm B F Brunnock, one lot C .1 Covins heirs, "o acres American Legion MeetsGrand Celebration for Armistice Day The Watauga Post of the Am erican Legion met in regular ses- j T lonard Cook, :w acres sion in the Auditorium of the A T. S. Miss Ruth Coffey was kind as to accept an invitation to ' make music, which was appreci ated by each member very much. Miss Ruth took right hold of the situation, just as she- does witli her Red Cross work or anything else she undertakes, and d i d splendidly. The main object of the meeting was to get started out in our or ganization and to lay plans for a grand celebration to bo given No vember 11th, which will be work ed out by acommitt.ee, consisting of Harrison Greer, Clay Baird, I. C. Greer, Dean Swift, Paul Spainhour, Arthur Moore,' and Eli Brown. Just a little advance "dope" you can rest assured that t'icre will be something doing in Boone on the 11th of November. Brother Legion member get bu sy and let's make this the biggest day Boone has ever had. We are not only asking the help of every Legion man, but every citizen of Watauga county as well. All ex-service men who have claims forcompensution andthose who contemplate filing claims will do well to see the clean nip squad at North Wilkeshoro Oct. 10-Hi. Of course if your claim is adjusted satisfactorily it will do you no good to go, but if not you should. For your benefit the American Legion has made arrangements with Mr. Will Mil ler of Zionville for conveyance therejmd back. Those interns ted see or write Mr. Millerindue time. D. A. BROWN, Acting Publicity Officer Appointment of Postmasters. Washington, (Special). Postmas ters have been appointed as follows: Flsssle M. Jordan, succeeding Vinton L. Hunter, resigned, at Derita, Meck lenburg county; Beattle Logan, of Rutherfordton, at the new office of Item, and William A. Snowden, suc ceeding George M. Griggs, deceased, at Maple, Currituck county. Vacancy Is announced is Mount Hoi ly office. Communtation Is Refused. Ex-Governor Locke Cnig's fine clas sic in behalf of commutation for T. J. Harris, well-to-do Ridgecrest mer chant, who is under death sentence for slaying a wealthy Alabama church man, P. W. Monnish, failed to move Governor Morrison, and Harris mual pay the supreme penalty lor his crime on October 29. Silvage 8ult Died. Charleston, S. C Suits aggregating $250,000 have been filed In federal court as a result ot the fire aboard the S. S. Pinellas some weeks ago when machinery of the ship and cotton were damaged. No Hope For Tariff Now. Washington. An expectation that the special session of congress will be able to complete a permanent re vision of the tariff before its termina tion In December, Is understood to have teen abandoned. Cets Seat In Congress. Boston. A. Piatt Andrews, former assistant secretary of the treasury) was chosen to succeed Will Fred W. Luflri'i ds congressman from th Sixth Massachusetts district at the special cleutlon. New Tort. (SpcIaJJ.--Avpotetaw of Angus WfltM MoQean, of Luntbe toa, North Carolina, ,t serve as chair man In that ttatt for th.Woo4row Wilson Foundation, was annouKcM.by Franklin D. Root ere! t. Mr.,RooMrlt la national chairman of th committee In chart of raising a popular fun for endowing an annual award in tx-pran- went Wilson's Overman Introduces Farmer BUT. Vv"fhlugton, (Special). Senator, Overman introduced a bill providing (or semi-annual reports on ttio produc tion and consumption of cotton and its bl-produots. He would add this In formation to the cotton reports brought out. regularly' by the depart ment of commerce. HTs theory is that the more facts the producer, tha deal er rtnd the manufacturer have the bet ter for the farmers. SS3Z2S CotYey & Ihiinby, one lot Fred B Hartley, 1 lot sb ! J B Morton, lie acres V L llu. m.', 40 urn's Mrs. Naomi llorton lioirs 1 lot Mrs Luzie Maltha, W acres Tlm Moivt"., 22 acres Mrs Kmimi 11 Moore. Jt acres Lee )sbo"iu "' acres Tohi'iiii Oxentine, '." acres Lindsay L'ultei son. &S1 acres Diiimie Richardson, 1 acre V T Stone, tin acres (ieoiye Spaultiiny, one lot J S, (j C & J L W inkler. 2(1 acs. Miles, Winebarjrev, 2 acres Bol Shearer, 2 Kits Boone Township, ;H) taxes Mrs F.iiiina Calloway, one acre .1 S I It rton heirs, 4 lots Miller ,V llavis. I lot M I & N K Moret, I lot L M Moretz. 2 acres Lillie I'revnell lieirs. l.'l acres A 1) Reynolds. i acres J .1 T Ueece: 1 acre Ktl Sherwood. 1 acres Wutuujra Township, taxes for 1U20 F M ColTev, .".:( acres 11 13 John Miller, one lot 2 5(1 This the iiih dav of October 1021 J. H. YOl'XU, Sheriff. i n 5 85 44 19 1 04 112 53 5S 13 ISO 0?2 2U 12 3 ti 13 i!4 135 33 10 2! "8 HO 7 21 in u ii:: t 1 21 i j 2 w i i 4 l!i 1)5 , 3 04 PICNIC FXTRAORDIi'ARY! (iii 3 10 S5 70 1 3(1 p. m. Announcement On Saturday October ir, 7:30 there will bo hold a moot court bv tlfc Rocky Point Liter ary Society for the trial of "Pete Doolittle" a murder case of very much note. Everybody is cor dially invited, ladies and gentle men. Music will be furnished by the local string band. No ad mission fee. Come. FOR SALE National, Oliver, and Under wood Typewriters, Gulhrason Player Pianos. Columbia Grafonolas, Library Valuable Knowledge, set. Peoples Bible, set, SeohVId Bibles, New bargains. box;si, (10-0-Stc) Rural Hall, N. C N'OTK'F, OF MOUTH AUK SALF By virtue of a power of sale con ain'ed in a certain mortgage deed riv n liv J. F. Jestes and wife Minnie Jestes, on the lirst day of March ID-'O to W H Bvrd and rejfisteivd in the register's olflce of atauga county on Dec. (i, I'rju, in hook w page mis mortgage deed given to secure pay ment of one thousand dollars in evi dence by four seperate notes bearing even dates of mortgage deed, the first lieinir due the lirsL day of March Ul'l, and default having lieen made I will oiler for sale Hi the highest bidder for, cash in hand at the court house door at Boone, Watauga county, orth ' Carolina, on the seventh day of .ov- nilier 1H21. the following described tract of land, being and lying in Wa-! tauga township, alauga emmy. .v Carolina, adjoining the lands of Kd. Franklin, M F Byrd, Joel hggers ana W H Bvrd and liounded as follows: Beginning on a locust. Kd. I' rank-! in's corner and runs N 22 1-4 F 8 po j and 8 link's to a double ash, thence N j 54- K 23 poles and 10 links to a chest- nut. W 11 and M F Byrd's corner, I tlience W 2il 1-2' F 23 poles andSUinks ; to a stake. M F Byrd's corner, thence' N (i7- F with M F Byrd s line 2o poles to a bunch of red oaks, thence N lo- : F 38 poles to a chestnut M E Byrd's j corner, tlience N no u upoies 10 a. chestnut the divisional corner between oel h Iv.'g' i's and Joe K Jestes, then S 75 1-2' F i'o poles to a black gum H By I'd and Joel Fggers corner, then ! S .n" F to a chestnut una a leage oi rock, thence S li' 3u' poles lo a bunch of wahoos and chestnut, them S iii' W 12 poles to a stake, thence S 5!f VV ,il poles to a bunch of chestnuts thence S nT W 38 poles to a stake . thence N 1)4' W with Ed Franklin's line 50 poles and 12 links to the begin-1 ning, containing 80 acres more or less This being the first mortgage and to secure the above named notes and for further reference is given the above registration. This the lirst day of October 1!21. II. BYRD, Mortgagee. The Hickory Chamber of Com merce, accompanied by a large dele gation of prominent citizens, including quite a number of ladies, will picnic on the court house lawn in Boone on Thursday October 1 1921 According to advices received yester day it will require fifty automobiles to transport the delegation. Lunch will be brought along and no entertain ment from the citizens of Boone is ex pected other than the privilege of meeting and getting acquainted with them. A brass band will be with the party to furnish music, and no doubt our people will make it convenient to drop their work, take a day off, and enjoy themselves with our near neigh bors from the beautiful town of Hickory SB FOR SALE Nice, 60 acre farm three miles from Elizabethton, and one mile from Hunter, sta tion, churches and schools. On account of in.y health I am olTor int; my farm with tools, horses, iViid crop at a bargain. "i0 acres level, tin.' rest upland, good build- Come and sec it. F. V. Elizabethton, Tenn. Sit 9 coming: . Mighty THE O 31 CM COMING! how ings. Richards NOTICE All persons indebted to me, will ijase make settlement of same by the Kith of this month as I must have what is due me by this date. D. W. COOK, (10-G-lc) Sands, N. C. NOTICE OF MOUTtiAC.E SALE My virtue of the power of sale con tained in a certain mortynse deed ex . ciued to the undersigned by Jerry jc noir, U. H. Hauler and v ife Mary Hauler, to secure the payment of the su n of U'o hundred and twenty one nnd i:i-100 dollars with interest,' will on Monday the "Hi day of November, r.rJl, at one o'clock p m. sell to the highest bidder for cash, the following described tract of land in the town of Hoone, N. C. and being1 that part of the Jerry Ijenoir property on which the K H llaler house stands, includ ing the yard, and bcinjf knowu as the 1! II HaVler lot. For a more complete description of same see tnorttfayefroin Jerry Lenoir and KH Hauler and wife Marv Hauler, recorded in book Z at page .'!. This :ird day of Oct. 1H21. U. V. liOHTON, Mortgagee. COOKE'S Barber Shop (in K. M: Greene store buildin?) I want to say to my friends and patrons in lioone and vicinity that I am 'now pre pared better than ever to give the best service to be found in this entire section. My shop is absolutely sani tary in every respect, and I can guarantee satisfaction. I also wish to announce a reduction in prices. The new prices, now in effect, are a follows: Hair Cut 23 Shave K All Hair Tonic 10 Plain Masvage 23 Mudlavia facial troatment.riO Singe 20 NONE BUT THOROUGHLY EXPER IENCED BARBERS ARE EMPLOYED www mmmom day cwly kvionaay i, Ei3 Afternoon il 2 o'clock it 1 Q'Clook MONSTER DEN OF LIVING WILD ANIMALS Acrobats, Wire Walkers, Gymnasts, Jugglers, a Host of Funny Clowns, Bal ancers, Equilibrists, Doc Grant Principle Jester, High School Cake Walking, Dancing Horses, Educated Ponies, Mules, Monkeys and Dogs Mi89 Marion Drew and Her Herd of Performing Elephants The Three Georges Acrobats and Gymnasts Supreme, 60 Sumersaults in 60 Seconds The JOHNSONS Aerialists and Foot Jugglers, New and Novel Features, Bigger, Better Than Ever FREE STREET PAlTADE at 1:00 o'clock p. m. Free Exhibition on the Show Grounds at 1:00 and 7:00 DON'T MISS IT -POPULAR PRICES Don't Forget the Date COME !