R. cT RIVERS)' Editor andProprietor ' SUBSCHIPPTON RATES; One year $1.00; Six months 30 cents. Three months, 25 cents. Entered at tin jot ollice at Iioone N. C. as second class niail matter. PUBLISHED ON THURSDAYS Thursday, Nov. 3, 1921. LOST: One Parker Lucky Curve Fountain Pen. Finder will j please return to Democrat office. Dr. E. M. Loyd. ! EYE EAR NOSE AND THROAT j CLASSES FITTED THE RED CROSS ROLL CALL NQYEMBER 11TH TO 24TH Mr. T. R.'Dut'lianan, Field Di rector of tlio Jvod Cross was here 1he past week perfecting the or ganization for the fifth roll call I I. I - X' 1 . 1 1 tJ Willi' 1 1 unguis iMMtemui ii. m' pays, "we are finding tTie people of the south keenly alive to the carrying out the present peace program of the Red Cross, and extending this work for those who are .standing for the progress of Humanity." During this Roll Call it is de sired that the Watauga County Chapter of tlie Red Cross enroll its maximum membership. The war is over, but the crippled and needy soldiers are still with us, and the Rod Cross is spending tflO.M'H.OOO annually to treat Ihem in hospitals and otherwise t;iko euro of them and those de Vendent upon them. The need is indeed great and we should as pat riotieally stan 1 jor these men now as they stood for us on the battle held, and as we stood for them then. If possi ble the need is greater now t,han then, for there are now more crippled, soldiers, those being cared for now numbering more than iM.OOO. Churches, Sunday Schools day '-.(hoots, merchants, the Airieri can Legion members, and every individual in our county, should enroll and push the work. Every pastor and Sunday School Su perintendent can accomplish much good by being especially iictiveou Red Cross Sunday, No vember i;i, appointing persons to cnioil Red Cross members on that day. All money is to be sent to Mr. AV. I): Km thing, K'ed Cross Trea surer. Iioone, N. C. This money is not only to be used in the conn ty bu! in tlieromiiiuni'.y in which i r, is colloreed, wlieifner there is need. We foci that our pooplo will come forward handsomely in I hi j'.n at woik, a they aie accus tomed to do. Yours for the m-edy. 1). A. HKOWN. Director. .1. M. DOWNUM, Sec. Boone, N. C, Nov. 1. NEW TOWN ORDINANCE It shall he unlawful for any person or persons, firm or corpo ration or their employees, to keep open within the corporate limits of the town of Boone, any place of business for the purpose of ' Uoonis :ini and .To" I'naka and City selling, offering for sale, or dis- i Tnl posing oi any goous, wares or merchandise of whatever nature or kind, on Sunday, except such as may be necessary for burial and funeral requirements or for sickness. Provided however, this ordi nance shall not appiy to a licens ed druggist or pharmacist tilling prescriptions fro m a licensed physician or sale of drugs for medical purposes only. Provided, further, that it shall not apply to cafes and restau rants serving meals only. Provided further, that garages and service stations may be kept open until 0, a. in., and from i to r o'clock, p. m., for the sale of gasoline, oil and repairs, and for no other purpose. NOTICEOFMORTGAGE SALE By virtue of the power vested: in the undersigned, in a certain! mortgage deed, which was exe cuted on the 17th day of Feb., 1921, by Pre Matheus and wife, ; Cinda 5latheus,.to tne, to secure j the payment of the sum of $300, , I , will, on Monday, the 5th day1 of Dec, HtM, sell at public auc- j tion at the court house door in Boone. Watauga county, N. C. for cash to satisfy saidV debt, in terest and costs, the following described piece or parcel of land, viz: Lying and being in Laurel Creek township, Watauga coun ty, N; C, and bounded by the lands of Clint Osborne and J. C. ! Smith, and it being the same land upon which the said Pre Matheus and wife, Cinda, n o w live, in the hollow north of Little Zion (col.) Baptist church, and it ; l ll. . . 1 . 1 l..-...wk Any person or persons, firm , uein m' S!U1 e mim . .. . . ' tl . from Lee Osborne by the said or corp .ration viola in this or-, ie MatieuS( anJ for a compete dinance or any provisions mere of, shall, upon conviction, pay a tine of S 10.00 and cost. W. R. GRAGG. Mayor. J. F. MOOHE, A.JE. South, D. J. Cottkkll, Coins. 3-2 TWO MEN FLEECED LENOIR COMPANY Smith Bros, Kirby Transfer Company, uis lleeced out of !?4() list week by a couple of men whom it had befriended. Mr. Kirby was on a trip for E.C. Holt carrying a truck load of stuff from Blowing Rock to Hender son. Going east out of Greens boro two men asked for a ride which Mr. Kirby readily granted t iking them as far as far as Dur ham.' At Durham they got out, description of said land refer ence is hereby made to Book W of mortgages on page 580. Said sale to be between the hours of 10, a, in., and 1 o'clock, p. m. Credit on this mortgage of $50. on Sept. 10, 1921. A. H. Hix, Mortgagee. .John H. Iim;ham, Att. WAiVi VA) uui-iasinoneti cap aim ban (. nit pistols, also sin uU' shot la liiinyton pistols. These ai res wanted for collei tion. and price must be reason able. , P. O. BOX 410, 1 li I Johnson City, Tennessee NOTU E OF SIMMONS AM) WAR RANT OF ATTACHMENT North Carolina. Watauga county, in Justice's Court before C. J. Cottrell. W. R. Gragg and W. D. Farthing vs. A. C. Payne. The defendant above named will take notice that a summons in i the above entitled action was is- j sued against the said defendant! VI I lilt ''IU .Uti V'l S V. I- V S Vw. 1 by C. J. Cottivll, a justice of the peace of Watauga county, North Carolina, for the sum of twohun d red dollars, due said plaintiff Mr Kirby continuing on his trip -V reason of their having paid a where they wired Smith-Kirby Transfer Company here for 40, signing Mr. Kirb.y's name to the message. Th e message stated that he had lost what cash he carried in his pocket and needed some money for repairs. No questions as to the truthfulness of the message was raised and the mouey was immediately wir ed. The local office or members of the firm asked Mr. Kirby on certain note to the Bank of Blow ing Rock, which they signed as sureties for said defendant which summons i s returnable before saiil justicfi at his office at Boone N. C. in said county and in Boone township on the 2lst day of Nov ember IP21. The defendant will also take notice that a warrant of attachment was issued by said justice on the 20th day of Octo ber H:'l, against the property of the said defendant, which war rant is returnable before the said justice nt the time and place nam- his return how he happened to : (.d fur the return of the summons lose his inoney. He said that he , when and where the said defen lnd not lost anv. and had no i --ant is required to appearand an knowledge of theme.sagehavingirwf,i,,,U'tfieimP!ri"t01, .... T, , i lief demanded will be granted. been sent. Hickory Record. j Tl)i tli;. o(,th t1av o ()ct m !. C.J. Cottrell, l-'roni h new copy of the North ! Justice of the Peaef. Carolina Gamp Laws we learn j that th1 open season for quail in Watauga is Sept. 1-Mar. 1, with; the exception of Cove Creek 15; foxes, Nov. l-.Jan. 15. Nonre sident license, $10.25. mm Now is the time to seeus about selling your property at auction or privately Business is picking up and people are be ginning to buy again. lie Sam Thompson Land Co S. H. Thompson. Pres. B. F. Sandlin, Gen. Mgr C C. English, Salesman Oscar Wills, Special Representative, Mountain City Tenn. Union Trust Building, Bristol, Tennossoo . ;Ui li h TO cnhin ioRS North t'uiolina, 'niinty of Wataurn AVaWoiya Township, fn the mutter ot tin1 horticstcrtd and pci atrial prop ertv orrirmtion of W. 1'. Cntli-v. I Vi.ti'H t. ..... tt t . ...: Townxhip, where theie is no op- j p. rHlvv of suid cunty and state en season on these birds. Rac-1 havm? Med his petition hefure the . , ... iindcrsined lor his homestead and coon, opossum, skunk or other pi.,.s,,mil pmpertv exemption, this is fur-bearing animals, Nov 1-Mar. ! lu n,,,i,.v die creditors f the said , . v . , xt W. P. Coffey (hat the said petition will he heard at my otlk'e in Watauga Townhip. Wntaua eountv on the 'J2nd day of Novemher l'.LM at Hi o' clock a. in, when and where if they appear Ihev inav he heard. This the llth dav of (lelolier F. H. 1IOLLRR, Justic ofthefVai-p hMKY M1 ll K MrT'VL State n North Carolina, County of Watauga, ofHce of entry taker for said county. ' S Ci Church locates and enters forty acres of lann in KlueKide Township on the waters of .Joe's Fol k. Re'in nin on a white oak, .1 C Storiecor ner and runs north with the Klk Creek Lumlier Co. line oil poles to the top of Hlue Rid;re, then east with the top of Ridye .')0 poles to stake, then south to Hampton aud Storie's line; then with their line hack to bejrinninjr and various courses for complement. Filtered October '24, lifcJl. H. J. HARDIN, Entry Taker. COKV1ING! Dr, A. W. Dula, Eye Specialist Boone, Mondn.v Nov, 7th Creston, Tuesday Nov. 6th' West Jefferson, Wed. Nov. 9th West Jefferson, Wed. Nov. 10th Sparta, Friday and Saturday Nov. llth and 12th Glasses Fitted Exclusively Just Receivedv-A Big Shipment of Dress Goods The big line of new dress goods is here and the prices are way down. TAFFETA $1.48 CREPE DE CHINE 1.48 GINGHAMS 12 1-2 to 20c LL SHEETING 12 l-2c LADIES READY-TO-WEAR-Dresses of Tricotines, Serges, and other favored ma terials at 1922 PRICES, in fact anything, you want in ladies Ready-to -Wear New Shipment of Shoes Shoes for every member of the family. Red Riding Hood Shoes For Children Complete Line of Groceries and Fruits Jersey Coat Suits Priced Low---$9.00 to $22.50 J Same Goods for Less Money More Goods for Same Money CLARENCE A. ELLIS BBS I Winter is Here Are You Ready For It? D Wc have everything in the way of clothes, underwear, shirts, head wear, shofes for the whole family, hose, gloves; overcoats, and in fact the whole outfit. Prices right. Come in and see. Our entire stock is complete, dry goods, dress goods, notions, ladies ready-to-wear, etc; Ball Band Rubbefs, heavy for men and boys light for men and women, felt, rubber boots, artics, in fact every thing for the foot, head and en tire body. Satisfaction Guaranteed "The Store with Service and Quality." L Watiauga y pply ae n

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