A:-' . A ;Av:.A;'frw :;:1aW av ;a V.-a': .f'r'XV:;, o'v" ' -. ''-'-i;' ,A l)EVOTED TO THE INTEREBTS OP BOONE,7 AND WATAUGA COUNTY. ii;0OPerVar VOL XXXIII. BOONE, WATAUGA COUNTY, N. C THURSDAY DECEMBER 22, 1921 NO 5 VA;'', I I IUJ I I V 1 I f 1 I II 1 I I i i- , x I I o '..v-; m o v r-. County - Exhibit - ; I (Continued Jrom last week) t V 'A W smith javiBniie &url wo,rk 54 0P,:(! Z.Tajlor,agent5vor.-iana-:i6 Wttblng 6 00, frank Bobbins , , weeng court house . 4 00, ' sate of N C certified copy 2 80, pr J B'Hagaman jaccinaJing for : S wer 20 60,' a W mith , half and : 'wiiole fee92j80, je Vqung half ; andvehol fe6s 12 90, N c Greene ! half and XPholffees 3 75,-CC Trip- , lett half and whole fees 5 5-j, a 9 . Mfllet half and. whole -. fees 60c, j i Triplett half and whole- fees 75, B-.r, Miller, half. and. whole . fees 5 55,' a m-Mills half and whole fets 90ci R J Coffey half and whole fees 80c, H p .Aldridge half and whole fees 90c, l j Flanfgan half 1 . t Zm r a -tkna wnoie iees 7 e f Moreiz half and whole fees 30c, J H Green half and whole fees 50c, j 'F- Pot ter half and whole fees 1 20, c a Gien half . and whole fees 5 40, . J way ne Harhjan half and " whole fees 5 801 storie halti "and wiiole fees 1 50, h p cook haif nnd whole: f6es 50c,: 9 b Miller half an$ whole fees 65c, w m Hodge half and whole fees '30c, l d Tes ter! half ami whole-fees 95c, -Clint Eaatrldge halt attdtfliple fees 1 60 i 4- V 1 "it ' .3 . v.. , n r n a - : sz n ' I .......... .... ... , 1 " ... &W,J(AttXSWZttMXeM ft F Miller half and whole fees 2 70. w LTrivett travis jury 'fall term 1921 9 60,'c c winkler travis jury fall term 1S21 13 40j Z T watson travis jury fall term 1921 12 10, b f carroll travis jury fall term 1921 12 70, j e smith trayis jury fall term 1921 13 30, w b Looka bill travis- jury fall term 1921 13 50, w c. Green trails 'jerry fall ternoL-1921 9.50, Lee fcwift travis ju ry fall term 1921 18r 60, a l Wil son travis jury fall : term 1921 13 40, t c prolfitt travis jury . fall term.1921, 1290, s s Norris travis jury fall term 1921 13 70, J R May travis jury fall terra 1921 ,13 80, C M critcher travis jury fall term 1921 12 80, john wilson travis jury fall term 1921 13 60, wr Winkler travis jury fall. term 1921-1310.. RCRagah Grand O F Edmisten ,,; H a aveene Albert career " ' . Bert cook " NE Tester " M M Hampton' ": v. w Townsend ; David Andrews " a E South' " rh castle ' LACaloway TC.Baird . ..." i John ward " . " Jury 6 80 680 690 7 20 6 70 1 7 80 .780 -.7 40 . 720 210 690 ,77 10 6 90 7 80 CHRISTMAS! ArMcirry Christ mas to all and may . the New Year be a happy and pros : pefous one. ; Let us help to make it r prosperous by selling you good goods that satisfy at the right price. You will find our stock complete at all times. We thank you for your liberal patron age during the past year and ask for a. continuance of same on the basis of fair, square, good merchandise at the ; right prices. We don't cater to cheap shoddy merchandise.- .-" "The Store .witli Service . and Quality." 760 690 690 730 410 400 M o Coffey i r c crowe, - ' Charlie Tester r f Edmisten GFcritcher ' Day 11 Jury; 11 jl Tatuin . 210 400 210 210 ' 210 210 610 210 ,210 310 315 V Newton Bowell . j m south t w Gross D.SFOX w M Thomas OBNorris .( wpcook J 0 council! i s watson Alex Tugman G w Younce L c Isaacs ' Geo. F oreer ll Taylor- ' Wilson watson WL Greene -w d Brown . w a watson Thomas watson si, Greene, . a a Hamby Flora watson Everett watson joe Coffey . Colfax storie Pick Rivers . Henry Triplett j.j wheeler 340 3 40 210 175 155 155 Half Fees. 170 180 180 175 175 . 145 195 v3 70 : 200 ' 4 30 M M Collins . .430 170 170 190 1X5 160 169 140 1 50 155 190 Bud Ruford , cart Ruford j F pbilllps 1 Jesse- Hayes Sv " - " c w waters, i Nan Hodges v- " J Bingham -i :- " ;' w H Benson . Howard Coffey '. .'. Mrs. c v woodie ' j8. Flannery whole fess Roby shull ; ' , . 190 190 190 190 Luther clay ' j L story . .. .. , ' Henry coffey - ' 210 hk Simmons ' , 1 210 CLDUla 2 60 Mrs. Roby shull ' ' 4 . 2 40 Dr. r HUardin ' 4 '" 4 ' 190 w D Wilson ' half fee J L Winkler . . 1 . 115 200 s e aragg ( ' 4 jc Miller ' . ' 4 ' 4 ' 4 50 450 300 5 20 4 75 wsnouck ' ' ' ' G w Robbins' I M "Cook- . '.' 4 gl story 4 4 ..4 60 jar vis Green Armilla Austin 4 4 b f south 4 4 Don Hockaday 44 Geo.rMain 1 44 195 145 190 180 185 H H Main , 4 4 j m south' 4 4 CGMatney., 4 4 John Mala , 4 4 John suthrland . .4 4" ' '1 1 waiter winkler Rogers - . - 4 4 F 'Bolder ' V - ' NNColvard . 4 4 ad culler . 4 4 Hillery shelton 4 4 WL Glenn , 4 - 4 Eli M Harman . 4 4 will.Harman- 4 4 MPTrlvett 4 4 Jlayton vines . V. 4 w R Johnson 4 4 M AWard 4 4 Harly Hodges . 4 4 l T watson , 4 4 3 F Miller 4 4 jbuorris 4 4 A E COX 44 C Miller 4 4 EWMoretz 4 joelEjoreen 4 4 jw Hartley 4 H c Hayes ' 19C 160 . .90 190 20C 171 180 38( .60 .6C 2 40 120 135 ,1 20 1 35 130 120 120 160 160 210 2 05 2 05 170 175 3 80 3 70 3 70 November 7, 1921; r d Edmisten sheep killed by dogs 6 00; s r Brown keeping county home 156 00; a w -smith juvenile court 55 50: Dr. Jones county physician and quarantine officer ,26 50; Dr. R L Bingham vaccinating for fever 70 20; Mrs. N c Green keeping jail 143 90; B J Hodges lumber and making cof fin 700; J E Young taxes bid in for county 163 74; Frank Robbins Jr. sweeping court House 4 00, Bert Farthing, day. juror spring t&rm 1921, 6 10; Edna Greer half fees, 1,00:: Respectfully submitted, - E. M.HARMON, Kegister oj Deeds for Watauga County. " - . " THE GIFT I CH008E. IVE m th hewthstont with th low that warms th ioul within: 1 ehooM th gift of kindly mllM, that wealth can never win .'The laufh that rlpplet to the Upi - from nearia wnere peace iud lima Retftis in the fullnese of content to oiesa ine lonnrou urn. w S Carro! 8 i 1 EDITOR STATESMAN APPEALS FOR NEAR EAST ORPHANS .'.,'. FIVE DOLLARS SAVES ; A LIFE Children Fed And Clothed' Whole Month On This Amount North Carolina Generoua ' With the Chrltmas iptrlt. pervading the Old North State the North Caro lina Division Near East Relief, h JU3t sent to all prominent cltixena of this county an appeal to remember the orphans of Armenia, made homeless and destitute through that martyr na tion's refusal to renounce Christ and all that he stood for and become Mo hammedans. Josephus Daniels of Raleigh, former Secretary of the Navy, has signed the 1921 Xmas appeal letter, which has the endorsement of nearly every high gov ernment and state official. Woodrow Wilson and President Harding have given their unqualified endorsement to this great humanitarian work. The North Carolina general assem bly passed in both branches an en dorsoment of the Near East Reliel work and workers. Governor Cameron Morrison has given the work an im petus and Col. George H. Bellamy United States Marshal for the Eastern District of North Carolina, is -state chairman. v . .- ;. ,.. .... ' Mr. Daniels' letter calling attention tc the fact that every five dollars (io.OQX given saves the life -of a child for j month, follows: . 7 -. .: ' ;.; . Ralelflh, Dee. 10, 192lt . Dear Sir: 'A ' We are ail making , ready ..for' - Christmas the season of the year . when as at no other, the Child la the center of the world's thought and the world's love. Of course, our first thought It of those In our ' . own home how to surprise them into a .gladness that will bring Joy to all about them. And then, we will not forget. . 'those children who are. near us, whose live may hot be ae crowded with comforts. We cannot have . the best relish for our Christmas dinner unless we claim the prom ise, "It Is more blessed to give than to receive." Who Is your neighbor? . That question was put to us by th Christ. For years some good peo ple have been neighborly to the children of Armenia, people of that country separated only . a. short distance from Bethlehem. With the coming of war, the condition of these Christian people, sur. rounded by persecutors, has been Intolerable. The United States Government employed Vvarshipo to carry them relief before and after we entered the war. The present year has brought little to them and winter .finds them In want. Reliable .Americans Just re turned from Armenia, tell of piti able conditions. As the state, mente of their sore need now have become known, good men and women In every state are planning to send them Christmas gifts. North Carolina has already given help. Let us all Increase our help to them so that we may gladden their hearts thla Christmas. I am writing you, knowing your tender pity for those under privation and persecution. -You can feed one of these or phans for five dollars ($5.00) a month. Please send to Robert A. Brown, 901 Citizens National Bank .Building, .Raleigh, N. C, such con trlbutlons aay6ur heart ! pro mpta. t Sincerely. yours, (Signed) JOSEPHUS DANIELS. It is hoped that the coming year will be the last one required to care for the 550,000 refugees who are being fed at the Near East Relief soup kitchens In Armenia and Syria every day. The Turks were just driven out of Armenia lasj August but during their occupa tion they have looted and destroyed homes and made fields unproductive. Heads of homes were in most tases murdered, mothers of families out- rBPd and then ,rrld ntt'tn TiirUls www ia)iieiej ' QOVNDovtrmSlwattr,rtocMomtfrett 3 eUkmdt, TIM eAorn of vohtt. tin elctptmt e Sing kymnj tvere mg h th tftl or roe mom, . . . . With fUrf JubttsHott Bring hop to 'tk nation i T ' ; Th dark night i muting and dawn hat htgunt Hit, hop of iha ag, aril Hit tha aim, AU tpttch flow to -miufc, aO htartt moat at one Sing th bridal of nation, with chorals of torn .. Sing out th war vultur mM tmg m (Jet dov. .". TU1 th heart of thpoplkp tknam accord ',. And th vole of th world i tha tnktfl , thtLordl ,. x. . Clasp hand of th naHon ; Inttronggratalatlontt Th dark night I andtng and dawn hag htgunt -til, hop of th ogt, arli Hk tha utu . Alt tpetck flow to music oM htartsbtat atonal ... Blow, bugla of hattta, th march of Paci East, wt. north and south, lot ttt kmg quarratcaas. Sing of glory to Cod, foot to mwm'af good wllll - , tfark. Joining n charu, Thhavn bndo,rtU ' Thit dark night It dh&ng andwn hag ' htgunt, j , . , Ri, hop of th ag, grit Uh tha ' sun, j. And tpetch flow tofmusic, aU haartt hoot as on I -JohnGrtankalWhlttliti. Sell Ringing- : .; One of the Oldest , Christmas Customs' HAT would Christmas be with out the melody of the belli ringing good will toward menl Bell fringing Is one of the oldest of Chrl8ttr.as customs. At one time, in England, the ringers gave their serv ices free, nor would they accept any special payment. The peal was rung as. a, matter of course, and was the natural expression of English joyons- uess. The merry music of the bells In Great Britain and wherever churches have peals of bells, Is today as much a feature of Christmas as the decora tion of church nnd honie With ever greens, or the prevlslottsV th 4"Q0dJ cheer which always marks this festive season. - " . .' What an outcry there would, be if an edict were issued forbidding the ringing of the bells during the coming festive season ! Yet this was actually done during the Commonwealth, for in 1Co2 the wise men of parliament gave orders that "no observation shall be had of t,he five-and-twentleth day of December, commonly called Christ mas day." It la qult certain that this edict was disregarded In many places, while In others H led to open rioting. At Canterbury the mayor of the city tried to enforce the new rale, but the people were not going to be deprived of their pleasures so easily, so they took the law into their., own hands, broke the mayor's windows nnd some of" his nones as well and affirmed their In tention of keeping their Christmas In their own fashion, just as their fathers homes, .and children turned out la the streets to perish. . One hundred rod ten thousand of them have been'xaken into the 229 orphanages now being maintained by the Near East Relief in the Bible lands fjjsjin money 'do nated iby generous hearted Americans There are as many more children out side the gates dying while they clamoi for" admission' which Is denied them because .'the lmsratlons r - already taxed almost beyond their capacity. William Jennlngn Bryan and Seneuoi Park Trammel!, of Florida ; Govemo) Robert A Cooper, Senator Nat Dla and Congressman A. P. Lever, of Soutl Carolina; Congressman William D. Up shaw, of Georgia; GqToraor Weitaor land Davis; Governor-elect E. Let Trlnkle, and Senators Claude A. Swan son and Cartor Glass, of Virginia, an among ifl a, big-hearted men of the South A'.antio. States who are working heart a ad soul for th Near Etist Re lief. -. .-. . iteeetveei QlbriBtttuui -u .1