.. . , ''S'"',.-' LOCAL AFFAIR! 3-: baby box Arrived "at. t b e home of Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Yates a few days since.- yfv W. Si plst. Attorney Frank Ai '11 ir - ir .1. t ' ?rof. Wrleht and family are nqw occupying their pretty new borne near the Training , School. pLr. Albert Watson, of Ruh erwood, made a nice shipment of turkeys from Boone to the Batti n$re markets last Mondays , tittle Miss Louise Critcber has returned from Hickory, after spending a few. dayB with her,, uijcle, Dr. T 0.""' Blackburn, of that city) . ..;;: . . ' Married Sunday at the borne of"jMr. W. L. v Brown Mr. Bart Nfcrris to Miss MoUie, daughter; of jElijah N0rris, 'the Rev. John Norris performing the ceremony, -Mrs. Lyda Tatum is in from her Tennessee home to spend theholidays with her parents, Mfc. and Mrs.. J. tL: Quails,' in Boone, y Our advertisers majheLord continue to prosper them have about .taken up our space this week, and they are' welcome to it. Read every one of them; they mean dollars to you. There will be services at both the Methodist and Baptist chur ches afrj.1, a..m'.i next Sunday, at which hours the doors of both churches will be opened for mem -- bership. Many very fine hogs have been butchered in this immediate -vicinity 'within the past few days, Miv J, S Stanbury leading with one that weighed well aboveS 00 pounds, Atty. E. S. Coffey com ing in with one as a close secoild. 1 ; Asa Watson was in totfee us yesterday, .and casually remark ed; that' he sold, at Todd last Monday 32 hea4 "of . turkeys for theineatsara of $136.78. Goinod to show what the poultry busi-, neas in .Watauga . really means. Mr. Ira Critchifij'of the Peo ples Bank and Trust Co.; after a ten days treatment under a Lenoir physician, has returned and thinks his health is very much improved, but does not yet feel able to take up his work in the Bank. , Immediately' before the Christ mas tree exercises a the Bap tist church next Satu rday even ing,' thS "Sun Beams"' of the Baptist Sunday. School, under, the: 'direction of Mrs. Emma MobreWill render a very select and; appropriate program to which the public is cordially in vited. Married on Friday last, at the home of the bride's parents in -Johnson City, Tenn. Mr. Ralph Winkler, of Boone, to Miss Effie Vance, the young couple com ing to Boone on the evening train and will make their future home here. The groom is the junior member. of the Highway Motor Co.; a good business man, and his bride is one of Johnson City's attractive daughters. Th3 Democrat; wth best wishes, ex tends to toe happy couple hear ty congratulations. Booksstationery, pipes foun tain pens. eversharp pencils and all kinds of cosmetics. The New Edison, kodak albums and doz ens of other usef utgifts at Green & Bingham's. Adv. . . v- There will be a Chrlstma tree at the Baptist church in Boone next-Saturday night, given for the. Sunday school pupils of that church. By the Way,' the Sunday school there is possibly ; more largely attended than Iny' one in the mountains, thojaaetual atten dance running as high as JfR in the fall. yY Mrs. Dr. Littie, who has spent the Summer fat (her. home in Boon?,, left last Thursday for Salisbury; where she will remain during the winter with her son, Mr, Rpscoe Little, a large prop crtyowner residing near4 that city. The Little home here is be ing ..occupied by Mr. 6. L. Har din and family. v.j . Mr. A.' E. South, of the Watau ga County Bank force, and bro ther .Mr. Luther South, of Vi las R. F. D., have returned from a visit to a sister, Mrs. Brannock of Hickory who has been serious ly ill for some day si They bring the good news that she is now slightly better, although she is still a very sick lady. . One of the prettiest and, to us', the most telling"thing in tha big result of the late revival here, was the union spirit that pre vailed between the two leading churches of the town. Although it was a Methodist meeting, the Baptist pastor and his working members, entered into it with their efforts and their prayers, to make it the signal success it was. This is the'only spirit that will revolutionize the world spir itually. .. Mr. M. B. Blackburn left for Hickory Monday where he will remain for a Ifew. weeks under the treatment of his brother, Dr. T. C. Blackburn, of that city." His, health has been rather poor for some time, and it was deemed best for. him to leave business cares.behind and go to the home of his brother. Here's hoping that the disease, whatev er it may be, will readily yield to the treatment of the'skilled phy sician, and that ere -long, Manley Blackburn.one'of our most val ued citizens, may return to his home and business 'entirely re stored to his former good health. THE PRICE OF PEACE (James Monroe Downum) ' What is tho price of peace, So sweet bud dour to human hearts? Is it so cheap that little men May light esteem, And cavil Ion; in selfish way O'er points of carnal greed? Is this the price of peace? See yonder field of blood, Hear the dreadful roar, Behold the mangled forms, . . Witness the thousauds crippled ones Limping'slowly through life's way; Enter the homes with vacant chairs, Where son or father used to be, But come not back again; Note the. crushed and bleeding hearts, The sighing breasts an falling tears: Hear the hunger cry of little ones, And naught to soothe their woe These increased ten thousand fold 'Tis th'13! 'tis this! aye fncre . , The price, the, price of Peace! . k What gift would be more ap proriate than a subscription to his or her favorite magazine. Leave yoor subscriptions with Greene & Birgham. Adv.' THE FINISHED MYSTERY tells why millions now living will never die. 600 pages, cloth bound. 75 cents postpaid. Mag ngine edition, 25 cents. V. J. Coffey, Sands, N. C. - 12-224p V GREETINGS We wish to thank our many friends and patrons for their loyal . support and good will shown us during our short bus iness career in Boone, and ask for a continuance of same. May .. you have the. Merriest Christ , mas ever, and a New Year .crowded with happiness and prosperity. Boone Drug Compa iiii JV .IN . V Lien's, Young Men's anil Boys' All-Wool SUITS . AMD OVERCOATS Men's all-wool suits.. ; Regular price $30.00. Only i M. $25.00 all-wool suits vill go at $22.50 all-wool suits will go at u A wonderful assortment of young men's suits, all-wool, designed in the latest styles. Value up to 27.50, only $-14.50 , Boy's uits, all-wool, any size up to 18. Regular price from $5 to $12.50, will go at Ogj.50 4 $7.95 Men's black broad cloth overcoats with high-grade fur collars $30.00 value, only S'17-50 Broad cloth overcoats, $25 -value will go at 415.00 $20 Overcoats and Cravanets $15 black broad cloth overcoats at $9.50 $12.50 men's all-wool overcoats and extra heavy raincoats at S7.50 . I . ... 7.50 men's and boys raincoats at S3.95 Ttavrrniiia in Men'?, Ladies' and .Children's DctrgUlUS Shoe3) skaters, Underwear, Toys, Fruits and all kinds of Christmas shopping Do Your Christmas Shopping. With Us and Save the Difference. Department Store WW .. - ...... ill For a Merry Christmas s ... , , The NEW EDISOK wThe Phonograph With a Soul" 'Ask about our easy monthly payment plan. Greene & Binghai SPECIAL CHRISTMAS SHOW ; At the Court Houoo Friday and Saturday Doc. 23rd and 24th'. Friday Night, Dec. 23, 7 p. m. Wallace Reid in "MY WIFES FRiEfJD" Mack Sennett Comedy Saturday Night, Dec. 24, 7 p..m. Doug Fairbanks in 'The Three Muskatooro9 Mack Sennett Comedy Admission 15 and 25c. Good Music Good Time Come! Come! ' ''. . . ' ONE SHOW ONLY The Watauga County Bank BOONE, N. C. ' ' It has been our policy to promote and develop the best' inter ests of the people of Watauga County. -j( .... , ; Duilng fifteen years of successful business: Qcperienca our motto has been "Safety and service." 'x' f " We invite yonr continued patronage and co-operatIon7 .' ; Ozpital and Surplus Over '. $60,000.09" Resources Over. mwuy N. L. Mast, Pre. , : W. CC0FFBY, V. Pres.; ,v Hiss Pearl Hodges, Bookkeeper. C. P. H&QAMAif, CmW:'-: i w. d. f Ajirtero, tux, itr V - . .-J . ; v : w- I A A - I 'V. i, ... . 1 ' V v.. . -Vj'.ir.vii