. - , .V.' . . r- - - - . . .; ' ' V. i ; . .! ; , -."V.'' '" 1 .. . : .' .St-' v . - ' V , i D .0 o j Vfiz Clatauga tmocrat LOCAL AFFAIRS Mr. W. H. Gragg and family have returned from a few days visit to relatives In Jonesboro, Tenn. Mrs. A. W. P. Coffey, of Le noir, was in town a few hours last Saturday. The splendid lady is always a welcome visitor here. - Mr. George Phillips and fami ly, of Sugar Grove, are prepar ing to move back to their home in Boone for the winter. Mrs, J. C. Kay. who has been so critically ill for some time is but little if any improved. How ever, it is yet hoped that she may recover. Mrs. J. Gordon Ballew, of Le noir, with her charming little daughter, is spending a few days at the home of her brother, Mr. H. Neal Blair, on New River. . Mrs. James C. Rivers, who has been taking hospital treatment in Knoxville, Tenn., for some weeks, has returned . very much improved In health. Our coal dealer, W. A. Wat son, has been fortunate enough to procure and deliver to his cus tomers in Boone another stand ard car of the much-coveted fuel. Dr. L. E. Farthing, of Wilming ton, who with his wife and son, has been visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Farthing, left for their home Monday mor ning. Mrs. Sarah G. Wagner, of Val le Crucis, was in town Tuesday and took out letters of adminis tration of the estate of her hus band, Mr. W. H. Wagner deceas ed. Mr. Robert Pulliam, of Wash ington, D. C, after a mostde lightful visit to relatives and friends in and near Boone, left Tuesday morning for his home in the Capital City. We are asked to announce that there will be a very importann , meeting of the American Legion in Boone next Saturday night, to which eaeh and every member is invited. Mrs. Mabel Toppings Ander Bon, of Spruce Pine, is here for a few weeks visit to her mother Mrs. Mattie Toppings, and other relatives and friends in Boone ' and Watauga. Mrs. T. B. Moore, who has been right seriousjy ill for some days, is somewhat improved, we are glad to note. Her sister, Miss Blanch Blair, of Blowing Rock has been at her bedside for sev eral days. The Sheriff of Cabarras coun ty came up yesterday, paid off all the court cost in the cases of the five men who were sentenced to the roads at the term of court just closed, and took the prison ers back with him and they will begin the service of the several sentences at once. . The sale of the Estes Hartley property on last Saturday by the Harris Land Co., ofKingsport, Tenn., is said to have passed off in a manner satisfactory to the owner and sellers. The property brought $9,500. We learn that Mr. Hartley will go to Tennessee in quest of a new home. About 11 o'clock Tuesday night Jailer Greene heard some unusu al noise without the building. He arose and tipped out to di sco ver a man at one of the cell windows, pole in hand and through the window, supposedly conveying tools to the prisoners. The officer got one shot at the man, but his bullet went wild, and he made good his escape. A guard was called In for the remainder of the night About 2, a. m., several shots were fired within a few hundred yards of the jail, on the road leading to Shulls Mills, but no other attempt to. liberate the prisoners was made. The afore said gentleman (?) had a close call as he can attribute his whole : hide to the bad marksmanship Attend the Chautauqua to be held in Boone, beginning tomor row and closing Monday evening. The Cbautauqa season 'has for several seasons been one of our best and most profitable enter tainments. It promises much this year. If you have'nt procured a ticket yet, try to get one. s' ? ( Prof. A. J: Greene, of the fac ulty of the A. T. S.. has purchas ed the lots owned by Mr. A: W. 116 RAILIIA1 MUl-MEETIKI ; HELB II KOBTM W1LKESB0R0. There wasamastmeetingheld in North Wllkesboro, last Mon day, composed very .largely ol representative citizens from Wa tauga, Ashe, Alleghany, Wilkes, and a snaaUVepresentation from several otbercounties in the Wes tern part of the State,' the object of the meeting being to discuss ways and means looking to the Smith, oniRivers street and will building of a standard gauge rail- erect a handsome residence theie road across the Blue Ridge .and into the "Lost Province" of North Carolina. , As our readers well remember Representative Bowie, of Ashe county, introduced a bill in the last Legislature to sell the North Carolina Railroad Raleigh to Goldsboro and complete the road from Elkin to Sparta, and from North Wilkesboro to Boone, and make a connection with the Southern at Maymead, Tenn., o- ver the most practical route. The bill did not pass, but a bill provi ded for the Governor to appoint a commmittoe of five men to in vestigate the proposition and make a survey. The committee, composed of Messrs. Beneham Cameron, of Durham, T. C. Bow ie, of Jefferson, Mr. Heath, of Monroe, A. J. Draper, of Char lotte, and 0. D. B rod man, of Newborn, was present at the on in the very nearfuturer A niece of Mrs. Greene is negotia ting for an adjacent lot, and if she gets the deal through will al so build. Messrs! Orville S. Martin, cir culation manager of the Johnson City Chronicle and C. E. Shorte, of the same paper, were Intown uesday in the interest of their paper. They were pleasant call ers at our office and expressed hemselves as being highly pleas ed with their first visit to ou r 'rapidly growing town," and bespoke a great future for her. Wo have just heard of the death of Mrs. JohnT. Shull, of Digh on, Kans., which occurred in a hospital at Battle Creek, Michi gan, a few days since. Mrs, Shull was a daughter of the late Geo. Hayes, of the Silverstone section oi tnis county, ana was oorn ana meetinjr and aboeared favorable reared in Watauga, and the news to the biiz scheme, and auite a of her demise will bring sadness Lumber of smha favoring it to the hearts of her many friends were made A Committee com in Watauga, aed. of Bowie. Hackett and Mr. Milton Greene, of Howards Dougherty were appointed to Creek, died at his home last draft resolutions, and reported as Thursday afternoon after sever- follows: Resolved, That the al days ilness with milk sick, stock in this road should be used eaving a wife and several small as security in nnancmg the new children. His aged parents, Rev. road." The Engineer is. work andMrs. Edmund Greene, were ing out the most practical route argely under his care. Deceased for the line across the mountain. was a man of wonderful physical To be sure there is to be more build, but had an antipathy for legislation along, this important working under a boss. Hence he line, and all this is preliminary was never seen on public works I thereto. of any kind. He was contented to Since the above was put in wotk on his little farm, and at odd spells he would would gath er herbs and dig roots to fill in his time. He made a good, com fortable living, and was consi ered a just and upright citizen mums school mews. Some special events at the Appalachian Training School the past few days:' Mr. W. M. Be mis talk to the students on Rad cliffe's Chautauqua and Chautau quas in general; Rev. F. M. Hug gins conducting devotional serr vice; an interesting, reading by Miss Dagenhart, a student of the Normal Department; a piano Ju et,by Misses Ruth Coffey' and Elsie Farthing, and several read ings from James Whitcomb Riley by Miss Mary Jarrell, of -the Normal Department The Annual Reunion of the old Confederate soldiers was an im portant event on Thursday and Friday of the past week, These old veterans were entertained at the Training school and seemed most fully to enjoy their stay, as the school was no less glad to have them. A memorial service was held on Friday in honor of a half dozen of these heroes who had passed to the beyond since the last reunion. The remaining ones of the fast thinning ranks still retain the true patriotic spirit and thrilled all with mar tial music on fire' and drum. The longest term of court in this county in many years is now in session, One of the main rea sons for its length are the whls key cases tried, resulting from the vigilance of the officers who . At A I. 5 1 seem aeterminea inai wnisKey must go. The good Judge' Mc Elroy joined heartily this deter mination by sending the violators to the penitentiary and roads in stead of letting them off with a fine. J. M. D. The J: GRIPPIE NORRIS LaND at thg esst end o the muster field at Boone l Koine to be offered for sale by the Homo Land & Investment Co. Saturday immediately followinz thoir sale at Joe Hardin's. Notice of Sals of Very Valuable Personal Property By virtue of a judgement xf the Su perior Court of Stokes county, N. C. rendered by Ills Honor, Win. P. Har- in? at Jnly term 1922, in the case of The Bank of Seokes County vs, Lind say Patterson, appointing the. undor- igned commissi c nor to make salo of the hereinafter described personal property which the plaintiff was ad judged to bo the owner and cntiiled to the immediate possession, I will sell to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy the judgment in the above en titled case, at the court lionse door in Boone, N. 0., on SATURDAY SKPT. 23, 1922 at the hour of 1 o'clock p. m. the fol lowing described personal proporly: About 08 head of hclfors and cows, about 10 yearling bulls two years old, and about 20 calves, male and female, Tho above doscribed cattle aro sup posed tq be thoroughbred short horn cattle. This the 28 day of August 1022. J. V. HALL, Commissioner. type, the committee appointed by the Governor, together with tho surveyor and the editor the Greensboro News, have been in Boone and wore perfectly car ried away with the prospects linking up this fertile mojntain section, with the rest of the State. in Attention, Buyers Mr. add jrwi;s: fe 'un 6rc:; Iredell coudty,'iartst'rth!jr of theif sistor, Mrs. R. 0,'RfVer?,' , .. Mr. and Mrs. Mtck Lattrelf," cf Montezuma, were week-end Vttftori to friends In Boone.-; !V, .; i : , BoauUful, warm days and cool, bra clog nights..,. ? .,.", j t y'' " The next thlnjf for Boone Is . ' trlbutlng station or Ute Standard Oil Company. The surrey of the town was lJ made for the Company Tuesday..' , ,)" '"' LOST-Fountain Pe n , . Finder ', . return to Jim Hardin and;ra ceive'reward. '." ,? ' ): :r FOR SALE: Registered Hf rferd bulls ; of. any ago. Highost pedigrees, Hir er Plain Firm, T. W. Ferguson manager, Ferguson, Wilkes coun ty, N. C. " A 03 ACHE FARM, two houses one ' , not finished, about 100,000. feet Umber . good water power, close to school. , Price only 12000. .Homo Land & In vestment Co. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE MILLER-LEMLEY. A quiet home wedding of unu sual interest took place at the home of H. II. Lemley, Fleet wood, N. C, on Tuesday, of this week when Mr. Lemly's sister, Elizabeth, married Mr. J. Leon ard Miller, of New Hartford, New York. The interest centered in the facts that Mr. Milier was for one year a teacher' in the Appa lachian Training School and Miss Lemley was for some years ma tron of Ljovill Home at the same schooi. Mrs. Miller, who is a dau ghter of the late Dr. Thos. Lem ley, of Todd; has been engaged in Home Demonstration Work in E'ender county. Mr. Miller, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lon E. Miller, of New York State, holds a respon sible place in a large textile plant in New Hartford. Both of these young people are most excellent and popular, and have the best wishes of their many friends hero and in the northern State where the.v will make their home. They motored to Hicko ry the same evening and took the train for Washington, New York Uity, and other places of interest before'returning to their home. Prof. Downum, of the Training School, officiated at the marriage. Our sales arc growing daily. You arc the cause and we ap preciate it. Our fall and winter line of cloth ing, shoes, rubber goods, blankets, comforts, etc. is arriving daily and quality considered, we invite comparison. Our Hobby is good pods , , . , . , nothing shoddy and at as reasonable prices as can be had CARD OF THANKS We take this method of thanking our friends and neighbors and publlo in general, for their assistance in the death and burial of ourdaughter Ruth who was so suddenly taken from us. Mav the Lord's blessings rest on each and every one. " MR. AND MRS. W. W. MILLER Boone, N. C. Route 1. THE BIGGEST CROWD that has ever attended a land salo Is expected Saturday morning when the Hornet Land & Investment Co. starts their sale at "Hardinvllle" on the Joe Har din Farm between Boone and the Per We again call your attention to our full line of groceries, candies, meats; etc. also we will be glad to show you our line of footwear, clothing, hose, dry goods, notions, etc. Make our store headquarters and live us your trade for ve will appreciate such courtesy Watauga Supply Co. We Have Reserved THE BIGGEST BARGAINS for the last week OF OUR SEPTEMBER SALE 10 U2 81 -2c 89c Sc 49c 19c 39c Percale, 30 in. wide. yd. Good apron gingham Ladies' silk waists only Men's and ladies heavy cotton sweaters 89 C Boys and misses sweaters Extra good children's white socks, only Children's dresses sizes up to 12, only Boy's caps, only Boys' blue denim overalls Men's blue denim overalls Men's every-day pants t 89c Boys and misses winter union suits WC men's wool-mixed union suits, only 1.20 Boys and misses summer . union suits 1 9C Ladies and misses khaki middy suits, only 1-98 Good sewing thread, only 3c Solid leather scout shoes 195 Solid leather army shoes Zm9S Ladies s'ple shoes, oxfords 1.49 Ladies canvas oxfords 1.25 Misses white and black sport oxfords 1m25 Table damask, 58" wide 39 C Youth's khaki overalls 45c Good hovs blouses, onlv 39 C Good boys work shirts Silk pongee, only Baby's wool-mixed sweaters 98c Rubber pants for the baby 21c THOUSANDS OF OTHER BARGAINS Davidson's Dep't Store BOONE, N.C 5; viV-. -ft r '.V' kins" addition. ; . ' :t ," 3.-0J .) ,..,, .-;,'

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