Page Eight THE WINSTON-SALEM SUNDAY SCHOOL. CONVENTION Av-tuncemt"- made from the office -f Ne-*'i Carolina Sunday Schoe! A ' r':.i! four -t" the oi'y- : V part program ? i the Sjo.t Sunday School at H'iu Pa * ' ' Bapti-st- Temple and th. author l'? y en the \\<- of the Organized Adult Bible C-ass mcl will do .sp< :al work along t&a: iirie. Th M*rvii > ,?f Mr. E. K. StarCord. Varhville. Ter n, an expert in \vo-k v. : !: 'teen 5 s and ir -A in tiie Snr.da\ Sch< have bee:, secured. Mr. Stanford Superintendent of Intermediate-Senior Department f the Sunday :.hooi Board of the M ! d.-* r r m al Church South Miss Wi'hvlr* na ker Auburn Nen Vork, Prof* t Religious Educat: \ - Tl - 'gica- Seminary. w. the "hilist for the w ?rk ii: the l hildi-. Division. Miss Stooker vail a. t'v:- b-etures or the "Daily Yaeat: ?: Bil School" and The \Y- ?'k D: >< ' et Ke!lg;'?uJ Education. A- J .. -/.; !y am:- vd Dr. Mariar L.*w ranee <'o? u!t::;g General S cretavy if tr. Inter.-attonal council of Rt ii.ri- . E', w:il he oik- ? t the i' o i \ i io a i ts. Dri. I.--', ranct! 3 lioii to Sunday - hoe; ?.-keis i:u: 7. a hoct&i '..old 1 tl -oky'no'jt the Sunday / ..ho-'i % her a is a ;V A e.t e*> of se.-s e; f tin or.u ... .. *H. v v. r a)'\ J j&in 'ha slam The ...unfit! v.. i eb?.?v -..f the pr.- ?>:" .1. R Iv-.'v ' Ate. Vv Ade: tK North :a Sunday School iatiar: ' .totiuGs H.'twi VItrbdd!?* >i:nd.iy School. Si ; ntou. i." - ?gh. a-.rmat Ex.e ; - v . nrmitt7 tji ' -:c Aor'.r ("aru -, Una Sunday Scho<- \ - -n Siijerini? i- ?ii of i-.ri ai. ii1 Hap11st Snuda Sch< 1 1 5eigb. : r the North Carolina Sunday Sehoo! Ass;.-.':; and t? icher >i V.^i^uan! HthSe < !a-s in the KirsL Presbyterian Sunday ifchool; Cha-. N. Nhrfleet Wit . > . Chairman < "mnnrtu on Arrangi nieRt> for the state . ent: an i Supeiantendent of First Prt-.sby Torino Sunday School; and D. W. Sure Genera Super into!idetit of t .< North Carolina Sunday Scliral .-ociation. i- t the Ceil ve it v 151 bt elite! tan.\ d free for lodffin:: .Ui;l lor oreakfast in private houitr .. Wf-riston-Salem It hoy been ced oj the 4 ? o ; : tTt-e of An.. !s thai it is , H? arj f<>; : na.nes oL the dei'\ to he i. adv ance as h> will not be . signed until dokjtatt - an . The railroads have granted ;; lour.ti trip rate of one and or.-. a*es certuk-ate plan /or the C ismuia provided as lr.a y as JoO j * ravel lo tin* Convention ovof roads and pre si h etrrtifivat- ' T \ai*d a?i? n ti Wii! i st Star. Super'r.teiab- W. i-.ntS npo - thai a t f iu .? e'tdi.a U v.- .4f) 1,-1 Ulld^ Hi" Epli ' v - V'r.. or arid fond \\ ... s . - C :. .. .... ''v in ? joiorc d la! r batuilion. . Kt'Li j - ?i<>r- >. - iilVl1 - 4.. . i v and i".- ..;.' to join him in p^;. air o; pti&iiig on a i.ay in Janu&iy. That it was . r?. .... a ht it : the r.. . spacer for imnv. .. . ... ardoi of thf cr vv: r; 7.0 rlphs. Seizir.CC the r?v;.i ed him beneath th ;ej ;.ai not rc't'Svoiivd on the swift current however :?nd thea:i*?r.t!y oit oi > . - 1 v. is iioi l.- h .* '>c I.awd [gsvetfc" he i: :. *' .t a ta .%''. h .;.. 1 y. . ? thah privit."?An. ... . I AM YOUR T -* Make me what you o .. - .d re dect yoa as clean;-. a back a candle if 1 am pieas:::g to t' . - -?i strange*- within my go- -s If I t.n . .. a sight, as having seen ine at, . r member me ail his days as a :i r beauty, the credit is yours. Ambition and opportunity c- torn of my sons arid daughters to hig tasks and mighty privilege-, to to greater honor and to my gv t ret.r. in far places but it is not chied;.* tuo U ?... * . rrt W11U ?Sit: iii^ euciif, .1. iss.- t.v?? in those who remain, tent with what I car. i with wfiat they c--. . ? the greatest of an Rowans * "Better be first in a little i r -i m lage than be second in \ I am more than wood i ~ stone, more even than .*! ?I am the composit call me Home. I am your town?Selected. Do you take Your County Paper': i ' "AS OLDER WE BECOME." By Rev. S- M. Davis., In Charlotte I'^enrer.? The few fleeting years we have to , spend on earth and prepare for the future are nke the v eavor's shuttle, i ch swiftly shoots a/ro-- 'he web of e . And one thing we j lei rn duro:g years ".hat the! habits \h- form grow stronger, and narder t?> break off as life advances. ; i i'hoM* haeiis. .whether go-si or evil, | hold us with tighter grip every day;, j and parents and teachers who watch, j : pray and guard along tl.< ties of j j cii-Id habits. do the best, r ?st en-1 | dping work that can : ?nt- on1 I1 uitand lead more v y than' puipi:. college, platform, 01 all our j I*t?opular clubs. As life speed> on we become lessj ambit: -us. and iess aitxi<> :> in the j accomplishment of certain things,! and searching ends wished for. j What we so de-ire to take place in j youth may be in some measure taken j as ours, or it may be aitog ther de- j nied. It may l?t that t?thing or, prize so eagerly sought in early life! Las turned out to be empty, worth-! less, and may be harmful:; and in j riper years and in disappointment, if not disnn.;. ? (i we are now ontent. Much that we once thought beautiful. g Men and u re all* to desired and possessed, we n .v find to be | neve glitter and show, j As older and w we grow in the1 j r.s:ius of a w.. e and grai i" .: provi-! | tit ue* we are i-.-itvr -at; i with! j old a jr comes to us a: . . ides a hi A lIj. yea: rue to J .vd . -v a: pathie*' I ', arc- and our . ignuv of others' , - v' e, oar - --P 1, , ;... . plan.., 1 : US-a! U. lift V.| a the1 | - .. youth, . . j .. t the j 'Jiim hou lie r i voting :: v > ,dri; j .f Now j he - ays: "Jlr j- : a ;. od oa can a re \ ! ; . of evils; lit) ,rco?t and ten ; ' \ -jrs. arvl turn: d'-tmt ittrt , ioiieli-; - '.vr sit and wait; I at v.? need I ' a weep jn< aus?- Jesus .- to be i ! supreme compaawi. v the. a a . i,i any ; t ars. ah < many, i on/ f.-.npaadouh in age, goto! t i the mysler.ou* river .i of. i , lonesome. Oh! so iuri .une on ike i.? i banks. Liut to tin k of the' and fellowship with the ? '-d ones e! l he shor - of the i... :iver, us far greater | / y ;; the little, mi i.? wrbe : x o:i tht way; but how liard do many enter : to the kingdom > n .-h .ni abo\> . JJjt those will ha.-' richer of character and glory, ; e\ ria-:,!ig :re v ho arc* faith f'.ii and triumphant As older on ! earth we grow our intellectual and writusl wealth inereao >. and what i p saxisiacuor: does trus tuougut ' t- age and seffering claim Th?. .-uprenu- ;ir a I oar rid and tv ' j - to trade a9B v ork i make the ? ? i .V : ! until lie' at :; tUnt : ar.d he! i i- iit i : hands of :? ; i v- .?? -{ wi 1 e.a'n 10 pun ' : he .> and v ill by di ii -Vice oi the holder ma five: . a"..l rich :;r,(i ' .ail w::i be the c- ivv relation' . d rvwii'-d I* thv ipi. , faithful j ori.-s he. v . t:-.. the ?a:hly vineyard. . * us . fit ?:? -!t i . it r of The : ; \ a. ii i hi- I'.'ind away! . iiiy u a napkin make no a i.i riches of hea\ . One of! ' r sin.- conniv *? \ in this' icthiag. i Cash 3ro< ! We a vc now open t enjoyed a n-ee busrr days oi ou, L .i.'acss e j are grateful. As stated previous S and t' e qual.-tj of the - ' t We solicit your tr !and we feel sure yoi nice new and thoro y | stce which has been I ? i St will be to your i of ' ~r ing your groc cash and therefore f< prices. Trie Caul H. WcPC - 1 THE WATAUGA COVE CREEK HIGH SCHOOL ' NEWS The minstrel which was Riven at] the cboo !on last Saturday night wa indeed a success. The proceeds am-j our.tid to about $75.00. This with; what v. us received the first time mah a ieta! ?f uround $150.00. Wit . th > money we are buying: maps, library book.-, globes and various oth er necessary equipment. .Jest before the minstrel Prof. I. G Greer of the A. T. made a very . ? -ting and in>piring talk on the v.- ? ptials of a live and progressive ho. As is always the case his talk was full of truth* with just enough humor to arouse even the most disinterested persons. His talk was thoroughly enjoyed by all. Interspersed with the minstrel there was plenty of good string music furnished by the Isaacs band On Friday of last week Mr. J. J. i t ... .. ... ,u.. MJt'IlII UHV VU H4V (l.lil VIIO V* nil" school talked very interestingly at chapel on some of the local happenings of the Civil War days. He related several incidents, both personal and general, which gave a vivid picture of those hard days. Work on the new Cove Creek Bap tist church :s now going on. Mr. Wil n Lowrance of Yuilc Crucis has the contract MIXED 'EM The editor of a pap? r at Storm akr. Iowa is r.ow in hiding in a ' a-iip near that place as a conseipie: e of the way he mixed up the port f a car'.* >h??v and a concert hs paper - :i>i' "The concert given i . 1 ?' of Storm Luke's >> t leautife! it ' -re-ting young In was h'g' y appreciated. They - :< .-L-.-ii ..mi sang in me t : ' .. man er w inning the "':iu .?f tin tire audience who eni the -i' 1 breed of i-u' Several of the heifer* ' i-r.* nne-Snil?ed animals' p! to pro- good properDo take Your County Paper? NORTH CAROLINA, WATAUGA COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE COVE CREEK CO-OHERATIYK .STORE Xotn-i* is herein gitocholders of said conipa;.\ at the office of th* company at Sugar Grove on April 14, il#23 for the purpose of passing on the following resolution adopted b.J the board of directors of saiif company. "'Resolved that in the judgment of this board it Is advisable and nost for the benefit of the Cove* Creek Cooperative Store that the sam?should be dissolved and to Chut end it is ordered that a meeting of the -i< ckhulders be* held on the 14th day . April 1923 at the cHUce of the cow: ?ny at Sugar Grove to take* action 011 this resolution. Cove Creek Co-operative Storw on \Y. H. MAST, Secretary. NOTICE Vorth Carolina ) Watauga County) Tows of Home. Notice ^ hereby give*: thst there 11 be held in the court house* in the t vn of Boone, N. C- on May >*, 1P23 :it electior for the purpose of elect si 'ter- fo) -aid town. Ail .voters iv.*t r rot of ore- cijnstemi on the regisr iriMon books of smd town are notilift to register for said election. Notice is further givert that J. P. rl dees anl J. L. W inkler have been appointed judges for said election, t: ' that J. D. Com eill has been appointed registrar for said election, ar J that he will keep the books open for the registration vf voters between the hours of U a. in. and a p. m. for seven days before the serand Saturday before the saiet election the said books will be close;!. Done by order of the board t f tow n Coramissione-rs. E. hL HAKN. Mayor. ml 54 tc sery Store o the public and have less during these few xistence, for which we ly our line is complete : goods offered is good. ade, anyway, come in u will be proud of the ughly modern grocery started i n your midst. interest to form a habit eries here. We sell for :>r the lowest consistent ii Grocery NJGALD, Prop. - in? DEMOCRAT (BAPTIST YOUNG PEOPLE UNION.) "Stop! Look! Listen!" Do ye not know that EASTER morn will dawn | upon i.- in a short period, of cour. > i we all know what Easter means t ? us. arid I shall arise on the third da. . \ here is one v? rse that very niply explains Easter to us. Luke : 7 The son of man must be dvj i vere'd into the hands of sinful men, | ,r.?. he crucified, and the third . i Guarantee that we will not get hire, and honestly I believe thire r. not one of the members that does r.ot desire to reach the Standard. oil lets go over in mexico for n Vw moments and see what kind ot pt p!e we can find there. The people who number about 15.00U.U0d, are composed of three classes, of whii.e blod mainly of Spanish descent, mprise of about 19 per cent of the .ovulation; these are the' mro enterP element f the countr; . and .umber most of the great farmers .. i ranch owners. The Indian race j .' ~ni*e about .'J8 per cen of Mexico India!) on tie. mother's sou The niiaii.der compiishg of abvou J ;{ j . ? . ; ??l tiie people are h ??' 11 asi j ? -, and .ire a mixed w.- oil j and Indian Mo?. i. nu.... of! . 'l. ii " intelligent and hafttiariou:, j corLou.N e.'.ld polite, the le 11* among the n how . > 1 f< mi j via .0 st element of Mexican society. Iblucatioii. While Me\,i liar ! 1 .puli.r education her -y>'e-n> "I . . schools hiu* never been fully ' *. aped, and the iiiuss of ii . pvopi * very illiterate, it is only fad*, r. v ever to say that among - one if the people of Mexico there i ro.isid^rable learning and culture. l*hc I mvvrsity of Mexico was foundCk! ii<1 1553, or eighty one yars b-.forc ; liar -arii College, and ha.- t! house on it. Let the r would like to come to If you don't o\Vn Building and Loan v mistake of waiting ur stock. Remember th Pay your dues pr save a fine of tw<>, ce D. J. Cottrell, Pees. I WATAU D. J. Colin ' their worship from their, old idols! to the Christian saints. In their case some one has said: "Paganism was' baptised. Christianity w; s paganiz-1 ed." We find here a people totally ignorant of the world of Cod. After ; ail these o nturies Rome still keeps the in .s.-? s in ignorance the true source of lights. .Jesus is not to tile' average Cathholic in Mexico the on to whom he looks for salvation bu: 1 Mary instead. Missions in Mexico means carrying the story of Jesus and his hue to a people among whom a corrupted religion has destroyed a'l real knowledge of him and his saving power. Let those who look upon Romanism as Chrlstanifcy see this' country where she has ever chant*. < for centuries, and see what has really ; happened. **1 know of a land that is smik in shame. Where hearts oftn faint and! tire. I know of a name, a precious name. That can set that land on fire. It's sound is sweet. Its letters flame. I know of a rame, a precious name? 'Tin Jesus. HERMAN WILCOX WHAT EXPERIENCE TEACHERS Real success has been achieved thus far by the tobacco growers* coops of New England, of Tennessee and Kentucky, of Virginia and the Carolinas. Their members are net-1 ting more money for each pound of leaf produced, depending upon its grade and quality. This is a marked change from a few months ago when leaf could not be sold at any price. Tobacco growers in the middle states j are about ready to imitate these >iujf !i ! M . ' "v K v_\-" |\ n !\ \i#^ Vr \ " \r\ S The Label I nst When you re-finish v a GOOD job of it. I 'si i that wears and wears j Walk On." It is HANNA'S It will make your ii j the kind you can "see elastic, yet tough, it is face that gets hard u: wood colors, Oak, Wa , ' Dr>r?Mr 11 a d n DUU11E* I IMIVL; '"V * { ?? -k. . - , ;.^1 v. _ - v'??!* i? MtjiSiT *" .r.e?^~ SaEEiS )wn a Lot hmhbbb^^ /v begin to make preparat ent pay for it in a fe .v x Boone to live if hou % a lot proceed at once to /ill help you to own : } i til you need a loan befo at ibose carrying stock ar -* * r ft * -a omptly on thenrst Moncij :nts per share. H. BOONE,. N. C. 6A BUILDING & LOAN AS. >U. President. H. H. ~r BOONE, N. C. t MARCH 29, 1923 ???? - M I cessful examples. In spite of over supply and lower prices for potatoes, the two or three co-ops in New Jersey and New York have been very helpful in marketing their members* potatoes this winter. Now the potat off rowers of Maine are finishing up their pledges to pool their crop for five years. That this . the only right thing to do requires no argument, yet as usual a few threaten to jeopardize the whole movement by staying outside. Co-operative asse mbling, grading and mariceting is the on y proper way to bundle, distribute and sell not only potatoes and tobacco, but all other products which are produced in sufficient quantity. Of course even ' such working together cannot add to values, but it can help the producer to gel a larger share of the value. Some of these co-ops also are helping their members buy fertilizer, feed and other supplies direct in large quantity at lowest prices for spot cash. Success depends upon management plus loyal membership. The peanut growers' co-op undertook too much, ? ?- ' . 1 ~ over-siayea mc zrarnci, u>auv and is being reorganized. Usually it is a hard job to start a co-op, but to run it successfully may be even hard- ? t r. Profiting from others' failures and sticking close to its own business the growers of any special crop have much to gain and little to lose through associated marketing. This i further demonstrated by the splendid - ic-i ess of our organized dairymen. I -V . \ ' >' 7^. v>\ \ t,-- ^ Identifies Quality our flooi ? or woodwork make the brand of Varnish-Stain ;?the one brand "Made To LUSTRO-FINISH viis look like real hardwood, , * your face in." Because it is the ideal finish for any suri-ago. Conies in the popular Inut. Mahogany, etc. Sold by WARE COMPANY flm In Jloone? siaLrT ' *-^" * ions lo buiM a nice ears. I ots of people vere available, buy " -. The Watauga some. Don't make the >re subscribing your e entitled to loans first. \y in each month and H. Greene, Sec.Treas. JOOiAfiilN - ,5. -* "*"7 *. BMBaHMM B