JUNE 7. 1923 3<Uatau&a democrat. ? Local Affairs SUBSCRIBE for your home paper BOOST th< old bom< town. Born to Mr. and Mrs. .1. X. Davidson on last Thursday a girl. R- .. M. A. Adams vriiJ preach a* the t 'ore v l u-k < !iurcl> niM Saturday right at 8:0?! * Dr. R. T. Vanti. <?f Ruleigh, will preach at Blowing Rock, at the Baptist church Sunaay night. $:<)?). The showery v.* -ather conditions and the crop* . some of them. remain in the \vte?i<. but grass is luxurunl. Parent*. t membot the opening of the public school in B'ooue next Tuesday, the 12th. Mis? R-:na McCamnbc'.i. roilliwer it: the Farthuig -tore, s-peiu weeK< at her home in KnoxvUle, !* nr.., ? turning Saturday. Mi.-- Anna Biaii Anders, rttnlen.ar Trinity. M ? Ruth Rankin of Winthrope and Miss Rufh Rolson. at j Meredith Odiege, ere . home for 'heir >i*mr,>er vacation. Little Miss Mazie Jean Tones, daughter i l)r. and Mrs. J. W. ( Jones ha- returnee from a visit t'? i her grand-mother in Alleghany county. Mrs. W. H. Xorris, of Sands. R. F. I)., remains seriously ill. Ilti daughter, Mrs. Xaiham Green of Boone habeen with her for the past two weeks Very little hope of her recovery is entertained. Mr. an! Me A. E. South and Mr. and Mrs. W. 51. Grace, are in Wash ington this week attending the meethip of th' Imperial Council of the Shrill-. The lndi-s of the Baptist church are nK&utsied <? bring 'i inner to tht Eapt ist church next Sunday. Le < vety ?>u?, help to m ? c he day worth while. Ml Cari Ii arit fe.?.- : : : i five John Hopkov. Hospital. . i we m < #?? * r That npgit'Oi: Mr ilevni'iii V% .?% >x and \V; *T v Cr..l\ 11o !I.v-A , u.v. r.turned fro01 th v i'liiii-* ox Todd X C.. aftei a oleasaul shot! vi~it with lih ids and relatives. Wi?h just a ilttlo more cleaning up on our streets and alone: the sidewalks, our town would now present a very pretty appearance. The grass and weed.-? along the walks next to the streets should he removed, either closely clipped or entirely removed. This would be a small matter and would add much to our otherwise clean town. Mr. Shafio Laws, son of Editor R. Don Laws o fthe "Yellow Jacket" at Moravian Falls, came over Tuesday, bringing his wife to the Summer School. Mr. Laws has charge of the mechanical part of the publication, and is an artist in his line. He was a pleasant caller at our shop while here. Mr. Marion Reese, of Mabel, who recently purchased the Xila Church property near tne 1 raining ^cnoo:, wag in town the first of the week. The property is rented just now, but the owner, a little later on, may make some very great improvements thereon. Well yes, the summer term of the A. T. S. opened Tuesday. Wc have tried hard to get the number in attendance, but have failed. The registration the first day which was only a start, reached 156, and it is a safe conjecture that at least 500 will be enrolled for the first term, which is larger by far than any succeeding session. Mr. McDonald, of South Dakota, arrived Tuesday, and will spend the summer here with his sister, Mrs. H. L. Wilson. Mr. McDonald has completed his third year in civil engineering, and will work with Mr. Roj Johnson, our road onrnneer. whik here. He is very much pleased, sc far a? he has seen it, with this section of the country. 1 Mrs. Lloyd L. Sumner, Cherryvilk N. C-. Mr?. W. H. Anderson, Johnson City. Term.; and Miss Annie Top-1 pines. Union. New York, are visitors at tin.- home of tileir step mother, Mrs. Matlie T >opines, in. Boone. The three sisters have many friend? here who are dt lighted to see thenf, *vb:k Mrs. Toppings almost yverjoye9. His many friends in Watauga were g!ad to see oar forme-r ccunty-aiav;. Mr. L.. H. Michael, now of Weavef\:lle. X. C. ir 'he county, for a : 1 days . "1^ ltfi for his home Tuesday. Mr. M:? hae] had not been in Wa'a;:ita for 12 years, and was delighted " sec the long strides forward . the -> ;y had made since he ieft it. fact, hi said he could hardly believe his owi ev H hn< succeeded we:', and is now postmastei in his heme lOWli. Mr. R. R. Johnson has received t), intelligence that his nephew, Mr. F !. Mason, <yuarter master in the G. ?. Army, Rationed at Fort Levenwortn, Kansas, was killed by a car that had broken loose on the yards in that < * . some two weeks ago. The pas -ni: rain was due, and Mr. Mason threw the switch hut. the "wild*' car ovvrtijp.it J, catching' him under Id losirig his own life, he averted a collision an dpossibly saved the of many passengers. The Spring and Summer One-! .Sa o at the Re.xa'l wi helcl at BOONE DRUG CO., m-x ; Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.: It will pay those pec.pie who v. i-i- t ? { practice economy in their buying attend this sale. Many standa.v articles used ir. the household ever?\ day in '.he year will go on sale or for; the regular price and an aditiocai or.for ' c. This will he the bigg* s" sale f iht* kind ever held at t ic local Stoie. See a.i elsewhere. SOMEWHAT BELATED The following roan age announcement comes in rather late, hut we publish it v. i'h ploa.-un . The . i acting partny am- tic most prospe e.is " . of (h.v ion. of . is . ?>i\ty: both to '4e ' d the governnu'iii goeSfudiboat saving. and his administration. we H e? su e. will bf raoit aeeptfcble to both. Welcome Teachers The Baptist church extends a J hearty welcome to the teachers now gathered in Boone. We wiii be glad to see you at the Baptist church. Sunday school 10 a. m.. Preaching 11 a. Im., and S p. m.; Prayer service on j Wednesday nights. The church and I pastor stand ready to serve you in ; any way we can, arid we hope your | stay in our midst will be pleasant. F. M. IIUGGIXS, Pastor. FRIDAY AFTERNOON CLUB Members of the Friday Afternoon Club spent a pleasant afternoon at the last meeting with Mrs. J. W. ! Jones. The house was beautifully decor! uted with different varieties of wild fiowers. Appetizing refreshments in two ! courses were served by the hostess Besides Club members Miss ' Florene Boyd of Charlotte, guest of Mrs. Tracy Council,/ Mrs. Blackburn ' and Mrs. Ralph Winkler were preI senf- ^ . i Mrs. F. A. Linney will be the next ! hostess. INFORMATION WANTED Any information k-adir.gr to the whereabouts of my mother, Mrs. Mary McCland, will be most highly appreciated by her son, Mr. Thos. i Luther Love, recently returned from the north. He is 23 years of age. being born June 17, 1000, at Watauga Falls, N. C., and has no recollection whatever of her. When last > heard from she was in Avery County. Send all information in care ol Democrat, Boone N. C. 4t THF. WATAUGA D ' SEVERE LLETRJC STORM KILLS CATTLE On la-t Saturday a very severe elcctric .-torm raped over the Beaver: Dam section of thv county. Con-' >i-.-ri. >?? damage was done to crops and :hr?e t ?? be'Mriging to Pete! Cable. ?>!" ' to Roby ">V;ti'l ar<! one Duke Glenn v.- re kj.' <; by the . ning. SPECIAL. SERVICES IN BOONE There will V special services i? ' v Ejpi-'-.ipa! church ai nijrht for one week beginning l ine, ! I lb. conducted by Rev. John 3VL. Keliy. Rev. Kelly is a native of Maine He has traveled over different sections o/ the United : rates and Canada prertchin^. M i c I'II. r:. . '-< ^ \i_ n - the services with singings The public i- cord hi Iv invited to attend each service. HOSPITAL NEWS Miss Carl Elliot* i? n * " with the Watauga hospital force. Mrs. W. B. Castle, who as operated upon at the hospital v.- doing nicely. Mi. C;t jley Harmon. of \Y; tauga. is in the- hospital. Mrs. Frank Holder. >f Blowing j Rock, was operated upon at tn hos- | pita! last week. Mis- Ciosta Ma-- Hartley, of Lenoir. was op- rated upor. last week at the hospital. Mis- Wilxna Brown, of Rut he vrood returiud to her home Monday from the hospital. Mrs. .lohii Gilley i- in -.he hospital for treatment. Mrs. Monroe Story, of Blowing Rock wil be operated upon Tuesday. Mal-h- Cook. who was operated upon Tuesday afternoon is doing very nicely. GOING TO BOTTOM MORRISON DECLARES " V.*- are getting fc- e.c'.y co-ojv t\.tiori from the soKSj|>ri arvi cuii'v I Ullll.'JUIIU* >1. ''1 '-* i ' ' - at- iatl w< ai EDITORS HAVE TROUBLES ! Editors have r'ntir troutd- '.ike j other folks, as the- fo!!.>v. i*. . ^ . indicates: ' A young country editor fell love with a clergyman's daughter v did: f j not seem to reciprocate his aflff -ms. j The next time he went to church he . J was rather taken aback \vl: r. the | preacher announced his tor : ' My; v I daughter is grievously tormented* with a devil.'" FACTS ABOUT THE BIBLE In the Bible there are 3,5>?'..t73 letters; 775,693 words; 31,37 ' verses 1189 chapters; 66 books. Th^ longest book is Psalm.-, which has 150 divisions, and the ' rtest Dook is II John, which has one chapter. The longest verse is Esther S :9. The shortest verse is th 35th j verse of St. John, chapter li. which contains two words. I The longest chanter is tht 119th i ! Psalm, wihch has 22 division.- and 176 verses. { | The shortest chapter is the 117th 1 Psalm, which contains two wises. 1 The middle verse of the Bible is ] | the Stb verse of the 118th Psalm. The 87th chapter of Isaiah and the 10th chapter of 11 Kings are M alike in evry word. The Btb? 15th, 21st and 31st verses of the 107th Psalm are alike. Each vdrse of Ps. 136 end- alike. The 21st verse of the 7th chapter ; of Ezra contains all the letters of the 1 alphabet except 44j" r The Bible contains nc word of over .: six syllables.?Selected. WHAT 1 B TV HAT IS ON IT N THINK. I OVER A I THROUGI N. L. Ma.*.. P:v-idv 1., A Gre'-w. Yive-P: G. p. H'r*nr-;.r. ( :>s* W. M. Farthiap, A. C; A i-tin K. u!i. T* Mws P'-Ti Ho/fecs, ! B- 'ikk'.* >.-r I ? o\T f' ! Mil LTK MOLDS SUCCESSFUL fi RNITLRE S\I.? :, > :iuy a i'M-Miu.v .vfcuch ?u lamiBMBjttuy . twkr,\:>f ?: * ini< L! iiiiii - cini u oc> a i people w in a'A . o:.si?trii!y 1 \ - ? hanging old gffiraorns iV ?- law o - es. j ht rafojpp it is -tru: iy hirjw'as< and .ili pay all Sp see fiKis line whether | 011 buy or not. iOTICF. or- SALE OF LAND FOR j TAXES 1 For the jdirposv ?.?>? collecting xhe j axes,, tor the years. 19-0 and 1221. lwill en Monday. duly 2, 1922. soli o ihe highest bidder for cash the j oilowir.gr described real e-tate:-. to- i ?it: Boone Township, 1921. j I. T. Barneit, $7.06 200 Acres. Fred B. Hartley. $0.70 Town lot. H. W. Horton, $23.14 5 actes G. A. Hodges, $21.00 45 acres. B. T. Brannock. $1.12 Town lot. T. A. Norrzs, $16 91 .66 I. Will Wineberger. $2.06. A Boore Township, 1920 Bumgamor. I. S., $7.80 53 acres. H. R. Greene, $7.80 100 acres. J M. Harbison. $8.53 55 aire?. E. J. Harbison, $16.30 100 acres. J. G. Norris, Si.84 4 acres. J. W. PresneR, $5.40 15 acres. 1 Blue Ridge David Horton Heirs for 1021 $7.50 J < ?avid Horton Heir- for 1922. $0.60 j 100 acres. ! ] Donia Richardson 1922. $0.33 1 ? icre. | Oscar Storie, 1921, $0.46 33 ac- j Oscar Storie 1922, $0 23 13 ac-j pf-s. Blowing Rock Township E. P. Colt on for 1921. $ti.0S Town) ' lot. E. P. Colton for 1921, $5.51 town lot. Mrs. G. M. Wiley, 1921 and 1922,1 $1.42 Town Lot. I). C. Kit-ver, 1922, $2.94 Town Lot. H. E. Kinsman 1922. $7.30 Town1 Lot. This June 1st 1923. J. E. YOUNG, Ex-Sheriff i S Your atik IIALAN i YOUR BALANC AT ?AY DEPEND FAR MO T MAY MEAN ENOUG DEPRESSION OR LOS I ILLNESS. IT MAY ME TO GRASP AND IT DOES LY THE AMO YOU CAN OE LP TO TOP N< ?"l WATAUGA ^ BAI B O O N - ?ONE C01 Lit PUP ABOUT Ig.( Son h - Yellow wit 1, a whit'- -Oct -t fo-. hi ?dlr O'* .on W. B* ll^OWN,: 0 :ne in ana ail; quesions. 1 nrn here to serve you. _ . Fresh meats arive every llnnttair ant) TiinciJao Look my stock over. Cash Grocery ! Store kVOOL WANTED?Unwashed wool from Burrs. 38 ct*. POUND , h F. Webb, Johnson City, Tennessee. m24-4r NOTICE:?I o rnma Dg v tur-| ve. i this year by cutting the ir.-ide ... . :* the left foot. If this is any-; :r 's mark, let me know at once. If )< ' r.e notifies me, this shall be my | permanent mark. PAUL TUGMAN M Sherwood, N. C. ! FOR SALE:?One pair of mvles. l"i\ years old. Also some hogs. Fritv riy.fii- Terms right. J. M. Sherwood1 Sugar Grove, N. C. 32-3 WATCH REPAIRING Done under a positive guarantee. Je w .eiry repaired. Estimates furnished 0:1 all mail orders. Satisfaction guaranteed. Office west of Blackburn Hotel J. W. BRYAN, Jeweler! Ptgc Five CE ? HE BANK? RE THAN YOU iH TO TIDE YOU IS OF INCOME I AN THE ABILITY OPPORTUNITYGOVERN LARGEUNT OF CREDIT iTAIN! KEEP IT 3TCH. v COUNTY MK E . N . C . BOONE BRI G CO. lgtBS The REXALL Store . f BOO? E DRUG CO. e R. D.JENNINGS PEXTIST Off.- at E!acbv.ni Hotel BOONE N CA HO. Pr:: iv::*s from a distance nould do .veil to write and have appointments arranged rwf . rehand. AT AUCTION If you have property to sell, write or wire us. Our advice Free as how to handle Your property. Write today, we'll see you soon. CAROLINA LAND COMPANY ^IlKdieiCIAr* A rr5 ? M6Vf Iig I Hickory^ N?C. PLANTS:?10.000,i>00 Torto Rico Nancy Hall potato plants, Charleston Wakefield, Flat Patch cabbage plants, Baltimore and Red Field Beauty tomato plants. White and Yellow Bermuda Onion plants now ready, shipping daily $1.00 per 1000 FOB V iidcsta. Dorris plant Co., Valdosta, da.

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