?I A Non-Partisan Family VOLUME XXXIV BANNER TC BE PRESENTED A VALLE CRUC15 One feature of the approachin Watauga County Sunday School Con vention at Va'ie < rucis church. Val! Crucis. Saturday and Sundaj August 11 and 12, will be the preseti tation of a beautiful pennant, 18x1' inches, to the Sunday School havmi present t iie largest number of roore sentatives over sixteen years of agtar* Su>k rMitt. nder*.. h* *h N'' Sims ami l!avi:, ar? -;! tr : *> <. aiui experienced Sunday Sohoo workWith those -wo ouoidt speak,a: d t:.< -p tuii i ioCai I be . hat ai i s er catir^ i i assured. f-at -very church i, ask* siS-!o. i'o not lot your c!,;irol fail '.<> 5h represented. Sonn ha- .-aid that each Sundu* School ha- i:- agencies t*.> t. . . * inciv;iM? ^ Lcmuuri. > a ad roukiiit nu> 1 V '. . This may i? true i am i1 o*- yd will :;vca?e at cr.cv :h-;t those . r. eie.- ai\ i.a :.la b. Wt as your - ounty Sise giving ivdi time ami hi work .\v. quite discatii - : . times, 'Viaui not oven a sing d tovim-hips that ha came up one ::u:. percc six : uii W C kli?-\Y i - y ,.l"w g" to l'.U\ V great ivi'Vi-'.. Kvurynfit- gel ready far tie. la County Convention Valle Cruci Augm-i ll:ii and I-.h. Bring a Ii: basket and break bread with you friends from other sections oi th county. Yours truly, W. L. W INKLER. County Secret ar; COVE CREEK NEWS ITEMS Mr. and Mr.-. Ralph Glenn wit their two i-.kier*usting enhdren ai visiting among relatives and friem on Cove Creek. Mr. Glenn is a sc of D. L. Glenn of Rock Hiil. S. (. formerly of this county. William B. Horton of Farreli, Pt joined his wife and children for few weeks' visit at the home of h parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Horto His sister-in-law. Miss Hattie Mast < Baltimore accompanied hira. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Hoisclaw ai /Ipnorhtfxr of Roseiand. Fla.. a delightful visitors among friends < Cove Creek. Mr. W. Lawrence, contractor i the Baptist church, expects to ha the building completed within thir days. Croat hrturest was manifested having a Coaamanity Fair here tl fall al a mooring held at the schc house on Monday night. Coun Agfit Steele wae present and offi e4 helpful saggeationa. An accoa ttte meeting eieewhera in Una ?M. I i II I i }c Hk Newspaper Published in BOON r g\ REV. NORMAN H. CAMP r> of Chicago. Noted Lawyer-Evaageli 1 who will begin a series of servict at the Baptist Ch ur*_h in Boot beginning on August 19. f ' i CEREMONIAL OF KEREBELA ]! TEMPLE j Th^ East Tennessee State So rim School. with its spacious campu commodious building and beautifi scenic location, has been secured i Che playground and business hea< ? quarters for the ceremonial of Ke . bsia Temple. Order of the Myst Shnne, to be heid on Monday, Sej comber 10th. The approval of th ^resident, Sidney Ci Gilbreath hi i just been secured for use of th , school buildings and grounds. ThN is -?? ? . the first csrenioni; [i of the Kerlvda. Temple, which i: . clacks Nobi?* for Bast TeiinosstSe. i be held in Jbhrison Cir.y ii: inore tha j' eight years. if :> anticipated tht full} 1 .POO Nobles wi.: take par coming >- * 5 < f .r- of :h? Tv nip'v. The -?obit sou * hy Shnt.i- ' Tub, oi j ganixe 2 -i vji g i fee i * w inter an ? : ?v. h?M' :ic mbe?>h:p of l?l\ wi , act a> havS|? ;*;. i alucu 1 ."0 N.-blt . ; in .Johnson CU;. \vil? . j pail. A knge number of No .-ires wi \ bi given a trp at-ro;-o the . j Snr.ds. , It i,. .Tj!i??d tc, mt4/S? thU ihe l?i{ cert in the Itfflgv ti ? C iii jl*"C . - -.4-tifev'U M-fc V ?. " ? . > ?&. t I eu 1-:% the local Shvmo Club : > ai i: riffifce eve -y dhtasl. ai d the-e a s; ?. \^ at work. Some of the imembei , of the !<&:T; e'ul- art1 uiso Tempo- o tU"ers. and i:v?i;.: i; ^ccivuay % J Thy :u.. I a! I :..-IVoV. : r| ij . will i:ie;;ai. j |;c ; WBfi'tnjr: 1 . VUs-k I . .M. i'arH.ie ' < I i 'uA'< * i:> to State Norn 0 GvOUl-ds. -. -Vltvvk P. H. ExCCU!;Ve : .v.-.i Audito; ium. 1'. 3i i ?N. rrn G> mnusiuni. ' o'clock P 31. Bar. n cuforei <\ s oYiock i'. M. Dane.-. DOING HIS BIT g < i'r.rlv Wall 3!n - ; i !i i H J.q;b IJ?-wgag kalsomine-. 1 ,r p.?:u:>. with olors brave and h:u : 0 i- -i l::n; t-y the village dump at qut : . : nine, and said: **This io\ I iViii ?\ - er slump; with men like y< ; ;n line! 1? every delegate in to\ would bright n things that way, a I pain: his shack a hrir.di browr.. t !'' ielite ,? dappled gray, our burg wot gait-, a fair renown that never wot t : decay. I've seei the pumps of set roved kings, and pumps along t jC Xiei; I've seen a patent pump th " llirgs off water half a mile; b Jnj never have I seen.,by jirigs, a put ' with so much style." Hugh Hewg proudly reared his head, and gave l" loud hurroo: "such fine encouraj ,a ment," he said, "makes me as go ll5Mas new, and now I'll paint my cu shed red, and dye my dachshu [>t i Mae." Our Funktown has a growi j fame that round the world will rea? we always boost a neighbor's ga re and tell him he's a peach; we h< >n it is a burning shame discouragenu to preach. If Johnsing decora his shack, or buys a new tin car, ve builds a fine alfalfa stack, or pai ^ his roof with tar, we round pat Y ^ on the back, and hand his a cig ris When all of the people of a grj are free with words of praise, wl ty they extend the hand that's glad aU aspiring jays, that bar? will dt its riyale mad by its pro great t?|a. itfottg arid for Boone and Wataus E. Wf AT AUG A COUNTY. NORTH C MERCHANTS OF TOW WEEK FOR SPE j I Ke merchants of the j the midst of their stir of j Trade Week so far as over anywhere in the Los I he matter ol a Spec been under discussion by and it was unanimously ?' week of August 20?27 f period. Men are working aire ing stocks for the week. It was decided for eac ducements. Some are rr J certain 'lines, in some case ; going to give Valuable Pr More detailed inforr r- week. . Or account of the late hour at IS ! Trade W eek got under way . some j ded iti this issue, but will no dot ADDRESS OF WELCOME ! D.-iivered To The North Carolina ll ibn Association by F. A. Linney 1 At Mayview-Mar.or. Blowing Rook. July 7. 1 a t-.\v. .%f an - This ex.1 v.: i. v. ..-.a i.! - i.aiih a: -i It--; * : v r ! t ? you .. yarn. v. ho h;k>? Vet.!? a i'ra-i.iJ iv. t, r thirty - . i . : .r U a.'? 1 and 1 . v'i : ..-T ! r r.akr k srreat G-'voi':...t r.i N'orM: ' 1 a'o i'i? I lilh is! ij'.l 1 dh il.ft 'ft v. SCr-nu?i->'.i. ?; - v-iuv" in rhnmier a:*o jw.: frofti, ar;. J- wayV" Niui -liniy Hone - tor). ' 'x ? -ifloom- yon to thi> qri- i\t < :.. ,i: . .. -> of .1 wo on . .* >c i?tcuua?' thy '-'vati-I beauty of =n ixwuK fountain . '.ciion ?>o ; 'L- in .-^v. rait.*. Thv '.ani:} .: ir.a.v iv H the soil ift-, nat the g.w.tie '?! .* j toe ftiilr.es* of our f.*. rethe yUungiMK n?:ita;ii :v.*r.?-s. u\ , raocv aV tfc* w?'id fio-wrs c*nu?l by livciy of Thi- wha: i v.an; talk. u'vut tonight. ur tk.iv is J- uvmnTaijieOf ::\ UOCT giery in the iar-i in ^h|cfe ir. al ! \vanc to tell \.-n first how it formed.. A oc k. - v when v.. ... a* . v^Tfes :*-iri?or\ uG&git - aco Gi at Sp rtt liv etl bebii d ih< sk I '.v; : a _i.i ito yahl? awj he. a:. t ! ?": -A krc.- lived li:i \ hex too liunierou?. Behind ti: ? !-:.:'uv van it iK- Sur. spent ligki. The Great Spirit opened -hj. ? jit one day ami looked up *. ,1S :;rrh and it was a hail of mud ' * inur mound in the watt: u"*, ilow was scat out and then the i-..:. . ay! the vulture ;":ov all au ! cuutitxy until he eaiv<- to n Appalachian region, ami beirtE n his wings \ :.t do v. u "s I :i va?;c\ : ,i- I.-- I'll :i*h .. made a mountain .cud the Gr ild >pirit tearing ail vailcys wou!.? P-; ioctroyed called him home, he jv?. ' t^ir.s dried otf. -he iun ap; >at i <-iir and then a man and woir.au \ :et down on these mountains. Strut _ *lP to say. they soon quarreled after the; a? came here. She tied to the mouu:a a and he followed her. and in ordei ; ?e- check her in her flight the Groa od Spirit began to create the flowers w- The rhododendron was created: ?$ nd hesitated and passed it; then all tin ng fruits were made and placed i'u he: -h; way but these she passed; the sc r me sters filled the forests and let uir aid ... _ trembling notes ot music, out thest int teg she passed unheeded; until finally tnor strawberry was created and put in j nts little cluster of green leaves. Sb iim stopped to gather these, her husban< ar overto?fc ^er? arjd they were th founders of the Cherokee race, th first Indian we dweovered when w jdn cazae here. ^ Bat aoon after the Cherokee* ..-i the iron* And ar: kiog of thi* at.iiv.ais ? >: : t i aw s hum- o?. the I ?>v srrii i .u r.r \\a - a jBpor ntarkMtian. He ! ' hi* Mat!.- ;?iid stjS iu- va- moMB Ht&n thv-y earn-.* iu st; fitft . ' ! ?.? ms&et- of x:.-[ ;. ' ikoy yat r.'-vw: at a cbnvensaid* "'We v.'i!l nxtevrahiato by diseasetivd it is raid rh;?5 he t;- ut- \Vo?m became -> amuyil -.1 that yvsrg-e-^or. that he t? :> owi *>? fct* back .-' ?I has t,? Vi-: hei-n abb. to tuvii over situ<- that iiax*. (Lai a rater*. Bu. they <-t .-iiv.! t iu- ?he tkousKi i- Kutil it '- !< i nr : mi - t :?? ? i hat o;, a id "No - was i m 1 ated. FitiaUj Plain Lite eaifte ' i:'t -ant. *' ?V\> r . u-.: ht? r.Bj," ?l ! v.-lrn !' M-' . !< ' .& . . .. . < M 1 ; v.S; . r. r- > .! jl i . . 1 Mill'!.' : "t lg$i*ceft U>v vveijl :h;.i ti*l !'i (:uid ins-iers h t-i dre..ivd; ?md in this way Sap gr..-a; Cbci. ? vo :- ! 1 -in-v\. t.? you - !* i:-o of. that U hi : . . .. . ' rc.-iovl at liit foot of y-.?.< ?u~. ivy of ar.-. ;r --. as rh, <'!. . v>ho, i-co ap'L a this seer ion vt' the country : We r>i i.' : pii .i it by a more uv:veitahi thlc- than tthe Indian usn - ay i :. i to aii the \:>ienear. continent; To the north was the to h* west he Algous tin, to the s >uth :i e . - iwiehee and this. was the grea: L-.-u : :e v" .'.: "! hetwey: the it was Man's Lr^d tr,\ v . humived year- a?r-.? and h is the Lost Province now (laughter and pioiise >. f?at it was ioriuuui-.' fv: civiliza oh of America t! at th > was No Man's Land when the surging masses from o-.:r er i'otii at tfe Ma-jo.k feju rauif# i?;?i iti 'he TRLCK. TO COS VIA BA S5CF/IS ro MASONIC GROi NiJS i . :?k-r to ?osmi. lbs '> >\ |>r<'pc4rt?-.^k;i: ;!i r fvt thv r>u nic to ;ts jjvesit Shi , . :;?t:ty ot' B"un> ;?:.* IfiS* < i 'it Mj?- oni.. SHBghciu-* a?f vr.ju>;yv; *-. ,M m: .... -m:,, ??'.kh ' I. i I' ik- Arii.-r- K N Uahr.. M < R; i aini W'.ii I; !{?>... . > y.' -i> K lUklfec* . - . I : ! Malt' .. h; iiiinifii a ?'i>nmn:Cf'* \o tiy-ij^or .lu iin:K.r t stoueup n ?. < it vv. IT ;>-.? ? i. . Hariri " ..f till h:0 v.- i.f i'..." 'N. :. I RIDAY LXTs v WiNf PI.O'.T. \\ . . : of you.:\?T.io ciliv V- ??.: \ 3-': ''fife o j '.V'U of tfa. ?>'?v a; . . ..Ail:- :;.e 08* th o. the f'i ..rhfr-nt. Thv' ^^ i et eanu- iv &n f t vi.itos? t?. citi ; . . ... I:.. ?>. :... Was zhi f . T :. Mv ji 'MTi v ;c\ , Tei.n., hunted #>n lu ioUtheun Sy.<{, ?:: va? cVrOZ;r.i shcv-- i-'fi.n- trains laeaiU>gTttil 5 -d- 000;-;,ai? &rrv* < , ' :. rVtl A. Oiu.- ^ gh :. ::i-pave fdr kv- appro, a ,;.oi; .; efforts in this iw.se. an Il?:.:'v ; ' ' ai" fifcms ut ti c- rharlott Ob$$i r iealt Kindly v.th the ii "ho,...V. ,.;g I, btuioirA f good roads into the huh o a;.. . eoumy they put up -a eit bonk in ihe hitherto hedged -arovn tow:. ?;i! BoOhfe: The* little wvok; pap.-: * ; had boon serving the po< .. .... put in ;? up printing machine and the cc--:i. enc\ of The Watauga Dernocr. found ifcseii enjoying the privilege of a nd ;? d weekly journal." ( rnt::;uing the editorial states till "ne-.v; ff President H aiding s dea i reached that remote locality almo: f as quickiy as it did the large center and what did this enterprising iiioui j taineer do but get out an extr; ! which was circulated all over Watai j ga and adjoining counties before .) day was one? The extra was '...it | job-press alfair, either, but an ait I' gether creditable newspaper sheet. At least two city dailies of Fridi I morning reached The Observer t ! fice without a line oi the President j death, and the uowspaper perfon | ance in this little mountain town i dicates that all onterprise ia not co fined to the big centers." It gives us great pleasure to kn?. that our labors to this connect! '! have met with so groat a degree j puhiSc approval clt lina. -Established in 1888 NUMBER 3? THOUSANDS FILE PAST BIES TO GAZE UPON FACE OF DEAD PRESIDES 7 War:- Kardme: ieft Washington : ?n:?hr ! ? . r. H.- short. evt-ntfii! of r and heavy care won * ndt'O; his et?' n.; Vv h^UH. Ye* ?.. , I . : njr of i y hint' ea.-twuro to t?p rr? hu* en:? ,:f leadership the mil ' ?. - ''^ui'.-rvm * had thrown to hi.-: V'.day thn* tide efejJet! westward ayra.*: ancier the serttni? mik. Th- r-.j^mar rails lor* him back lo Ohio whence he came iriir v-u:.!;'! ij -*aat '.fin- spon.e the ! national f&rewei as the funeral ; train drew "'-it. A teuton of armed men stood with rifles and sabers at : salute Civat folk and in the | thousands stood silent with heads ! ri.-iruil rt !.. ^ "-1' ? 1 ,,v .???: "i eveTi'Ilg. uR'i the dead president w;?.< gotie But bctr; j mm. there in the halls <>f the senate where n-j he rubved ;n hts happiest bourns ;ri the capital, or agair. there in bleak. >m*;y rooms of the df--' r v : White House, where ! were passed the r ..y day-, am* nights of care tha' brought; him to his untimely death. lingered brave mej mories such as he would be proud to; night to kr o'-v ft lied men's m vi> as I they thought of hint. ' 1 to were memories of Karii?'. " preside!'* : m.-morie- that 'dealt .ith t\*:\ : ?r t> doty. tU !o\...*-y th? e w{.? wnrk-d y|\i h h nr.. his jvi* i<** *. just u.ffl vf his ureal power, his high ?'.>.:r;e.o i:i [.h-e. his utter ?>) f cui-.f Bt there vei... . -hei I'ur'o-'iO . f liawtljfejfi (lie iv.;.'.; ; l.ge hind, rl. gat Jul, - r.-rade. the ?r;fc>.d of aU who .?? , !V,: fr;? ''dshii> HariUog. tip : . ?* r;'-*t j*t a' i>l? - ..<. ; tp v ;; no . rbie of place...? .c; .chuUft** ;A;b * wM thb fe. : > ' - trevU?. v'i ? ;, w,.-. XRE\ C 1: a K f I Memorial ice 1 ' 14' ro'co/'vinric.c- |v*tiJ T :. : i.:' *,' Bs-i . :.i. -.i.>' t.v" Vox ei t;- g .. .i:?ueth?.d!?*i chtiveV in Boone it "t P M . I'vidM Ke\ t pn.\ . , . i - 7-.fr U II 1 F.Ht ' ' I'MV.JVV ai:l - i : S ' ' , v, :M >;v;>,k *>u our ] tiatjj if. :?iv nvr->(;! .' x-ly.'i-y\ . i 'tirtiyv viH tt?-; made ^te?Sfl3dt^r.. i . \ti U.i^uia.- -J >! U:o. U. ?tC:.uirtY. 1 in w>) mv in-" . c us*? M t i v.w.r ;?vr ;>,b& hfenr 1 ; i-.jui are iav:>td <. uv, . $&. iv:vWO?. : >01 Wi Xi- - : . , -. : ?H^<1 : 1-iOilL JOHNSON CITY 13 PREPARING FOR SHRINE CEREMONIAL i' . Nclr.t> r; J;?%s3j C'h: v.-. M-.r.day Son: ? *.-? E .u. i":*.v ulscc t rb* v'pfc i .??? :. Sin . : - < : Vvu-'.v v vsi'tfji . deck ... >ov tioa on that dr.v. The stores -i I a v.t) l.;>i?:c>s places will h o dceorat e oq with emblems of the osEeri v.ii.daw with ?;??kU oumela and ropes v. fifean;:; the occasion >f :.?r vi>itit>:r Eariy 1V...1 r. vt|l y find the streets; spotted ?v r ?. v*iy \vigfc the lays y Uii-aiu t::I late- hundreds o: ^rinors > ' t?a her atoui d t dri k th? C&mek? milk ;uni hfat :hu Hut Surid> ? KnoSraBTe v?s? : . sptwiaL train it ovrr the Seat hum t.? ueeomorinte '^Nobles coming front Kta-wiUe. The i Special wii. arrive abov.: noon and >M i eturn aboxtt n.id night. li. ;tj s, SILVER TEA ' A Silver Tea a ili be given at the x. home of Dr. and Mrs. Anders en x- Wednesday afternoon from three o'clock to r.vo. for the benefit of the .. Methodist Church. Everyone is mo vited. jy CARD OF THANKS ?f-j ] We wish lo extend our heartfelt ?-; thanks to our friends in Boono and ti-: the surrounding: community for their ?- kindness and sympathy shown ! va during the long illnoGe, death and ' bo rial of our dear wife and mother. ( Hay Heaven's richest bi&yar^u rest of i ua each of you, W. A. Carter and FasQHy.